Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort

Chapter 786: It's a big fight

When Chu Qingyan came to the study, Huo Ling was waiting at the door, opened the door for her personally, and whispered, "Little princess, the master seems to be in a bad mood."

For this kind reminder of Fire Spirit, Chu Qingyan couldn't help but want to roll her eyes, she was not in a good mood, who would she talk to!

However, Chu Qingyan nodded and knew what was wrong, and took a deep breath and walked in.

As early as Chu Qingyan appeared at the door, Xiao Xu knew it, but when people came in, he picked up the book and pretended to read it seriously.

"Big ice, what's the matter with me?"

As soon as Chu Qingyan entered the door, he saw that he was calm and restless, and he was not angry. He dared to sing a one-man show for the past two days. He was sullen in his own life, and he was good. He should eat and drink. It was time to sleep, without any effect, and the breath really couldn't be swallowed.

Xiao Xu frowned when she heard her hard tone, but didn't delve deeper, "Is everyone in the Liang family ready?"

Sometimes it is said that no matter how high the intelligence quotient is, it is not useful in front of the person you like, so at this moment Xiao Xu, who lacks emotional quotient, opened a very bad head and stepped on the artillery.

"I was thinking about the two cousins ​​of the Liang family. They came from afar. How dare I neglect to be a girl carefully selected by your mother. I ca n’t provide warm hospitality!"

Chu Qingyan felt his heart sullen for a moment, stared at him, and hummed insincerely.

The first time I heard her speak to herself in this tone, Xiao Xu was aired by her in the past two days, and she was not in a good mood. When she heard this, her eyes were slightly darker. "I just asked a word, what do you do with yin and yang?" "

"I'm yin and yang strange?" Chu Qingyan raised his finger to himself, and fell down his sleeve fiercely. "Am I right? Don't you think I don't know what you're thinking? I tell you, I don't like surface one the most Man in the back, if you really want to— "

Na Qiang opened his mouth, but for a long time he couldn't explain.

"What do you want? You talk about it? Didn't you say you understand what I think? Why don't you keep talking?" Xiao Xu was also agitated by her words without a sense of anger, and her voice couldn't help being cold. a bit.

He really wanted to find a reason for her to talk with him in the study, but she was sued by the wicked, and he didn't know what he was talking about. He felt a terrible headache.

But after he had said this, he didn't wait for her to speak down, but saw her clear eyes turn red little by little, and finally the water was flooded.

Xiao Xu froze slightly, then stood up, trying to stretch her over to take a closer look in front of her, but was avoided by her back, Xiao Xu's expression suddenly sank, "What the **** are you doing?"

Chu Qingyan was even more annoyed when he heard this, "Do you mean I'm making trouble out of reason?"

Xiao Xu didn't answer, apparently the silence made her even more angry.

"Okay, I'm just making trouble out of no reason, this is the girl's power, you can't control it, you don't need to control me, I don't need you to control it!" Chu Qingyan bit her lip, and forced the water under the eyes back. Eyes.

She didn't know how painful the move was to those in front of her.

Xiao Xu originally wanted to let go of her and ignore her, but when she saw her, the anger that had just come out of her breath was instantly out of temper.

In love, many times, girls are complaining in their hearts. Why don't you understand me? And in the eyes of the boy, why did she cry again?

In fact, this is because in addition to the gender difference between men and women, it is also because the brain circuits are different, which leads to frequent quarrels between lovers, just because you do n’t understand what I think.

Xiao Xu rubbed his eyebrows, usually used to the little guy's good manners, everything is done properly, now it looks like a grievance against the sky, like a red-eyed rabbit, stubborn and pitiful, let him Nowhere to start.

If he is bullied by someone else, the little guy will be able to bully him back. If not, he can help her recover silently and silently.

However, the subject in front of himself is Xiao Xu, at a loss, what did he say or did?

Introspecting what Fang just said, he just mentioned it casually. The little guy was like a firecracker, and he was immediately ignited.

On the side of Chu Qingyan, she secretly wiped the corners of her eyes, silently defamating in her heart. She was so sad. The big ice cube never even comforted her. It was really disappointing. Chu Qingyan became more and more angry and connected His eyes looked full of fire.

Just when the two were thinking, the door was knocked, and then Xining's voice came from outside.

"My lord, I have brought the eight-cooked porridge cooked by my Highness. Do you want to bring it in?"


They are arguing at this time! What a hilarity in the kitchen!

As soon as he looked up, he looked at the big ice cube with a smile, Chu Qingyan was angry and ashamed. "That's what I want to eat, whoever told it to others, take it back to the yard, and I will go back later."

"Oh, oh." Xining replied quickly, turning around and whispering to himself, "but when the kitchen said that they were preparing for the two, the master didn't stop, how strange!"

Who are Xiao Xu and Chu Qingyan? They didn't need to know it, they could hear it clearly.

Chu Qingyan has the heart to dig a hole. He is really not afraid of opponents like God, but teammates like Pig!

After all, the courage to cope with the big ice cubes finally disappeared at this time.

Chu Qingyan stomped his feet, intending to turn around and go out.

But just after taking a step, his wrist was pulled, Chu Qingyan turned his head and glared at the person behind him, "What do you pull me for? I'm hungry, I'm going to eat!"

Xiao Xu raised his eyebrows. "Eat hungry and eat here, saving time and effort."

"I don't want to be with you!" Chu Qingyan struggled angrily, trying to get rid of his shackles.

Xiao Xu raised his other hand, and touched her head, softly, "Don't make a mess, talk after eating!"

"I don't want to talk to you! Don't be affectionate!" Chu Qingyan hummed.

Xiao Xu knew that she was right and wrong, and she bent her lips, and did not return to her, but said to the outside, "Come in!"

Xining didn't go far. When he heard this, he answered aloud and then happily pushed in the door.

As soon as I entered the door, I met two eyes with different temperatures, the deep grievances of the master's eyes, and His Highness, uh, like a spring breeze.

The first time I saw His Royal Highness smiling so kind to her, Xining couldn't help fighting a cold war.

She swallowed her mouth, quickly lowered the tray, set the chopsticks, and immediately slipped away.

This must be a place of right and wrong, and she must stay cool wherever she goes.