Global Monster Online

Chapter 1148: transparent

It's not just Okanes.

Behind the venue, three other intruders also appeared at the same time.

Only a few screams were heard from the end of the venue, and then the figure flying upside down smashed into the crowd, which immediately caused a sound of surprise.

"Cthulhu! It's a Cthulhu!"

To be correct, the panic situation should have officially started when someone uttered the word Cthulhu!

At the beginning, a dozen or so evil gods joined hands, and they directly beat a sixth-level god-chosen city without any power to fight back! Subordinate Cthulhu, for the Chosen of Gods, especially the Chosen of the Hou Tianyi Empire, is undoubtedly equivalent to a nightmare.

The fear brought by the Cthulhu, on the contrary, made the other person beside the Cthulhu obviously ignored by others.


As the chosen one in the Cthulhu camp, Lei Wen is also the only one so far. People who were also members of the Underground Shadow Empire had not been walking in the earthly world for a long time. If anyone can recognize it at a glance, it probably won't exceed ten fingers.

At this moment, Levin’s gaze swept across the venue quickly, but when he saw Okanes on the stage in front of him nodding slightly, he took a step forward and said loudly: “I’m now announcing everything here. It seems to be there. You only have two choices now! First, give me the key you have on hand. Remember that it’s best not to send it out before that, otherwise I will be unable to trade. The chosen one... directly gives the punishment of physical destruction. Second, you don’t want to trade it out, but I will kill you personally. Through inheritance, you will finally get the rainbow seven-color keys on your body."


After a quiet, there was a cold snort: "Hmph, I have said so much. In fact, it means one thing. Is it a dead end if you don't hand over the key?"

Levin quickly found the vocalist and said indifferently: "I did say a little bit more, but only to give you time to think. Because from now on, we do not intend to give you more time to think. Now trade Start... it starts with you."

Point directly at the person who spoke first.

The crowd quickly dispersed, making the speaking man feel a sense of isolation and helplessness. His face changed drastically. Gritting his teeth and said: "Don't listen to this guy! Even if you hand over the keys obediently, it will still be a dead end. It is better to rush together now. They are few and we may not have no way of life! What we need at this time is unity!"

That being said.

But even within the same group, mutual trust may not be able to be achieved, not to mention that the only people in this venue are all from different places, and there may not even be any intersection between them.

Perhaps it is right. If you go together, you may not have no way of life, and you can still keep your keys... But who are the people who are born? Are there some people who died? After all, everyone is working together. Or is there someone fishing in troubled waters and fleeing just waiting for chaos? Maybe people who die are just pretending to be a wedding dress for others?

"In that case, you go up first! Is it interesting to just shout and not act?"

Quite disdainful voice... I just don't know where it came from, and the speaker is probably also deliberately hiding himself at this moment.

The reason is so simple that everyone knows... The problem is that the simpler things are harder to synchronize. At this moment, Levin is already walking towards himself!

If you try your best, maybe before the opponent reacts, you can get away from this place...The walls of this building shouldn't be too thick.

The man sighed suddenly. As if he had given up, a white light flashed on his hand. I have grabbed a rainbow seven-color key, red, green, blue.

"Make a deal." He asked Lei calmly.

Levin also said indifferently: "You can just send it directly like me. Isn't it okay to choose the person in front of you?"

The man snorted coldly, stretched out his palm, and opened it... But at this moment, a dazzling light suddenly burst out of the large keys in his hand!

Just explode the bright spar. But the white light produced in an instant is enough to completely obstruct people's vision!

As soon as the bright spar exploded, the man closed his eyes in advance! At this moment, it suddenly opened, and at the same time, his body shot upward, intending to break the ceiling above. Get out of this place!

Humph, how can I be scared by you after all the battles? What about Cthulhu, isn't it being played with by me?

Wait, there seems to be something wrong.

Suddenly in front of him, a black and white two-color, continuously interlaced light ball completely besieged himself at this moment, an unprecedented fear, instantly invaded his brain.

Then... all the cognition disappeared.


After the white light shone, in the process of regaining the line of sight very quickly, suddenly a strange sound rang, which seemed to be the sound of some kind of heavy object falling!

When the line of sight is completely clear, I don’t know when a weird puppet has appeared on the ground... Even a closer look can tell that the puppet and the man who is about to trade with Leiwen have a score of seven or eight. The similarity.

At this moment, I saw Levin walked directly in front of the puppet, a strange token in his hand dropped, and he tapped lightly on the puppet.

The entire puppet shattered at the sound, and Levin continued to say calmly: "This way, even if it's just to show you... Now, come over and make a deal for me."

The token in his hand stretched out and pointed randomly at one of the crowd.

But what happened just now... Is this puppet the same man just now? A drop of cold sweat slipped on Asma's forehead.

Looking at Okanes, who was leaning on the stage of the present-world Lotus not far away, had a rumorous smile, could it be the hand of this evil god?

Asma quietly exchanged glances with Schattdecor, and at the same time, she moved slightly back an inch.

Unexpectedly, Okanes looked directly at it at this moment, and smiled lowly: "Want to become a puppet?"


The hearts of the two jumped wildly at the same time... What a terrifying ability to turn people directly into puppets? This auction would actually be looked at by Cthulhu, and there was a completely unexpected feeling.

at this time. Asma and Schattdec kept sending emails to Zhao Nan, hoping to get his help... However, no matter how many emails were sent, they never got a response!

Damn, did he also fear the evil god, so he didn't dare to show up? This thought suddenly appeared in the two of them... But how should we be able to get out of trouble right now?

Seeing that some people have reluctantly walked to Levin's side to make a deal at this time, Asma and Schattdec's secret discussion seemed to have a breakthrough point!

These three evil gods. There is a chosen one following! Perhaps he is doing things for the Cthulhu—or the Cthulhu will need the chosen one to serve him!

"Master Cthulhu!" Asma took a deep breath at this time, and said sternly towards Okanes: "We will also dedicate the rainbow seven-color key to you, and even want you to confess who the mastermind behind this auction is. !"

Okanes seemed to be a little interested, "Oh? Will you just betray your boss like this?"

Schattdecor shook his head and said, "A person who knows the times is a good man, and you are in awe of your strength, Lord Cthulhu."

"So?" Okanes looked at them playfully.

Asma said straightforwardly: "My Lord Cthulhu, if possible, please let us do things under your hands!"

Okanes froze for a moment, then laughed and said: "On the spot surrender is really rare! I even wondered. Your boss, did you get surrendered like this in the first place."

The faces of the two of them are not very good-looking.

Strictly speaking, when they were at the top of Yunlan, the two of them did exactly the same. They directly abandoned their employers and planned to join Tingfeng City.

"This... Your Lord Cthulhu, what do you mean?" Shat asked cautiously.

Okanes glanced at Xianse Renshi and said, "This thing is made by a guy I know. I'm very curious how your boss got it... or that your boss is actually someone I know. People? Come on, who is the owner of this auction?"

"My Lord Cthulhu. You have to understand that if you can't get your exact answer. We don't plan to completely turn over with our current boss." Asma's eyes shimmered slightly... His back was already drenched with sweat.

Okanes snorted coldly: "There is no such cheap thing in the world. What do you think you are? Enter and dare to bargain with me?"

Raise your hand slightly!

A gleam of light shot out, and in the blink of an eye, Schattdecor was already covered by a black and white rotating ball of light. When the ball of light receded, the body had turned into a motionless puppet!

Asma was shocked at this time, and she subconsciously took two steps back...only then did she understand the horror of Cthulhu!

"I said, I said! I said anything!" Asmari said quickly: "The master behind this auction is...Ah!!!"

But I saw Asma on the stage. At this moment, holding his head, trembling all over, fell to the ground, his expression became abnormally distorted because of the pain, and he couldn't say a word!

Okanes frowned. I always feel that this situation seems to have been seen somewhere... As soon as some secrets are about to be revealed, this kind of situation similar to punishment will appear.

The Temple of Truth was once used to restrict members from revealing secrets! For an instant, the real master of the Temple of Truth flashed through Okanes' mind!

He looked around in amazement, but saw that the people in the audience were looking towards the stage in astonishment, and he was naturally surprised by the situation here.

"Is... or not..." Okanes narrowed his gaze, not letting go of any one in this venue, and it was his turn to be amazed.

At this time, one of the two evil gods on the venue walked directly to the side of Okanes, frowning and said: "Okanes, what happened? I feel your fear for a moment."

Okanes shook his head... If it was really that guy, it would be the most normal situation to be afraid.

It won't be him... If it were him, the will that had been imposed on me would not disappear. But what is going on with this guy... Is it just my illusion?

His eyes fell on Asma again, and it was obvious that this guy had passed out in a coma. Okanes thought about it, and suddenly said: "Raven, don't waste time! I'm tired of looking at the panic expressions of these bugs. If anyone procrastinates, just kill them."


The loyalist nodded respectfully at this time. When I look at people again, my eyes are filled with a daunting cold meaning, "Next, complete the transaction for me within three seconds!"

People can be turned into puppets directly, and there is no resistance at all...Since Raven's cold drink, many people rushed directly to him.

at this time. Behind the crowd, a young man was lowering his head, "It's not good... I can only hand over all the keys? But even though I have already made plans, someone will ask me about all being Purple Keys. It's something, but I have never considered that Cthulhu will appear. I can't escape this situation at all!"

The young man took a deep breath and looked at the stands. The man named Okanes seemed to be more focused at this time than the guy who passed out?

As for the other two evil gods... Can they really control everyone's actions?

The youth suddenly made a bold decision. While everyone was walking forward, he slowly backed away...step by step. Step by step!

It's almost at the door!

The young man's heart suddenly became overjoyed.

But at this moment, I suddenly heard the cold snort of one of the evil gods, "Sure enough, there are still unsmart guys. If you can really make you escape so easily, what shall I call evil gods?"

I saw that above the four corners of the venue, several ice sculptures suddenly appeared at this moment-they were the appearance of those who were escaping by the ice peaks.

Their expressions retained a moment of panic and regret.

At this point, no one dared to escape the ambition of escape in front of these evil gods, but more resigned. Lined up one by one and headed towards Levin.

"But... what the **** is this?"

The young man stared at his whole body in astonishment. I was already prepared to be disabled even if I didn't die, and even when I saw those ice sculptures appeared, my intestines turned green with regret. However, in the end, nothing seemed to happen to me?

Cthulhu didn't seem to notice himself?

No... not only Cthulhu didn't notice himself, but even those who participated in the auction. At this time, it seems that I can't see myself at all!

Obviously the position where he is standing now should be more conspicuous!

The young man subconsciously swallowed and spit, his arms trembled slightly, and waved towards one of the evil gods... The evil **** didn't seem to see it!

No one saw it either!

"Damn... It feels so good that it seems to be transparent now?" The young man stretched out his hand and patted his cheek... After he was convinced that he was not a dream, he suddenly struck a spirit. Quickly ran from the side passage! In the end, the place of origin was frightened and passed by the exit blocked by the evil god.

"Wait, he really doesn't seem to see me?" The young man licked his lips at this time, turned back in an instant, and slowly approached the evil **** blocking the door.

"Since you can't see me... then..." An unprecedented enthusiasm flashed in the youth's eyes!

So, what? Of course, I took advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to give this evil **** a good lesson! The young man's heart was beating unconvincingly at this time, "I will be the first chosen one who can kill the evil **** when I live!"

Unexpectedly, when he was about to approach the evil **** and was about to wave the weapon in his hand, his body seemed to be no longer under his own control, and fell to the ground. He actually rolled out toward the exit, "Damn, what happened? ?"

The youth rolled away, and the evil **** blocking the door turned his head in doubt, and said to himself: "Is it an illusion?"



"Oh oh oh oh oh ah!!!"

It was said that after the young man rolled out of the passage of the auction, he didn't even stop for a while, he was still rolling! He even rolled directly out of the street, rolling through the people coming and going, not only didn't bump into anyone, let alone disturbed anyone.

Just like this, he rolled into a small tea house and didn't disturb the guests in the tea house either. It didn't stop until he finally rolled into a private room.

However, he bumped and bumped along the way, and his face was swollen into a pig's head.

"What the hell!"

The young man's legs fell from his face, only to realize that he had hit the wall...but he could move on his own.

He shook his head vigorously. First, the evil **** appeared inexplicably in the venue, and then he rolled out like a ghost again! And also rolled to this place. I saw a guy who was slowly drinking tea.

"You got me out?" The young man frowned.

Sitting down in front of Zhao Nan with a grin, he said with dissatisfaction: "Do you know that I was almost able to kill an evil **** just now?"

Zhao Nan sighed and placed the teacup lightly on the table, "But before you can get your hands on it, you're probably already in a different place... Invisible doesn't mean you can't feel it. When you are a Cthulhu, it's just those who once wandered. Is it a low-IQ monster in the chosen city?"

The youth was taken aback. Then he suddenly came over: "I just said, I can’t seem to see me! It’s amazing, how did this happen? Is it a secret treasure? Are you interested in exchanging it with me? Don’t worry, I will definitely show it to you. Satisfactory items."

Zhao Nan looked at the young man up and down at this time, and suddenly said, "Since this is the case, use a hundred purple keys to exchange it with me."

"A hundred?" The young man jumped up in response, "Do you think that is the Chinese cabbage on the road? You can get a big basket by just digging?"

"So you know that Purple Key is not Chinese cabbage?" Zhao Nan said with a light smile: "But when it was just auctioned, it was not like this at all."

"Auction..." The young man frowned, and subconsciously looked towards the window. However, I realized that there was not much distance from the auction venue, and I couldn't help shrinking my neck instinctively, "I won't tell you! I'm leaving!"

The straight line distance between the **** Cthulhu and himself is probably no more than a hundred meters, this is clearly a dangerous zone!

But the moment he was about to push the door, the young man had to stop his steps-because he heard this: If you want to go, just go back to me.

His face changed slightly.



"Let's talk about it, what on earth did you save me for?"

The young man finally sat down again with an impatient look on his face.

Zhao Nan said straightforwardly: "I'm very curious. Where did you get so many Purple Keys?"

The youth had no way of thinking for a moment and said: "I was so lucky, I hit a monster a few days ago. One burst is a lot of purple spoons."

"What about the type?" Zhao Nan asked with great patience.

"I don't know, maybe it's a rare species or something." The young man drew his ears and said.

Zhao Nan still said patiently: "Always remember the appearance, right?"

"I don't remember!" The young man answered faster.

Zhao Nan had no choice but to say with a pity: "Since this is the case, it is useless to keep you. You can go back to the original place."

The youth was stunned...At this moment, his body was flying uncontrollably, and then he shot out directly from the window, and headed towards the entrance of the auction again!

Again, it didn't alarm anyone on the street... Only if it flew in like this this time! !

Damn it! The young man hurriedly yelled in a panic: "I said, I said it!! Have something to discuss. Don't do it so absolutely!!!"

Seeing his body about to rush into the entrance of the auction venue, the young man closed his eyes in horror. But at this time, the body seemed to have stopped, and slowly returned to the original path.

In the end, he lowered his head and sat opposite Zhao Nan with a sigh. He looked nervously, hesitated and stopped several times, hesitated.

Zhao Nan said calmly: "Do you need me to give you a deadline?"

The young man scratched his hair in annoyance, and suddenly said, "It's fake."

"What is it?" Zhao Nan frowned.

The young man suddenly stretched out his hand and patted on the table, "I said, this thing is fake!"

After that, the palm was retracted, and placed on the left side was a purple key that radiated a faint light. Zhao Nan calmly picked up the purple key, looked at it for a while, then looked at the young man and said, "This is the real thing."

At this time, the young man was able to smile suddenly: "I didn't say that this is not the genuine product."

A sneer suddenly appeared on Zhao Nan's face.

The young man was shocked and never dared to die again. "Said this thing is fake because I made it myself. I said it is real because it can be opened with other seven-color spoons. The path of the celestial spirit to the sky! Say it this way, you understand!"

Zhao Nan nodded subconsciously.

It can be said to be very clear.

But after I understand it, the problem comes... If it is true, why can this guy be able to do this level?