Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort

Chapter 899: From bed to pillow

In the barracks, many things can only be done. So Xiao Xu changed his clothes, scrubbed it at will, and walked over, seeing a man with a stunned face standing there.

"Not going to change clothes to rest?" Xiao Xu casually said.

As soon as this word came out, Chu Qingyan was full of cleverness. She twisted her fingers, lowered her head, and glanced at the bed. Although not as big as the one in the government, it looked big enough, but—

"Big ice, there seems to be only one bed here."

"Well, you're in bed, I still need to see the file." Xiao Xu didn't understand what she said, so she walked to the side of the couch.

She immediately raised her head, wondering, "Aren't you going to bed?" Is she going to sleep on the couch all night?

Xiao Xu picked up the dossier and heard the words, turned to her, and there was a dim light in his eyes, "Are you inviting me?"

Chu Qingyan waved his hands in shock, "I don't mean it!"

Xiao Xu shook his head and smiled helplessly, "Go to bed. The bed is big enough. You can turn as much as you like. No one will fight with you."

This remark was in fact an answer to her question.

Chu Qingyan was relieved, but he felt unhappy again.

She's a big living person, isn't the big beautiful person standing in front of him, he can still be full of heart?

Does this mean that she has no charm?

Xiao Xu didn't know what she was thinking, she sat on the couch and stared.

Chu Qingyan first changed his clothes after the curtains were temporarily separated, washed them, and climbed onto the couch.

The mattress had a moist smell, the bed was very hard, and it was very uncomfortable to lie down, but at this time, it was good to have a place to sleep.

But she didn't have much sleep at this time.

She remembered one thing and sat up.

"Big ice, I can go to bed with Yan Luo tonight, so that you can sleep well, and get up early tomorrow morning." She thought, where it would be better to sleep on a bed than sleep.

"No, you don't have to toss, just sleep." Xiao Xu still focused on the dossier.

There was a gaze staring at the little guy here, and he kept her under his eyelids properly.

Xiao Ran, who was taking medicine, expressed dissatisfaction. He didn't even know that the girl was dressed in men's clothes, so he was carried innocently by the wolf's pot. He felt wronged.

When she heard the decisiveness in his words, she wouldn't be entangled in this issue. She held her calf in both hands, rested her chin on her lap, and stared at him without blinking.

Since leaving Jiangnan, the mask on Da Bing's face has not been taken off again. The light of the fire made him gentle around him and reflected in her eyes.

She thought so sweetly that only the face of the big ice cube was visible to her. This kind of exclusiveness made her very satisfied.

Although the little guy on the opposite side did not speak, the sight that floated over him could not concentrate on watching.

He lifted his eyes and caught her gaze exactly, thinking she would dodge, but unexpectedly she smiled at him more generously, "Can't sleep?"

"You stay up all night trying hard, how can I fall asleep in peace?" Chu Qingyan grabbed his hair and looked at him innocently.

Xiao Xu sighed. In fact, when she was here, he couldn't settle down to look at the dossier. The camp account was so big. If there was any fragrance around her, he could not concentrate.

He's just making trouble for himself.

"Then I didn't watch it tonight, and I fell asleep."

Xiao Xu put down his dossier and rubbed his eyebrows. There was almost no rest for the past two days. His face was a little tired. After speaking, he blew out the candlelight, and darkness suddenly enveloped him.

When Chu Qingyan heard the rubbing sound of his clothes, he knew that he was half-lying on the couch.

She hesitated for a moment. "Big ice cubes. Would you like to come here, the beds here are big."

"Ayan, you are drawing a wolf into the room." He heard his soft laughter in the dark.

She mumbled, "What's calling a wolf into the room? We're all in the same camp, and you called me over."

"Yes, I'm leading you this little wolf into the room." The deep voice was particularly confusing on this night.

She was almost deceived by his voice, and forgot to refute him.

Just when she was sulking for her poor self-control and sulking with her hands, she heard a gurgling sound, which was different in her ears.

Soon, the bed sagged, and she had no time to react, and felt that someone had opened the quilt and then lay down on her side.

"You, you aren't--" The sudden masculine breath made her incoherent.

"If I don't agree with you, I'm afraid that neither of us can live well tonight." Xiao Xu smiled helplessly, but if you listen carefully, you can feel the thick pampering in the smile.

Chu Qingyan touched his nose and didn't speak again.

Xiao Xu felt she was lying down, stretched out her quilt, and closed her eyes.

But after a while, he felt a soft hand on his face, opened his eyes, and was about to take it down, telling her not to play tricks.

Solitary men and widows get together in a bed, and they are their beloved, how can they not feel? It was just that the situation was not allowed, coupled with his strong self-control, to suppress the surging in his body, but the initiative of the little guy at this time almost made him fall short.

However, the little hands had touched the acupuncture points on both sides of his cheek, his fingers stopped, and he rubbed them moderately.

Xiao Xu's raised hand froze in midair, then lowered it.

"I just saw that you were uncomfortable, so I rubbed it for you, and you go to bed first." Her soft and intimate voice was in her ear.

Xiao Xu inadvertently softened his expression and wanted to say something, but her sweet breath was between the wings of his nose, and the delicate fingertips were pressed against his forehead, gently pressing him, gradually letting him relax, and soon drowsiness struck.

After hearing his shallow breathing, Chu Qingyan smiled softly, but her hands didn't stop. It was very cold at night, and her fingers were almost stiff. I didn't know how long it was, and she was sleepy. Then she retracted her hands and retracted. In his arms, he intended to sleep.

Strangely, it seemed that someone was holding her cold hands, and then she warmed up.

In the Nan Cang military camp.

"His Royal Highness, our ambush failed, Lin You died, our people lost half, Xiao Xu has replaced Xiao Ran's position, and is now in the Xixuan military camp." The man who had appeared on the top of the mountain with the thick eyebrows is now right now. Standing in the main account and whispering.

"Lin You was killed?" Pang Huang narrowed his eyes, unbelievably.

"Yes, he was killed by a young boy beside Xiao Xu."

"Okay, kill me, love me, hurt me sharp. So it seems that Prince Ben and Xiao Xu have one more account." Pang Huang smiled, but made people creepy.

"That Prince, what are we going to do next?"

"Watch the changes first, Prince Ben has figured out the tactics of Xiao Xu a few years ago, and now only wait for him to move, so Prince Prince can see the tricks." Pang Huang smiled insidious again.
