Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1514: We are all using each other

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"The patriarch, the Liu family has been notified. The eldest daughter of the Liu family has been sent to the palace."

Hongyan knew that the patriarch was going to move King Lintian, and this King Lintian is the last move.

"Let the other families also send their daughters to the palace, no matter what the purpose, just keep making trouble for Su Zimo!"

Geng Leyu's eyes flashed a bit of ruthlessness. With the power of King Lintian, he could deal with Su Zimo for four months.

"Yes, patriarch, someone left a note for Lu Yuan, and found that the Long Po of the Muta tribe was in Yulong Village."

"Oh!" Geng Leyu quickly looked at Hong Yan, the news shocked her!

The dead old lady of Long Po was still alive.

Mu Xinyan, you are so good at keeping so many people in that situation.

"Send someone to kill Long Po. The old woman is not easy to deal with. Yulong Village, why didn't you think of it? Mu Xinyan's body appeared there, how could Long Po go away."

"Patriarch, but who is it appropriate to send? That's hard to deal with, and who told us the news, we do not know whether it is true or false?"

Hongyan pursed her lips, and she was shocked to hear that Long Po was still alive!

"Of course it is hoped that the talents of Su Zimo's death will tell us this information. Except for Mu Langyu, no one knows the identity of Long Po. You can send someone to it."

Geng Leyu ’s lip angle is slightly raised. Are you helping me? No matter what purpose you have in mind, I still appreciate you.

"Let the four ghosts go, and Lung Po is also a master of puppet control, so let her have a good time with the ghosts."

Geng Leyu turned around and waved his sleeves gently. Four men in black appeared. They were wrapped tightly. Only two eyes were exposed.

"Yulong Village, Long Po."

After Geng Leyu finished speaking, he saw that the four ghosts instantly turned into a black light and disappeared in place.

Hong Yan vaguely felt something wrong.

Quickly said: "The patriarch, the four-color brocade was given to Su Zimo by the Long Po. Will there be other Mu Xinyan's things in the hands of the Long Po? If Mu Langyu needs it, shouldn't we use it? "

"What else will be in the hands of Long Po? What time does Mu Xinyan have to leave?"

Hong Yan makes sense, in the current situation, they are all using each other.

"Huh! No matter what? Everything about Mu Xinyan hates this place, it's better to ruin it!"

Now she only needs to know if Su Zimo's constitution is what she wants.

If that is the case, Su Zimo will be even more useful.

Bing, after eating breakfast, Su Qi and Su Qu went to Yao Yue to say goodbye.

Since what happened last night, the atmosphere of the ice clan is dull.

Long Yan is also very bad!

Arrived at Yao Yue's palace, suddenly, a man in black came out from the dark.

In front of Su Qi, facing the sudden change, he was not in a hurry. His foot shook, and his small body leaned slightly. He wiped the sleeves of the man in black and avoided it, without any embarrassment.

Su Qu's eyes became blue, and the phantom whip in his hand quickly drew towards the man in black.

With a "slap!", The man in black was in pain, glanced at Su Li coldly, and quickly ran away.

Su Qi didn't want to let him go in vain.

Phantom Fan Dafa flashed, and quickly followed.

"Qier, come back," Su Li shouted.