Global Day Online

Chapter 675: Mech

After Lec brought a metal helmet, the staff wearing the white coat started the instrument, and Lake felt that his scalp had a slight burning sensation, like the feeling of using **** juice after washing his hair.

Rick feels this copy of the world, and now the primary test spirit in this recruitment point is synchronized with the instrument, some are too rudimentary.

Rick wondered if his metal helmet was leaking.

Rick then let his mind power, control the avatar, and feel the feeling of wearing this metal helmet on his head.

Wearing this metal helmet on his head, his scalp also feels slightly hot.

Rick then returned to his own mindfulness. Since this is also the feeling of avatar, it is not that he wears this metal helmet to leak electricity.

"Hey!" The two-person metal helmet connected to the instrument, followed by a cue.

And this sound is getting louder and louder and the frequency is getting higher and higher.

"Touch!", a small explosion of internal components occurred in the instrument behind Lake and the body, and began to smoke.

Seeing this situation, Lake and the avatar did not wait for them to stand still behind them, the action of the staff wearing the white coat.

Both Rick and the clerk immediately took the metal helmet on his head and immediately got up and stayed away from the chair to avoid the smoked instruments or the metal helmets on their heads, and they were injured by explosion or electric leakage. .

"I feel that this instrument is too low-end, it seems that my fear is correct." Rick whispered.

The staff wearing white coats standing next to the instrument also came back to life.

"How can this be the case, how the machine is still broken. Normally, one or two sounds, on behalf of the spirit of the inspected personnel to coordinate and achieve the standard, how can there be continuous sound!" The staff wearing white coat sighed.

"The synchronization of our brothers is very perfect, the coordination rate is too high, and your machine is exploded by us!" said Reke.

The side of the side followed and nodded.

The civilians that Rick had been lined up for testing were not lined up now, curiously surrounded, watching the machines still smoking, considering not adding the mech reserve test.

This instrument on the head can break the explosion and smoke, but it is quite dangerous.

If the mech reserve is not made, it will be killed or seriously injured by this instrument, but there is no place to cry.

"Explosive test equipment, it is unlikely! This kind of failure of the primary test equipment is still the first time. I contacted the network headquarters to see if you both should not leave." The staff said to Lake and the avatar.

Rick was not ready to leave, Xiaoqing Xiaobai was waiting for him.

The staff wearing the white coat, holding the communicator, contacted the headquarters of the machine, and heard the news of the explosion of the test instrument, and then let the staff wearing the white coat describe the explosion of the instrument in detail. Process and the person being tested.

When I heard that the machine had been continuously slammed before the explosion, and the tester was a twin brother, the staff at the base headquarters informed the staff that they would immediately send a helicopter to pick up the twin brothers. Let the soldiers on the spot protect the safety of the two.

After the white-haired staff ended the communication, they announced that they had stopped testing because of instrument damage, and those who did not test left.

And let the captain of the soldier behind him, with the soldiers cleared the field, leaving only the two brothers of the second.

"They are our friends, we are here together. If you drive them away, we will leave." Reke pointed to Xiaoqing Xiaobai and said to the staff wearing white coats.

Just now, the staff who wore the white coat, and the conversation when they contacted the headquarters of the network, Leke could hear clearly.

"Since you are coming together, they will stay together." The staff wearing the white coat hesitated and looked at the resolute expression of Lek in front of him, and said something.

Soldiers armed with firearms are still very deterrent to ordinary citizens, and the crowds watching the crowd are quickly dispelled.

The soldiers also brought four chairs to let Lake and others sit and rest.

After half a little, a helicopter with an organic methyl logo landed.

There are no scientific researchers in this helicopter, only soldiers, who are ordered to bring the second brother of the second to return to the net.

The staff wearing the white coat communicated with the soldier captain in the helicopter and agreed to bring Xiaoqing Xiaobai to the mech military base.

Rick, avatar, Xiaoqing Xiaobai got on the helicopter.

In flight, the helicopter was still "squeaky".

Rick asked the captain in the helicopter how long it would take to get to the net.

"For more than two hours, we have just arrived because our helicopter was originally carrying out other tasks in the nearby cities, but we received a temporary notice from the machine to pick you up." The captain said.

It took more than two hours to get there. Rick then closed his eyes and sat on the metal seat in the cabin to minimize his or her sense of hearing.

The avatar and Xiaoqing Xiaobai, also sitting on a metal chair and closing their eyes.

After more than two hours, the helicopter landed on the machine, and the soldiers opened the door with Lec and others.

Here is a mainframe network that is not far from the sea.

Just in front of the helicopter landing platform, it is a giant metal gate, specially prepared for the movement of the mech.

At the moment, the base trotting ran a strange doctor with glasses.

"Follow me to the lab. The mentally common test equipment I designed is not so easy to blew! I hope that you are really talented! Not two men, how are there two women." Ke and the body were talking.

"I introduced myself, my name is No. 2, this is my brother, called the No. 3 Supreme. These two are my friends, Xiaoqing and Xiaobai. Xiaoqing Xiaobai also wants to join the machine to become a methyl Mech driver, but not long ago, the instruments of the recruitment point blew themselves when I was using it, they haven't tested it yet!" said Lake.

Rick thought that it would be best to let Xiaoqing Xiaobai become a mech driver, if possible.

"This way, go to my lab test together, the mech driver is not so easy to be, but they come all over, go and test together. Your brothers No. 2 and No. 3, who have No. 1 Sayādaw?” Dr. Strange asked.

Rick thought of himself as he had just crossed the main world, and he did not know where he had disappeared.

"The No. 1 sage has it. Now I don't know where he is going. It's not clear whether he is alive," said Reke.

"Do not use me to contact the commander of the base, let him find the No. 1 Supreme? So you may have three people driving a mech?" Dr. Strange asked.

"No, even if we find the No. 1 sage, and our brothers have not seen for a long time, the coordination rate of the spirit is not necessarily much!" said Reke with a smile.

"Oh, yes, that's it, you come with me." The strange doctor with glasses talked very well, then quickly turned around and led the way.

Rick and others followed the strange doctor into the machine.

Several people entered from the small door opened by the base. The huge metal door of the base was closed when there was no armor.

Inside the base, like a large factory, Rick looked at the eye-catching skills, and now there are three mechs in the base, and there are two mechs, which are being manufactured.

The rooms in the base of the staff, some like the battleship's cabin, are metal doors.

Before Leek entered this copy of the world, the mech that caught the giant monster of the crocodile head was now being overhauled in the base.

Dr. Monster with glasses, and soon took the four people of Lake, came to a laboratory.

Inside the lab, there are three metal hollowed-out treadmills. These chairs are also connected to a large instrument behind them. It looks much more advanced than the [recruitment point] test instrument.

The blame doctor let the second lord and the avatar enter the metal globe like this three-dimensional treadmill, and then Dr. He then personally took the test data line to the two.

"This test spirit synchronization and coordination of the instrument effect, and in our current mech, the principle and function of the psychosynchronous coordination instrument being used is exactly the same. After I start the instrument, you should not be nervous, you will read each other's brains. Part of the memory. Then I will show the percentage of your mental synchronization in the rear of the instrument display.

After my statistics, even the percentage of twins is only about 60%. The percentage of mental synchronization that can be used to drive a double mech is preferably greater than 75%. The best group of twins in this base, their mental synchronization coordination percentage is about 90%. But even 90% of the simultaneous coordination rate will not let me set up the primary test instrument to blew. I hope that your mental synchronization data will be a miracle, not that the primary test instrument is broken. "The strange doctor said to the two.

Rick went to the memory of not sharing the memory, and he knew it.

Moreover, their own memories and avatars are almost all shared, and even the avatars have inherited their own personalities.

Rick and the avatar, Dr. Strange said that after they were ready, the doctor started the instrument.

Rick and the avatar were caught in a short space of consciousness. Rick felt a memory of the avatar. It was a memory that was separated from the world of the saints and transformed into a violent King Kong.

In this memory, the swearing in my heart swears at this deity.

Rick thought, in the future, it is necessary to educate the avatars, it is wrong to swear, and the good children are not swearing.

Rick soon woke up and found the strange doctor standing outside their metal ball like a treadmill, looking at the display behind them with amazement.

"How, Dr., the result didn't disappoint you!" Rick asked.

"Three hundred percent, it is actually 300% mental synchronization coordination rate. God, how do you do it! It is two identical people together, and it is impossible to have 300% mental synchronization In theory, there is a maximum of 100% synchronic coordination coefficient. Is the machine broken, it is impossible, my machine can't be bad. Do you have any bad feelings now?” Dr. Strange stretched his hand and scratched his hair. Helping his eyes, some incoherent, trembling tone asked Leek and the avatar.

Rick thought about it, and the avatar is equivalent to another one.

And I can still use my mind to control the body of the body to the body of the body, and to share the vision of the body, so the percentage of synchronization with the spirit of the body and the body will be so high.

"I just saw a picture of memory in my brother's brain, a very short picture, and there is no bad feeling." Rick answered the question from the strange doctor.

"I don't have a bad feeling!" said the sentence.

"Oh my God, it’s amazing. If you are trained in combat, you will definitely be the strongest group of mech driver on our planet. You two brothers can definitely exert more powerful strength. I can’t, I want Report it to the base immediately, and create a separate mech for you to drive the mech. The performance of the existing mech can not effectively use your high level of mental coordination." Dr. excitedly said.

The strange doctor jumped up in the same place, and his hands and feet began to dance.

If someone who doesn't know it, I think the doctor is a mental patient.

"I and the armor of the No. 3 Sayādaw, we only have one requirement. The power system of the mech must be a nuclear power reactor, and the greater the energy supply, the better. Right, my friend Xiaoqing Xiaobai is also nearby. Wait, let them also test the spirit of coordinated testing!" Lek said to the strange doctor.

"I have turned off your test equipment. The people who are suitable for the mech driver are very rare. Not all the duo's mental synchronization coordination rate is the right value for driving the mech." The doctor said, go to the instrument. Press the stop button and skillfully remove the cable from the Leek and the body.

After Leek and the avatar walked out of the metal sphere test device, Xiaoqing Xiaobai entered it.

The doctor started testing again, but the value of the synchronous coordination rate of Xiaoqing Xiaobai, which appeared on the display, was not the same as that expected by Lake. It was surprisingly low, only 18%.

"How can this be the case? My brother and I have a synchronous coordination rate, why is it so low! We feel very good, is this instrument broken!" Xiaoqing asked doubtfully.

"It's a bit low, which means that you are not suitable for driving mechs. Some people are naturally inferior to other people's spirits. I have also seen 5 percent of people with a synchronous coordination rate, and the two are still twins." The strange doctor said, then went up and shut down the instrument.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai was disappointed after listening.

"I went to inform the base commander and told him that I found a mech driving genius here. The No. 2 sage and your brother No. 3 sage were officially accepted by the mech reserve from now on. Waiting for you to train through this base. After the personnel's combat training, and the tailor-made mechs, you should be promoted to the official mech driver, I hope that you will fight the giant monsters at the time, not to die.

As for Xiaoqing Xiaobai, even if you are friends of the No. 2 Sayādaw, you can't stay in this machine for a long time. My permission allows them to stay for up to a day or two, and then you will be sent by helicopter. But don't worry, it will give you two people to arrange accommodation outside the base with better conditions. You are waiting for me here, don't tamper with anything in my lab. I will go to the front and report to the general commander of the base. "The strange doctor said.

Rick nodded, and the doctor then quickly left the lab.

"Don't be discouraged, driving a mech is not necessarily a bad thing. There is a chance that we can go to the monster planet through the wormhole. You and the ancient one stay on the monster planet to hunt. Even if you can drive the mech, the mech can not be used for a long time. It will be damaged and will not be repaired. There is no mech, it does not mean much to you." Lake comforted Xiaoqing Xiaobai.

"When are we going to the wormhole to go to the monster planet?" Xiaoqing couldn't wait to ask. After all, knowing that she and her sister couldn’t drive the mech and couldn’t become a two-person driver, Xiaoqing felt that there was nothing to do with staying in this machine.

"I will contact the ancient one. Please ask her to first investigate the situation near the wormhole in the Pacific Ocean. After you leave the base these two days, you can also go to the sea near the wormhole to see. Just you all have water control capabilities. , ah monster planet estimates that most of the environment is also a marine-like environment.

After a few days, I and the avatar stabilized at this base, and I learned more about the giant monsters that appeared in this copy of the world. We went to the wormhole together. At that time, I opened the magic portal directly, with the avatar. Leave this machine methyl. After all, this copy of the world may not be exactly the same as the original movie we watched, or it is more secure to know more about this copy of the world. Said Lake.

"Well, when the doctor returns, I will tell him that my sister and I will leave the base and let him arrange the plane to send us to the nearest city as soon as possible." Xiaoqing said.

Rick nodded. Now, in this case, Xiaoqing Xiaobai stayed in this machine, it is useless.

And I have the skills of eye-catching eyes. It is very convenient to explore the information in this machine's methyl area. I don't need Xiaoqing Xiaobai to stay with me.

This human machine's methyl ground can be said to be a safe place on the earth at this stage. Rick is not worried about the safety of himself and his avatar.

After all, at this stage, it seems that the monster level is still around level 2, not their opponent.

Rick and others waited for more than 20 minutes, and the doctor came with the commander of the base wearing a black suit.

"No. 2 Sayādaw, No. 3 Sayādaw, I hope that you will be able to fight for defending the earth afterwards. Mech is the last hope of people. As for your special mech, the doctor has already told me. I just contacted the engineer. Then, use the [Dangerous Wanderer] in the process of manufacturing to transform it. The design blueprint before the [Dangerous Wanderer] is the nuclear power plant as the main power plant." The base commander said to Lake and the avatar.