Global Monster Online

Chapter 1103: Numerous corrections

The sound of exclamation became louder...Even at this distance, Zhao Nan could still feel that the enthusiasm in the venue was still heating up.

He exhaled slightly, and stretched out his hand to rub his brow.

The hazy woman in front of her did not disappear this time, "The power of the future...this is really more daunting than an illusion."

Frowning, Zhao Nan tried his best to calm herself down, "Then, let me see what this kind of future means."

"It's just that it's more persuasive to feel it personally than to explain it." The female voice in the hazy misty voice: "What you experience will be what you will do in the future. This comes from your conceit of yourself. And this This conceit will eventually stop your time."


Zhao Nan chewed on these two words carefully, frowned and said: "So, I will definitely meet God's Punishment Apostle, and I will eventually lose to his strange power that nullifies all abilities? But... that kind of future I didn't see the end."

The hazy woman said calmly: "A child without power fell from a height of 100 meters, but there is a reason to survive. I think you don't like to see the tragic appearance of yourself and the sorrowful look of your family."

Zhao Nan was silent.

The woman in the dimness said: "From the moment I met those two people, I have traveled through the future countless times, constantly amending history, and forcibly restoring everything to its original appearance. Therefore, can history be allowed to be restored? This time of restoring and restarting will make you mischievous again."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Nan said coldly.

The dim woman said: "Don't you understand? Today's least the paradise before you knew all of this. Why didn't it have the slightest deviation and could be perfectly integrated with what you know?"

There was a sudden loud roar in Zhao Nan's mind, as if thunder slashed through his heart, splitting a strange fog. Lost his voice: "It's you!!"

The woman in the dimness seemed to nod her head: "Thousands of times, countless times, I have been back and forth in the future river. Tell the truth that every thing he does now will change the future. That is, It is said that the reason why there are today is the result of countless revisions."


Zhao Nan finally figured out some things.

He didn't know the history of Paradise World... naturally his clone would not know either. But this piece of history happened to be able to get on track... only because of complete ignorance. Through the prying eyes of future girls, you must look at the consequences of future changes every time you do something.

Countless attempts...27,000 years.

Countless branches of history.

I can’t even many times I need to try!

"Don't let yourself betray your expectations of yourself." The woman in the dimness...the future goddess whispered: "Zhao Nan, you have to believe that they will always be you...whether it is 27,000 or 2 It hasn't changed in 170,000 years. Try to believe in yourself..."

Zhao Nan laughed at herself: "Don't you know that the last person mankind can believe is himself?"

"That's all." The goddess of the future shook her head and said: "I can't exist in this concept for too long. Follow the steps, only in this way can you... really do everything you want. The truth of the world. Only at that time can you be told. Until then, you can only silently guard this secret by yourself."

The obscurity gradually dissipated, like dream bubbles.

Zhao Nan said nothing until the other party was about to disappear: "When can we meet again?"

"Don't you... already know it?"

Zhao Nan was taken aback...There was only the roof of the empty building in front of him, the composite structure of cement and plants.

"I already know..." Zhao Nan lowered his head and muttered to herself, "By the way... I do already know."

He took a deep breath.

This time. He still silently watched the atmosphere of the meeting place becoming feverish bit by bit...until it gradually ended.

However, I don't understand, if I don't want to let this happen. Why does the goddess of the future want to implant a dream of the future for Gu Tianyuan, so that he feels that he really has the ability of "Apocalypse".

It's just that... this kind of thing is not clear for the time being, and you can only see the clues by looking at the subsequent changes.

However, there is one thing that makes Zhao Nan feel that this strange dream of the future is not a simple drink...At least, he met the God's Punishment Apostle. And feel the ability of the other party.

The scary thing is unknown.

However, now that it is known, it is possible to resolve it.



Five days later, he did not say from Gu Tianyuan's mouth that he would become the demon king who would destroy the world, as in the future.

——The ancient seal has been opened, and the evil emperor who brought destruction and disaster will wake up. Everything will be ruined.

Looking at the file on hand, Zhao Nan frowned... Someone who had originally planned to never see each other suddenly came to communicate, and unexpectedly there was no awkwardness.

This person is Simon Yu.

In the light and shadow projected by the shadow crystal, it seems that because of the existence of this file, Xi Menyu, who has been relieved a lot, said: "The old man seems to have done a follow-up to the dream about you again, and found that he had said something before. It's long worth it."

The file was directly traded before Ximenyu started the call. Zhao Nan put the file on her desk at this time, "The ancient seal refers to the evil and mysterious world. The evil emperor... is it the emperor among the evil gods?"

"Probably." Ximenyu shook his head and said, "The Tianyi Empire is like a dead place now, especially near the former imperial city. No one can get out of it. How many Cthulhu camps are there and how powerful are we still? Didn't find out clearly. The only thing we know is that they have not acted at all for the time being. But inaction is the most terrifying...because we don't know what the evil gods are planning to do."

Zhao Nan said, "You are looking for me again this time, isn't it just to tell me these things, right?"

Ximenyu shrugged and said: "In fact, the old man wants to express to you through me apologize for what you have done before. And I hope you can ignore the previous suspicions and make a good contribution to the resurrection of the evil emperor. ."

"The old man's face is not so thick." Zhao Nan said not salty or indifferent.

Ximen Yu calmly said: "Old people are usually like this. Maybe you and I will get worse when you get old."

Zhao Nan laughed slightly: "Isn't it a prophet? Since it is a prophet, I should be able to understand my reaction and the future without saying anything?"

"It's just a fragmentary dream, and the recent success rate is relatively high." Ximenyu shook his head and said: "In fact, this time the old man has begun to lose confidence in himself. Now he is shutting himself in the room. , I've been talking about it all day, and it's becoming more and more like a bad old man."

"Perhaps it's not a bad thing." Zhao Nan said calmly: "Compared to being completely obsessed with the devil, questioning oneself now will not lead to a complete fall into paranoia at the very least."

Ximenyu smiled bitterly: "At least in the current situation, the prophet cannot be unconfident, let alone doubt himself... You don't know how much human beings have worshiped the future. Paranoia has already appeared a lot. Once what you believe in your heart collapses... it may not be a good thing."

Zhao Nan stretched out his hand, the kind of action preparing to close the Shadow Transmission Crystal, "Anyway, this is what you should think about...I am not obligated to be the guardian of the Dragon Kingdom. Finally, please tell Gu Tianyuan. I refuse to agree with you. He cooperates."

"Zhao Nan, you..."

The crystal is closed.

Zhao Nan turned around and looked at the detailed record of Gu Tianyuan’s latest dream in detail again. After a moment of contemplation, "Is the evil emperor the goal... Destiny should not be disturbed by the future, but in the end it was decided. Then it was just a reminder by the way." Something about me."

A ball of fire emerged from Zhao Nan's hand, the stalls turned into ashes in the flames, and finally muttered: "If this is an enemy, it would be really terrifying..."

There was a knock on the door of the study, and the housekeeper blade edge pushed in at this moment, respectfully saying: "Master, Master Gao Mingyang, they have returned from the path to the sky."

Zhao Nan's expression became a little weird, and then shook his head, saying something that made the housekeeper very confused, "Don't see you in the living room this time, just arrange the food."

this time?

Nevertheless, as a housekeeper, he is still very loyal and intends to fulfill his master's orders.



Three days later, Gao Mingyang and the others set off again on the path to the heavens, and in these three days, the trials in the Dragon's Home were launched again.

At the same time, during this period of time because of the appearance of the Prophet of the Chosen, the Marine Legion began to lie dormant. There seems to be a kind of fear of the prophet's foresight ability. However, no one knew what the Deep Sea Empire planned.

The things that the prophet can predict... it seems that you can't go too far into the future. The winner of this war is still undecided.

On the fifth day, a fat young man came to Tingfeng City, and finally came to the Castle Lord with the help of passers-by after several tossings and turns.

This is Lin Half-Monster...Finally, he touched it back from overseas, and it seemed that he had experienced a lot of distress. When I met, I almost shed tears, saying that I finally found the organization, not easy, not easy.

In this way, the coward who possessed the mighty power formally joined Zhao Nan's formation.

Tingfengcheng ushered in a newcomer, and someone quietly left that night... Another person who was willing to work for Zhao Nan because of the Rewriting Blade. The first hero Julius.

Sixth day

The Eugen Flying Boat set sail again and headed towards the unknown sea.