Girl, I’ll Teach You Cultivation

Chapter 755: Emperor

If the people of Xianzong Zongzong came in and saw that they are now like this, Yang Si Niang really didn’t want to live. Looking at her panic, Jiang Xiu couldn’t help but smile. "You still laughed and was You are killed."

Just now was a strong feeling like never before. She picked up her clothes in a panic, and after she put it on, she put together her makeup. Jiang Xiu’s eyes looked at the broken mouth and said, "They are coming!"

"When the river falls, see where you can hide?" Hua Yufeng rushed in with a ban and the elders. "You think that in order to shrink the turtle, you can always hide in the turtle shell."

The four saviors behind him have different forms, but the breath is stronger than the previous two, especially the one who has white-haired white-browed brows, the faint contact with the emptiness, leaving the emperor It is very close.

"You still caught our elders?!!"

Hua Yufeng's gaze swept over Yang Si Niang's face, and his face was even more angry.


Jiang Xiu’s gaze looked toward Yang Siyan: “You are not saying that the four banters of the Xianzong ancestor can join forces to kill the emperor. Today, try it and see if it is true or false.”

Yang Si Niang moved her red lips and her mood was very complicated.

The revenge of Jiang Xiu and Xianzong Zong is not dead. She is very difficult to do in the middle of it, but there is really no way to persuade. Of course, in her opinion, the main problem is still in the immortal body, and died. The two banned masters, as well as four elders, could not accept this in any case.


The old-fashioned white-haired old man looked at Jiang Xiu: "Who are you, and he is a teacher."

"Tianhang Zongjiang falls!"

Jiang Xiu suddenly stepped out one step at a time. This step took place, and the whole void seemed to step on his feet. The heavens and the earth suddenly darkened. As night fell, he strolled through the stars, and the power of the raging gods was vivid.


The people present were all shocked. This force was too powerful, too horrible, and all the faces changed. Hua Yufeng looked at Jiang Xiu with horror. The previous Jiang Xiu was not so powerful. The river’s fall seemed to be Exceeding the existence of this heaven and earth, there is no earth-shattering power between him and his hands.


The elders of the feathers, as well as the four main banters, showed a horror in their eyes.

Jiang Xiu said: "Is it amazing? I was advanced when I was not careful."

"Is it accidental?"

The people present can't help but face each other, what a joke, the gods above the gods, accidentally, you are too careless, this kind of careless can give me a dozen.

"Frighten who!"

Feather elders ridicule.

"Do you think that the emperor wants to achieve it at all? The banned lord of the white land can't reach the level of the emperor for 30,000 years. It depends on you, can this be achieved in a short time?"

Jiang Xiu glanced at Yang Si Niang, the latter's eyes were pink, and the face was not retired. Yang Si Niang was a great stalwart. If it weren't her seven-sex physique, Jiang Xiu was not so fast.

"That is..."

A group of people have been accommodating, people are always like this, believe what they want, they are unbelievable, Jiang Xiu can reach the Emperor in such a short effort, you must know that from the big fairy to the celestial king, even if conditions are allowed It takes a full or several decades of retreat to break through, and the Emperor can only be longer.

"Ignorance, I thought I could scare us off when I pretend to be a god."

Hua Yufeng said: "Would you be a three-year-old child when we were robbed? Even if we made such a lie, I knew that today, if it was earlier than it was, it was a pity that everything was too late, and it would never let you live a step. Out of the gate."

"Four banters, there is work!"

The four slightly decapitated, Jiang Xiu is a thought, there is no one in the sky above the gods, no merits, but even so, how much, his mind is moving, the eyebrows appear lavender, purple gold is Most of all, the brilliance that appears after the fusion of all the origins is purple. This is the celestial phenomenon, but this group of people does not know it. This is the symbol of the Emperor.

The seal of the Emperor's Emperor emerged, his hands were smashed, and the ten fingers continued to play. All the laws and deeds did not enter the emptiness. After a while, there were countless purple spots in the void, and the purple halo was out of thin air. Burst open.

The smashing sound of the air!

I saw the dense purple flowers of Zijinxia. As you can see, the purple Xiaguang is centered on Jiang Xiu, and it is covered in Zijinxia. The building is full of obstacles, but the peaks of hundreds of miles outside the building have collapsed. Collapsed, countless times when the soil, like a huge wave, rolled down and formed a piece of gravel ruins.

Like the end of the day.

"How, what's the matter?"

The mountains where the sacred robes are located are all banned, not so easily destroyed, but now the mountains are crumbling.


The white-haired white-shoulders of the shackles of the shackles of the glory of the glory of the glory of the two, as if the real silver light suddenly shot, swept through the river, the small radiance in the silver light, the flow of non-stop, Jiang Xiu's means to see a clear two The next moment, after a vague figure, I didn’t know what I was.


Jiang Xiu’s eyelids brought up a cold mang, and everything that was white and white was forbidden to see the Lord’s hurriedly, and the emptiness of the emptiness, if it was seen before, avoiding Jiang Xiu’s surprise, the Heaven’s celestial celestial Taking up a little bit of the void, it is so fierce, and the forbidden Lord is showing a complete emptiness.

Yang Si Niang has some faint knowledge of Jiang Xiu's nature and habits. This day's eyes look at things.

Seeing Jiang Xiu's finger, he suddenly saw the ripples in the void, and the forbidden Lord, who was then vain, made a scream, and the figure rippled like a ripple.


The white-haired white-bearded elders fell out of the void, and fell heavily on the ground, with painful mourning in his mouth, and all kinds of cohesive runes scattered away.

"Forbidden Lord!"

The people were shocked. The forbidden Lord fell to the ground. They found that there was no one in his body that was complete. The figure that rippled like ripples was not an image, but him.


Hey, he can't say the last word.

"Forbidden Lord!"

Dead, dead?

Oh, it’s forced. The lord of the forbidden land has not yet cast a terrible magical power. It is so understated that it was killed. What is the means just now, why is it killed?

Hua Yufeng and the elders of the feather almost almost blinked their eyes.

Before Jiang Xiu and the landlord of the ban, it was also five or five. Although Jiang Xiu won, but it was a victory, he almost lost his life.

However, now that he killed a forbidden lord, it was so easy, and the imperial lord of the banned land was like a paper in front of him.

"No, impossible!"

The three banters behind him were shocked and immediately shot at Jiang Xiu. If there was no reason, then there would be no chance. The surrounding sky suddenly changed and turned into a scene of the water flowing back from the river. The pure magic.

Jiang Xiu’s figure is fascinating. Now, he can do everything with his naked eyes. He can walk straight into the water. It seems that he is really fast and fast. He has a spell in his mouth and his fingers are coming out. At the same time, the Emperor’s seal between the eyebrows is flickering. It is dark.

Suddenly, a purple rune was flying out of the eyebrows, and a meal was selected in front of him. He screamed, and the male flames of the characters rolled down and fell into the river.

The next moment, all over the Wanli River, it was burned up, covered with a layer of flame, and the flaming fire burned thousands of miles.


The Styx suddenly disappeared, and there was a scream of sorrow. A fireman fell from the sky and screamed and screamed on the ground.

"Save, save..."

He couldn't say the last word, leaving only a humanoid burnt mark on the ground.


All the people present at the scene took a breath of air. Everyone heard it. The last word should be ordered. He was calling for help. Hua Yufeng was completely stunned, and no one could say a word in his mouth.

Only the big eyes looked at the charred human figure on the ground, and another forbidden Lord was second. His eyes looked at the ground, but his eyes were scattered.

Also, another landlord was killed by the river! ! ! !