Global Day Online

Chapter 1237: I finally got into college

When Rick arrived home, neither his parents nor Xiao Yu returned.

Lek went back to his room and lay down. He looked at his cell phone and there was a text message sent by his sister Xiaoyu. He asked him how his college entrance examination results were.

"The college entrance examination is stable, I played well, and I will definitely be able to go to the University of Earth Alliance College in our city!" Lei Ke replied to her sister first, and then forwarded the message to her parents. With.

"Good boy, my family is good at learning. I will go back tonight with your dad and eat hot pot at home!" The mother quickly returned a text message.

After reading the text message, Rick had just finished eating the barbecue and had been drinking with his roommate for more than an hour, but he was not hungry at all.

It is estimated that Dad will drink with him at night to celebrate.

Lyk lay in his small bed and decided to take a good night's sleep. After all, the copy of the college entrance examination stayed for a few years, especially in the final stage of fighting, and he was quite tired.

With the experience of a copy of the college entrance examination, Rick has already decided in his heart. Even if he is killed this time, he will never confess to his father and mother and Xiaoyu in this main world. His soul came from another parallel world.

No one tells the identity of the self-traverser, so he is lazy in his stomach.

From now on, Rake hypnotizes himself, he is a native of this world, and his soul belongs to this world.

After thinking for a while, Rick fell asleep.

More than five o'clock in the evening, Rake felt someone shaking his arm.

Subconsciously, Rick took a fist with his backhand. Fortunately, he reacted. He slept at home and stopped half of his fists.

Rick opened his eyes and saw that his fist could stop three inches away in front of his sister Xiaoyu's temple. He almost burst his head with a fist.

Rake was shocked when he found out, he quickly shrunk his hands back, and his back was sweating, sober.

"I still want to hit me, get up and eat, I won't call you anymore!" Xiao Yu said with a smile, not even realizing that she had walked through the ghost gate, and was almost killed by his brother Rek.

"Well, remember, don't shake my arm when I sleep, even if you wake me up, keep a distance, just pat me lightly. I have experienced too many copy fights, sometimes sleeping, I will not be conscious It ’s bad to be alert if you hurt you! "Rake sternly told Xiao Yu.

Rick couldn't help thinking of the situation when the little fat man in the bedroom called him to get up.

Every time the little fat man stands at a good angle and shoots him to avoid being hit by himself, the little fat man is more cautious than Xiao Yu.

"Oh, yes, I remember!" Xiao Yu said indifferently.

"I'm repeating what I said!" Lek said to Xiaoyu seriously, after all, this was not a joke. After all, he really killed Xiaoyu, the sister of the main world, and then he would feel guilty for a lifetime.

"Well, I won't call you anymore, get up yourself! Or take a mop, shoot you from a distance, and wake you up!" Xiaoyu said unhappy after hearing it.

"Okay, take the mop in the future, and call me if you stand far away! It's all for your own good. In the future, you will become an online player with Zhutian. After passing through more copies, you will understand!" Lek smiled. Speaking, don't dare to talk about drizzle too deeply.

After all, Xiaoyu has the horror of having the skills of a prophet ’s dream come true. Once he said that Xiaoyu was anxious, and Xiaoyu became a nightmare or something at night, he directly crippled his dream in the dream. .

Rick got up and went out with the rain to wash.

Mom and Dad are already at the table, and the hot pot has been put on the induction cooker in the middle of the dining table. Dad also took out a bottle of liquor that has been stored at home for many years.

"Dad, your bottle of liquor, don't you say I'll drink it when I get married?" Xiao Yu came to the table and sat down, looking at the bottle of wine in front of him.

"Oh, is it okay, you are still married early, first celebrate your brother's successful college entrance examination, can be admitted to the Earth Alliance College!" Dad said, and immediately started to open the wine.

"Rek, don't go to the Earth Alliance College to sign up tomorrow. If you don't pass the exam, you will have to pay Dad a bottle of wine!" Xiao Yu went to open the bottle of juice and poured it for her and her mother.

"I'm sure I can pass the exam. This time I got a high score in the college entrance examination!" Rick sat down and handed the glass beside him to his father.

The family started to eat hot pot, and Reck ate in a mouthful even if he was not hungry.

After all, this hot pot at home is to celebrate his college entrance examination.

Sipping liquor with Dad.

A large bottle of liquor, Rake can drink one-third, the father drank two-thirds.

My dad and mom are in a good mood today. It is related to the elder son Rake's successful completion of the college entrance examination and his good results.

At the end of supper, Rick was full and drank too much, sitting on the sofa and resting, not moving anymore.

"Rek, can you really be admitted to Earth Alliance College? Then I will go to school tomorrow, but I said to my classmates, my brother was admitted to the top university of Earth Alliance College! Or I will wait until you are officially accepted by Earth Alliance College. "Xiaoyu sat next to Lake, watching TV and confirming with Lake again.

"Surely you can pass the exam, you say it."

"Waiting for you to go to Earth League College to go to college and take a rest on Sunday, you can take me to the school. I heard that the school is better, like a forest park, there are many facilities in it, and it is only open to internal students with student IDs. By the time you help me borrow a classmate's student ID, "Xiao Yu said casually.

"Okay, no problem. When the school starts in September, take you to school when you have time!" Rick agreed.

Dad brewed a pot of tea and sat on the sofa to drink.

Rick also poured himself a cup. This tea is not very good, and the water temperature for making tea is not good.

Although it's hard to drink, it's better than white water. Rake sips tea to hydrolyze and hangover.

He finished drinking beer at noon and liquor again at night, and now Rick was a little dazed.

"Go downstairs and walk around!" Xiaoyu watched TV for a while, feeling bored, and said to Rake.

"I drink too much and don't like to move, it's another day!" Lek refused directly.

"The other day is not to accompany me!" Xiao Yu muttered softly.

Rake pretended not to hear, watched TV, and went back to his room to sleep.

This sleep was very relaxing, and until after 12 noon the next day, Rake woke up naturally.

There are some dishes on the dinner table, which the mother left for him.

Rick went to heat, and after a quick bite, he was ready to go back to his room and log in to Zhutian to check it online.

"Ling Lingling!" Suddenly the phone rang, and Rake looked at it. It was Xiao Bingnv who called.

"Lake, please go to the Earth League Academy to sign up. I have already said that I have allocated your bedroom. I, the men, skinny monkeys and chubby guys have all signed up, and they have reached the Earth League College admission score. Didn't go! Is your score not enough, this year's minimum admission score of the Earth Alliance College is 552 points! "Xiao Bingnu said on the phone anxiously.