Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 208: Transform the community experience

In the countless nightmares in those three years, this feeling of being submerged in ice is not unfamiliar, even familiar to the bone marrow.

Unforgettable memories resurface.

The first is the fall.

Then there were sharp laughter, shrill cry, hoarse roar, from far to near, from sparse to fine, spread and intertwined under the body into a huge arrest, wrapping her round in it.

Then unknown.

Footsteps, climbing, sticky sliding, and ding ding dong dong water, these invisible things rushed from behind with great speed, as if it was a day later In seconds, she will be drowned in place.

But Tang Xinjue knew that all these sounds and colors, tangible and intangible existences were all to break her psychological defense line, make her collapse, fear, lose her mind, and then make wrong judgments and selection.

The purpose of darkness from beginning to end is to devour and assimilate her.

Then she must completely smash her spirit, in order to tear off the protective layer outside the soul and bring it into the bag.

And she never made it work.


Chaos ashes.

"Am I dead?"

In the faint consciousness, Tang Xinjue heard his own voice.

There was no answer in the darkness, and she did not continue to ask. It was as if she didn't need an answer at all, and she didn't feel that there was any answer worthy of entering her ears.

In the growing sense of stalemate, she let her consciousness sink again.

After being eroded and reshaped the soul, all the emotions that were originally human have been quietly replaced. Like a clean and tidy room before, the room has not changed, but all the furniture is covered with a layer of dark slime, which seeps continuously from the inside to the outside, and will never be cut off.

That is endless malice.

Greed, cruelty, and desire to kill are everywhere without her having to bring up any thoughts. Her heart and soul seemed to be pierced and burned into an empty piece, and a huge stomach became a huge stomach under her shell.

This stomach never seemed to be full, and she could only swim upstream under the scorching heat of hunger, penetrating the thick and thick black mist, looking for something to fill her appetite. Otherwise she will eat herself, or be swallowed up by the darkness.

"Where is this?"

In the extreme pain and destruction of the soul, a trace of consciousness is quietly free. Tang Xinjue heard his own voice again.


The darkness remains silent.

Tang Xinjue didn't care how abrupt the scene was in the hellish dark abyss. She also tried to look away from the rotting body. But as soon as her mind moved, a sharp pain pierced in, reminding her not to act rashly.


She smiled lightly, sank her consciousness again, and let her body float up in a daze.

In the dark, even the "like" is full of danger. When there is no food, they often kill each other and devour each other. Sometimes it is an unconscious instinctive behavior, and sometimes it is a desperate vent after regaining a trace of thinking ability.

These supplements make it more stable and more sober. But as the mind becomes clear, the only remaining fragments that remind it of human identity also sink and dissolve. At the same time, another world slowly unfolded before it.

A more cruel, treacherous, chaotic and dangerous world, but also its only hope.

Speed ​​up.

If Tang Xinjue's consciousness is complete at this time, she will say to somewhere in the dark: In addition to fast forwarding, there is a kind of progress bar called "jump" in the world Way.

When the fast-forward finally ended, the negative consciousness and pain that were hundreds of times stronger than before descended without warning, dragging her into a torn body.

It can be vaguely seen that this is the body of a young girl, which has been carefully designed and is the closest to the human shadow in its deep memory.

Of course, it's possible that it's just a confusing assumption, and that doesn't matter.

Because it has chopped it up and dissolved it by hand, wrapped it in a thick layer of oil in the smell of tar, and decorated it.

In the steaming hot air mixed with black blood, the pain filled every inch of perception, but the owner of the body was laughing wildly.

[The way out? I no longer have it. ]

[Instead of letting me keep rotting, sinking back to the ground again, turning back into the mud without thinking, it is better to end in this way, at least it can prove that I have lived... I have lived, yes wrong? ]

[…Did I really live? ]

The last sentence was barely audible, but Tang Xinjue's consciousness became more vigilant than ever. Sure enough, the moment the sigh fell in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, it suddenly became heavy, and it slammed into the bottom of the subconscious.

The world is once again plunged into darkness.

This time, Tang Xinjue could clearly feel that "myself" was cold - cold in the literal sense.

The heat in the food street is heavy, but the food is cool. Its little remaining consciousness was divided into countless pieces, attached to the marinated meat, with price tags on it, and it stayed like a real dead thing.

It was so undisturbed for a long time before a vague figure appeared at the end of the street: it was four young girls.

They came together with different expressions, and they were full of familiar and unfamiliar human breaths. Then, one of the girls with a light ponytail stopped in front of it.

The other party has a long tool that exudes a ferocious aura and makes food creepy. The girl seemed to place the thing on the booth unintentionally, which immediately aroused its last remaining consciousness. At the last moment of the long and painful [life], it miraculously returned to light, thinking of the deep-rooted soul. An old saying:

[Don't suffer! ! ]


The smoke dissipated and the fire disappeared, and everything was like a cloud of smoke.

When Tang Xinjue opened her eyes again, she realized that everything she had experienced just now was just an illusion condensed in an instant.

She was pulled into the perspective of a ghost, and received countless fleeting information in a condensed moment, as if she really followed and died once.

But that wasn't what touched her the most.

What impressed her most was that she saw the real "university town" from the fleeting perspective of ghosts.

This is a world of ghosts.

Those twisted matter, mutated souls and bones, countless screaming shadows, were suppressed by an invisible force field. It was forced to hunker down in a half-human body, so it didn't rush towards the candidates with endless malice, and it didn't really release the desire to kill.

Have everything they see now.

The back of the iceberg briefly leaked to her for a moment, but it was enough to make Tang Xinjue brainstorm.

At this time, the voice of the commentator sounded again and again:

"Now, aren't you ready to try these foods?"

put up with things.

Tang Xinjue breathed quietly for a few seconds, then suddenly asked, "Did you persuade others like this?"

The guide was startled for a moment, and then explained professionally: "Today, only a few lucky people have entered the food street..."

Tang Xinjue shook her head and repeated the question again, but her voice was clearer:

"Are you trying to persuade others, like my roommates?"

The instructor's smile remained the same, but he didn't say another word, as if he was judging whether Tang Xinjue was fishing or it was really clear.

After a while, he replied, "Your roommates, don't you happen to be walking in front of you?"

"The docent cannot lie."

Tang Xinjue stared at him and sighed softly: "But now, you lied."