Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 626: Personally

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Yao'er, there can't be any plan over there, then Su Qi is better back! With his nature, he can't stay in Mingyue Villa at all, he will have more opportunities to start."

The Sorcerer Wizard said angrily.

Now that Yaoer is only one step away from success, she will never let a Su Qi ruin everything.

"Send someone to stare at the gate of Mingyue Mountain Villa. As soon as Su Qi comes out of the gate of Mingyue Mountain Villa, he acts immediately."

Geng Sangyao's eyes were full of venom, she didn't believe she couldn't deal with a child, and remembered the poison she had given herself, she really wanted to smash him to death.

"Yao'er, don't worry! I'll deal with him personally."

"Where's Qiannian Lady?"

"She was riding on Warcraft. Without delay, she should be in the Crescent Kingdom within ten days."

"It's so long?"

Geng Sangyao is not assured of anyone now, for fear he will have side effects.

Dealing with one Su Qi spent most of her energy.

"After all, the two countries are thousands of miles apart, and it will take some time."

"Now I can only look at Qiannian Lady. If she can deceive Murong and Shao Feng, it will be more effective for us to win Xingyue Kingdom."

Geng Sangyao shook his wide sleeves vigorously, his eyes staring at Su Qi, who was eating well in Wu Jinli.

"Is he contracted to a beast or Warcraft we don't know?"

"Yao'er, you forgot, Su Qi already has a speculum in his hands. The power of speculums is not trivial."

"Damn, why are they lucky? Our basalt corpse corpse can only be in Furong today, but this stinky boy was lucky to escape."

The anger in Geng Sangyao's heart couldn't go away. As long as she saw things related to Su Qi, her anger would only increase and not decrease.

"Yao'er, don't frown every day, this is bad for your health! We have time and manpower to deal with Mingyue Villa."

Shui Bei Wizard looked at Geng Sang Yao distressed.

If it weren't for the favor of Emperor Hao Yuehuang, how disturbed Yaoer would be!

"Aunt Shuibei, do you know? Once Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan return, it is difficult for us to succeed with the financial resources of Yuncheng's wealthy rivals. This time, I will personally fight against Su Qi."

Geng Sangyao made up her mind, and she did not believe that the cultivation of the peak of Xuanhunjie could not deal with that stinky boy.

"All right! I'll send someone to watch Su Qi's every move."

The water times wizard turned and left quickly.

In Mingyue Mountain Villa, after having breakfast, Su Qi chatted with everyone in the hall.

Talking about the beast spirit fire dragon of his contract, Su Qi let the beast spirit fire dragon come out for everyone to see.

Everyone was taken aback when they saw the Dragon Beast Dragon.

The oncoming heat wave caused a thin layer of sweat on the forehead.

After recovering the beast spirit fire dragon, Su Qi said, "It says that it is a **** beast after the eight seas. Do any of you listen to the eight seas? And the strangest thing is that he was also because one hundred years ago the eight seas were What happened exactly a hundred years ago from the attack and was sent out by my parents? I think! As long as you solve this mystery, things may not be so complicated. "

Su Qi was sitting, and he wouldn't be rude. He tilted his little legs to the side of the chair, and looked lazy and dull.

"The idea is beautiful, but no one knows what happened exactly a hundred years ago?"

Ye Qinghan spread his hands, why don't they want to know what happened a hundred years ago?