Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 115: Special morning

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Qing Feng glanced coldly, glancing at Xiyue.

When Xiyue heard that the Lord came over, and instructed the escort, he returned to the room to dress up carefully, showing that his mind was hard to hide.

"Recognize your identity. The Lord's affairs are not something you should ask. Arrange breakfast for tomorrow and don't let the Lord get angry."

After speaking, Qing Feng didn't even look at Xi Yueyue, quickly turned and left. He still had a few things to do, and only hoped that Xiyue could take care of himself.

Xiyue bit her lower lip and looked at Qingfeng's back in hate.

What a stinky, hard smelly stone, hard and hard to eat, hum! Xiyue was quiet, and her pretty face showed no dissatisfaction.

Xi Yuening contemplates for a moment, bites her lip, and walks to the room where Mu Yunxuan lives.

Mu Yunxuan brought Su Zimo to his room.

Upon entering the room, there was a magnificent, small courtyard, decorated with extravagant luxury, and Su Zimo secretly said that he was indeed the Lord of Yuncheng. One item and one item were all wonderful treasures.

Mu Yunxuan walked in front of Su Zimo and gently took off the mask on Su Zimo's face.

Although he had seen it a few times, every time he saw this beautiful face, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Mother, first go to bath and rest. There is a hot spring in it."

"Okay!" Su Zimo turned and walked inside.

She was very obedient and did not refute Mu Yunxuan's words. It was not that she did not want to say it, but she was too tired to say it.

She would like to ask, what's the difference between bringing her here and Huiming Moon Villa, but she asked a lot of words that she couldn't finish, and she didn't ask anything at all?

Mu Yunxuan smiled at her back, if only she had been so good!

Su Zimo walked into the back room, and it turned out that there was a hot spring made of jade.

There was also a set of white pajamas and toiletry items beside him. Su Zimo's warmth flowed in his heart. Mu Yunxuan was so careful, even these were arranged.

Su Zimo quickly took off her clothes, and now she just wanted to wash and sleep.

Half a column of incense time, Su Zimo has bathed out.

I was slightly surprised to see Mu Yunxuan making the bed! Does he do these things?

Su Zimo was rubbing her hair as she walked, it was almost white and transparent because she had just bathed, and the beautiful face without applying powder daisies was like a hibiscus in the water, showing her plump appearance and loose white silk. The robe made her graceful figure light and soft.

Mu Yunxuan looked at her like a fairy in white out of the painting. She didn't need any dress and was still beautiful.

"I'll do it, and you can rest!"

Su Zimo climbed the bed without restraint, and lay down under the quilt.

The world is big, and she sleeps the most. Su Zimo has always been able to look away, and after a while, she fell asleep.

Mu Yunxuan watched her sleep soundly and smiled softly.

"What a heartless woman."

Then he got up and took a bath.

Xiyue has been wandering outside the door. Tonight, she is destined to be a sleepless night ...

Mu Yunxuan had just taken a bath, and felt the breath at the door, her eyes glooming to the extreme.

"Get out of this seat!"

Mu Yunxuan was afraid of waking the person in his dream, and yelled at Xiyue with a secret tone.

When Xiyue heard it, the figure shivered fiercely, biting her lip tightly and retreating quietly.

Mu Yunxuan turned around and stayed on the bed, maybe because of Su Zimo's side, he soon fell asleep ...

In the middle of the night, a light rain overnight, but for Su Zimo, who has strange habits, this rain is the most special lullaby. With the warm and safe embrace, she has no dreams overnight.

After the one-night spring rain, the air is sober, and the morning sun always enters the room inadvertently, seemingly to get out of bed quickly.

Su Zimo moved her soft body, her body was soft, and she was so comfortable that she didn't want to think of it at all.

Feeling a strong eye, Su Zimo was even more reluctant to open his eyes.

Suddenly felt the warmth around him, Su Zimomen tilted his head, Bai Xi's soft face flashed a hint of redness.

When did this girl climb up to his bed again? He is really a guy who has a foot in the foot. Isn't he in danger?

"Mu Yunxuan!" Su Zimo was angry, and stretched out his feet to kick Mu Yunxuan out of the bed.

I didn't know Mu Yunxuan had been prepared for it, and her big hand quickly caught her jade foot.

"Mother-in-law, who was so angry early in the morning, who made you angry? Speak up and help him to teach him."

Mu Yunxuan asked deliberately, in a pair of deep black eyes, with a huge smile, she was the one who made her angry? A man admits in his heart, but does not admit it on his face.

"Are you sick?"

Su Zimo glared at him. Isn't the person who angered her early in the morning? Su Zimo tried to pull his feet back, but was held tightly by Mu Yunxuan.

"Does that lady have medicine?"

Uh, Su Zimo is ashamed, this one is getting on his nose.

"Yes! Do you want to eat?"

There was a smile on Su Zimo's lips, and a sly flash passed in that smile. She poisoned him with a panacea, and saw if he would dare to get it.

Mu Yunxuan seemed to see through Su Zimo's mind, and her slightly constricted black eyes were all smiling.

He deliberately asked, "Can the lady's medicine cure the husband's illness?"

Mu Yunxuan asked naively, making him feel good early in the morning!

"Yes, a panacea, can make you sleepless, and never be disease-free, let go."

Su Zimo's feet moved again. There was still no way to get rid of Mu Yunxuan's shackles. Su Zimo could not help but blush.

"Mu Yunxuan ..." Su Zimo sang loudly.

The smile in Mu Yunxuan's eyes grew stronger and deeper, and slowly turned into a dark and hearty.


Gently, Su Zimo fell into his arms.

"The lady is so hard-hearted, how do you say that you should punish you as a husband?"

Despite Su Zimo's struggles, leaning over, Mu Yunxuan kissed the delicate lips.

For a moment, Su Zimo just felt trembling in his heart.

Two people's bodies were swept by the electric current instantly, although the feeling of trembling was only a moment, but both of them had the feeling of holding that feeling firmly *.

Su Zimo just felt that his breath was taken away! The scorching breath rushed towards the face, and the warm and hot sensation made people feel unable to stop.

Su Zimo's eyes widened, and she looked at Mu Yunxuan unbelievably. While she was stunned, Mu Yunxuan went further.

It wasn't until Muyu Xuan reluctantly left that he smelled fishy.

Then, the dull and round voice reminded Su Panmo's ears, panting.

"Mother, I'm yours! You have to take responsibility for me in the future."

The sound didn't fall, Mu Yunxuan moved his body slightly and held Su Zimo in his arms. The **** smell filled his mouth, but he didn't feel uncomfortable, but more happy.

"Hoo!" Su Zimo breathed in a big mouth. She felt that she was about to lose her breath. There was no way to answer Mu Yunxuan's words. She had seen a face, never seen such a shame. She was bullied by him and took advantage of him. It's cheap and sells well.

"Huh!" Su Zimo struggled to get up, but was still hugged by Mu Yunxuan.

"Just a moment, okay? Lady?"

Mu Yunxuan's nice voice with a plea, the warm breath exuded in Su Zimo's ear, making her body tremble again.

Mu Yunxuan couldn't help secretly rejoicing, the lady was really sensitive, it was a very special morning.

"I was trained by my mother and father as a Lord from a young age. Many things couldn't be free to do. I unloaded that baggage last night. I just feel very relaxed. I can always stay with my lady in the future."

Su Zimo's eyes blinked gently, and the slender eyelashes like Luo Fan trembled.

My heart was dark, maybe as Mu Yunxuan said, there was a constant fate between them, her heart, she was gradually unable to hold it.

She was shocked by Mu Yunxuan's decision last night, but after the shock, she fell asleep heartlessly and fell asleep until dawn.

"Mu Yunxuan, I am grateful for your decision last night, you should go back to Yuncheng!"

She doesn't want to be a selfish woman. Raising her children knows their parents. It's not easy to be a parent. Junzi Xi has high hopes for Mu Yunxuan. She can't exploit Junzi Xi's only hope. As a mother of three children, She can understand the gentleman's approach in her heart.

"Mother, you think I did something naive last night, don't you?"

Mu Yunxuan did not want to look up. He liked the taste on her body. On the naive side, he would only do it for her.

Su Zimo didn't speak, but turned around, and instantly, there was only the other in each other's eyes.

"Mu Yunxuan, you are very grateful for everything Su Zimo did, but you left it like that, it was an irresponsible behavior. You are running away, you know? You My mother has spent all her efforts on you. Her only hope is that you can bring her happiness when you grow up. I am also a mother, and I can appreciate this. "

In addition, Su Zimo didn't want to say more. After all, it was a fact that she was divorced, and it does n’t matter whether the gentleman can accept her or not. The important thing is the relationship between him and Mu Yunxuan. The feelings are not deep enough to give up everything for each other.

"Su Zimo, no matter what your thoughts are? What I want to do is to stay with you forever. Since I met you, I have done things I have never done before. Knowing your temperament, I try to change myself, and I don't need to say more, you know. "

Mu Yunxuan looked at her deeply, but what he saw in her eyes was not the complete reflection of herself, and those stunning eyes were full of scepticism and suspicion.

My heart sank, my eyes narrowed slightly, my heart was still firm, and I was holding on.

"Mu Yunxuan, don't try to continuously modify your bottom line for someone. Maybe in the end, you will find that you will be hurt yourself ..."

"I'll make you alone in my eyes."

Mu Yunxuan swore arrogantly and interrupted Su Zimo's words. A pair of iron arms clung tightly to Su Zimo's slender waist. Sometimes, indifference is more terrible than quarrel, even if they disagree, they also quarrel He was afraid of the indifferent heart after she looked back.

"Mu Yunxuan ..." Su Zimo suddenly felt happy in her heart.

"Su Zimo, I just want to be a person who hurts when you cry, someone who leans on when you are tired, and someone who really knows you and loves you when you are sick."

Mu Yunxuan understood a truth in his heart, no matter how many eachothers, they didn't change their hearts to warm their hearts.

Fiercely, Su Zimo's heart was stirred up by thousands of waves. Mu Yunxuan said that it was exactly what she wanted.

The slight shock was flashing with moving light, which gave Mu Yunxuan's eyes a momentary stagnation. The woman's fluttering movements, ecstasy, thought of the soft beauty just now!

Mu Yunxuan finally failed to restrain himself and kissed again.

This time, Su Zimo was obviously not shocked the last time, maybe because of Mu Yunxuan's words, she didn't show any resistance.

The obedience of Su Zimo also allowed Mu Yunxuan to go deeper. A pair of big hands involuntarily walked on the back of Su Zimo. The white pajamas were also torn open, exposing the skin that was pure and clean.

"My dear, dad, get up soon."

Su Qimeng pushed open the door and saw the father and mother hugging each other. His naive eyes were unbelievable. He also worried that his father would not speak sweet words and could not marry his mother? It turned out that their progress was faster than he imagined! A child was overjoyed.

Hearing his son's voice, Su Zimo pushed open Mu Yunxuan. The pretty face looked like a red apple, but it was beautiful.

Does Mu Yunxuan feel nothing? The handsome face laughed with a smile.

"Mother-in-law, father, you go on, just as Qier hasn't been here, go on, go on ..."

This time, Su Qi did not urge them to get up, quickly retreated, and closed the door strictly.

Xiyue was standing not far away, and when she heard Su Qi's words, she fell into an unbelievable position.

The Lord did not step out of the door of Su Zimo's room last night. With the words of Su Qi, Yueyue could not help thinking about it.

Raising his eyes fiercely, looking at the closed door, his narrow eyes were full of resentment.

What a shameless woman, is that how she seduce a man?

"It's all you? Look, Qier was bumped into him, and he didn't see his son."

Su Zimo stiffened Mu Yunxuan's chest for a moment, glaring at him strangely, but he turned to his flushed face, listening to the sound of anger, but the sound and expression of grotesque seemed to be coquettish.

Mu Yunxuan watched, her heart throbbing.

"Mother? We're husbands and wives, what's so shy."

Mu Yunxuan's face was taken for granted. At this moment, he was reluctant and knew that it was time to get up ....

After Su Zimo sorted himself out, and Mu Yunxuan stepped out of the door, Su Qi and Su Qu were already waiting outside.

Su Qi didn't squint her eyes and smiled so as not to look at the two of them deeply.

Su Qu still stood tightly, but her face was a little bit colder than before.

"What's the smile?" Su Zimo glared at Su Qi, and the face under the mask burst into red instantly. She was a little speechless. How could she be so coincidental? I bumped into Qier, can't she hang around with this old woman?

But looking back, it just seemed that I was enjoying that special feeling myself, woohoo! Su Zimo wanted to cry without tears, so she could only think of where she was going to return.

"My dear, Qier wants to tell his dear, my brother and Qier have already eaten breakfast. Today is the day to register for the alchemy contest. Qier is going to register at the Dange. Otherwise, there is no way to participate in the alchemy contest Now. "

Su Qi smiled! This time, the mother had nowhere to spit and could only break the silver teeth and swallow it.

Su Zimo frowned, "Qi Er, you will go to Mingyue Villa and let Yun Ting go with you, your mother and mother have forgotten this, so be careful yourself."

"My mother, don't worry!"

Hee hee! The mother is busy loving her father, and it is normal to forget it. A child expressed a deep understanding in his heart.

"Qi Er, let Qingfeng accompany you! Let's go back to Mingyue Villa again?"

Mu Yunxuan was a bit uneasy, after all, all the stubbornness in the Dange.

"No, dad, Qier can go by himself, Qier is already an adult and can handle his own affairs."

Su Qi didn't want to go with that maple? How free he is to go alone! Su Qi was thinking about Xiao Jiu Jiu. He had saved a lot of money in his private house. He could just go out today.

Then quickly told his father in a secret tone, "Daddy, my mother will eat soft and not hard, and my father will say something good and be obedient to my mother. My mother will promise to marry my father sooner."

Su Qi looked at Mu Yunxuan cheerfully, Mu Yunxuan nodded towards him.

"No." Su Zimo said quickly, looking at his son's sly eyes, and always knew his son's virtues. This stinky boy went out alone and was allowed to run without a trace.

"Ma'am, it's better to do this, after Lier goes to do things, go and sign up with Qier!"

Su Li knows that the mother is uneasy in her heart, Qier is wild and difficult to tame, and it is inevitable to go out and act impulsively.

"Yeah!" This Su Zimo was in favor after all.

As soon as Su Qi listened, he slightly hesitated, and went with his brother to spare him! My brother was colder than Qingfeng, and his sly eyes turned.

"My dear, let Qier go alone! If it ’s a trivial matter, Qier ca n’t do it well? It ’s going to be rejected. Dad, you and your mother will cultivate more relationships, it ’s best to add us a brother next year younger sister."

After that, Su Qi's figure faded into place.

"What? You stupid boy, you come back to the old woman." Su Zimo roared in anger, but the figure of the son who had no longer existed.

Mu Yunxuan frowned, and his look was a little complicated. If he had read it correctly, Qi'er had left the place by the Phantom Method.

"Don't worry about your mother, Lier will go to Qier after finishing the work. The mother will go back to the village and let Xiner's things go to Sanqing Mountain. Before dark, Lier will bring Qier back."

Su Qu finished, turned and flew away.

"Mother, Qier uses the Phantom Trace method, right?"

"You are very well-informed. It is indeed a long-lost phantom fan, but Li Er has learned the highest state, and Qi Er is only a rare horn. I am about the same as Qi Er, a three-legged cat.

Su Zimo glanced at Mu Yunxuan a little, admitting generously, thinking that Qi Er had just said, she felt embarrassed and couldn't look at Mu Yunxuan.

"Sir, Madam, breakfast is ready!"

Xiyue walked over quietly, and the lady screamed very sternly. Today, she is obviously dressed up carefully.

A big red dress made her look beautiful.

Compared with Su Zimo's dress, she has to be much more eye-catching.

Su Zimo glanced at her slightly and didn't speak, but she didn't have much affection for this Xiyue and looked very gentle, but there was always a gloomy glance in those eyes.

"After breakfast, I will accompany you back to Mingyue Mountain Villa!"

Mu Yunxuan said softly, Yu Guang swept in the cold star eyes.

She didn't look at Xiyue at all, Xiyue could not help but tighten her fists, her beautiful face was still bland.

"Alright!" Su Zimo promised, and she was a little hungry.


Along the way, Su Zimo had the opportunity to look around at the location of this other courtyard. Needless to say, the scenery was beyond description.

At a glance, Su Zimo stopped for a moment.

"Where is your other hospital ...?"

Su Zimo seems to see some clues.

"Does the lady feel familiar?"

Mu Yunxuan knew she saw it, and she was right, how could she not see it with her cleverness?

"This courtyard is under the back mountain of Mingyue Mountain Villa?"

She was weird just looking at it, the mountain in front was too familiar.

"The lady is right, it is indeed under the back mountain of Mingyue Mountain Villa, but looking close, the road has to go around the city, obviously to the west of the east."

The two walked forward talking and laughing.

Xiyue worked hard to restrain his emotions behind him. It turns out that the Lord likes women of this character? Looking at such a rude woman, can she really be in the position of Lady Madam? Xiyue's heart was very unpleasant.

On the street, there was a lot of excitement. With the registration of the alchemy contest today, there were only crowds on the street.

In Su Qi's hand, he held a rock candy gourd in his left hand and a chicken leg in his right hand, and a pair of cunning eyes wandered around.

"Oh! Really a happy!" Su Qi sighed to herself, not to mention how happy she was.

"Help! You bad guys let me go, let me go ..."

Su Qi stopped suddenly and looked in the direction of calling for help.

-End of this chapter-