Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 251: Let them run away

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"What the **** is going on here, it finally came out, why did you enter another one."

There was some helplessness in Li Chengzhu's voice, "Holy Lord, what is this barrier law?"

"It belongs to the kind of psychedelic psychedelic. It is born from the heart. The city owner should be careful. The psychic is born from the heart."

Mu Yunxuan explained that Li Ye probably understood what he meant, but who can do it without thinking?

"Holy Lord, who can do it without thinking? Even if you fall asleep, you will dream, let alone you are awake now."

Li Chengzhu is usually very serious. He will also make a few jokes today, but Mu Yunxuan has no mood to tease him at this moment.

"City Lord, but at least we now know that the demons of the people who laid down the barrier method were born of evil thoughts, so from now on we'd better not have evil thoughts, otherwise we will be controlled by them do not know."

Mu Yunxuan glanced at Li Yan and reminded lightly.

In fact, the demon is born from the heart, but it cannot be born from the minds of ordinary people or ordinary gods casually. It must be excluded from the heart of a big man at first, otherwise there would be no such thing Great power? Only with one back, it becomes a barrier method, but now it is necessary to be very cautious. It is not impossible to find a breakthrough. I just hope that the high-weight Li Chengzhu can control the * and evil thoughts in his heart, the more greedy , The more powerful the barrier method, we can no longer let the demons make the barrier method more powerful.

"Hey, it's going to kill me! How can I keep my mind off?"

Li Yan shook his head. Hasn't he encountered such a strange barrier method yet?

"Yunxuan, Lier."

Suddenly there was a cry of Su Zimo behind him!

Mu Yunxuan and Su Limeng turned around and saw Su Zimo, who was sweating, standing behind them.

"Yunxuan, Lier, I've been waiting here for a long time. Why can't you guys still come."

"Yunxuan, Lier, where am I?"

Suddenly, four Su Zimo appeared before their eyes.

"Lier, don't miss your mother-in-law, otherwise your mother-in-law will be more and more."

Mu Yunxuan quickly held Su Qu's small hand.

"Lier, the demon is generated by the most evil part of the bottom of the barrier method. Once released, it will kill the ring. The person you want is not only in-law, but also the most evil person. So Lier, you try now Erase the mother you think of from your heart. "

I heard that Su Qu's face was full of killing.

Look at the four left and right mothers.

He closed his eyes fiercely. He has always been able to control his emotions. After a while, his mother-in-law, who has been transfigured, wants to be erased from his heart, but it is his mother-in-law. Erase it completely.

Su Zimo, who was standing behind them, was completely in shock. How could there be three of her exactly the same.

"Yunxuan, Lier, you are back, I have been looking for you for a long time."

Su Li couldn't resist the interference of the demon at all. The master of the city, Li Yan, had lost himself, staring dullly into the distance, and murmured in his mouth.

Su Li turned fiercely, "No, she is my mother."

Mu Yunxuan also took a closer look. Of the four, only her eyes were different. The other three were full of smiles. Only Moer would show such an urgent and scared expression at this moment.

"Mo Er." After confirming, Mu Yunxuan turned around and killed three other women exactly like Su Zimo.

"Oh!" Jun Lin, who was running away, burst out of blood.

"They were broken again." Murong Zeyu said angrily, angrily throwing off Jun Lintian.

"This is the consequence of your children's love, King Lintian, you better be awake, Su Zimo has nothing to do with you, she-is-Mu-Yun-Xuan-of-woman." Murong Zeyu yelled loudly Roaring with Jun Lintian!

"Shut up, you don't need to get involved in the king's affairs, you take care of yourself."

Junlin Tian still has the same tone as before.

Mu Yunxuan really succeeded, and his other barrier method was also broken by her. It seems that she has recently been promoted and promoted.

Mu Rongze Yu sighed, very helpless, "Okay! The king doesn't care about your business, but Su Zimo's woman is always invincible. The king spent so much energy in the fetal death. It ’s easy to have a chance to kill him, but you are the kind of woman, you really do n’t know, what does the death of Su Zimo represent? She can make Murong Shao Feng stunned, and she can let Mu Yunxuan fall into the abyss, You and I have great benefits. "

Murong Zeyu shouted angrily without giving up, abominable, what a good opportunity, just missed it, Murong Zeyu kicked the trees on the side of the road fiercely.

"Really? Damn, you just want to kill Su Zimo to solve more problems, then why don't you kill Murong Shao Feng, because you know very well that killing Murong Shao Feng will not get you. What we want to do to get rid of these obstacles is to rely on strength, not to use a woman. "Jun Lintian punched him fiercely on the ground with bloodthirsty blood in his bones. If he succeeds, he can't do anything about him, which makes him feel very distressed.

"Yo yo!" Murong Zeyu looked at Jun Lintian with an ironic head. "What you say now is a bit of a word, but don't forget, if Su Zimo knows that you are the one who sucks, The devil of human blood, guess what Su Zimo would think of you. "

Jun Lin Tianmeng looked up and looked at the distance with a bit of panic. He looked like this now, but no one is ghosts or ghosts. No, he shook his head fiercely. Junlintian shook off what Murong Zeyu said, He will only look like this for a while, and when he's done, he can appear in front of her with a new face.

Looking at the expression on Jun Lintian's face, there was a hint of pleasure in Murong Zeyu's eyes, as if Su Zimo had also become his dead spot. Jun Lintian was really greedy, eating the bowl, and watching the pot. , But the pot will never belong to him.

Raising his eyes sharply, he saw the white snake in the night sky.

The fear in Murong Zeyu's eyes flashed.

"Come on, Su Qi and his spirit pet have found here."

Jun Lintian raised his eyes and frowned at the fire silver flying towards them. He repaired it so much that he couldn't escape at all. Right now he had to adjust his luck.

Jun Lin raised his hand and set up a barrier around the two.

Su Qi searched Su Zimo for them attentively, and he glanced at the two dark shadows all the way.

"Fire silver, is it because I'm dazzled, there are people here just now!"

"Qier, you have no dazzling eyes. There were indeed two figures here, but suddenly they disappeared."

The big fire-red eyes blinked, and looked around again, still nothing.

"Ignore them first, my mother should be here. I'll find my mother first."

"it is good!"

And here, Mu Yunxuan searched all the rooms and could not find the person they were looking for.

Su Zimo tired of sitting on a stool and didn't want to get up.

"Let them run away!"

Li Yi's expression of regret would have killed them if he hadn't encountered the barrier method, with Mu Yunxuan's ability.

"Rest assured that he needs the blood of his heart when he practices, then he will definitely continue to arrest people elsewhere, yes, there is a dark grid behind the firewood room where we were closed, you go and see, those who were killed Is the body inside? "

Su Zimo pointed to the direction of Chaifang, and then remembered that the nine people saved by him were still in Chaifang.

"Mo Er, be careful." Mu Yunxuan helped her and the four went to Chaifang.

Upon entering the firewood room, Su Zimo withdrew his own barrier method.

Nine people stayed in the firewood room intact.

"Zhuangzhuang, thank you Zhuangzhuang for your life-saving grace." The woman rescued by Su Zimo knelt straight in front of Su Zimo.

Others looked at Su Zimo with gratitude.

"You get up! I also had a woman arrested in Mingyue Restaurant. I don't know which one of you."

Su Zimo looked at them and asked.

"The owner, it is Xiu Qiao. Xiu Qiao went back late last night and was caught by these assholes."

"So! Did you hear what these people said? We must find out who they are or else the other sisters will suffer."

There was a hint of coldness in Su Zimo's eyes, and the hands hidden in his sleeves were also clenched tightly. This person's behavior is really outrageous. Those who cultivate in this way must cultivate the evil spirit.

"The owner, I haven't heard any useful news. The people living in the opposite row of houses should be those who drink the blood of their hearts."

"It's okay!" Su Zimo turned and looked at Li Yan.

"How about you?" Su Zimo asked the others again.

All shook his head, Su Zimo's eyes flashed disappointment.

"Mo Er, they are very cautious, but there is still a chance to find out, he will definitely commit the crime again."

Mu Yunxuan looked at the disappointment in her eyes, and could not bear it.

"Citylord, let someone take them back!"

"Oh! Good! Good!" Li Yan didn't know what he was thinking, but he calmed down after a while, looked at Su Zimo a little later, it was just dangerous, his mind was bewildered. Start fast.

"My dear, are you here?" Su Qi's voice came from outside.

"It's Qier, why is he here?"

Su Zimo turned and went outside.

Sure enough, Su Qi showed only a small head on the huge snake.

"Roar!" Suddenly, the roar of Warcraft came from the room! Su Zimo's eyes sank, and he turned quickly and walked inside.