Global Fog: Get the StarCraft System at the Start

Chapter 48: Powerful big boss

   was beaten inexplicably, and the beating was not light.

   Even if he has a strong body, he was blown up by something unknown, causing him to lose a lot of feathers like steel. You must know that you rely on these feathers to withstand damage.

   has fallen so much now, which not only reduced his defense a little, but also suffered a lot of shock damage to the inside of his body.

   It flew into the air again, trying to find where it hurt.

   This time it was a little more careful, afraid to suffer another time.

  As the top hunter in this city, he turned the boat in the gutter once, and if he turned it again, it might not have the face to come out again.

   I hovered in the air and didn't see anything that could be possible, but there are so many ugly things around here.

   It looked dissatisfied with the small blue things around, but it took a long time before it cleaned up the neighborhood.

   How to let these little things be occupied now, this is my own territory.

   "Tweet! Tweet!"

   It swooped down, and its sharp claws stretched out. It decided to clean up all these small blue things today. It didn't like things of this color.


"Command center, the shells of the siege tank failed to penetrate the defense of this giant eagle. The first wave of attacks blocked its wings, but the giant eagle dropped a lot of feathers, which failed to cause a lot of harm."

   "The second round of bombardment directly hit the giant eagle's head, but it didn't cause it, but it just staggered and fell from the air."

   "The head defense force can resist the shells of the siege tank without being injured. It is recommended to abandon the head blow and attack the giant eagle from another part."

   Pieces of field intelligence are sent to the command center for analysis by the on-site personnel.

   "Now it is flying into the air, hovering in the air, and it seems to be looking for an object that attacks it, and everything else is normal."


   "Not good... he flew down towards us!"

   "Quick! Dodge!"

   "Attack! Attack!"

Da da da!



   There was a burst of gunfire in the communication, and there was no sound.

   The marine squad that was attacked at the same time also experienced a brief chaos, but it quickly recovered.

   picked up the gun in his hand and shot the giant monster with suppression.

   All this happened in less than a minute.

  Before the new combat order was issued, it had already been attacked, and everything on the battlefield was changing rapidly.

   But the behavior of this monster immediately made Lin Yubai angry. These are all his own soldiers!

   "Everyone, fire freely and drive it into the air!"

   Lin Yubai didn't care about anything, he directly gave the order to attack, and he didn't know how many soldiers would be lost if he wanted to continue like this.

   All the weapons and equipment that he can mobilize are also ready, when not to fight at this time.

   "All the anti-aircraft missile towers lock me this livestock!"

   "As long as it lifts into the sky, hit me hard!"

   After the order was given, the whole city seemed to be alive, and the bird monster was heavily bombed.

   Although the 8mm ferromagnetic bullet could not penetrate the wings of this giant eagle at once, it still felt tremendous pressure under this close-range attack.

   It waved its wings and flew all the marines in front of it to the wall behind them.

   With this blow, the Marines immediately lost their ability to move and passed out into a coma.

   At this time, there was no suppression of the spike assault rifle, and it returned to the level of normal action.

   The giant eagle looked at the group of marines lying immobile by the wall with blood-red eyes.

   It will tear off these little things that cause pain.


   The giant eagle called out and was about to rush forward.

   But before it came and rushed forward, the wall beside the group of Marines burst open.

   A group of Marines ran out from behind the wall.

   They heard the movement here, and then ran over to support the team non-stop, hurriedly hurriedly and finally caught up.

   Without the slightest hesitation, the torrent of bullets composed of spiked rifles leaned toward the giant eagle again.

The giant eagle screamed unwillingly, just a little bit close. Although it can stand up against the clinking things that beat its wings and rush up to kill all the small spots lying on the ground, it feels that it is not worth it. .

   Although its feathers can defend most of the attacks, they can't stand it all the time. It also has an upper limit.

   Without the protection of feathers, it is a tiger without teeth.

   screamed unwillingly, and then flew toward the air, it planned to surprise these little things from the air.

   He is the overlord of the sky, and it doesn't believe that anything can defeat it in the air.

   Sure enough, when it flies into the air, things that would catch fire in the hands of those little things are not so easy to hit themselves.


   It tweeted involuntarily, and now it was his turn.

   But before it was happy for too long, it suddenly discovered that there was an unknown object in the distance, approaching itself at a very fast speed.

It is not screaming either, but is flapping its wings extremely fast to get itself out of the course of action of these unknown objects. You must know that when it first flew out, the shell slowed it down for a long time~www.mtlnovel. com~ It doesn't want to feel that way anymore.

   Regardless of its large size, but the speed in the air is really not slow, and it has already flown far in a few seconds.

   Then he looked behind him triumphantly, and just one glance made it almost stop fluttering its wings.

   The long threaded air defense missile launched from the air defense missile tower is equipped with an automatic tracking module.

   So even if the giant eagle in front changed its direction, the long-threaded anti-aircraft missile still bit the tail of the giant eagle, and approached the giant eagle in front of it bit by bit.

   After the giant eagle was lifted into the sky, it was locked by the air defense missile tower. Lin Yubai directly let the 13 air defense missile towers in the city each launch a long threaded missile.

   A total of thirteen high-powered long-threaded air defense missiles surrounded the giant eagle from all directions.

   But this giant eagle is not only agile, but also possesses a lot of wisdom. When two anti-aircraft missiles are about to hit it, it can actually let its body close to 30 meters abruptly and directly increase a certain distance.

   caused the intelligent tracking modules of several air defense missiles to fail to respond, and directly collided and exploded.

   Even if six missiles were lost, there are still seven missiles chasing it.

   This time it could not escape again, but at a critical moment, it huddled together and blocked the attack of the seven anti-aircraft missiles with its hard wings.

After    was blocked, it was also very embarrassed, flying in the sky, and the iron-like feathers did not know how much it dropped.

   Lin Yubai found that this wave of attacks did not cause the harm he wanted, and directly caused each anti-aircraft missile tower to launch an anti-aircraft missile again. He didn't believe how much the animal could avoid.