Global Day Online

Chapter 986: Gathering Magneto King to fight with Pro

"Then let Tianqi come to me, and I killed him directly! I don't need to work with you to deal with Tianqi! Now, you leave immediately, or don't blame me. You're on the part of Professor X, which disturbs my life this time, I won't do it for you. The next time, you'll just wait for the broken bones. Now, leave now! "Wanci Wang glared at Rick.

As soon as Rick wanted to go on, Gu Yi aside, immediately raised his left-hand drawing circle and opened the magic portal again.

"No, this apocalypse went directly to Wanci King's residence. It is estimated that he would kill Wanci King's daughter! Quickly, Tianqi is about to gain the ability to control birds!" Gu Yi said in a hurry.

When Rick listened, his face changed.

Possessing the ability to control birds can be said to be used in this world, which is equivalent to adding a powerful biological legion.

Wanci Wang was anxious when he heard Gu Yi's words.

After the magic portal appeared, Gu Yi and Rick rushed in first, and Magneto also rushed into it.

Outside a small wooden house, the carcasses of birds are all over the ground.

Next to the carcasses of the birds were the bodies of a pair of mothers and daughters.

"Ah!" Wanci Wang shouted angrily after watching, and many nails and metal chairs inside the wooden house rushed out of the wooden house and suspended in the air.

Wanci Wang ran over and squatted beside the mother and daughter's bodies.

A golden metal whip appeared in Rick's right hand.

Rake activated the fire-eye golden-eye perspective exploration ability, looked around, and found that there were no more people around, and Qi had left that day.

"So fast, Apocalypse is gone." Wake whispered.

"Apocalypse just left and headed towards the mutant school of Professor X. This apocalypse will not open the portal, but it moves very fast, as if it were flying in the air on a bird. This apocalypse killed Professor X. "Gu Yi frowned.

"Lao Wan, do you want revenge? Come with us if you want revenge!" Rake said to Wan Magnetic King, who was crouching on the ground.

Wanci Wang stood up and immediately controlled the numerous metals floating in the air to rotate rapidly to make two metal coffins.

Later, Wanci Wang controlled the metal, dug a pit in the ground, buried the two coffins into the ground, and erected a tombstone.

"The killer is the apocalypse you said!" Wanci Wang looked at Rick with red eyes.

"Yes. This apocalypse kills mutants and gains their powers. Now apocalypse is going to deal with Professor X, can't it?" Rake said.

"Go, I'm going to live a normal life. This apocalypse dare to mess with me, I want to make him completely extinct." Wan magnetic king said sharply.

Wanci Wang raised his right hand again, and a black-red metal helmet and two metal bracelets flew out of the collapsed house.

Magneto put on this helmet and metal bracelet directly.

Rick immediately raised his left-hand circle and opened the magic portal.

The teleportation location is set directly in the mutant college, Professor X's office.

Rick, Gu Yi, and the angry Magneto entered into the magic portal.

"Historian No.2, why did you come here with Lao Wan? Lao Wan, you seem to be very angry. What's wrong." Professor X, who was in a wheelchair, looked at Lake and Wanci with some surprise .

"There is a mutant named Tianqi who killed my wife and daughter and is coming here to join me to kill Tianqi." Wanci Wang directly expressed his intention to Professor X.

"What!" Professor X looked at Lec several people in doubt.

Magneto took off his helmet and motioned for Professor X to explore his memory.

Professor X activates the exploration ability on Magneto King, and then looks at Rick.

"You said, this apocalypse, is it true?" Professor X asked Rake, and did not use Rake's probing ability.

"Well! Get ready to fight, let the weak mutants quickly disperse and dodge. Otherwise, this apocalypse, once it comes to the mutant college to start the killing, after gaining many abilities, it will be a disaster for the entire world." Rake said.

"In about two hours, at the current speed of Apocalypse, you can reach this mutant college." Gu Yi said.

Professor X, who was in a wheelchair, looked at a few people, thought for a while, and nodded.

"My king and Wanci, and you stay, to deal with Apocalypse. The others evacuated the college and evacuated immediately." Professor X said.

"Qin and Kuaiyin also stay, and Kuaiyin is here. At least this Apocalypse doesn't want to attack you, it's not easy," Rick said immediately.

Professor X looked at the angry Magneto King and then nodded to Lake.

Professor X immediately picked up his phone and started calling several college teachers.

After a few minutes, the mutant college sounded a radio. All students and teachers entered the underground passage and evacuated.

Qin and Kuaiyin were called to Professor X's room.

"Follow me to the mind control room, and I need the mental power there to deal with Apocalypse," Professor X said.

"Quick Yin and Qin, go with you. Quick Yin, you guard Professor X. Qin, if Professor X is overstretched, go up and attack the Apocalypse with your mental power." Rake said to Quick Yin and Qin .

"What happened?" Qin asked in confusion.

"Why did everyone evacuate?" Kuaiyin looked at Rick, not expecting that he had just arrived at this mutant college less than half a day ago, and an emergency situation had arisen here.

"This is the Magneto King. We want to save the world and save ourselves. There is a very powerful mutant called Apocalypse, which has just been resurrected. After this apocalypse kills the mutant, he can get the mutant's power. Now this apocalypse is Coming to our Mutant Academy, Professor X and Wanci Wang are the goals of Apocalypse, you may be too. "Rake told Qin Yin and Qin.

After listening, Kuaiyin looked at the opposite side, the middle-aged man wearing a workshop overall with sticky organic oil and a metal helmet on his head.

Unexpectedly, this is the famous Wanci Wang, his father.

"Oh!" Kuaiyin nodded, trying to say something, holding back again.

Qin immediately pushed Professor X to the academy's mind control room.

Quicksilver followed.

"It's two hours before Tianqi arrives?" Wanci Wang asked Master Gu Yi.

"At his current speed, there are about an hour and fifty minutes left," said Gu Yi.

"I'll be back in an hour to prepare some martial arts." Wanci Wang said, with his hands flat, his body lifted off, and quickly flew out of the mutant college through the window.

In the room, Gu Yi and Rake were left.

"Gu Yi, you go back to the ship. When the Queen recovers, take her immediately. We will kill Apocalypse on the playground of this mutant college." Rake said to Gu Yi.

"Well, you can't let Apocalypse run this time. Even if you are injured, you must kill Apocalypse." Gu Yi said, immediately raised his left-hand drawing circle and left using a magic portal.