Global Day Online

Chapter 145: Sparta

In the capacity of King Sparta, Lek found the leader of the caravan to study the trade route.

Because of the limitations of Zhutian Online, it is impossible to teach the world of science and technology beyond this copy of the world civilization to the world, and also to sever the idea of ​​Leike's development of gunpowder or the sale of scientific and technological items and steelmaking.

However, engaging in trade and getting some side-by-side balls, Zhutian Online will not interfere, and it belongs to the normal development of the country.

Rick asked the caravan to provide them with a lot of small bottles. Then he asked the old man to find him 300 Spartan warriors, and with his own little queen, began to visit the nearby city-state.

At the same time visiting their king, Lake also showed the flying ability of the suspended red cloak in other state-states, and began to sell the gods blessing potion. The men drank more bravely, and the women drank the longevity and rejuvenated their youthful vitality.

But what is it, only after the little queen and Rick know, it is the empty bottle filled with water, even the blessings are not.

In the main city square of other state-states, Lec first came to the same-speaking speech, and then started the red suspension cloak to fly for ten seconds. Then he used his own secret skills to pick a wounded person to heal. After some operations, Lake began selling his belief potions.

"God of War bless the potion is priceless, the blessing of God of War can not be measured by gold coins.

I am not selling syrup, I am helping you to help you return to the embrace of the gods.

The more gold coins you pay, the deeper your belief in the gods, and the gods will naturally bless you.

God of War blessing the potion is a gift from God. He only works for those who are truly devout--"Rake began to flicker in the squares of the major nations.

The little queen on the side shook her head and shook her head. When Rick went to the first city-state square, she was quite scared. She was afraid of being exposed and violently beaten, but she looked at her king and took 300 Spartan warriors with him. To maintain order, I am more assured.

But soon the little queen found out that she was too worried. The sales of Lek’s sales of God of War blessing syrup were surprisingly good. Some city-state aristocrats and elders chose Ning’s credible mentality. After watching the flight and the treatment, I bought some more.

The people bought more, and of course, Lek did not sell to the poor civilians.

Rick made it clear that this **** of war bless the potion, not everyone can use it, only the soldiers of higher origin and nobles, royals, elders are eligible to enjoy.

After taking the little queen, Lek strolled through Greece for half a year. During the period, he sent people to return to Sparta several times as military expenses.

From the second year onwards, the military expenses of Lake Sparta's three thousand elite men were finally barely enough.

As for the female soldier, Lake gave three hundred sets of weapons and a little gold coin, temporarily blocking the mouth of the little queen.

For the next eight years, Lake took his Spartan warriors from time to time, went hunting nearby, and hunted fierce beasts.

If there are robbers and the like, it is better to kill the soldiers directly.

The law and order near the city of Sparta has become exceptionally good during the ten years of Lake Reic.

In the face of robbers and beasts, Rick waved directly with a big hand, a bunch of strong Spartan fighters, rushed up and went to the group.

Rick ordered them to live to catch the strong and powerful creatures, to hurt and get rid of nothing, as long as they don't kill.

Rick finally went up to fill the knife and killed the prey or leader with a knife.

In this way, Lake gets the killing value of the Hulk's transformation.

This method is not bad. In ten years, the Lek has accumulated a lot of money. It has already gained more than 100 points of killing, and barely enough to use the Hulk primary transformation.

However, Lake has been holding back the uselessness, and he is waiting for the arrival of the Persian King Xerxes, the name of the millions of troops.

Because Rick especially likes to kill the strong, it is also known by many lawmakers and Spartan soldiers. They secretly call their king a **** of death.

In the last few years, Lec was looking forward to the night, no way. In the last few years, his God of War blessing the sales of the potion has begun to decline. The army retreat of the Persian King Xerxes will not come again. Sparta’s military expenses are enough to maintain It is.

One day, in the palace, the queen who was chatting with the queen, heard the imperial guards coming to the newspaper, and the emissaries of the Persian kings visited the kingdom of Sparta.

Rick was overjoyed and hurryed to wear a long knife and walked out at the waist.

In the past ten years, when Lek was fine, he continued to exercise martial arts. His martial arts have become much more powerful than before.

Rick himself felt that now that he is holding a knife, one can defeat three of them who have just come to this copy world.

This is also the advantage of the online singles entering the scrolls. Now, Lec only discovered that he was the biggest gain in the world of the US team's copy.

Rick and the Queen, in the Spartan Imperial City, greeted the messengers of several Persian countries that had been riding.

The head of a Persian king messenger, after the dismissal, the unusual arrogance, first stunned the queen of Lake, and made a speech to let the spartan surrender.

The Spartan parliamentarians and generals present, watching this daring Persian king messenger, secretly mourned for him. They had learned the character of Leek’s hatred for the past ten years.

Even the king of Sparta, who was reincarnation of death, dared to insult him. He was alive enough.

Otherwise, Rick took the lead of the Persian king's messenger and visited the big pit of the Spartan Imperial City. The people came to a deep pit.

Rick was no more nonsense, quickly raised his long sword, pierced the heart of the messenger's small head, and then slammed him into a big pit.

"The Spartans are stalking the blood of the **** of war, we will never be slaves!" Reke shouted.

The rest of the Persian messengers saw the leader, so they were killed by the king of Sparta, and the king of Sparta did not pay attention to the agreement, and they began to panic.

The Spartan warriors next to Rick had long been unable to wait. After seeing that their king finally got started, they also took out long swords and learned the way of their Wang Like. After a knife stabbed the messenger, they put The body kicked into the big pit.

The little queen on the side looked at what his husband, Rick, was really deflated, but her eyebrows showed some concern. After all, Persia is known as the Million Army. The Spartan countries add up. Counting the soldiers trained by Lake in this decade, there are more than 10,000 people, and her Spartan Queens Corps really has combat power. Hundreds of people.

"Fortunately, my king is far-sighted and has been paying attention to the increase in the number and strength of the Spartan army over the years.

Unexpectedly, this day is really needed, and it is so fast.

I knew that I should fully support his policy of being a soldier! "The Queen thought about it and looked at Lake for more admiration."

Before Lek stood in the bottomless pit, the domineering generals and members of the surrounding area announced: "After an hour, the Spartan parliament hall agreed on the Spartan army."