Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 288: Nalan Luozhan is not dead

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

The tower guest also realized the seriousness of the matter, raised his eyes, but did not dare to look at the man's face, but felt that the man's whole body exudes a momentum that deterred the world. This momentum is infiltrated from the soul and is born with it, but It was more the coldness that emanated from him, giving people a feeling of wanting to escape.

Ta Ke recalled for a moment and said: "Master, Ta Ke didn't know Su Zimo, but used the shadow guard to secretly find a woman who had a good relationship with Su Qing to threaten Su Qing Ju, but he did not expect Su Qing Ju's performance. Unexpectedly, he was willing to trade his life for that woman's life, and the tower guest held on to the prince, and no one dared to chase it all the way. "

Hearing that the anger in the eyes of the man was a little deeper, and he yelled, "Fool, it's not that no one is chasing you, but that you've taken their pranks. As your perpetrator, Ang will have the opportunity to let you escape. The man said indifferently, and kicked the tower passenger a few feet, and the tower passenger shrank to the ground, afraid to sigh.

A man in black on one side really couldn't stand it anymore, and said anxiously, "Master Wang, it is no use to kill the tower guest now. What should I do now?"

The man took a few breaths and barely calmed down.

As he was about to speak, the man suddenly realized that the trap he entered was not just one. From the beginning, his stronghold in Lixia Guojing City was destroyed one by one, as well as the Sky Eagle Guard that was led out the day before yesterday. The other party seemed to be at Weaken his power little by little.

"Damn!" The man could not help but screamed, why he hadn't figured it out until now.

He was no longer available in the city of Li Xia Guojing. He wanted to cooperate with the sudden appearance of Tianmen, but the woman was unwilling to die. So he removed most of his own people and let the Tianmen people make trouble in the city. Letting his own people take the opportunity to hold the new prince, he would have to force the prince to submit, but he could hold a common person casually, but the dark guard discovered that Su Qingju sent a woman home in the evening, and he thought Way, did not expect to be put together in the end?

"No, the king has arranged people at the gate of the city. As soon as your team escaped from the city, he should return faster than you to report to the king, and his task is to meet you at the gate of the city. He has not returned yet. It has already happened. "

The man's voice was full of exclamation!

"Yes, Lord Wang was right. Didn't Ang already chase the city gate? As a general of Li Xiaguo, and the most trusted person of Na Lanwenhao, when he saw the prince being held hostage, he could not stop but only It can be said that they personally led the tower guest out of the city. "

Upon hearing it, several people were shocked.

"Master, we should immediately evacuate the siege. We must also evacuate as soon as possible. As long as Su Qing is in his hands, we are not afraid to kill Nalan Wenhao. As soon as we have a chance, we will go all out. Say not necessarily? "

"Sang Yu, you said, this is a sophisticated and complicated serial strategy. Every step we take is in the calculation of the other party, without any deviation! Who would think of it?" I wanted to understand this A little later, the man only felt the chill rising from the bottom of his back, spreading his body quickly, and his body was cold.

Nalan Wenhao, no, Nalan Wenhao couldn't miss such a strategy.

Only she can make such a terrible round! No wonder Mu Yunxuan, the lord of Yuncheng, is very happy for her.

"Will it be Su Zimo, Nalan Wenhao's second daughter? I heard that Su Namo, who is Na Lan Wenhao's child, is excellent, especially her two sons.

"Immediately retreat with Su Qingjie." The man gave the order without hesitation, and then knew in his heart that all they did was to wipe them out.

But in this case, a strange sound came from outside the wooden house, and the man and Sang Yu quickly looked at each other.

Together with the tower guest on the ground, the three quickly leaped out of the cabin.

A slender red figure is in sight, with a perfect face, as if it is a masterpiece of the magical powers of the heavens, the eyes of the phoenix are like ice, there is a kind of swaying the world, and the lips are like cherry blossoms, but they are as cold as winter snow and beautiful. Amazing, people can watch from a distance but not playful.

This woman is really good-looking, a sentence popped out of Sang Yu's mind: God's darling. Yes, this woman is the favorite darling of heaven, so she has such a perfect and impeccable face.

"Who are you?" After the surprise, a few of them were a little annoyed, how could they be confused by the temporary femininity.

On the ground, the person just outside the door had died, and Su Qingjue had stood behind her, but they had not even heard a sound.

Su Zimo smiled sweetly, her eyes staring unscrupulously at several people.

"Is it necessary for me to say who I am now?"

"You, are you Su Zimo?"

The man asked in surprise.

"King Luo Zhan, long famous," Su Zimo said with a light smile, but the smile was cold.

"Okay! Good, King, I want your brother and sister to come back today."

Nalan Luozhan never imagined that Su Zimo would recognize him. In Li Xiaguo, he was already a dead man. For the throne of Li Xiaguo, his biological father and his brother secretly fought him for twenty years And to this day, he can still retreat.

"Ohhhhhhhhh!" The empty laughter was mixed with imperceptible irony, but the three still heard it.

"King Luo Zhan, today is the death of our brother and sister in your hands, or your nest was taken away by our brother and sister, we will wait and see."

Hearing that Nalan Luozhan glanced under the eyes, a hint of venom was drawn from the corners of his lips.

"There must be a father and a son. Nalan Wenhao is insidious and cunning, so are his children."

Nalanlo said ruthlessly.

"If you want to be insidious and cunning, who is comparable to King Luo Zhan? You can think of even the trick of fake death. The so-called soldiers are not treacherous. King Luo Zhan can't fight my father. By comparison, whoever is insidious and deceitful need not say more! "

"Huh! What a beautiful woman."

Nalan Luozhan took a look at the colorful expressions on Su Zimo's face. He wanted to hold Su Qingju today and defeat Nalan Wenhao in one fell swoop. For Watson, I did not expect to be ruined by the woman in front of her.

King Luo Zhan frowned and shook his sleeves wide. He wanted to know Na Lan Wenhao's life personally, but after so many years of fighting, he knew in his heart that he had already been like a ant's life. When he was alive, he wanted to fight. As long as he was alive, he felt that it was a gift from heaven to his Nalan Luozhan. He did not let him die last time. This is a gift.

A few moments later, Nalan Luozhan seemed to think of something, and there was a strange color in Han Han's eyes that he had never noticed.

"You killed those people in the city?"

Hearing that, Su Zimo's mouth evoked a slight arc, and instantly disappeared.

"For those who can hurt my family, I will not let go of Su Zimo. Your mother has separated our family for more than ten years. Will this be the case for my Nalan Zimo?" For the first time, Su Zimo acknowledged his name Nalan Zimo.

Su Qing absolutely listened, gently looked at the back of her sister, smiled lightly, it turned out that everything was under the control of Mo Er, and she had the same plan today.

In fact, she knew that Mu Yunxuan secretly helped them remove a lot of King Luo Zhan ’s forces in the city, and most of those forces were the old part of the former queen and her loyalty. After talking with her brother by the lotus pond that day, she took a step Started planning step by step, although using Yunxuan, when she also achieved her expected results, King Luo Zhan had no power in the city, and they would appear in the most extreme way, and she did not expect it, but one thing She did not expect that King Luo Zhan would focus on Sa Yueru and use Sa Yueru to threaten his brother.

"I will assume that you are not dead. That is because I have noticed a detail. The people who came to assassinate are too desperate. They do not attack randomly like a group of scattered sand without a master, but appear regularly. The most important point is that you must remember the day when I was visiting the market with my husband? You must have said it to you secretly. On that day, I also found that many secretly stared at us secretly, and I secretly People also found that your people are following my brother, it is not difficult to determine who is yours, because in the entire country of Li Xia, the only person who will kill my brother is you, and the most important point is me The people found that a few secret people had left the city and disappeared in the woods, and they went to the liquor store to drink wine. "

Su Zimo said, taking a look at his brother at the end of his eyes and said, "In fact, I wasn't sure that you were alive at that time, but when I went back, I remembered your daughter and Ruo Yante blocking us at the city gate. Things, a series of things that made me believe that you are not dead, and after passing through the gate of the city, my father also determined that you were not dead. He understands your personality and predicts that your people should not Make trouble at the canonization ceremony, then, the next time is to visit the street, and you are still trying to cooperate with Hao Yueguo's Tianmen, but unfortunately Yang Qingqing is not interested in national affairs, she only has feelings of hatred, and at this time, presumably Already died in the hands of my husband. "

After listening, Nalanduo Zhan suddenly woke up, covered with cold sweat.

The tower guest and Sang Yu behind him were completely stunned.

How did a woman plan all this, and the most terrifying thing was that they didn't find anything strange.