Ghost Blows Out the Light

v2 Chapter 4: Kunlun Unfrozen Spring

In the spring of that year, because of the threat of international hostile forces, the Chinese government ’s top management constantly readjusted its strategy, expanded its military, prepared for war, prepared for digging holes, and accumulated food. The masses actively carried out nuclear, chemical, and chemical defenses. Three defense exercises for air raids.

When I returned to the city to visit relatives, someone told me internal information that my parents' problems would soon be clarified by the organization, proving that my grandfather was not a landlord, and that his composition was a middle peasant, so they would be released sooner or later. At this time, due to the large number of soldiers recruited by the People's Liberation Army, an old comrade of my father's former army let me join the army as a "backdoor soldier".

My father's comrade Uncle Chen is the chief of staff of the military division. At that time, the Ninth Corps entered the Korean War. In the ice-covered Gema Plateau, more than 100,000 volunteers surrounded the first division of the most elite US Marine Corps. A large number of aviation bombs and napalm bombs thrown by the US military aviation have turned the night sky into daylight, and braved the firepower barrier formed by the US military's steel barrage. The volunteer army is like a tide, launching a wave of charge ...

In that cruel battle, my father braved the temperature of minus 20 degrees Celsius and unloaded the seriously wounded Uncle Chen from the dead. When the ambulance was reached, the bodies of the two were frozen in Together, the nurse cut the flesh with scissors before separating. The friendship between them can no longer be measured by the four words of life and death, and the historical problem of my parents is about to be resolved. It is not difficult for a division chief of staff to arrange the son of an old comrade-in-arms to join the army.

Uncle Chen asked me what kind of soldiers I wanted to be. I said I wanted to be an Air Force. I heard that pilots are good for food. Uncle Chen smiled and gave me a brain ad: "How can a fighter be so easy to open. Your kid will give me to the field army, exercise for a few years, wait for the work, and then transfer you to the military area organ to work." I said it would be okay to go back to work in the government. I am still willing to stay in the grassroots army, and the office can't get used to it.

They wanted to go back to Ganggangyingzi and the chubby swallows to say goodbye, but they were not allowed in time, so they wrote a letter to them. It's a little bit different from suffering. But I didn't feel that way in three months. At that time, I realized how comfortable it was to be an educated youth in the mountains.

I was assigned to a unit that was about to be replaced as an armored division by the Army Recruitment Office. The sixty-two squadrons of the Kunlun Mountain Pass on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau were reorganized into engineering troops.

In fact, this matter is not surprising. The situation at that time was that the troops of the whole country were digging holes for civil air defense construction. Various holes-air defense, ammunition reserve, strategic concealment, etc., almost all of the army did not dig The force of the cave is different. The army I am in has changed from amateur digging to professional digging. Our mission is to be a top-level secret. To build a huge underground combat readiness facility deep in Kunlun Mountain, although the soldiers are not clearly informed of the purpose of this facility, anyone with a little brain should be able to guess. There are secrecy regulations in the army, so everyone never talks about it. There are also rumors that after completing this engineering mission, we will be compiled back into the field army sequence.

The Kunlun Mountain Pass, also known as the Kunlun Pass, is 4767 meters above sea level. From a geological point of view, it belongs to the "permafrost desert landform" and is composed of complex metamorphic rocks strongly corroded in ancient times. From top to bottom, our division knows nothing about civil engineering construction except trench trenching, so many engineers and technicians were sent to the army to guide the work and provide intensive training for the commanders for five months. One of my classes is the first team to advance south through the Unfrozen Spring into the deepest part of the Kunlun Mountains. Our task is to find a hidden place suitable for construction.

The non-frozen spring is located on the north bank of the Kunlun River, also known as the Kunlun Spring. The granite slab has become the wall of the pool. The clear spring water in the pool spouts for thousands of years. Even in the cold winter, it is never frozen, and no one knows under the eye of the spring. Where to go. The superior conveyed discipline and ordered the soldiers not to take a bath here, because the local Tibetans regarded the non-frozen spring as a **** spring and often worshipped the spring. Before Tibet was liberated, the army entering Tibet passed through here. At that time, these regulations were not issued. Three soldiers bathed in the spring, all drowned in the eyes of the spring. The cause of death is said to be because the spring water contains a lot of nitrous oxide. Their tomb is located at a station not far away, and the last supply station of our unit is also located there.

Finally entered the Kunlun Mountain, almost all people had a severe altitude sickness. Everyone's face turned purple, and their eyes became blurred. We all seemed to have hallucinations. The majestic hills and valleys of the majestic Kunlun are like silver-grey dragons rolling forward one by one, and our small team of more than a dozen people is not as good as a little ant in this majestic mountain range.

I remembered the book passed down by my grandfather on the way to the march. The book once said that the five thousand peaks of the Kunlun Mountains are the ancestors of the dragon veins in the world. From these times in the mountains until now, I do n’t know how many secrets are buried. The mausoleum of the mythical hero King Gesar and the gate to the magic kingdom are hidden in the rolling mountains.

The task of the advance team is to find a suitable construction site. Two engineers and a surveyor, a geological prospector, and the abandoned car traveled in the mountains for two days. Everyone laid a tent at dusk the next day. There are sporadic snowflakes floating on the lead-clouded sky, and it seems that there will be a heavy snowfall at night.

The four engineering technicians were all intellectuals with glasses, and one of them was a female. They are far from adapting to the harsh environment of the plateau, panting in the tent and panting, listening to that voice makes people worry for their small bones.

The team leader's company instructor and squad leader hygienic staff were busy pouring water and medicines on them, and persuaded them to eat something. The less they eat, the more they will feel lack of oxygen.

The soldiers were physically strong. When they joined the army, they experienced the ten-kilometer daily cross-country training of the new camp, and they were very capable of adapting to the environment. At this time, they basically had been slightly adapted to the hypoxic environment. The soldiers ignited the campfire with specially made white briquette fuel, warmed up together, and ate the half-cooked noodles and compressed biscuits. Because the altitude was too high and the water could not boil, the noodles could only be cooked half-cooked.

Some of my comrades who are more familiar with me are the "big man" in Heilongjiang in the northeast, the Tibetan soldier "Gawa" who was enlisted in the Tibetan area, and the Xiaolin, a Jilin communications soldier who is only 16 years old. We finished the noodles in two or three bites and took a breathless rest. We felt that the strength of a meal on the plateau exceeded the armed cross-country march on the plains.

Xiao Lin rested for a while and said to me: "Brother Hu, you joined the army in the city. You know a lot. Tell us a few stories."

The big man also echoed: "Oh, I said Lao Hu, it's too rare to listen to you. The thief is taking the lead. Anyway, I still have to do a whole thing in the shift meeting, and I can't take a break in advance. Let's chat to the comrades for a while."

Gawa ’s Han dialect was unsatisfactory, but he could understand it and wanted to say it. He opened his mouth for a long time, but he did n’t remember what to say. He just waved at me. I guess he probably meant it. , I also listen.

I stick out my tongue and say, "The air is so thin, why do you still have such a big spirit? Come on, since comrades want to listen, I will start with a vernacular, and the squad leader will wear small shoes for me when the shift meeting starts. I help to intercede. "

Why do I say this, because our squad leader is not very pleasing to me, he joined the army from the countryside, and he spent five years in the army like a young wife before becoming a small squad leader. He was particularly uncomfortable with the "backdoor soldiers" of my senior cadres. He asked me to speak as soon as the class met, seizing the loopholes in my speech and criticizing me for a big pass. Don't mention it if you are angry.

But what shall I say? I have read less than ten books in total, including four selected by Mao, one quotation, one dictionary, one book "Red Sun", and one book "Young Guards". But I have n’t told them all about it, and this is the secret of Feng Shui. I do n’t think they can understand it.

When I searched the stomach, I finally remembered a book borrowed from Tian Xiaomeng when I went to the countryside. It was a popular folklore manuscript that was popular at that time. The content of this manuscript is mainly based on the deeds of the Plum Blossom Party. A lot of anecdotes in the society at that time, including a story of a hundred beautiful skins, left a deep impression on me.

The beginning of this story happened on a train from Beijing to Nanjing. Female college student Zhao Pingping returned to Nanjing to visit relatives on this train. The passenger sitting opposite her was a young and handsome PLA officer. Inadvertently chatted up. Zhao Pingping was overwhelmed by the young officer's manners and conversation. During the conversation, he learned that his family environment was very good and highly educated. Zhao Pingping even began to fantasize about marrying each other. Unconsciously, the train arrived at Nanjing Station. The officer asked Zhao Pingping to sit in a restaurant near the train station. During the meal, the officer went to make a phone call. When he came back, he took out a letter and entrusted Zhao Pingping to help him. At his home in Nanjing, because he had an urgent task to rush back to the army, he could not go home first. Zhao Pingping agreed without hesitation, and then the two parted reluctantly.

The next day, Zhao Pingping went to the officer's house to deliver the letter. The old lady received her. The old woman took out the letter and read it again. Then she warmly invited Zhao Pingping to her house and poured her a cup of tea. Zhao Pingping took a few sips of tea and chatted with the old lady, suddenly feeling that Venus was turning around and fainted.

A bucket of cold, bitter cold water awakened Zhao Pingping. She found herself tied to a stripped stool naked, and the walls were covered with human skin. There were a few people standing around, it was the old lady and the burly men under her. She took the letter in front of Zhao Pingping and let her see it. There was only one sentence on the letter: "The 100th beautiful skin was sent. Please check it." The dead understands that we are all secret agents. The skin of the woman is to be filled with explosives. A total of 100 skins are prepared, and today I finally got enough. " One of the men, the Shali knife was a special knife for peeling. The big man cut the knife above Zhao Pingping's head with her screaming ...

As soon as I talked about Xingtou, I was interrupted by the second squad leader who came by: "Don't talk about it, don't talk about it. Hu Bayi, you're making a mess, and now we have a class discussion seminar , Do n’t your little mouth like to say, let ’s make you speechless this time? "

I stood upright and learned from the class leader ’s accent and replied: "No, no, what's my fault? It ’s time for the turn to say the same thing, everyone is equal is socialism Principles. "

The second squad leader said: "Comrade Xiaohu, why are you so ridiculous? I asked you not to learn how to speak. I was the squad leader. I asked you to talk about it, don't talk about absolute egalitarianism?"

I looked at a few comrades around me, and they all sat one by one and waited for me to speak. Gawa took the tongue out of me while the squad leader was not paying attention. These pieces of material are too unjust. Now I can only find myself a step down: "Report squad leader, what are we discussing today? You haven't said it yet, why don't you tell us how to speak?"

At this time, the instructor came over. Instructor Li Jian was in his thirties and was of medium build. He was a very gentle person. He was a veteran for more than ten years. He treated officers and soldiers very well. At a meeting? I'll come and listen. "

The second squad leader hurriedly saluted the instructor. The instructor waved his hand and said that you should continue, not because I influenced your discussion.

The second squad leader's level was very low. He was particularly nervous when he saw the instructor beside him, and he didn't know what to say. He might think that singing was relatively simple. Fighting spirit, is it right? "

The soldiers replied in unison: "Swollen!" The instructor almost heard a loud voice beside him, quickly pretending to cough to cover up.

The second squad leader did not hear anything ridiculous. He raised his hands seriously and made a music conductor's gesture: "Comrades, I'll get up first, er, Erlang Mountain, prepare, sing."

"Er, Erlang Mountain, even if you are tall, the Han of the People's Liberation Army is determined to break through, not afraid of the wind blowing, or the snow drifting, and building the highway to Tibet."

The snow in the sky is getting thicker and thicker, the chorus of dozens of soldiers echoes in the white snow flying in the Kunlun Mountains. I do n’t know whether it is the vast mountains and the snow that set off the magnificence of the military song, or the singing of the soldiers. The desolation and loneliness of Kunlun Mountain, for a time, even several engineers in another tent were attracted by the song, forgot the altitude sickness, and looked at the endless mountain peaks and waves of thought in the distance.