Girl, I’ll Teach You Cultivation

Chapter 720: One step and a half

A few days later, the ferry, there is no need to love the dragon in the sky, no more than half of the previous suffocation, flying does not force to fly, just in the sky, look like this, the attitude of completion, which The boss will question his attitude towards work.

It is absolutely refusing to pay.

The picture below is Ji Hua, the interest is rushing, and there are words in the mouth. The floating light hanging on the square of the sky is constantly floating out, and screams: "Receive!"


This unbearable beard must be **** by the needle, the painful screams, the face is distorted and deformed, but the body is not struggling, let it be included in Fang Dingzhi in.

"Successful, finally succeeded."

Ji Wuhua is a little excited.

After studying the spells of Jiang for many years, I finally got it right. Although I can't control Fang Ding as I want, I have barely used Fang Ding to seal the dragon.

Jiang Xiu was slightly decapitated: "Yes, it has finally succeeded. Later, this Fang Ding is the instrument that you look at the solid dragon, but if there is disagreement, it will be sealed."

Now this big demon, there is still a half-distance, there has been a tormented body, and Ji Wuxin has cursed thousands of times a day. You practiced and practiced, but you have to take the ancestors to practice.

Every time it was sealed by Fangding, it was like a needle sticking. It was called once, and thousands of needles were tied down every day. It was almost a matter of Qingqing’s life. Even if it didn’t hurt, the throat was broken.

There is no love in life.

The dragon must prefer to hide from Fang Ding.

"Well, thank you, Lord."

Ji Wuhua decapitation.

Although he couldn’t kill the hunger, he was revengeful, but he was disciplined and trained as a slave for thousands of years. This account is also clear, and all of this is helped by Jiang Xiu.

Su Shi looked at it, and could not help but sigh in the heart. It is no wonder that his father would say that the river is a big metamorphosis. Ji Wuhua is also a fairy king. Jiang Xiu will learn it, and Ji Wuhua’s high-density cultivation still holds 阎Xu Long did the experiment and it was so strong that it could succeed.

"The dragon must come out!"

"Not coming out!"

"You can't get out?" Ji has no flowers, she has to practice several times. After all, she is still not skilled. If the dragon is struggling, she may be freed from escape.

"This ancestor, if you can't say it, you won't come out." The singer of the dragon is pleasing to the river, but it is not this gimmick. Although Ji Wuhua is actually longer than Jiang Xiu, it seems to be small in the scorpion dragon. Taro film.


Ji Wuhua really has no way.

Jiang Xiu slowly spread his hand and heard the sound of the water. A water droplet slowly gathered in his hand, and the face of the person who saw the water drop changed.

Water robbery.

"This thing belongs to you too. These days, the deity takes possession for himself. It is time to return." These days, Ji Wu spent the daily midnight cultivation spell, and Jiang Xiu also took the time to comprehend the water. The law of Tianshui in the robbery, tens of millions of Jiang Xiu also comprehend the law of Tianshui.

Time is not enough, the number of people will come together.

A thousand Jiang Xiu comprehend the Tianshui Law of the day, which is equivalent to a thousand days of a thousand-day 10,000-day, 100,000 is 100,000 days.

Moreover, multiple laws are simultaneously enlightened.

On the surface, it is only a few days. In fact, it is really close to seven hundred years. This is also because Jiang Xiu seems to be not very close to the water. The water robbers are so slow. It is much faster to know that he can cultivate the skyfire. However, the law of the skyfire has not yet taken a big step, and Tianshui has been a great success.

This makes Jiang Xiu's strength more than ten times higher than before. However, it is difficult for him to improve his strength. If he does not have a qualitative breakthrough, it will not be very big.

However, every step of the Long March is very important. Now it is only the last step after the establishment of the Fengshen Monument.

A big step towards the goal.

"When the water is robbed into Fang Ding, it will be catastrophic. The taste of the catastrophe is clear to everyone. If He is willing to stay inside, then stay in it."

This is the last thing that Ji Wuhua lost. Jiang Xiu has returned her, so Ji Wuhua took back everything that her father taught lost.

"Do you even return me to the water?"

Ji Huan looked at Jiang Xiu with a strange flower, and a pair of beautiful eyes and eyes.

"This is yours."

Jiang Xiu said: "I didn't go to refining, you can refine it." He glanced at Su Shi and said: "Hands and feet are faster, it is estimated that Miss Su can't wait to return to the fairy."

Su Shi hurriedly waved her hand. She was a junior. In front of the two kings, I would like to have any opinions.


Ji Wuhua should have a voice.

"The wind, the dust and the rain are shaking all the way, and the name of the water mist is shaking. I am also looking forward to seeing it."

Half a month later, Ji Wuhua mastered Fang Ding skillfully and refining the water robbery. As for the ferry, she re-appointed a teacher and went to Xianzong Zong with Jiang Xiu and his entourage.

Compared with Jiang Xiu’s flying boat, the speed of the dragon is not one star and one half. He is born in the sky. When the mount is suitable, although he did not protest at the beginning, he was taken into the water to rob the lessons. Just obeyed.

What is the mount, compared to the taste in Fang Ding is simply a fairy-like day, no one wants to live in a fairy-like day.

Su Shi came back all the way, his eyes changed very eagerly.

For sixty years, the wanderer finally returned home.


Jiang Xiu's eyelids fretting, the sky above the sky whistling, I saw his fingers gently stroked, a diploma burned out, Su Shi curiously asked: "What is Jiang Zongzhu?"

"Zongmen's letter!"

Jiang Xiu said: "The deity allows people to investigate the situation inside the Xianzong Zong." After the mist was shaken, he also heard some information about the immortality from the old man.

"How is Zongmen now?" Su Shi asked with concern.

Jiang Xiu did not speak. Others’ sects, he was inconvenient to say that he only cares about the situation of water mist. He did not want his friends to suffer some inhuman persecution because of madness.

However, a mad person may be insulted and humiliated.

Thinking of the **** gas in gay, Jiang Xiu actually had a headache. He always felt that he had a certain idea that he should not have, and he closed his mouth and hanged his mouth.

It should be crazy!

The Xianzong Zongzong is a large-scale gate that has a longer history than the Tianhangzong. To say that the strength of the Zongmen is actually above the Tianhangzong, the Tianxingzong is in the heyday of the thirteenth king, and the strength of the fairy robes is It is already stronger than Tianhangzong, and there are six forbidden places in the Zongmen. Each of the forbidden places has an ancient guardian of the immortal king. They never leave the gate, but they are truly real.

It is precisely because there is such a hidden power, the Xianzong Zongzong is more stable than the Tianhangzong, and has more foundations. The average person dares to provoke the Heavenly sect to dare to provoke the sect.

According to legend, the creation of this sect was to help the sects of the sects. It is a kind of association interest. Whoever comes to me to help, but after a long time, it will be chaotic, chaos will be rules, rules must be supervised. The people then developed into Xianzong.

There are also rumors that the Xianzong Zongzong is one of the earliest ancestral gates of the Xianwu continent. It is one of the few remaining sects of the sect, and the Tianhangzong is far from this level.

It is still very difficult to find out the news of the fairy robbery.

Therefore, information is limited.

Jiang Xiuxin returned a rune, and the thirteen celestial king of Tian Xingzong, now counts on Jiang Xiu, but it is only nine people. It is no longer the original scenery. Now it is powerful to bring the scorpion dragon and Ji Wuhua back. The addition, the thirteenth king of the king is not able to shout, and shouting a top ten fairy king is still sloppy.

After all, it is also a double number.

"Where is the front?"

Ji Huan on the side asked.

"The front is the Western Zhou Dynasty that you mentioned before." The dynasty is related to the Western Zhou Dynasty text, but the Xianwu mainland is too big, Ji Wuhua is also unimaginable, somewhere in the Sinwu mainland. There is a day of questioning.

"Since I have passed by here, I can't delay a day or two."

Jiang Xiu said: "I also go to see the old man."

When the Western Zhou Dynasty Prince, the current Western Zhou Emperor and Jiang Xiu were old, Jiang Xiulu ordered him to fight with Liang Liang. I don't know how this situation is, is it that the beam has already destroyed the country.

"Hey, let's go down."