Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort

Chapter 759: The bottom line you can't touch

"What if someone pushes you with oblivion?" Lin Fengyi thought he didn't hear it, and looked at his eyes and asked again.

Because this is not impossible, when Xiao Xu and Qing Yan first arrived in Jiangnan, although he did not pay special attention to it, it does not mean that he did not know what happened to Qing Yan.

Once, Queen Liang planned to open a gap from Qing Yan's body and force her son to submit. Fortunately, in the end, he escaped a disaster, and this incident was reported by his secret line.

"She's not a weak woman with no chickens, so she won't be threatened easily." Xiao Xu said quietly, but listening to his tone, it was obvious that he had started to consider this possibility.

"There is one for two. Xiao Xu, Ming Gun is easy to hide from arrows. Can you guarantee that there are no accidents? Can you guarantee that you can protect her at all times? Whether it is your father, empress, or yours Those brothers, each is not a good Lord, otherwise you have been away from the capital for ten years and wandering around. "

"In the past, you were smart and careless. You could do whatever you wanted. You didn't have to think about what happened next, but—"

Lin Fengyi's eyes were heavy and his tone was rare and solemn.

"Today, fascination is your weakness, and you are in trouble."

The voice fell and the room was silent.

There was an unspeakable atmosphere surging between the two.

Xiao Xu clasped his fingers on the wooden board near the window, exerted a little force, and the redness on his fingertips gradually faded to pale, just like his mood at this time, slightly chaotic.

A friend will say this, naturally it has his reason, maybe he has smelled something wrong, and will only remind you today.

"I see." Xiao Xu closed her eyes and answered.

Lin Fengyi knew that her words were a bit heavy, and she couldn't help but stand up and let out a look. "Xiao Xu, remember the agreement between the three of us at the beginning?"

"Remember." Xiao Xu groaned slightly, then nodded.

"Now it's not a troubled world, but it's just a hustle and bustle. I believe it won't be long before the situation will be turbulent. I really hope that our agreement can be realized."

Xiao Xu smiled and said, "When will you be sad and sad?"

Lin Fengyi also smiled with him, quite sternly, "Since Ling Feng added a few children, and you have been showing affection in front of me all the time, since then, I am the only one left alone."

Xiao Xu couldn't help but grinned his shoulders with a smile, "Say what!"

The two looked at each other and smiled.

The sun is slowly approaching noon.

Lin Fengyi remembered that when he left, there were still a lot of official duties left untreated. He couldn't help but straighten his back, lowered his head to manage the creases on his clothes, and after he smoothed them, he took a serious tone of humanity in front of him.

"Liu's smuggling and selling of salt has been an issue recently."

"Speak and listen." Xiao Xuning shinned.

"Two months later, they will have a big sale. I have sent someone to follow. You borrowed a few of my people to fight for the stolen goods on the spot." When it comes to business, Lin Fengyi has returned to justice. Ah style.

"Okay." Xiao Xu responded immediately.

Lin Fengyi patted his shoulder. "I'm going to drag you in again. I didn't expect them to be so brave."

"At the time of the war, I will not stand idly by." Xiao Xu said firmly.

Hearing that Lin Fengyi felt a regret in his heart. He can understand the meaning of his friends. When he is in chaos, he must be appeased inside and not make mistakes. In this way, the minds of the common people of Li Min, but--

"It's going to change, you take care."

Lin Fengyi shook his shoulder and left this sentence before leaving.

Whenever I am a friend, I will always stand behind you.

Regardless of the prosperous times, it is still turbulent.

Xiao Xu stood in front of the window sill, watching his friend's figure appear in front of him, and then disappearing on the goose soft rock road, he could not help looking up and looked at the blue sky.

My friend is right, A Yan is his weakness and the bottom line that he cannot touch.

But one thing, Ayan is a weakness, but not a burden.

If so, she is not her.

"So if someone uses a knife holder on Qingyan to force you?"

If there is one day, he will never relent.

Thinking of Ayan, his thoughts returned to that continuation.

Yan Hexu?

He always knew that the little guy thought of him.

After thinking about this, the melancholy accumulated in the heart just slowly dissipated.

It's time to see what the little guy is doing.

Xiao Xu turned around and went out.

At this time, Lin Fengyi had not yet left the house. At this time, he was standing on the bamboo forest path, and what he saw was a lavender garden in front of him. He suddenly remembered that some time ago, the fire spirit suddenly said he would ask A little lavender went back to planting. He didn't think it mattered, and he waved his housekeeper to follow him.

But when he saw this lavender at this moment, he couldn't help pulling his eyes, which seemed to dig up most of his garden. No wonder the steward's face was not right that day, but unfortunately he was too busy, and he didn't ask questions afterwards.

Xiao Xu's men, like him, are a group of robbers!

But thinking about it, he laughed.

It is estimated that this is the first time that Xiao Xu has made a forcible grab for a woman, which is a rare sight in a century.

He remembered the conversation he had with his friend in the room, and he felt relieved.

After so many years, Xiao Xu will no longer be the reclusive prince.

Because there was one more person by his side.

Someone once said that the best way to make a person strong is to have someone you want to protect.

The strength here is not the strength of the ability, but the determination of the mind.

The appearance of this charming girl is really good!

The emperor did a good thing!

Lin Fengyi was relaxed and stepped out of the house.

"Sir, Lord Zhifu sent someone over to say that there is something to discuss with you. If you are free, go to the house and tell." The subordinates waiting outside saw him out and greeted him immediately. Go up.

Lin Fengyi heard a moment of thinking, and said, "Go to a shop to fix lunch before you go."

It turned out that it was time for lunch now. Xiao Xu didn't leave him for dinner. It is estimated that he wanted to be with yours, you, me.

"Yes." The subordinates should respond, and they don't think there is any problem with the orders of the adults, because they basically do not eat at government offices, and they refuse to entertain.

"Sir, do you want to ride a carriage?" Said the driver who had driven the carriage over.

Lin Fengyi shook his head. "No, the weather is fine today, take a walk."

The subordinates immediately let the horse cart down, and they followed him step by step.

"Well, isn't that man an iron cock?" A man gritted his teeth in his heart.