Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1938: Wolf in Human Skin

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

The mayor stood for a while before leaving.

After he left, Mu Yunxuan's soul came out and felt that there was no danger around him, so he took Su Zimo out of the dark.

"Look, look, the eyes of the two of us are getting more and more blind. Such a young and beautiful woman, looking at a simple and cute, is a wolf in human skin."

Su Zimo shook her head. She couldn't believe it. When she went out of the Four Kingdoms, it was a place where wizards run rampantly, and she suddenly became a scramble for the wizards.

Su Zimo took a deep breath, calm, this time must be calm!

"Mo Er, the more you look at the beautiful and harmless woman, the more you have to be careful. It's not too late to know that she is a person, but now I can be sure that when we came out of Xuanyue City, we were stared at. Now. "

He could almost be sure of that through what the woman had just said.

"Go, Moer, let's go back to the ring of space."

"it is good!"

The two disappeared in place, the scene changed instantly, and they had returned to Mu Yunxuan's ring of space.

Mu Yunxuan flipped on the bookshelf and quickly took out a thick yellowing book.

"Mo Er, this is just before leaving, my father-in-law gave me a map of the world and some place names appearing on this map. The woman just said that this is the Wuyu continent. I see if there is any place in the book."

"Then you look for it! Many of them are in traditional Chinese. I'm sleepy when I look at them."

Mu Yunxuan looked at her gently and smiled, pulled her to sit beside her, and then searched carefully.

After the time of Yizhuxiang, Su Zimo was a little sleepy.

Mu Yunxuan said suddenly, "Mo Er, I found it."

Su Zimo's head was quickly raised little by little, although she squinted her eyes, she suddenly felt a little more energetic.

"Yunxuan, give me a thought. What the **** is going on?"

Mu Yunxuan embraced her tightly. "Wuyu continent is a world of wizards, a wizarding continent with powerful powers, and some of them are powerful and cold-blooded. They need to use human bodies to become their research items, but to be wizards , Must have the qualifications to be a wizard, the practice of witchcraft is different from mysticism, witchcraft and power are not as powerful as mysticism, the most important thing for wizards to cultivate is spiritual power, and witchcraft is divided into one to nineteen levels At the nineteenth level, the black crystals in the wizard's hands turned into black.

"I do n’t know. I was scared when I came out. In addition to the Four Kingdoms and some small countries, there is such a mysterious and horrible continent. This is not only the people in Mopan Cave are wizards! We came along this way and encountered All wizards. "

Mu Yunxuan smiled and continued to look down.

"Mo Er, we are almost half way away. In a blink of an eye, we have been out for almost five months. You see, the Wuyu continent is very large. After crossing the sea continent, it is the top of Haoyue, the closer it is to Haoyue The more the sorcerer ’s witchcraft becomes more powerful. "

Mu Yunxuan looked at a large, thick book, and he didn't read much as he walked along the way. As Mo Er said, this book is very old and has many words, which is difficult to read.

"Really? Time flies! Lier and Qier, Xiner is six years and two months old. Every year, three of their brothers and sisters spend their birthdays, and I will cook two eggs for each of them in one pocket. , Old people say, this allows them to remember their birthday. "