Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 248: Online dating scam documentary

Under the gaze of more than a dozen eyes, Guo Guo quickly imagined it in her mind: If Tang Xinjue was standing here at this moment, after making the bet, what would she do next?


Thinking of this, Guo Guo calmed down and circled his mouth with a calm and calm belly, but when he spoke, he became a coward:

“…Well, let’s talk about the punishment first.”

The girls whispered for a moment and gave this answer:

"If you lose, you can use your social account to help us scold the liar."

This sounds very normal. At first glance, I can't find any danger, but it makes Guo Guo more vigilant.

Without dangerous demands, will NPCs who almost write "bad intentions" on their faces let them do it?

And Guo Guo still remembered that when they first entered the dungeon yesterday, one of the requirements of this group of people to Zheng Wanqing was the same - even if they insisted on scolding the liar to vent their anger, why did they choose Borrowing the 606's hand to do this?

She asked: "There is no network signal in this building, how can I contact the scammer through social software?"

"That's your business." The girls smiled and said: "But if you win, you can get a chance not to participate in the evening self-study - only this time."

"Of course, besides poor classmate Xiao Huan, who else among us had an accident last night? One less word is a mistake."

"So, are you sure you want to bet?"

Guo Guo gritted his teeth: "Betting."

Next, she followed the memory of last night and said the names of the "accidents" one by one:

"Lian Rui, Feng Wei... Gao Wanwan."

This is the person whose complaint form has changed during the 5 hours from curfew to 12:00.

"Are you sure?"

The girls stared at her.

Guo Guo's forehead oozes a little sweat, and her brain quickly retraces every scene that happened last night, afraid of missing anything.

After all, just a few hours ago, the 606 people, including her, just regarded the variation of the appeal forms as a bit of information disclosed by NPC under the dungeon rules, not a certain Kind of death list.

The air is cold again. The sweat that had just leaked out of the back quickly evaporated again, Guo Guo had goose bumps all over, and her heart pounded under the dense gaze of the room.

—This is the first time she has taken on an active role in negotiating with an NPC, even single-handedly.

Before this, this high-risk task has been completed by Tang Xinjue.

It was not until she stood in this position that she truly understood how much psychological test she would suffer in just a few seconds:

What if she guessed wrong?

What if her reasoning was wrong?

In this 50% risk, once she loses, is she able to bear the consequences of failure?

If her teammates are implicated by her own judgment and impulse, is there any way she can make up for it?

Numerous questions were asked Guo Guo along with her fast brain speed. She subconsciously turned her head to look at Tang Xinjue, then turned back quickly, pursed her lips and said:

"I'm sure."

After a few seconds of silence, the corners of the girls' upturned mouths turned cold.

"Congratulations, you got it right."

Indoor temperature returned to normal. Guo Guo finally breathed a sigh of relief, and before he could wipe his sweat, he immediately asked, "I won, how can I redeem the reward? What should I do if I don't participate in the evening self-study?"

Faced with a series of questions, the **** the other side rolled her eyes and said dissatisfiedly: "I still exchange rewards, do you think we are NPCs? As for how to do this, I can tell you in advance about this kind of thing. Well, you will naturally know when the time comes."

After finishing speaking, before Guo Guo could react, they instantly returned to their anxious "normal state", and they hurriedly pulled Guo and Tang to see the other girls who were killed the location of the incident.

Walking in the narrow corridor, Tang Xinjue asked Guo Guo why he took the risk just now.

"I don't remember you being that way," she said.

Guo Guo shrugged and asked: "Do you remember what you said to me during a brain resistance training two days before entering this dungeon?"

Tang Xinjue frowned: "The scope and difficulty of recalling this question is a bit too high."

Guo Guo: "The other day I asked you, why are you with such a strong spirit, Wan Qing with such a strong defense, and Sister You, who is attentive, why are you like this? Fa-Auxiliary with poor physical quality can’t develop in a single line, and it still needs to practice mental strength, practice fighting and strategy?”

"You ask me: In a very difficult dungeon, we need to work together and work hard to pass the level. Is it good luck or bad luck?"

Tang Xinjue thought for a while, then nodded slightly: "I remember, you said at the time, there is no worse luck than us."

Guo Guo smiled: "Of course I would answer that. But you told me, on the contrary, that we were very lucky."

She recited Tang Xinjue's original words word by word:

"A dungeon, there are me and Wanqing who are good at outputting, and you and Zhang You who are good at assisting. Accidentally someone will come to the bottom, someone will come back in a desperate situation, and someone will always stand in front and behind and pull you— Don't you think this combination is too perfect?

In the real danger, especially in the copy of the pit, it often does not give us such an ideal matching environment. One day, there may be no Zhang You, no Wanqing - maybe even me. "

The scene in her memory appeared in front of Guo Guo, Tang Xinjue helped her adjust the helmet, her eyes were calm and reassuring: "At that time, we will be alone, and we must be everyone. Then, stick to it."

Guo Guo stopped with the crowd at the door of the other bedroom, her thoughts returned to reality, she turned to look at Tang Xinjue: "Now you and Wanqing are both injured, you Sister can't take care of everyone by herself, so I'll make a bold choice. If something goes wrong, I hope you don't blame me when you go back."

Tang Xinjue also smiled back: "How come. You have made great progress, I am very happy."

The second "incident scene" is Gao Wanwan's bedroom. Compared with the previous victim who jumped down from the balcony, her room is much bloodier and terrifying:

She stood in front of the sink with her legs straight, but her upper body was buried in the sink, her neck stuck in the drain, and her head was not visible.

"After we judged, she should have drowned in the water because she couldn't think of it. It's just that after she died, her head was sucked into the sewer. It's really pitiful."

The girls shook their heads and sighed.

Guo Guo: “…”

The last one who jumped off the building said it was suicide, but this one, does such a difficult suicide method really exist in the world?

As for why her head can be stuffed into the sewer after death... She couldn't help but remember how Zhang You ruthlessly flushed the complaint form into the sewer last night, and took a step back with a guilty conscience:

"This, classmate Gao is really pitiful. Did she leave any last words? Or does she have any roommates?"

"None." Sun Miao shook her head: "There are very few juniors in this building. The only ones who can be considered familiar with her are you and Song Rong."

Song Rong was not in the crowd, so they only stared at Guo Guo.

"Then why did she commit suicide?" Tang Xinjue suddenly asked a question: "The amount of money she was defrauded was not very large, if she was distressed, she could find two friends to talk to, but she chose Isn't it suspicious for such an extreme approach?"

The faces of the girls changed suddenly: "What do you mean, is the victim guilty? The amount of money cheated is small, so you can't be sad and depressed? If you have friends, you can't collapse and commit suicide Did it? Who ordered it? The two of you?"

Guo Guo: “…”

Seeing that the atmosphere was not good, she decisively dumped the blame: "It has nothing to do with me, she said it alone!"

Tang Xinjue was instantly pulled away: "…"

Fortunately, the girls just had a bad attitude and did not continue to have attacks. They insisted on showing them the dormitories of the other two girls who were victimized. Similar to Gao Wanwan, the "cause of death" of the two girls is highly similar to what appeared on the appeal form last night:

One fell head down from the top of the bed, and the other kept hitting the window until it broke her head.

In their dormitory, Guo Guo did not find any useful information. The crowd refused to reveal anything, and only told her at the end that it was said that the school would send someone to get the appeal form today, and then they dispersed.

Exhausted back to the 404 dormitory, Guo Guo told Zhang You all these things.

“Will the school come to get the appeal form?”

Zhang You thought for a while, picked up the appeal form and checked them one by one. Just in response to Guo Guo's guess, the girl named Xiao Huan's watch, like the three last night, had gradually seeped black water, and it dissolved and disappeared after a while.

"So, what we can know now is. First, students who have accidents during the day for various reasons does not mean they will die." Zhang You concluded.

Like Sun Miao, who jumped off the building in front of them the day before, and came back unscathed the next day.

“Secondly, the student whose appeal form turns into black liquid will surely die.”

In addition, it is not a coincidence that these "suicide" students have met them directly or indirectly the night before.

"Third, the curfew time is after 7 pm, between 7 pm and 12 am, there will be harassment similar to Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, but the lethality is not high. The real danger is After 12 o'clock, an unidentified figure will enter our dormitory and choose a person to attack."

And when they are attacked, they will lose all mobility for a short time, and they will not even have a chance to resist, so they will jump directly to the next morning.

"Fourth, there have been many cases of headless ghosts in the school. In order to prevent the students from talking about this matter, they arranged [evening self-study] specially for students to discipline us ."

Speaking of this, Zhang You changed his words: "Guoguo, the reward you said was an opportunity to not study at night, right?"

Guo Guo nodded vigorously: "Yes!"

"That means that we will be forced to attend the evening self-study at some time sooner or later." Behind the lens, Zhang You's eyes are solemn: "If it is fast, Maybe even today."

Guo Guo understood: "Before that, the school will send someone to get the appeal form... This is the opportunity we have to seize!"