Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 2662: Su Qi articles

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"But after all, you have never been to Pulong State anymore. Every day I am busy, I will come out to take a look. I'm afraid you suddenly found it, and couldn't find the entrance. After ten years of waiting, it was an empty wait. You never went back. "

She knew that Aunt Mo had slept for ten years. In the past ten years, he had had a hard time. She also knew clearly that in this world, Aunt Mo was the person he cared about the most.

Li Xiaonuan looked at him for a while. He closed his eyes, and his long eyelashes left beautiful silhouettes. His facial features are exquisite and his skin is fair. He is quiet and makes people look beautiful!

He drank. Since it was the same as last time, he had a faint taste, but it would not be disgusting.

She said slowly: "You didn't go to me, so I came to you, you know? You didn't recognize me at first sight, my heart really hurt."

Su Qi listened, holding her hand tightly!

I'm sorry, Li Xiaonuan, I didn't recognize you for the first time, that was not intentional, it was really not recognized.

He often thinks of Li Xiaonuan, and he also thinks that after the child can control his divine power, if the child is going to play, he will take the child to the dragon country.

But before that time, she came.

Although he was dizzy, he knew very well.

He also closed his eyes on purpose. He did not dare to look at Li Xiaonuan's face. He was afraid he could not help but kissed her again and hurt her. Li Xiaonuan's words were painful and clear. She said that she was He just came back for him.

This sentence is enough to dispel all the doubts and distresses in his heart from day to day.

Suddenly, there was a wet feeling on his face. Su Qi suddenly opened his eyes and saw Li Xiaonuan lying on his body and shed tears.

He held her hand tightly, and Li Xiaonuan didn't seem to want to break free.

This feels really good. When he closed his eyes tightly, she felt that she didn't have to be afraid of anything. She just said what she thought.

To put it bluntly, she was afraid of seeing that indifferent look and making her heart uncomfortable.

Su Qi looked at her crying. For a moment, he looked at her shyly, and he didn't bully her. What did she cry?

This woman is like water.

He reached out and wiped the tears on her face with pity.

Her eyes were very beautiful, and now her long eyelashes were covered with tears, and she looked crystal clear, which made her look distressed.

Li Xiaonuan watched him suddenly open his eyes, and looked at him in a loss.

It feels as ugly as being suddenly caught by someone.

She thought he was drunk and didn't fall asleep at the moment, at least stumbled.

Su Qi looked at her with distressed, slender fingers, and gently rubbed her smooth cheeks.

The expression of arrogance and arrogance usually softened at this time.

"Don't cry." A gentle sentence, let Li Xiaonuan immerse in it instantly.

She had never seen such a gentle Su Qi.

"My son, you ..."

Before Li Xiaonuan's words had been finished, Su Qi pressed **** Li Xiaonuan under his body.

Kissing her lips, Li Xiaonuan was slightly shocked for a while, then suddenly gave up the struggle, and gradually responded to Su Qi.

Su Qi was carrying some wine. He was half drunk and awake at the moment, but there was a voice in his heart that was clamoring for him not to let go of the woman in his arms.

The woman's response in the arms ignited the flame in his body.

He kissed her, her **** thin lips slipping all the way, from the overbearing to the gentle lingering.