Global Day Online

Chapter 973: Big fat boxer

Rick looked at the introduction of the upgraded Ruyi Golden Hoop, and now the Golden Hoop improves his overall attributes from multiplying by 2 to multiplying by 3.

And the gold hoop is no longer limited to sticks, and can be turned into any form of weapon.

Especially the last item of extermination, which can cause damage to creatures with deities or undead attributes. This passive skill looks very good!

Of course, we haven't met the enemy who can't kill the immortal attribute yet. It is estimated that this destroying skill will be used later.

Lake looked at the main task of the first phase of Wolverine's copy, and did not prompt to complete it.

Requires himself and the Queen to be injected with Edelman alloy, and then survive, and before that, Dr. Stryker can't die before the mission is complete.

Rick thought, now that he is like this, it should be counted as Aidman's injection.

It is not yet possible to destroy the laboratory, leaving it to the Queen.

Rick found another needle moving towards his brows.

The medicine in this needle should be an injection into your brain and then make you lose memory.

Rick broke free, the fixed metal tied to his body was broken by Rick.

Raising both hands, sharp golden metal claws popped out at the bones of both hands.

The golden claws were so sharp that they easily cut off the needle.

Rick jumped out of the glass container and stood on the ground.

Researchers standing around scaredly backed away.

The alarm sounded quickly in the laboratory.

Rick laughed lightly, opened his eyes and opened his eyes to see the skills, and rushed out of the base to test the power of the upgraded gold hoop.

At this base, dozens of fighters with weapons started rushing to the laboratory where Lake was located.

With the swing of the golden claws, the fighters' bodies and the weapons in their hands were easily cut by the golden claws, and there was no obstruction to the cutting process.

Rick felt that the wolf claws that this golden hoop had turned into were much sharper than the Edman alloy claws of Wolverine in the original book.

In the original book, Wolverine mainly used claws for piercing attacks, but now Rake's golden claws can be used as abnormally sharp short knives.

The guards in this laboratory couldn't stop Rick's breakout. .

Rick quickly rushed to the metal door to the outside. At this time, the metal door had been closed, and Rick's golden claws struck toward the heavy metal door.

The sound of "creak!" Sounded, and the heavy metal door was easily cut open.

Outside the metal door, there is turbulent water.

Lake jumped into the water, walked quickly, and left the laboratory.

Under water, Rick retracted his golden claws and took out the Poseidon Trident artifact.

Poseidon Trident Artifact does not appear on the Lak attribute, because it is lower than the Super Artifact Golden Hoop Stick attribute. But Triton's skills can be used by Poseidon.

Lake swam quickly under the sea for a long distance before landing.

Raising his left hand to draw circles, using the magic portal skills, returned to the place where he lived for several years and changed his clothes again.

After making a pot of tea and drinking a few glasses, Rick left again using the magic portal.

This teleportation was a town I visited many years ago.

Find a hotel, and Lake stays first.

Lake is ready to wait for the online reminder of the heavens. The Great Queen has also successfully injected the Edelman alloy. After the first phase of Wolverine's main mission is completed, he plans to do the next.

Rick decided to stay in a town for a day and use magic portals to change places. As a result, Dr. Stryker's people could not find him.

After upgrading the gold hoop today, Lake was also a bit tired. He lay directly in the hotel bed to rest first.

For the next five days, Rake used the magic portal every day to change town.

Rick also went to the woods and tried to turn the golden hoop into a weapon such as a whip, dagger, sword, spear, bow and arrow, which worked well.

The gold hoop that is upgraded to a super artifact now can only be changed into a cold weapon and cannot be turned into a machine gun or a rocket launcher, which is a pity.

Rake estimates that the gold hoop is now the primary level of super artifacts. If you upgrade to the intermediate or advanced level of super artifacts, you should be able to change into weapons such as machine guns and bazookas.

Ten days later, Rick received an online reminder from the sky.

"Ding Dang, congratulations to the Honorable King No. 2 and the Great Queen, who completed the first-phase main mission of the Wolverine replica.

Start the second phase of Wolverine's mainline mission: destroy Dr. Strike's Sanli Island, which uses a mutant to perform live experiments, the mutant research institute. "

The mission hint of Zhu Tian Online is very short. Rake thought about it, and it is very similar to the plot in Wolverine 1.

In this mainline mission, there is no requirement to kill Dr. Stryker. As long as one research institute is destroyed, the fighting power of himself and the Queen should be easily completed.

But where is the Three Mile Island, Lake doesn't know yet.

Rick had previously expected this to happen, and he made a note of the position of Frey's boxing training hall, which has now become super fat.

Frei who left the special operation group should know some information about Sanli Island, at least it can provide the location of the [Golden Player] mutant with a stick as a weapon.

Rick raised his left hand directly, started to circle, and launched the magic portal again.

The location of this teleportation was set in a boxing club.

When Rick came out of the golden magic portal, he saw a big fat man with four or five hundred pounds sitting on the boxing ring.

This super fat Frey didn't even sit on a chair. He is so heavy now that the average chair can't bear his weight.

"History No.2, I haven't seen you for so many years, you are still so young without change! Come and ask us anything, we have left the special operation group and do not want to participate in any special operation group." Another old man The mutant team member who was holding a mop and mopping the floor, greeted Lake, and put down the mop in his hand.

"What happened after I left the special operation team that year?" Rake was under the ring, took a chair and sat down, and asked the mutant old man.

"Special operations group, you started to perform some bad tasks a few years after you left. Most of the tasks issued by Stryker are against our own people, that is, against mutants, let us arrest them. Dr. Stryker began to set up a mutant research institute, and wanted to extract the mutant's ability as a weapon of war! My partner Frei was also asked to do a mutant genetic improvement experiment. But unfortunately, his experiment seemed to fail It's like it is now. "The old man said to Lake, glanced at the super fat man sitting on the boxing ring.

"After that, Stryker let you go and let you leave the special operation team?" Rick asked the old man and looked at the big fat Frey on the boxing ring. It turned out that Frey became so fat and was treated as Experiment body, because the experiment failed.

"We ran out immediately after we asked to withdraw, and we were anonymous here. If we didn't run again, we were afraid that we would die in Dr. Stryker's institute, and we didn't want to arrest other mutants. Fortunately, Stryker Dr., we have drawn our blood before. And Frey is a failed experiment. My mutants are not good enough. Dr. Stryker hasn't come to us in these years. "The old man said to Lake in a low tone. With.

"Where's the big queen?" Lake asked the old man.

"After you leave, your sister, the Queen, agrees with Dr. Stryker's hunt for mutants. The Queen has become the captain of the special operation group. Before we leave, the Queen is still helping Dr. Stryker to fill the world Catching people! "The old man said.

After listening to it, Rick laughed. The Queen was presumably killing the mutants while devouring them to devour the energy of the mutants.

"Do you know where Dr. Stryker's Sanli Island Mutant Research Institute is? I'm going there, I'm going to destroy Stryker's Mutant Research Institute!" Rake said.

"Why?" The old man asked Rick.

After listening, Rick froze and began to think about why he wanted to destroy the mutant research institute. I can't say it is to complete the online missions of the heavens.

The contents of Zhutian Online, even if they said to this aboriginal people of the world, they could not hear it. All the words they said about Zhutian Online would be tampered with.

"Stryker and I have enmity. He sent the big queen and killed my babysitter." Rick said after thinking about it.

"Isn't it just a nanny, is it?" The old man asked Rick.

"The nanny has no complaints, no work, and has been working in my house. It seems to have been working for more than seven years. It ’s hard to find this nanny after cooking and cleaning the house!" Rake said after thinking about it.

Hearing Rake's words, the old hair stayed for more than ten seconds.

"For more than seven years, the nanny who does not have to pay for work is difficult to find! Frei probably knew something about Dr. Stryker's Institute. But when we left, it seemed that the Three Mile Island Institute had not yet been established. Get up, I don't know where it is. You can ask Frey! "The old man said to Lake, and glanced at the super fat man sitting on the boxing ring.

"He'll tell me the answer!" Lake looked at the fat man on the boxing ring and smiled.

"Go to the stage to practice Frei boxing with Frei, and fight with him for a while, no one has been willing to fight with him for a long time. After you have played with Frei, he is in a good mood and should be able to tell you!" Said the old man. .

Rick jumped straight up and jumped onto the ring.

Raike raised his right hand and hooked his fingers at the fat Fat who was still sitting on the boxing ring. "Fat, come, get up, I will practice boxing with you. After finishing boxing, you tell me how to find Sanlidao Mutant Research Institute. I haven't seen you for so many years, you are getting fat too fast, and you should exercise more. "Laike said with a smile.

"Don't say he's fat, Frey will be angry!" The old man in the audience shouted, and after shouting, he immediately backed away from the boxing ring.

The fat man Frey, who was still sitting, stood up sharply after hearing Rick's words, his body was shaking like a big meat mountain.

Frey rushed to the place where Rick was standing, a right uppercut, and hit Rick's head.

Rick released the gold hoop directly, this time turning the gold hoop into a golden hammer.

Turning the sledgehammer, he hit Frey's right hand first.

"Bumping" "Ah!" Frei called in pain, his right hand was swollen and he stepped back.

"On the boxing ring, you can't use weapons, you can only use boxing gloves!" Frey yelled at Rick.

"Oh, okay, then I use boxing gloves! I use boxing gloves to fight you. If you lose, you can no longer complain!" Rick said with a smile.

The golden sledgehammer in Rick's hand disappeared and turned into two golden metal boxing gloves. But on each glove, there were five sharp golden short thorns at the bones of his hands.

Rick didn't wait for Frey to answer this time, and rushed towards Frey with a fist and hit Frey's shoulder.

Frey was directly punched by Rick and hit the fly.

During Frey's beating, he knocked out the protective belt on the edge of the boxing ring.

The fat man Frei finally hit the opposite wall before stopping.

There were also five blood holes in Frey's shoulder.

Fortunately, Rick showed mercy this time. The changed metal thorns were not too long, and they did not hit the key to the fat Fat Frey. They just pierced his skin and muscles.

"Are you still here? I'll give you blood and lose weight. What about treatment?" Rick jumped off the ring, raised his right hand, and prepared another punch on Frey's other shoulder.

"Don't stop it, Your Honorable No.2, you are still so unreasonable. I tell you what I know, you are not a qualified boxer and will not fight you!" Fatty Frey opened his big eyes. , Looking depressed at Lake said.

Frei didn't expect that Lord No. 2 hadn't seen in recent years, but he became stronger than before.

"Even if you don't want to lose weight, just say, where's Dr. Stryker's Sanlidao Mutant Research Institute?" Rake retrieved the boxing gloves that the gold hoop had become, and asked Frey.

When he hit Frei just now, he triggered the critical hit ability of the golden hoop.

Now with the upgrade of the gold hoop to a super artifact, Rake has found that it seems that the passive skill's chance of triggering during his attack has also increased.

"I haven't been to the Yamanashi Mutant Research Institute. When I left, the research institute hadn't been set up. But I know that one person has also been a mutant called" Gold Medalist. " He was caught at the Three Mile Island Institute, but he successfully escaped, and was the only mutant who successfully escaped from the Three Mile Island Institute. "Fatty Frey sat on the ground and said to Lake.

"Where's the gold medalist?" Lake asked.

"In our bar in town, you should be able to see him at night. He is particularly fond of playing cards, always at the bar and other people's cards, with a metal stick behind his back, very easy to identify." Fatty Frey to Ray Ke said.

"There are several bars in your town!" Said Rick, frowning.

"Just go to the two or three of the biggest ones, there will be someone playing cards with him, and the small bar will not have to go," Frey said.