Global Fog: Get the StarCraft System at the Start

Chapter 44: Zhao Ze's choice

   When the time came to noon, the group of survivors still looked at the place where the wall of the sanctuary was.

   After seeing Lin Yubai take the landing crew back, the group immediately cheered.

   Lin Yubai was bewildered by their move. They looked at the Marines around and found nothing special.

   What about these people?

   Mass stroke? Impossible, they were all fine when they were rescued.

   But seeing that these people didn't do anything extraordinary, he didn't bother with them either. He just walked towards the place he had planned with a head full of question marks.

   All the slightly higher buildings in the entire shelter have been demolished by the scvs, and the ground has also been flattened.

   Lin Yubai chose an open space not far from Sun Guobiao’s siege tank, and let the scv directly start the construction of an air defense missile tower.

   Seeing that there was no way to complete the construction at this moment, Lin Yubai did not stay aside to watch.

   For the sake of freshness, I was curious about how these scvs were built, but now I see a lot of them, just like that. Anyway, I don’t know what the principle is, let them build it slowly.

   I can just take a break, and the rapid march in the morning, coupled with a slightly fierce battle, can make him tired.

  The other marines are all trained, and all the rush marches are their strengths. Before that, I was a flat-headed common man, and after several months of exercise, he might not be able to catch up with their physical fitness.

   I don’t know if there will be genetic medicine or something in the future. If there is, give myself a dose and it will solve everything...


   A shout made him wake up from his daydream.


   Lin Yubai looked around and found that Zhao Ze was greeting him and running towards him.

   "What's the matter?" Lin Yubai was a little puzzled, Zhao Ze had nothing to do with him.

   "Commander, I have collected 50 points by myself and want to redeem a suit of armor!" Zhao Ze ran over and said directly to Lin Yubai without breathing.

   This surprised Lin Yubai a bit. As a leader in the peaceful era, even if he is in his shelter now, there are still a group of people under him, and now he is looking for himself to exchange armor.

   He was not curious that Zhao Ze could collect 50 points. Except for those points that Lin Yubai gave out that were frozen and not transferable, the rest of the points were all transferable.

  According to the subordinates led by Zhao Ze, it is very fast to get 50 points, but he also marked the prerequisite for receiving armor, that is, it must be implanted with a chip.

   He does not believe that Zhao Zehui has not seen this rule, but he now asks himself to receive it, which means that he is willing to implant the chip and is willing to be his own subordinate.

   "Did you think about it?" Lin Yubai decided to ask again.

   "I've thought about it!" Zhao Ze didn't hesitate.

   "In that case, let me take you there!"

   Lin Yubai has nothing to do now, and the air defense missile tower is still under construction, just in time.

   "After injecting the chip, you can't betray me. You can't even have ideas. You know these. I'm a little curious. Why did you choose this way."

  On the way, Lin Yubai couldn't help but ask.

   "This is actually not so much why." Hearing Lin Yubai's question, Zhao Ze smiled.

   "In peace times, it was the mission of our soldiers to defend our homes and nations, but now there is nothing left. Those who have survived are what is left."

   "I don't have much ideal right now, I just want to preserve more human fire."

   "My boss, the highest controller of 023 Sanctuary, in order to let us leave smoothly and die with those monsters, then I was determined to fight these monsters to the end."

   "Now you have given me this opportunity. You have powerful power armor and a formed unit. You can open up a pure land in this end of the world."

   "And what I pay is just loyalty, that's nothing."

   After hearing what Zhao Ze said, Lin Yubai was silent, is there still such a person now?

   But Lin Yubai soon recovered, and other people's lives are the masters themselves.

   Why bother to sigh other thoughts, I just want to find Li Mozhu, and then live with her steadily in these last days, no matter now or in the future.

   "Now that you think about it, let's go in."

   Lin Yubai took him to the room where the **** of the barracks was injected with the chip.

   Zhao Ze stepped in without hesitation.

   Lin Yubai looked around, the current barracks were not like there was no one in the beginning.

   There will be a lot of Marines taking off their armor in the current barracks, resting and chatting here.

   A few minutes later, Zhao Ze walked out of the room.

   Lin Yubai did not speak much, and once again led him to the place where he received the armor.

   asked him to put his identity card in a sensing area, after deducting fifty points, the door of a room was opened.

Then Zhao Ze walked in. When he came out again, he would be a Marine wearing a power don’t care about your usual actions. You can do anything, but if it’s fighting The state must participate in the battle unconditionally. "

   Lin Yubai conveyed this to Zhao Ze again.

   "Understood, Commander!" Zhao Ze saluted with a pounding chest.

   After speaking, the two walked outside and chatted a lot. Lin Yubai did not leave until the construction of the air defense missile tower was completed.

   This is a leader of the army with rich experience in wars. Now that he has joined his subordinates, it is natural for him to be a war boy to learn some truth from him.

   When Lin Yubai came to the vicinity of the anti-aircraft missile tower, the missile tower had been docked with the command center and began to play its role.

   Looking at the anti-aircraft missiles on both sides of it, Lin Yubai suddenly felt full of security.

   Now there is no need to worry about the threat in the air anymore.

   As long as I dare to come, come and kill one by one. If there are more, I will smash all the resources. I don't believe that my high-tech equipment can't beat these flesh and blood.


   In an unknown space, among the ruins of a desert city, a woman in a gray-black combat uniform is rushing through the ruins with a sci-fi firearm in her hand.

   While running, her body sometimes becomes close to transparent, as if invisible, but it hasn't become completely transparent, and she has returned to its original state.

   "Damn, the ghost energy is insufficient!" A closer look at her face revealed that this was Li Mozhu who was trained in the Ghost Military Academy.

   She is currently undergoing the final assessment of the ghost, which is also an actual combat assessment.

   If she passed the assessment, she would be able to return to Lin Yubai's side in advance. If she could not pass, then she could only stay until she passed.