Global Day Online

Chapter 608: invite

The girl Adrian did as the second and the little queen, and she pulled a thread from the open metal suitcase, attached to her right arm, and took a small medicine from the side of the box. In the box, I took out a special sleeping capsule and ate it.

The little queen, the second and the Adrian are all falling backwards, letting their bodies rest on the big sofa and try to stay relaxed.

This dream is a dream world built by Adrian's thinking.

When the three men opened their eyes again, they found themselves on the campus of the university.

In this environment, Lake feels familiar, and is the university where Adrian is.

"Don't use real-life things to create dreams, it will make you wonder whether it is a dream or a reality. Try to take us out of the campus and change the scene outside the campus." Rick said to Adrian.

Adrian looked at the campus path, in addition to her and the second and the little queen, there are other students and teachers walking around.

"They are also real! This is the dream I made. If I change some laws of physics, can this dream still exist?" Adrian looked at the surrounding environment with surprise and asked Leek.

"They are made by the subconscious mind in your mind, not controlled by your supervisory personality. Tampering with the laws of physics, this dream space can still exist, but it is easy for the characters created by the subconscious mind in your mind to feel abnormal. Once they If you feel abnormal, you will find the special existence of the dream world, that is, us. They will try to drive out to hurt us." Rick said after thinking.

Adrian has begun to tamper with the laws of physics in this dream world.

The ground in front began to turn up, and the space on the left and right also stood up and turned into a six-sided large square. However, the buildings and people on each side are normally present and walking.

At the junction of each face, when people go there, they can naturally change their faces and continue to walk.

Rick feels that this is somewhat like the ancient sect of the temple, the enchantment space that entered through the sacred ring.

In the enchantment space, the wizard can change the environment of the space.

The students and teachers on campus have begun to look at Leek, Little Queen and Adrian from time to time.

"Restore after the test, the more abnormal the dream space you have changed, the more people you create by the subconscious will feel uneasy. They will also feel that this space is not normal, and the hostility towards us is getting bigger and bigger. The little queen said to Adrian.

Adrian took the two directly and walked over to a large mirror on the school road.

Using a mirror to reflect the projection, Adrian conceived a second mirror.

After thinking about pushing the angles of the two mirrors, a new scene appears in the mirror.

The two large mirrors are about to be pushed away.

"Where is the No. 2 Supreme, Little Queen, where do you want to go?" Adrian asked in a voice.

"Beach, beach!" Reke replied with a smile.

Adrian moved the mirror again, and the blue sea and the golden sand appeared in the mirror.

Pushing open the mirror, Adrian came directly to the beach with Lake and the little queen.

There are very few tourists on the beach.

"Want to swim in the sea?" Adrian asked.

"It is best not to, less contact with the sea, so as not to be immune to the way the dreams are awakened in the falling water. Walking on the beach, blowing the sea breeze will do." The little queen said.

The three men strolled along the beach, but the three people wearing normal clothes near the sand were still noticed by the tourists on the beach.

Adrian quickly tested the water control and control of the sand, and found a small shop selling burgers behind the beach.

Directly open the door of this small shop, Lake and the little queen entered with Adrian.

This space environment changed again and became a big hotel at the top of the city.

The three people sat at a glass window table, and the waiters began to deliver a fine dish.

"I feel hungry, this food, and I have a taste in reality. If you have enough to eat, will you go hungry?" Adrian asked Lake and the little queen.

"In this dream, you can't feel hungry at least in your dreams, but you will be hungry after going out. Eating and eating here is more of a feeling of fullness in spirit. But our body is not Ingesting energy.” The little queen said, and followed the steak.

Adrien’s dreams come out, and the food is quite delicious.

"When I will go out, I invite you to have a big meal," said Reke.

In the hands of Rick, there is cash and cards from Saito. Please ask this new team member Adrian to have a meal. There is no problem at all.

"This dream space is amazing. What are you doing with the Pirates of Dreams team, and accompanying others to dream together?" Adrian asked the little queen and the second sage.

"We accept the commission of some high-end customers. Under normal circumstances, they help them and steal the other's business machines. Few people are in a dream, and they can keep his secrets. This time you are looking to join the team, you have to perform a special Mission, planting dreams! Entering a person's triple dreams, giving him an idea," said Reke.

"Professor's notes can be said, go to multiple dreams, there are risks, and there must be special hypnotic drugs that can stabilize and continue to fall asleep. To be equipped with a top pharmacist, the Pirates of the Dreams can't go to multiple dreams. If you want to embed ideas in other people's dreams, you need at least three dreams to let the other person relax their vigilance. The subconscious will believe this idea. No. 2, the little queen, are you breaking the law? You are stealing this dream. The team is a crime team?” Adrian asked Leek and the little queen.

"The pharmacist has already been selected. After we have found you, we will go to the pharmacist. Our team of stealing dreams is not legal or illegal. The law does not involve the system of dreams. Normally no one can sue us. But still a low-key point. Do you want to join us?" said the little queen.

"I think about it again, I feel that your team is somewhat unsafe. Let's quit." Adrian said.

The three men quit from the restaurant in this high-rise.

When I woke up again, I had already returned to the director’s office.

The little queen put his left hand into his pocket and squeezed it.

Rick took out the small water pistol and squirted it four times.

"This is the professor who stole the dream note, said the stolen dreamer to prepare the totem to distinguish reality and dream?" Adrian looked at Reke and asked with a small water gun.

"Yes, if you decide to join our stealing team, you will make your own totem before you enter the dream. Especially if you love to make realistic scenes, once you can't tell the difference between reality and dreams, it is very dangerous. Go, I will ask you to have a big meal first, and you will slowly want to join us. We will leave the city to find a pharmacist tomorrow morning, and you have to consider the time for one night.” Reek said. .