Global Evolution

Chapter 193: Strange suicide

"Forget it, wait until Jinan." If you used a car, it took about five hours from Qingdao to Jinan. Liu Chang is not running slower than a car, but the jungle is more dangerous, even if the dead night is coming. In the cold winter, but as long as the animals and plants need nutrients, then avoid hunting.

Liu Chang ran all the way. In fact, he had already experienced several dangerous situations. He had encountered several attacks of plants and animals. In some places, because of strange things growing, he was afraid to get involved and even detoured. This is a big deal. The damage has damaged his journey.

In fact, the jungle in each place has its own unique natural barrier-this is a kind of self-protection of the jungle. Not to mention far away, it was not long before the end of the day, when the evolution of animals and plants was not very advanced. From Kaifeng to Zhengzhou, there were countless difficult obstacles, even bright red flowers. Flock of such bizarre plants.

Later, from Henan to Hebei, in the middle, I encountered the strange "group coordinated evolution" phenomenon of a huge forest, all of which is pure red. Therefore, in the wild today, no one can pass casually.

Even Liu Chang has to be careful-because the wild is an underwater world with a lower risk factor, Liu Chang jumped into the sea, and within ten minutes, he encountered a giant eel, a creature he could not beat, which was in the wild In the jungle, this kind of creature is not in the minority, not to mention, he now has no guns at all.

He was in a hurry this time, except for the big knife, which he had to dig out because he wanted to dig out snake meat in the morning, so he didn't take any of the rest-even the mincer fell on the base of Qingdao Beard.

Therefore, after forbearing for a while, Liu Chang didn't choose extracurricular branches. Still running.

But I do n’t know if God heard the call of hunger and thirst in his body. It was still the jungle's rule that "the water source and the water source cannot be too far apart" played a role. After a short rest, Liu Chang accelerated again. Before running far, I smelled the water in the cold wind.

It's the smell of fresh water-there is no sea fishy smell in the air, nor the bitter and salty taste unique to salt. Liu Chang determined that there was a large lake in front.

Whenever I wanted to sleep, someone came to give me a pillow. There was such a huge source of water in front of me, and there was no reason not to take a sip. Anyway, not too far away, and the body was extremely tired and dehydrated, Liu Chang simply ran in the direction of the water source. Nose can smell, naturally not too far, after running about three kilometers away, Liu Chang really saw a frozen lake.

The surface of the lake was frozen, but the lake was the same as the sea. There are many breaches-some creatures in the lake are rolling inside, and many temporary breaches that have been frozen are obviously created by terrestrial organisms who come to the lake to fetch water. They naturally need to break the ice if they want to drink water, and the creatures before the end of the day have the intelligence to break the ice and fetch water. This thing after the end of the day is not difficult for smart animals. It's just that the temperature is too low. So ice breaking is very difficult, and it takes very strong or herd animals to succeed.

Those small incapable species. May only live by picking up slag.

And not only that, under the weather of pouring water into ice, even if an ice mouth is broken, it will freeze again in a short time-Liu Chang sometimes wonders if the lake is not deep enough, should it be frozen? Now-I don't know what to do with the creatures inside.

However, these scientific problems just flashed in his mind. Liu Chang is now chasing things that are killing people behind him. He didn't think hard about this time. After a little observation by the lake, he found that there was nothing dangerous and strange. He slowly approached the lake, then pulled out a large block of ice on the lake, put it in his mouth and "chewed" and chewed and ate.

He didn't go to the oxygen outlet to get water because Liu Chang didn't want to encounter any dangerous extra sticks. After taking a few mouthfuls of ice to replenish his body's water, he picked up a few pieces to prepare for the road—and when he finished all this, As I was about to leave, I suddenly smelled strange.

The smell of ants.

Each insect has a unique scent, and many insects have a hint of traditional Chinese medicine. Ants, as species that were spread all over the continent in the past and present, have their own unique flavor. Therefore, Liu Chang evoked a little curiosity as soon as he smelled this taste.

Because according to the intensity of the taste, Liu Chang can basically determine that this coming creature is large—he has never seen a giant ant before, and the largest ant he has seen since the end of the day is the washbasin. Large-It seems that the unique structure of their body generators makes it difficult for them to grow too large. Recently, Liu Chang urgently wanted to get the power of ants, so it is rare, risking, and waiting for the arrival of this group of creatures.

He wanted to see if after the ants became bigger, would they still be able to maintain that powerful proportional power.

So, he found a rock by the lake, hiding behind the rock and trunk, quietly waiting for these strange things to come.

Ants are gregarious animals. The division of labor by ants and ants is clear. Liu Chang waited a short time before seeing a group of black ants about one person in size. He carried a bright red ant about three people in size and came to the lake.

"Are the queens?" Ants are creatures with strange intelligences—if they are alone, their intelligence is very poor, even worse than most insects. But when they live together, they seem to be able to produce a symbiotic wisdom. The ability of the group allows them to create miracles that other creatures ca n’t reach—and this kind of creature has almost no vision and the sight is two-dimensional—that is, they I can only see things on the plane, but I can't feel the three-dimensional feeling. And in the previous world, there were even ants saying that their main sensory organs were antennae.

But after the end, all kinds of ants appeared-Liu Chang even saw ants with several pairs of compound eyes like flies-this allowed them to see all the things around 360 degrees, used to Perceive danger and capture prey and collect information.

But after squatting behind the tree, Liu Chang found that the ant in front of him apparently did not have such a "visual" thing. His bare body was full of the hard shell of the ant. There was no depression in the eye-like thing, but the antennae were particularly developed. Each one is as thick as an arm, and as they move, they are constantly swinging in front of them.

"That big red ant seems to be sick?" Liu Chang looked at the strange scene in front of him-the smaller worker ants seemed to have received some order and approached the lake with the big red ant all the way. Then two of them went up to the ice layer of the lake, and used the sharp and hard pliers to open a hole in the frozen ice layer in just two times, and then put the queen in the pit. The edge of the hole.

"Squeak" "Squeak" The queen then made an unpleasant sound on the stomach-this sound is very loud and difficult to hear, even Liu Chang, who is dozens of meters away, feels a bit harsh-this unpleasant sound is somewhat Similar to the sound of a steel drill drilling steel plates, accompanied by the sound of bubbles of "Cuckoo", Liu Chang thought of the picture of himself living inside the eel's belly.

He seemed to see a rumbling picture of the queen's stomach across a space of tens of meters. After a short while, he heard a pop, and a black "iron drill" drilled the queen. Belly.

"My God, what the **** is that?" The iron bit slowly drilled out the queen's broken stomach, which made the queen make a painful cry, and also made the workers below panic.

Later, the sounds of "Pala" and "Pala" were even more endless. Liu Chang saw the black iron-like things breaking out of the queen's belly, and then twisted his body to drill into the broken surface of the lake. In the mouth, a thin layer of ice was frozen just after being drilled, and it entered the water surface.

The queen queen painfully twisted her body twice and died at the edge of the lake.

"What's the situation?" Liu Chang didn't understand at all what the situation was-first of all, he didn't know what the thick wire-like creature that was ripped from the queen's belly was-he couldn't understand the queen To command the worker ants, move here from as far away as the ant nest (usually the queen queen does not leave the ant nest) ~ ~ After completing such a disgusting process, then die.

"Is this suicidal?" When thinking about this philosophical question, Liu Chang suddenly saw the panicked workers rushing towards him one by one.

"They've discovered me long ago?" The group of worker ants' charge was very neat. One by one, they were one circle larger than the others. They were fast, strong, and slender and tough. Sliding, you can abandon a whole layer of sand and gravel on the ground. Under the strong reaction force, the worker ants hit each other like shells.

"The power really is enough!" The ants have enough power, but they are not flexible enough. Under Liu Chang's powerful dynamic vision, it is easy to hide from their collision.

After all, no matter how powerful and fast, it can't be faster than a bullet. Peanuts are as small as a bullet, and Liu Chang can use a sharp blade to approve them. It's too easy for such a large ant to avoid them. Even when Liu Chang jumped out, he could take the time to figure out why the ant found him as soon as he came out.

"I don't rely on my eyes to catch prey creatures. I really have to hide behind a tree!" Liu Chang grunted in his mouth, and chopped the sword to the head of the ant fiercely. (To be continued)