Global Gaowu

Chapter 945: The source world!

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Dark space in the battlefield.

The color of blood red in Fang Ping’s eyes flashed away, and he said: “Be careful! The confusion is getting stronger and stronger, and the attention is affected! Everyone pays attention to their companions, but if there is any discomfort, let me know immediately!”


Everyone has responded!

Fang Ping said, and smiled again: "But it is not that nothing has been achieved until now, but it has been listened a lot."

Everyone is silent.

You are free!

What do you want at this time?

Having said that, gossip is really a lot.

"Yue Ling, you crazy, your man is dead, you actually hooked up with the two guys! "贱人!"

"There are two embers in the demon hall, can you satisfy you?"


There are many foul words!

Those who died in the past were crazy at the end, and there are still those who are majestic and can be said.

Nowadays, some of the remaining consciousness in this place has continued the situation of the year, and the snoring has not been cut off for thousands of years.

"Destiny, you are not a real dog, or a walking dog with a projection, what face is alive?"

"Tian Zhi, your boys and girls, and the destiny is there..."


A roar, a laughter sounded in everyone's ears.

A lot of gossip!

The strongmen of the land of the year, countless deaths, many people died here, as the leader of the two factions, the emperor of the emperor's dynasty, several strong people were not shackled.

Qing Tong Emperor is also licked by the dog blood sprinkler!

Jiang Yan’s face is iron and blue, and it’s hard to say anything. Actually, there’s nothing to say.

People are dead, some residual will, and he can't help.

If the gossip at the beginning is just a simple gossip, hey, later, Fang Ping heard something useful!

"Scam! It's all a scam! Green Boy, Moon Spirit... You are actually a group!"

"The Battle of the North and the South... Hahaha, they are all vain!"

"Is it you? You are still alive! Under the Emperor's door... The Emperor has seen you!"

When Fang Ping was close to the core area, Fang Ping’s face changed slightly.

"Under the people's door?"

Fang Ping Shen Sheng: "Is there someone in the door of the Emperor?"

Jiang Yan was silent, and he said: "I don't know. At the last moment of the war, only a few top players still played here. Later, I heard some people who ended the battle."

"A group of people came..."

Fang Ping calmly said: "I have heard that it seems to be the root of the current cult, right, how much do you know about this organization?"

Jiang Yan and several people looked at each other and went through a little while. Wu Wuhua said: "This organization, I have heard about it. After the destruction of the heavens, it has been active, but during the period of the Emperor, it was not active. It’s too conspicuous.

However, the Battle of the Emperor of God, there may be shadows of these people.

The emperor was a projection, and the fact that it broke out in the past was very sudden. It may have been from this group of people. ”

Wu Wuhua continued: "In fact, the heavens crashed. At the beginning, it caused the attention of the parties. After the appearance of the Emperor’s projection, everyone no longer doubted that the heavens had been destroyed. It was only that the war broke out and the heavens were no longer present in front of everyone. It’s gone.

In this way, the Emperor’s projection established the dynasty and maintained it for thousands of years...

In the end, it was revealed that it was a projection. This caused a lot of chaos. The strongest people attacked the gods and broke the gods. ”

Fang Ping strangely said: "The emperor should be the demons of the caves. Why is his projection to establish the gods?"

This point, Fang Ping is still very strange.

The heavens are gone, what is the significance of the other party's establishment of the gods?

Wu Wuhua thought for a long time: "It may be delaying time! The Emperor's dynasty, which has been maintained for thousands of years, has actually been peaceful for thousands of years! In fact, some people have guessed that the emperor may not completely die, or squat. That time passed away...

The thousands of years of peace-keeping are to let the emperors reincarnate and let them grow up so as not to be known. The reincarnation of the emperor is to find the reincarnation of the emperor, and the emperor is killed. ”

This guess is still somewhat reasonable.

Fang Ping slightly raised his eyebrows: "So, for thousands of years, the emperor has reincarnation? Have you ever speculated?"


Wuhua nodded, then shook his head: "But those people, almost all died later! When the Emperor's God War broke out, those people are also our main siege targets...

However, it is unlikely that the emperor will reincarnate. Some people think that it may be that someone is missing, or the emperor has not reincarnate.

The emperor's dynasty lasted for thousands of years, perhaps the emperors were sleeping, fighting for their time and recovering their injuries. ”

Two arguments, the first one is that the emperor reincarnate at that time.

The second argument, for thousands of years, resumed the injury.

The emperor was stable in the caves, and the strongest of the parties did not dare to make it. Naturally, he did not dare to marry the emperor. Even if he knew that the heavens had crashed, no one dared to look for the remnants of the heavens at that time.

At this time, some things in the heavens were completely obscured.

Fang Ping said again: "Before the establishment of the Emperor of the Earth, I heard that there is still a blank period of time?"

"Yes, about a thousand or two years."

Wu Wuhua continued: "At that time, the bitter sea was the most chaotic. We knew this. At that time, the heavens had just crashed, the bitter sea could hardly survive, and various space cracks were dense. At that time, a large number of strong people migrated and left the bitter sea. Ground...

It was not until the later period stabilized that it formed the bitter sea today. After that, it was the projection of the emperor and the establishment of the gods. ”

Fang Ping said: "The Emperor of the Earth has lasted for more than 3,000 years, and it was destroyed around 2,500 years ago. In addition to the previous chaos period of one or two thousand years, it is about 7,000 years, is it?"


"The heavens have crashed for 7000 years, and now many of the elites are facing the Shouyuan limit. That means that these emperors are living in the Heavenly Age?"

Wu Wuhua nodded: "Yes, in fact, in the days of heaven, we must also divide the time! The last millennium years before the heavens crashed, the emperor will almost never reappear."

The emperors were really active in the Three Realms, probably 8,000 years ago.

The ancient emperor we said is generally the strongman before this period. The life span is over 8,000 years old. It was the emperor 8000 years ago!

Chengdi, as long as a thousand years, so this ancient emperor, Shouyuan has more than 9000 years old...

Therefore, some ancient emperors are close to the Shouyuan limit.

The last millennium of the existence of the heavens, this time became the strongest of the emperor, we actually do not call them the ancient emperor, generally speaking, the end of the devil into the emperor.

One or two thousand years between the Heavenly Kingdom and the Emperor of the Earth, called the chaotic period.

Then there was the period of the Emperor.

After that, it was the time of the hole.

Then, the outbreak of the North-South War caused another turmoil for nearly a thousand years. After that, the Emperor entered the realm and once again created the turmoil..."

Wu Wuhua simply said the situation, and Fang Ping also thoroughly sorted out the time.

To sort out these things is not to do useless work.

Fang Ping thought for a moment: "After the destruction of the heavens, the organization has had activities for more than a thousand years in the chaotic period?"

A few people looked at each other for a long while, and Yu Yuzi said: "In fact, we are not people of that era, but although it was chaotic, it did not seem to have any signs of this organization."

Fang Ping raised his eyebrows: "So, this organization is almost the same as the Emperor's projection?"

Several strong people looked at each other again and quickly said: "It seems that this is the case. After the establishment of the Emperor's God, there were some actions of this organization..."

"The people left in the heavens?"

Fang Ping smiled and said: "In this way, the origin of the Emperor and the source organization of the cult are actually present together. The big probability is to escape from the ruins of the heavens?"

"The parties have had such judgments."

Jiang Yan also took a sentence at this time, but quickly shook his head: "Even if you know this, it is useless. Heaven was the dojo of many powerful people, not only the emperor, but also some emperor strong, rumored to have four emperors , eight kings, thirty-six saints...

These people are the top powers in the emperor, and there are also dojos in the heavens.

The organization was formed by anyone, and it was impossible to detect it. These years have been mysterious. ”

Fang Ping smiled and said nothing.

Soon, Fang Ping’s eyes moved: “It seems like someone!

When this was said, everyone was wary!

In this place, they suffered from the illusion of feathers, and they were spared a while.

They are already few people, can avoid it, and it is best to avoid it at the moment.


Just as Fang Ping felt that they had encountered the illusion of feathers.

One of the caves.

祁 祁 羽 feather is also a face movement, Shen Sheng: "Someone, get up!"

Everyone is vigilant!

After a while, Yu Xiaoyu took a deep breath and said: "Be careful! Not Fang Ping them! This is..."

At the moment, there are a lot of demons in front of them!

The demon strong!

There are some accidents in the illusion of feathers. How can there be a strong demon in this place?

It’s not surprising that the Yaozu.

The demon of the cave is on his side, and the demon of the sea is forbidden. Most of them follow the Fang Ping, and they are on their side.

There are demon people here!

This is a space battlefield!

Where is this Yaozu?

Where did you enter?

At this time, in the crowd, there is a strong spirit of the demon strong wave: "This is... the ancient demon - clouded leopard!"

"It is rumored that the clouded leopard only survived in the clouds and was extinct. With the disappearance of the heavens, it disappeared into the long river of history. There is such a cloudy leopard here!"

Everyone is surprised!

Not a clouded leopard in front, but a group of people, at least a hundred!

祁 羽 羽 脸 脸 脸 , , , 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 祁 祁 祁 祁 祁 祁 祁 祁 祁 祁 祁 祁

When the voice fell, everyone rushed to the front!


There was a battle on their side, and there was fighting on Fang Ping.

They are the same as the illusion feathers, but they are encountering a group of hedgehog-like monsters.

There are no illusion feathers on their side, forty or fifty.

Fang Ping directly smashed a hedgehog monster, and then his face changed slightly. The monster that was slain by him, no corpse left, as if it did not exist, disappeared in the blink of an eye!

Everyone is surprised!

Fang Ping was surprised first, then seemed to think of something, muttered: "Fish head demon!"

What do other people mean by accident?

Fang Ping is thinking of the fish head monster in the original world of the cat!

Unreal existence!

The existence of the cat's own fantasy!

Now, the space battlefield where he is located seems to be the source of a strong person. This monster is killed and disappears in the blink of an eye. Could it be said that this is actually the fantasy in the original source space of that year?

"This thing... can really hurt people!"

Fang Ping has already seen that some people in the crowd have been injured and the accident is extremely extreme. He should not be lethal in these illusory things in the source space.

It’s all fantasies!

But at the moment, the facts tell him that this thing is lethal.

"This is only a few dozen..."

Fang Ping suddenly swallowed, he felt like he had forgotten something!

For example, the cat... The source space of the cat, don’t look at the square, only the kilometers, but the fish heads are more terrible, at least tens of thousands!

When a cat eats it, it is hundreds of heads. He used to think that it was a illusion.

Anyway, I don't have any fighting power!

But now... Fang Ping suddenly suspected that the fish head demon in the original space of the cat is really not capable of fighting?

So many fish head demon, if they have nine products, it is terrible.

At this moment, Jiang Yan suddenly shouted: "Be careful! This space battlefield, I am afraid there is still a certain vitality! Damn, is caused by too many dead people, or there are other changes, the owner of this place ... will not be resurrected? ”

People are dead, and the source is spatialized for the space battlefield!

It stands to reason that there should be no such things.

But now, these monsters have appeared.

They killed the monsters, and the monsters disappeared, which also caused the attention and speculation of these people.

Jiang Yan's face is dignified: "Be careful! It is said that some strong people in the past, the source space is strong, and the existing things are integrated into the original space, creating an alternative world, fighting in the source space, the combat power is greatly increased... This is also our spirit. Know the realm of a strong person!

There are actually local demon people here, the strong man of that year, I am afraid it is also a strong person of the spirit!

And it has already integrated the existing objects into the original source space, in order to create an alternative world in the original source space! ”

Fang Pingyi!

“Is it a real thing to integrate into the source space?”

This is the first time he heard it!

Jiang Yan Shen Sheng: "Yes! With the present things in this realm, the increase in our combat power is actually limited! The spirit of a strong, why can we compete with the flesh?

It is in the source space!

We are all trying to integrate the existing objects into the source space and forge a more powerful source world!

The stronger the world is, the more invincible we exist in the world of origin. When we fought in the source space, we killed many of the physical insults..."

Fang Ping thought of the cat again at this time!

The cat has always disliked the flesh and blood that they played outside, but it likes to poke others in the original space.

In this way, the origin of the cat's origin is actually integrated into its own!

Fang Ping’s mind flashed countless thoughts!

In this way, I can actually integrate my own things into the source space, and forge a new world in my own source world!

A strong person who knows the spirit, that is, a strong person with mental strength, mostly fights in the original world!

"Spiritual nine forging..."

Fang Ping killed the monster while thinking about things.

My crystal house has been bursting recently, which is not a good thing.

If it is integrated into the source space, can you avoid this?

And the source space is a fusion of the original, it seems to be able to create!

These demon people seem to be made out of thin air.

Fang Ping found that he seemed to have neglected the strong spirit.

At the moment, while fighting, he quickly said: "I almost forgot to ask, your strong mental strength, it seems that you are also fighting with the flesh, how did you not see a few people fighting with the source space?"

Jiang Yan explained: "It is not unnecessary. The key is to fight with the strongest powers. It is extremely dangerous to use the source space! Our previous battles and spiritual outsides can also shock the enemy and kill the enemy.

The battle of the source space is mainly aimed at those who are weak and weak, so that the battle can be ended more quickly. ”

"Then your blood is weak, your spirit is strong, and fighting in the original space, will it be more powerful?"

"This is nature!"

Jiang Yan said: "This is related to the perfection of your original space, and the integration of the existing things. We know that a strong moment, the key moment can be used in one or two, one heart and two!

The flesh can fight the strong, the source space can pull the enemy's will and mental strength into...

However, it is very difficult, and we have to be weaker in the body, so we mainly use the spirit to cooperate with the flesh to fight. ”

Fang Ping is moving!


If I say this, can I fight in the flesh and use my mental strength to kill the enemy?

Today, he is also mentally fit with the flesh, but his spiritual use is more of a self-destruction.

But now, the cracks on his brain have become more and more, and Fang Ping is actually worried.

If you are integrated into the source space, you may not need to blew yourself again.

"How do you integrate?"


Jiang Yan is not saying!

Everything is asked, what does Fang Ping think?

This is a specialization of spirituality!

Fang Ping seems to have realized this, and suddenly thought of the practice that was preceded by Cangshan. Is that what is said above?

Lao Zhang... It seems to have been taken long ago, and it has not been passed down.

Lao Zhang will not integrate his own things into the source space?

"This guy... the mental strength is very powerful! After cutting it many times, nothing happened. Last time, it was almost killed. Is it because the mental power is useless, but he is integrated into the source space? Is he in Tibetan mastiff?"

Fang Ping licked his lips, and Lao Zhang might have integrated his own things!

The last time may not be perfect, so he is useless, or is paralyzed.

He may also have a strong source space!

"This guy... what is the source space like?"

"No matter who he is, it is me, can you build a new world in your own world?"

At this time, Fang Ping thought of the great dreams of the time when the spiritual power was present.

At that time, he was thinking about perfecting the present, creating a planet for swearing!

Later, I found out that this project is too big!

He is desperate for the big one!

Therefore, what he has been perfecting in the later period is actually his own gold house, not the whole thing.

Up to now, Yangcheng is still a sunny city, there is not much change.

Fang Ping thought of this and once again hurriedly said: "Is it more perfect, the more stable the original world?"

This does not involve the practice method. Jiang Yan once again said: "Yes! After the original things have been integrated into the original world, what we need to do is to perfect our own source world. At that time, the existing things are actually integrated with the original world!

The more perfect your world of origin, the greater the power and the stronger the strength!

Not easily destroyed by the enemy!

Otherwise, if you have destroyed the source space, then you are in trouble, and you may be in a deep sleep forever! ”

“Can you create these demons at will?”

Jiang Yan immediately said: "Of course not! Create life in the original world, this is also a watershed! Under normal circumstances, at least have the same level of strength, only hope to create life in the original world, out of nothing.

Of course, it will consume your energy, including spiritual knowledge. ”

"Can these local demon people appear in the outside world?"


Jiang Yan replied simply: "The world of origin is a world between reality and reality. The life here can only survive in the original world! We are now in the space battlefield, so we will encounter these monsters and go out. The Yaozu actually does not exist."

"What about the emperor?"

Fang Ping quickly said: "If the emperor also integrates into the world of the original, and then creates life, can you go out? You said that the emperor's projection is different from the avatar. Isn't this the world of origin? Create life?"

The square of this moment is extremely clear.

Emperor projection!

Not the emperor!

How is it projected?

I didn't understand it before. Now he understands a bit. What is hard to achieve is that the origin of the world has created a projection of the emperor, and then let the life of the source world go out, this has the projection of the emperor?

Jiang Yan Shen Shen said for a moment: "Maybe it! Specifically, we are not clear! But the Emperor's projection is indeed not a avatar. If it is a avatar, it is the spiritual knowledge of the associated emperor!

The projection of the Emperor, not related to the spiritual, may also be the special ability of the emperor, of course, does not rule out the life in the original world. ”

"Making the world, making life..."

At this moment, Fang Ping was paralyzed.

Some things, I can't stand it!

If you think about it, it’s amazing!

The earth of the past life...what is it?

Can it be said that it is only the origin of a strong person?

And he is Fang Ping... Maybe it is the reincarnation of life in the original world of a top powerhouse?

The cat said that I stole the energy... Didn’t I steal everything from the strong?

Is the system in my eyes a thing of the strong?

The strong man may have fallen, and by his own coincidence, he has come out of his original world.

Fang Pingyi was hit by several monsters.

Others have seen some surprises in this scene. These demon people have about eight items of strength. Fang Ping was actually hit and injured?

“Is it real... is it just a false life?”

Fang Ping shook his head and couldn't think about it. If he thought about it, he would question himself and couldn't think about it!

I am going to enter the realm of this source!

At this time, once he questions himself, he is in trouble, and he may have something big!

Fang Ping suppressed the instigation in his heart and quickly killed those demon people, and pressed everything to the bottom of his heart.