Ghost Blows Out the Light

v2 Chapter 2: "Sixteen Character Yin-Yang Fengshui Sec

Since then, Hu Guohua has served as a soldier and has to be reused. However, in that era, the world was in chaos, warlords fought, and a team of hundreds of people could seize one side. Today you destroy me, and tomorrow he will clean up you again, no Several forces can survive for a long time. The warlord force that Hu Guohua followed was already small. Within a year, he was beaten down by another warlord in the battle for land. The death of the warlord, the escape of the dead, the promotion of Hu Guohua ’s warlord He was shot dead in a scuffle.

After the defeat, Hu Guohua ran back to his hometown. At this time, the broken house in his family had long collapsed and fled in a hurry. He had no money and food. He had not eaten for two consecutive days. The pistol was sold to the bandits, and some tobacco and food were exchanged in order to relieve the anxiety.

He thought about it, it was not a matter of going on like this. The food and the smoke top were enough to support three or five days. What should I do after eating it out? At this time, he remembered that there was a thirteen mile shop more than a hundred miles away from his home. There were many tombs of noble officials, and there were many valuable burial items.

Hu Guohua had fought and fought as a soldier at this time, and he was more courageous than before. In the army, Hu Guohua once heard a veteran Youzi talk about a lot of tomb robbing. The tomb robbing is also called "fighting" in the folk, and he can make a fortune, but he also has to lose his head when he grabs it. With his heart crossed, he lit a wind lamp on a Mao Moon night, carried a shovel, and went to Shilipu's graveyard.

What is Mao Moon? There is no cloud in the sky, but the moonlight is not bright and very hazy. Of course, modern people know that this is a meteorological phenomenon, the scientific name is called lunar halo, which means that it will be windy, but who understands these sciences in the rural areas of that era. Some people in the countryside call this kind of moon a long-haired moon. Others say that this dark night is the most favorite moment for the lonely ghost.

When he got to the place, he drank half a catty of shochu carried on his body, with boldness. On that night, the moon was cold and the stars were cold, the wind was swaying, and there were phosphor fires floating in the graveyard. From time to time, there were several squeaky squeaks of strange birds. May be extinguished.

Although Hu Guohua had just drank alcohol at this time, he was scared by this ghostly place with a cold sweat. This time it was good. That half a catty burned knife was considered to have been drunk in vain, and all went out along the sweat pores.

Fortunately, this is a wild grave, there is no people in the vicinity, yelling and not afraid of being heard. Hu Guohua sang a few folk songs to brave himself, but there weren't many songs, and he didn't sing a few words, so he sang the most familiar "five acacias" and "eighteen touches" on weekdays.

Hu Guohua reached out to the center of this large graveyard with a daring tremor. There was even a solitary grave without a monument. In this wild grave, this grave looks so different.

In addition to the absence of tombstones in this grave, the strangest thing is that the coffin of this grave is not under the sealed earth pile, but is standing upright on the tomb, revealing most of its cuts. The coffin was very new, and the brightly painted tiles walked away with eighteen lacquers, and under the glow of the remnant moon, there was a strange light.

Hu Guohua murmured in his heart, how did this coffin stand like this? It's so weird, I'm afraid it's famous. But all come here, don't you open it and see if it's a case of going away in vain? Starving to death without money to eat is a death. If you have no money to smoke a big cigarette, you will be addicted to death. It would be better to let the ghost choke to death. , All the way to black.

Having made up his mind, he picked up a shovel and dug up the bottom half of the buried coffin, and the whole coffin appeared in front of him. Hu Guohua was a big smoker with poor physical strength, and was already exhausted by digging some soil. He didn't rush to open the coffin, sitting on the ground and took out the longevity ointment he was carrying and sucked it into his nose a little.

The brain was stimulated by opium, and the nerves were also excited. Once he gritted his teeth, he stood up and pried open the coffin lid with a shovel. The corpse inside was a beautiful woman with a vivid face, but the powder on the face was very thick. Two large pieces of red rouge were applied to the faces of the two sides. Against the background of the white powder, it seemed that two red plasters were posted. She The body of Feng Guanxia, ​​the auspicious robe of red silk, turned out to be a bride's dress.

Was this female corpse just buried, or has it been buried for a while? This graveyard has long been deserted. Where else have people come in recent years? Could it be that she became a zombie?

But at this time, Hu Guohua hadn't been able to take care of that much for a long time. Only the jewelry on the female corpse in the coffin was left in his eyes. These gold and silver gems flashed temptingly under the light of the wind lamp, and were placed on her body. Those who were buried next to each other were wrapped in red paper into a tube of silver dollars, and there were many gold bars, which are almost uncountable.

This time, he made a fortune. Hu Guohua stretched out his hand to pick up the emerald ring worn by the female corpse, and just stretched out his hand. Suddenly his wrist was caught. Hu Guohua was startled. The man on his wrist turned out to be an elder with extraordinary demeanor.

It turned out that Hu Guohua hurried to Shili Lipu and encountered a Mr. Feng Shui surnamed Sun on the way. This Mr. Sun is a famous mage in the province. Thaumaturgy.

When Mr. Sun saw Hu Guohua, he found that there was a vague layer of black gas on his face, and his fingers were counted, and he was furious. This kid wanted to dig graves and tombs to do those activities that damage the Yin virtue. Now call me If you hit it, you can't ignore the last tube. So they followed all the way.

At this moment, Mr. Sun grabbed Hu Guohua's arm and suddenly shouted: "I only ask you a thief, do you act like this, are you afraid of being condemned?"

As soon as this remark came out, Hu Guohua was stunned and knelt down to the ground, begging Mr. Sun to spare his life.

Mr. Sun helped him up: "Although your virtue is corrupt, but it is not too big, you must know that it is not difficult to turn around and let me save you, but you must first worship me as a teacher and quit smoking."

Hu Guohua listened to him saying that he would let himself quit smoking, then it would be better to ask for his own life, but after careful measurement, he would be heavier than the retribution, and stay in the mountains, not afraid of no firewood, I first asked him to let it go I was a horse, and in the future when he was not prepared, I then sucked on my longevity ointment, still afraid that he would not succeed? Having calculated his mind, he gave Mr. Sun eight heads on the spot and paid a courtesy.

Seeing that Hu Guohua could correct his mistakes, Mr. Sun nodded in satisfaction, and looked again at the coffin opened by Hu Guohua. The female corpse in it was alive and shocked. It seems that this is a corpse burial place. It is a disaster that must be eliminated as soon as possible. So he ordered Hu Guohua to do this and so, this and so ...

The two men lifted the lid of the coffin together, pushed it firmly together, and took out the nails to death, and then used ink fountains to fill the coffin with ink lines crisscrossed in a crisscross pattern. The ink lines formed a grid like a chess board A large black net sealed the coffin tightly.

Then let Hu Guohua pile some dry wood and burn the Zhuqi coffin. Hu Guohua obeyed the order, lit the fire and set the coffin torch, the flames rose sharply, a stream of black smoke came out, smelly, and finally burned into a pile of ashes.

Hu Guohua remembered that there were still many gold and silver jewels in the coffin, stomping and sighing, and he was so late that he had to help Mr. Sun, the master, to live together with Mr. Sun's house.

After that, Mr. Sun cured Hu Guohua's smoking addiction with a secret recipe, and taught him some skills in reading Feng Shui. Hu Guohua set up a stall in the county town, tested the characters for people, made some small money, and married a country woman as his wife. He was grateful for the life-saving grace of the master, and since then he has kept himself safe and lived a good life.

However, Mr. Sun once felt cold, and once he became ill, he asked Langzhong and took a lot of medicine, but he never recovered. After a few years, he died.

Before he died, Mr. Sun recruited Hu Guohua to his body and said, "You and I are a teacher and apprentice, just for the teacher and in the future, I have to teach you what your true skills are. I have the ancient book" Sixteen-character Yin-Yang Fengshui Secret Technique "here. The book is a ruined book, only half a volume. It is a little technique to look at the feng shui tomb. You should stay by your side to make a memorial. "After he finished speaking, he didn't catch his breath.

Hu Guohua buried his master, and when he was fine, he studied the incomplete book left by Mr. Sun. After a long period of time, he also had a glimpse of the mystery. He selected rich people in the cemetery for the rich people in the county, and gradually gained some fame. Slowly became rich.

The daughter-in-law gave Hu Guohua a son, named Hu Yunxuan. At the age of 17, Hu Yunxuan went to the British church school in the provincial capital. The young people were active and unrestrained, and they were exposed to the impact of some revolutionary thoughts. Dreaming at night all participated in the revolutionary riots, so he ran away from home and fled to the revolutionary holy place Yanan.

Since then, Hu Yunxuan joined the army. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, at the time of the Huaihai Campaign, he had become the head of a regiment of Sanye Liuzong. After crossing the river, he went south with the troops and settled his home in the south.

Later, there was me. I was born coincidentally. I was catching up with the August 1st Army Day. My father named me Hu Jianjun. When I was in kindergarten, I saw that there were seven or eight people in the class called Jianjun. There were too many duplicate names, so I changed my name to "Hu Bayi".

My grandfather Hu Guohua said: "This name has been changed well, Shanhe (Hu) eighty-one."

When I was eighteen, my family was shocked. My parents were not very well-born. Both of them were quarantined for censorship, and my grandfather was pulled out to fight the streets. He was so old that his old arms and legs couldn't stand tossing and he died without fighting twice. He showed others the feng shui of his life, and chose a cemetery for him. Things are so impermanent.

My house was copied three times in total. All valuable things were taken away. My grandfather liked to collect antiques during his lifetime. These antiques were either smashed or copied, and none was preserved. The last thing left was a dilapidated book left by my grandfather. He let me wrap the book with oilcloth and hide it on the roof of the public toilet.

There were three options for young people during the Cultural Revolution. One is to join the army. This is the best place to go. One is to train people, and the other is to change jobs in the future to allocate work. The second is to stay in the city as a worker, which is not bad, and can earn wages. The most unlucky ones are those who have no way, it doesn't matter, or the family is shocked. These young people can only go to the countryside to go to the countryside.

You have to say that I choose the fourth way, and I do n’t go anywhere, so I ’ll just stay at home? That won't work either. There was no such thing as an idle person at the time. Everyone is a socialist screw and it's useful. You have to stay at home, the neighborhood committee, the school, and the educated youth are going to mobilize you every day. But some people insisted that they wouldn't jump in the queue at the end. What can you do to me? In the end, such people also stayed in the city and arranged work. Some things are like this. If you do n’t know clearly, the more you live, the more confused you will never know what the rules are, and not everyone understands the hidden rules.

At that time, I was too young, and I did n’t know what happened to going to the countryside and going to the countryside. Anyway, I wanted to join the army when I was from a family. I definitely did n’t expect to stay in the city. Can go. I want to jump in as soon as I want to jump in. I think I ’m in a vast world to practice my heart. Anyway, when I leave home, the farther I want to jump in, the better.

Most of us here choose to jump in Xinjiang, Yunnan, I chose to go to Inner Mongolia, along with me and my buddy Wang Kaixuan, he is whiter and fatter than ordinary people, so his nickname is Fatty.

The place where we lined up was called Ganggangyingzi. I have n’t even heard of this place name before. When we left the house by train, nobody came to see us. Compared to the warm farewell scenes of the troops joining the army, the scene of our educated youths leaving home was a bit miserable. I only brought the "Sixteen-character Yin-Yang Fengshui Secret" hidden in the roof of the public toilet. I don't know what book this is, but this is the only thing in my family that I keep. I want to bring it in You can take it out when you are homesick.