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Chapter 924: You are a true warrior

Rick heard Lei Zen looking for a chef. Okay, Zhengchou didn't know how to approach Lei Zen.

Rick admits that he has done well in cooking. After all, he used to be in the wild, cooking and eating by himself. The number of times and the craftsmanship improved.

Rick also lined up.

Soon the team came to Lake, when the guardian demon of Lei Chan's mansion heard that he had applied to become a chef, it was the first place in the Dark Martial Arts Convention of the human world, and he paid more attention to the second honor.

"Will you cook?" A guard demon asked Rick.

"Yes, I'm good at all kinds of dishes in the human world. Adult Lei Zen doesn't like to eat. He may be tired of eating the dishes in the demon world. I think that the adult Lei Zen should have an appetite if he changes the dishes in the adult world. I will make the vegetables look like meat dishes. Although they look like meat, they are vegetarian, and they do n’t smell fishy! ”Rake said with confidence.

A few guardian monsters heard this from Lord No. 2 and felt that this was good.

"Come with us to the harem kitchen and make a few dishes first!" A big demon who was in charge of finding the chef said to Lake, and chose Lake directly.

"No problem!" Rick said.

"Only you can enter the palace, they need to stay!" Said the guard demon, pointing at Xiaoqing Xiaobai, Xuecun Yingzi and Gu Yi beside Lake.

"No, when I cook, they need to fight. They are also chefs. I usually do n’t like to cook myself, so they are responsible!" Rake said.

"Go in together, cook a few dishes and try!" The guard demon said to Rick.

Rake, Xiaoqing Xiaobai, Yukimura Yuko, and Koichi were later brought into the large palace in the center of the monster city.

Lake and others followed several guardian demons.

"You must not make any noise in the palace. If you annoy Lord Lei Chan, you will be heavily punished!" The demon guard reminded several of Lek.

Rick looked at the palace, and the number of demons in it was very small. It looked like the palace was very depressed.

But Rake identified the skills with fire eyes and golden eyes and checked the strength of several guards.

The ordinary guarding demon here has reached the level of B-level demon.

The B-level demon, in the human world, can be said to be a top-level existence, and the younger brother Hu Yu is the B-level. In this demon world, it is the ordinary guard for Leichen Palace.

Leike felt that Lei Zen, who was the first strong in the Devil Reality hundreds of years ago, now looks defeated, but still has a strong background.

Soon, Lake and others were taken to a large kitchen behind the palace.

In this kitchen, there is no meat, but vegetables, plants, and fruits of the Devil Realm.

"If I need to find someone, I'll tell you about the kitchenware here, how to use it, and what kind of vegetables, you are not familiar with the vegetables in the demon world!" A demon guard asked Rake.

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome, there is some place to cook. I took the ingredients myself from the human world, and guaranteed freshness." Rake said with a smile, and then came to Gu Yi.

"Guyi, you bring Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Xuecun Yingzi, go back to Renjie Vegetable Market to buy some vegetables, buy a big pot, buy some spices, and then buy some soy products." Rake said.

Gu Yi nodded after hearing this, raised his left hand and started drawing circles.

Soon a golden magic portal appeared. After Gu Yi brought Xiaoqing and Xiaobai into them, the magic portal closed.

"You can move freely between human and demon realms, and carry out space teleportation!" The demon guard looked at Lek in surprise.

"Yes, so it's too good to be a chef for me. I can buy fresh vegetables every day!" Rake said.

After listening to the guardian demon, he called for a group of people to come and watch next to the kitchen.

Rick looked like these demon guards and was wary of himself.

"They don't know, they're Prince Demon, it's Lei Chan's son!" Rake thought to himself.

In less than half an hour, Guyi, Yukimura Yuko and Xiaoqing Xiaobai returned with several large bags of vegetables.

Even cutting boards, seasonings, kitchen knives, cauldrons, rice and noodles were moved together.

Lake begins to sort out what Gu Yi and Xiaoqing brought back

Rake then used the water control skills to wash the vegetables. After finding several vegetables and slicing them into mud, he found some mushrooms and cut them.

Take out some noodles, make small pasta, and wrap these chopped vegetables with mushrooms.

Rick made dumplings for Lei Zen.

After more than an hour, the dumplings are ready.

Rake made two plates of plain stuffed dumplings. He left one and handed it to the nearby demon guard.

Rick and Gu Yi, Xiaoqing Xiaobai started eating steaming dumplings.

Guarding the demon, after grabbing one with his hands and trying to eat it, it felt really good, and it was completely different from the Devil Food he had eaten in the past.

After all, this is made from vegetables in the human world, and it is still a method that has never been seen before.

"What's the name of this dish!" The demon guard asked Lek.

"Dumplings, go and send them to Master Lei Chan, it will not taste good when it is cold. Do n’t send more, just send four small dumplings. If you send more than one at a time, Master Lei Zen should not like to eat later. You divide it! "Rake said, pointing to the plate of dumplings that had been passed.

This time, Rick felt that he had done less, and made some excuses, just to let Lei Zen eat less.

The guard demon felt good after listening, and with the demon next to him, first picked a few dumplings on the plate to eat. Leave the four largest dumplings to Lei Zen.

The captain of the demon guard, holding a wooden cover, put it on the plate, and immediately ran in the other direction of the palace, Master Leichen's residence.

Lei Zen is very confident in making dumplings by himself.

After waiting for half an hour, the guard who sent the dumplings ran back.

"Historian No.2, you will be Lord Leichen's chef in the future. Lord Leichen has been fasting for a long time, and even today you have eaten your four dumplings and told you to do more tomorrow." The captain of the guard was very excited Rick said.

"Well, arrange a separate place for me, closer to the kitchen!" Rake said.

The captain of the demon guard immediately took Leike, Gu Yi, Xuecun Firefly, and Xiaoqing Xiaobai to an empty palace nearby to arrange a place for Leike.

"I don't need to find you a few young goblin maids!" The guard demon looked at Rick and asked.

After listening to it, Rick thought about feeling that the life of being served by a little maid in the demon world is also OK.

"No, we don't need it, you leave!" But before Rick answered, Xiaobai refused for Rick first.

"Well, rewards will be paid every month. Our Lord Lei Zen's territory, although not rich now, but Lord No. 2, you, Lord Lei Zen, as the royal chef, the reward is definitely richer than in other demons. As long as Lei Zen Adults can love to eat your meals. By the end of the month, apart from the reward, what do you want in the devil world, we will try our best to satisfy you! "Said the captain of the demon guard to Lake.

"Okay, now I think about what I want, and say at the end of the month!" Rick said with a smile.

Rake thought, what he wants is to unite the demon world. The captain of the demon world guard is probably unable to meet his own requirements.

There are six or seven empty rooms in this palace. After the demon guard captain left, Rake found an empty room to live in.

In the living room of this room, the ancient one opened a magic enchantment.

Gu Yi, Xiao Qing Xiaobai, Yukimura Yukiko and Rick sat at the round table and began to discuss what to do afterwards.

"Holy Lord No. 2, when are you going to see Lei Chan. Through the guard's report, Lei Chan should already know that your son is here!" Gu Yi asked Lei Ke.

"He knows I'm here, so don't rush to meet without taking the initiative to meet me. In the past week, make some normal vegetarian dishes for him, let Lei Zen relax his vigilance, and then I will prepare a special dish for him "Lake laughed.

"What special dish?" Xiaoqing asked puzzled.

Rick smiled and summoned the avatar.

"My dear, what are you doing looking at me like this, how can I feel that there is nothing good!" Separation wanted to take a step back and said.

"Clone, we must have the help of Lei Zen to complete the task of uniting the demon world. And we need a powerful Lei Zen, and Lei Zen who needs to eat flesh to restore strength!" Laike said with a smile.

"Then you secretly cook meat for Lei Chan, look at me!" The avatar said uneasily.

"I have studied before, Lei Zen should be a carnivore. Lei Zen eats ordinary meat, and it is estimated that he can restore some magic power. But how to say Lei Zen has not eaten meat for more than 500 years, and I want to recover by eating ordinary meat once. It's hard to reach the heyday of the magic power. And I made a real meat dish, and once I lied to Lei Zen, Lei Zen would not eat it again, and my chance was only once. "Rake analyzed.

After listening to Gu Yi and Xiao Bai, they nodded, feeling that No. 2's analysis was a bit reasonable.

"Is there any special meat that will allow Lei Zen to eat it once and restore its full strength? Is it the meat of the other two giants in the Demon Realm?" Xiaoqing asked.

Rick didn't answer first, and smiled at the clone.

After listening to Rick's words in avatar, his scared complexion turned blue.

"Why don't you take your own and cook for Lei Chan!" The twin glared at Rick.

"Separated, you can be resurrected even if you die. Twenty-four hours later. You still come. After one week, you will cook. You can cut off one hand or one foot and give it to Lei Zen. You and I are the sons of the next generation of Lei Zen, who can be regarded as the closest relatives of Lei Zen. Lei Zen, a carnivorous monster, if you eat your meat, he will not be affected by it for more than 500 years. It broke instantly. At that time, Lei Zen's demon power will be restored. With the help of the demon power of Lei Zen in the recovery period, we will complete this task, and it will become easier. "Rake said with a smile.

Hearing Lek's words, the man stepped back in depression, backed up to the wall, and wanted to leave the room. It's a pity that this room was enchanted by Gu Yi and couldn't walk away.

Gu Yi and Xiao Qing Xiao Bai heard the content of the analysis of His Holiness No. 2 and felt a bit cruel, but after thinking about it, this is really the easiest way for Lei Zen to recover his strength.

"In this way, although Lei Zen will regain his strength, Lei Zen, who has been a vegetarian for five hundred years, may be furious. Even if you are the son of his degenerate generation, Lei Zen may kill you!" Snow Village Firefly After thinking about it, Zi reminded Lake.

"I have thought about it. After a week, I will stay in the palace kitchen for cooking and use his feet or hands to make dumplings for Lei Zen. You teleport away first, I hide and hide in the ground. Even if Lei Zen is angry, killing the clone is fine. When Lei Zen relaxes and his mood stabilizes, I will come out again to see Lei Zen.

And I judge, detached, even if Lei Zen will only hit you and not kill you, you will also anger Lei Zen and let Lei Zen kill you. Only after Lei Zen kills you once will his anger be released, and then he will regret it. After a while I will come out again, Lei Zen will not hit me. "Like said slowly.

After listening to Rick's words in person, he went to the table and sat down, poured himself a glass of water, and "cooing!"

"My dear, you're too hard!" Said the clone.

"Everyone said to be **** themselves to succeed!" Rake also poured himself a glass of water.

"Just this time, not as an example. I cut my hand to make a meat dish for Lei Zen, as this time was unsuccessful, I will not cut my own hand next time. Although I can resurrect, but my hand is also painful!" The clone said, depressed With.

"Okay, just one time is enough, clone, you are a real warrior. And I estimate that Lei Chan will not give us a second chance." Rake patted the shoulder of the clone and said, and then retracted the clone. Already.

After having a chat with Gu Yi, Yukimura Yukiko, and Xiaoqing Xiaobai, Gu Yi withdrew the enchantment.

In the following week, Lake prepared normal vegetarian dishes for Ray Zen.

The day before yesterday, Rick also saw a big demon wearing a bathrobe with such flesh and bones coming outside his kitchen.

From this big demon, Rake can feel the strong oppression. Although he can't feel the demon's force, Rake judges that this is the Lei Zen of the three giants of the demon world.

Rick just watched from a distance and didn't say hello.

The skinny demon wandered for a while at the kitchen door and left.

A week later, Gu Yi opened the magic portal and left Xiaoqing Xiaobai, Yukimura Yukiko and Garfield, and went to the human realm to buy food.

Rake summoned the avatar, and opened his eyesight and eyesight skills to the underground, and in the past few days he secretly hid in a pit dug with a green light ring.

With a look of dying on the battlefield, he walked into the kitchen with a sad face and started making dumplings on his own.

Knead the noodles separately, first make the dumpling skin and cut the vegetables.

Then he took a kitchen knife with a double, and bit a towel in his mouth, biting, "click", and cut his left hand by himself.

Rick was underground, looking through the fire-eye golden eyes perspective skills, and felt that the clone was also a ruthless person, and it was worth training. He said that if he cuts his hand, he will not hesitate to start.

The hand fell from the knife and fell off. After the left hand fell off, the split body convulsed and endured the pain. Immediately applied medicine to the left wrist and wrapped the bandage.

Later, he launched the water control skills and started cleaning here to wash away the scattered blood.

After doing all this, he was irreproducible, looking at his own left hand on the cutting board.

Rake looked through the fire-eye and golden-eye fluoroscopy skills, and he was holding a kitchen knife in his right hand. He didn't know what he was muttering, while muttering, chopping off his left hand, deboning and cutting meat.