Global Day Online

Chapter 773: Amnesia me

Rick thought, thanks to the fact that he had not killed this fat doctor before, or there are still two other news of the city of moving souls, I certainly can't think of it.

In that case, you can only wait until you know how many years later, when the other two moving city spaceships come to find themselves, they will know that there are other things in the city of the soul.

"Do you know the location of the other two Soul City?" Lake asked Dr. Fat.

"I don't know, but you are now taking over the big sphere energy control center of our city of moving souls, where you should be able to find the flight path of the other two moving city spaceships. We are moving this soul. The urban spacecraft is moving in the universe, not stationary. It is estimated that the other two are also." Dr. Fat said.

"Very well, from now on, I will appoint you as the great law for our city of moving souls. You will give yourself the identity you want in the city on the surface tomorrow night!" After drinking in the cup, he said to the fat doctor.

Now that Laker is in a much better mood, although he now listens to the information that Dr. Fat said, he has two more spaceships in the city of the Souls than he expected, but at least the copy has to be cleared.

Rick thought about this copy of [Amnesia I], and previously thought that it was Tiantian Online who, after his own customs clearance, freely built a "Amnesia me" for himself.

It seems that in the other two moving city spaceships, there should be a [Amnesia me], you need to kill [Amnesia me].

"Great, I have long wanted a big rich man, I can eat and sleep every day, sleep full of life. Those white-faced aliens don't agree to give me this identity, they know me every day." Study memory drugs to give them free work! Come, the second god, the gods, cheers!" Dr. Fat happy to raise the glass in his hand, said to Lake.

Rick also picked up the glass with half a glass of wine left, and after the fat doctor touched it, the two drunk.

Then Dr. Fat asked for two more glasses of wine and a cup of Lake.

"When I come back and drink!" Lake said to Dr. Fat, then got up and went out from the back door of the bar.

Rick raised his left hand to draw a circle and used the magic portal skills.

The exit position of the portal is directly in front of the large ball of the underground base.

After Lec out of the portal, he reconnected the rotating center of the big ball with his own mind.

Rick tried to issue a command to the big ball, "Looking for the coordinates and trajectories of the other two moving city ships."

The big ball really had feedback. In a few seconds, the coordinates and running track of the other two moving soulships were transmitted to Lake.

"Change our route to the city of the soul-moving ship, go to the other two moving city ships, set the fastest flight route, and calculate the arrival time!" Lake issued an order to the energy center of the big ball.

Now that Laker has felt it, this big ball energy center is the console of his own moving city, manipulating this migrating urban spaceship.

"The fastest route has been set, and the priority is to arrive at the [Future] Migrant City Spacecraft. It takes 30 days, 6 hours and 34 minutes, and then arrives at the [Ancient] Migrant City Spaceship. It takes 16 days, 3 hours and 23 minutes, depending on this route. Change the spaceship's sailing route." The Grand Ball Energy Center returned information to Lake.

"Yes, change the route immediately, first go to the [Future] No. 1 Soul City Spaceship." Lake chose.

"The soul-moving urban spacecraft, whether it has a space combat weapon!" Rick asked the big ball.

"The three migratory urban spaceships are all scientific research immigrant ships that are urgently built. They do not have the conventional firepower system of the universe." Reke listened to the restlessness, but fortunately, the sky did not give this copy the difficulty of the space warship. .

Rick then opened the magic portal and returned to the bar outside the surface.

Rick returned to the bar and continued to chat with Dr. Fat.

"I have set up the spaceship route. After 30 days, I will arrive at the [Future] Migrant City Spaceship!" Lake sipped the wine and said to Dr. Fat.

"The second god, the white-faced aliens share the memory, although the other two moving soulships are far away from us, but the white-faced aliens should know that you killed us. The white-faced alien in the moving spaceship and robbed the ship." Dr. Fat reminded Lake.

"Nothing, I have seen your strength. It should not be a problem to kill these white-faced aliens." Reke said with a smile.

This copy, although the previous amnesia process is dangerous, may die during the amnesia process. But now that the memory has been restored, the skills and props can be used, and Lake is not worried about the white-faced aliens.

Rick judged that the most dangerous thing for this copy is to deal with [Amnesia me], that is, I don’t know how the [Amnesia I] will exist.

Dr. Fat and another drink for more than an hour, Dr. Fat was drunk directly, and Lake left the bar and found the most luxurious hotel in the city, staying first.

The rest of the day is to wait in this city of moving souls and enjoy life.

Thirty days are fleeting, and Lake has nothing to prepare. Tonight, his own [Modern] Migrant City Spaceship will be close to the [Future] spaceship.

Rick has set the flight path of his own spacecraft and sailed behind the [Future] spacecraft.

Although his own spacecraft has a set of docking combinations with the [Future] spacecraft, it is still unclear what happened to the [Future].

Rick decided to go ahead and get the white-faced aliens on the [Future] Migrant City spacecraft and the most likely [Amnesia I], then control the docking of the two spaceships.

Rick opened his eye-catching skills and used the cursing ability of the sword to jump outside the spacecraft.

In the state of the Green Lantern, quickly flew toward the [Future] Migrant City in front.

The structure of the [Future] Migrant City Spacecraft is roughly the same as the [Modern] Migrant City Spaceship where Lec was previously located, that is, the city inside is not a normal high-rise building, but a silver-white spire structure.

There are many aerial rail cars in this future city.

Rick again used the teleporting ability to enter this future city.

In the future city at this time, many human beings are still living normally. Rick opened his eyes and looked at the identification ability, looking for a white-faced alien and a possible "amnesia".

At the bottom of this future city of moving souls, there is also a large metal ball.

Rick found that the white-faced aliens also exist here, but the white-faced aliens here are not the expressionless faces. They live in the future city and live with the humans in the city.

This is a city that mixes humans and white-faced aliens.

And in the city, many white-faced aliens are still arrogant.

Rick did not rush to kill the white-faced aliens. After all, these white-faced aliens were too scattered.

Rick is ready to wait until midnight to see if the humans in this future city of sorrow will be comatose.

Walking in this future city, Rick’s eye-catching skills have indeed found a human being of his own, or a white-faced alien.

The skin of the whole body became white and white, and became the skin of the alien.

Rick looked at himself and was lying leisurely on the chair in an indoor large pool with wine and fruit next to it.

Rick used the teleport ability to come to the pool.

"What is your name?" Rick asked the person who looked like this in addition to his skin.

"My name is No. 2, you are the clone No. 2, waiting for you for a long time. More than ten days ago, I evolved to become a high-level alien alien race. Unfortunately, your evolution failed. Still crazy!" White Face Man No. 2 got up from the chair of the pool and said to Lake.

After listening to this, Rick’s deity laughed, and who is the clone, who is crazy.

"You don't remember the days online?" Lake asked the white-faced man No. 2.

"I don't know what you are talking about!" said the white-faced man No. 2, watching the look at Lake.

"Shell beach, you think back, have you been there before?" Lake asked again.

"This shell beach is a bit of a impression. I had a dream before. I said that I will be the creator of the gods when I get to the shell beach. I woke up and asked about it. The shell beach in our city has been demolished. There is no shell beach. !" White Face No. 2 Sayādaw.

After listening to the white face No. 2, Lek took a breath.

Rick thought that he would first arrive at Shell Beach in the [modern] city of Soul, and awaken the memory of his players.

It seems that the "Impressive Me" that I got from the online days also got the opportunity to go to the Shell Beach and restore the player's memory.

It is this [Amnesia I] in the future city of the soul-changing city, did not grasp the opportunity, first was taken by the white-faced aliens to inject drugs to change the race.

"You are [Amnesia me], telling you a bad news, in fact, you are like the existence of my clone, and you lost a most important memory." Rick looked at the alien face like a white face Say it yourself.

"It’s ridiculous, you madly copy the body, and said that I am amnesia! Don’t take it crazy when you are crazy. If you give up resistance, look at you as a copy of my copy, I can find Those white-faced aliens also give you injections and try to treat you. If you are cured, you can get rid of the lower human race and evolve into our high-faced alien race!" Amnesia I am against the thunder Ke said.

When Lek heard this, he knew that I couldn’t persuade me to lose my memory. I have lost my memory.

Rick took out the gold hoop.

"Since you are obsessed with it, I will overtake you!" Lake is ready to start playing.

"Who is superb who is not necessarily! After knowing that you slaughtered the white-faced aliens in the [Modern] City of Souls, we have been preparing for you to vote for yourself!" Amnesia I laughed Said.

In an instant, the top of the pool began to close and appeared in numerous metal plates.

In more than ten seconds, the environment here turned into an oversized closed pool, surrounded by several entrances and exits, and began to pour into white-faced aliens with metal sticks.

"How can a white-faced alien use a stick?" Rick asked me for amnesia.

"After evolving into a white-faced alien race, I have come back with some sticks. Our high-level white-faced alien race memory is figured out. Now all of us will use the stick method." Amnesia I am holding metal The stick, pointing at Lake, said.

Leek laughed, and this could become "the aliens will be martial arts, and no one can stop it."

But fortunately, this amnesia is not a golden hoop in my hand, it is a special iron bar.

"Come on, all the white-faced aliens come here, once to solve your troubles, and we will wait a little longer!" Rick suggested to me.

"Since you want to die more thoroughly, you will be yours!" White face amnesia, my second name, said to Lake, and did not hurry to start.

The number of white-faced aliens in this large pool is getting more and more.

Fortunately, the large swimming pool is large enough.

Leek waited for a few minutes, the number of white-faced aliens had gathered to tens of thousands, and tens of thousands of white-faced aliens with metal sticks, under the leadership of amnesia, pointed to the lake with metal sticks. .

The entrance to the oversized swimming pool has begun to drop several layers of metal doors and was sealed to prevent Lake from fleeing.

Rick looked at the situation just right, and he was worried that these white-faced aliens would flee.

"Amnesia me, I will tell you a message, in fact, in addition to the golden sticks, there will be other weapons. You are amnesia, you haven't thought about it!" Rick said with a smile, put the gold rod Retracted, and instantly turned out the Poseidon trident artifact.

"Start the vampire aura, start the king field skills in the fascination, and start the man skills with BgM." Rick took the Poseidon trident and started his own assistive skills in laughter.

"Congratulations to the second player of the player, random to the background music [Thunderstorm], the player's second battler's battle area will be heavy rain, lightning, lightning will only hurt the enemy."

When Rick heard this, he randomly went to a background music that could affect the environment, and then he was stunned and then excited.

[Thunderstorm] the background music began to sound in this space, just as Lake's own back with a huge sound on the outside, the sound spread throughout the space.

With the appearance of [Thunderstorm] background music, there was a thick black cloud at the metal iron plate above the big swimming pool, and it began to rain.

The water in the pool is rising very quickly, and it will soon be over the feet of everyone.

"You can change the weather, but it's useless. This pool environment is controlled by the sphere energy center of our [Future] Migrant City. We just need to open a few sewer channels, the water here will soon be Empty!” Amnesia I said that several drainage channels below the pool were opened.

But soon, amnesia and those white-faced aliens looked at several drainage channels.

There was a whirlpool of water there, and the water did not flow away. The water level in the pool was still rising rapidly.