Global Monster Online

Chapter 1192: Who will hear the legend, and who will t

Demon capital. In front of the main gate of the castle, there is a sea of ​​people... Since one day ago, more and more people have gathered here.

The reason for gathering is to be able to go from the prophet to the truth about this sky change. If possible, it is best if this is not a sign of disaster.

The will of the masses is very powerful-it is not the so-called power of will, it is simply the oppressiveness formed by the gathering of most people.

"Is it calm for the time being..."

The inside of the fort could see the situation outside, and Xi Menyu was looking at this situation at this time, his brows furrowed.

Brother Wolf said on the side: "Yes, it can still be relatively calm. But I think if one day does not respond to what these people expect, there will always be one day out of control... Moreover, the time will not be too long, I am afraid ."

"Our speech is useless, only to see myself appear in person..." Ximenyu smiled bitterly: "But the old man just didn't want to appear in front of everyone. If you drag it like this, it will only make things worse."

Brother Wolf frowned and said, "Master, can't you meet the Prophet directly? Those so-called guards can't actually stop us, or should we use a violent way?"

Ximenyu shook his head. This shook his head let Brother Wolf, who had been following him for many years, understand that this meant a veto...Although he didn't understand, he still obeyed. This seems to be the meaning of his own existence. All his memories tell him that if he is not loyal to the person in front of him, the meaning of living for so many years will be denied.

However, what Simon Yu thought at this time was: it is not a problem that can be solved by violence or not...but the people in the room do not have the ability that the public expects-that is just a fake.

"Wolf... Go out and deal with those people." Ximenyu said suddenly.

"Oh... OK." Brother Wolf nodded, "But, what should I say? Is it just to keep people outside?"

Ximenyu paced in the room, his eyes sharpened after a while, and he said in a deep voice, "No. I want you to appear like Gu Tianyuan... just say that this phenomenon is just a natural phenomenon, and it will take hundreds of years. . It will only appear once in thousands of years. It is not a sign of disaster. Black represents tranquility... Just say that this thing means that the world will become quiet, and black also represents nothing. It appears from overseas and appears on the heads of the sea people. It means that the Sea Clan will eventually fall into extinction. The time for our victory has arrived!"

Brother Wolf was startled suddenly, then nodded. Ximenyu hopes to use this abnormality to create public opinion... No matter what is behind the abnormality, at least the superficial uneasiness is transformed into the confidence of the masses-the marine civil strife, and the land side has been trying to take advantage of this. Opportunity, to give the Marine Corps stationed on the land a comprehensive counterattack plan.

"I understand the young master... It's just that if you pretend like this, aren't you afraid to anger the guards? If they step out to get in the way... After all, these people are the most fanatical."

"They have no chance." Ximenyu said coldly: "Why are the fate of the Dragon Kingdom influenced by these enthusiasts with abnormal brains? Since it is a pest, get rid of it as soon as possible. Wolf. You follow me Don’t worry about other things...I’ll take care of it."

"A thousand-year wonder, auspiciousness descends from the sky, and the sea clan is destroyed. The Prophet will lead us to the ultimate victory."

The headline is very long—this is a local newspaper published in Tingfengcheng. The page about this content occupies a whole page, and it was temporarily printed.

"That old man. It can really create momentum..." Looking at the newspaper in front of him, Zhao Nan had to start to admire it from the bottom of his heart.

There hasn't been any action here yet. Someone has begun to use the signs of the collapse of the era as a positive message and spread it.

"I heard that the old man hasn't shown up for a long time, and the people blocking his house are almost unable to get through. This time he finally showed up, talking about this matter, but..." Xu Yang looked at Zhao Nan and said, "Gu Tianyuan should Isn't it the true meaning of'invisible' darkness?"

Instead of believing in the Prophet of God's Chosen, the people here still instinctively believe more in the man who has been with him to this day. Since I believe it is Zhao Nan. Then the content of this newspaper is naturally questionable.

"I can't see it. He probably only knows what I can see." Zhao Nan shook his head and said, "But in the near future, a full-scale war will inevitably erupt."

"The paradise is about to be destroyed... and I am still concerned about the war..." Lilyu lazily leaned her head on the back of the sofa, looked at the ceiling, and laughed at herself: "Of course. They don't know anything. And. We can't do anything."

Regarding the destruction of the world, the topic of being able to survive only by escaping into the path of the celestial spirit has been discussed for a long time yesterday-as a result, it has to accept a status quo called "weakness".

Collect as many Rainbow Keys as you can. Will each one be saved? But for the hundreds of millions of creatures in the world, this behavior is still meaningless after all.

Because once you devote yourself wholeheartedly to this kind of thing, you finally find that what you can save is not worth mentioning for destruction. The kind of annoyance, weakness, guilt, etc., will drive people crazy at any time-most of this group follows Zhao Nan's time has been long, long.

Subconsciously, Xu Yang, who was kind at first, was also more practical at this time. Not to mention Ye Ruofeng, the black princess was originally very indifferent to people outside of her.

As for Finina...probably among thousands of creatures and her own daughters, she will only choose her own daughter—the selflessness of being a mother is completely reflected in the selfishness of treating outsiders.

Her wish of "yearning for all good" has been broken by Zhao Nan, and now she is just "guarding", guarding what she values. It was like a perfect fairy who was finally knocked down by the overbearing tyrant, contaminated with emotions and desires.

Ye Anya... as long as the family is in order. Don't let yourself be annoying if you are not motivated. Catwoman is more pure, leaving aside some personal feelings and not calculating, her own meaning is to protect her little master, and just follow the little master's consciousness.

Compared to the attitude of this family, Augustus and Oluga are probably the only two who are more concerned. One is instinct with a heart of justice, and the other is the Dragon King. There is no way not to care about the life of the dragon in the dragon world.

As for Lin Half-Monster... Don't think too much about the little guy, don't have too much ambition or too many ideas, simply will be worried about this kind of disaster, and can only hope that someone can bring a turn for the better.

As for the ghost of dawn... just listen to the master.

As for the hilly land... Will there be anything to eat after it is destroyed? If not, you must be full and full before the destruction.

Suddenly, Augustus's face changed slightly and said: "The sense of spirit...begins to become stronger."

While talking. Oruga also had almost the same expression. Augustus went on to say: "It's just feedback from the origin network... I am afraid that the higher the star level, the more feedback you will receive. I am afraid that within a few days, the Conferred Gods will know the truth. ."

When the eyes focused on himself, Zhao Nan kept himself calm, and he could only do so.

"This matter can't be concealed after all. Even if we know it early, it won't be too long." Zhao Nan said sternly: "Well, Augustus, you and Aoluga will return to the Dragon Realm first. Oluga, although the Dragon Realm is closed, you should have a way to contact those inside, right?"

The Dragon Sovereign girl nodded—a major event in the dragon world. To find the Sky Dragon Emperor on the Path to the Astral Spirit, it can only be temporarily put aside.

Zhao Nan waved his arm, and began to gather into a letter piece by piece in his palm based on the surrounding material, and he handed it to Augustus’s hand, “After seeing the Dragon Mother , Give this letter to it...remember, don't open it halfway. Is it okay?"


Zhao Nan said again: "Lilyu, you can tell Lucifer XIV about this news... You have always wanted to tell him. Right? See how he reacts. In addition, I will go to the Forbidden City in person. Looking for Yulu...Even though we are powerless, if we don't do anything, you probably won't feel good...Then we are going to do it."

He took a deep breath and said, "I will take all...weakness for you."

There is still no final decision on what should be done because the amount of information collected is not enough to reflect a feasible plan for myself. At this time, the only thing that can be done is to collect as much information as possible.

"If I know this situation. It's impossible not to leave behind... myself." Zhao Nan thought silently.

Even if the personalities are different, the only thing that will not change is how to preserve one's thinking direction.

"Think about it..."

Zhao Nan began to think.

In other words, if the path to the heavenly celestial spirits is the last thing left by the system, this makes sense. The kind of completely selfish personality always considers oneself first, so as long as you can keep what you value, you can live or die.

But will the truth be so... after all, it agrees to this approach. So don’t you plan to do it yourself?

"No... I won't dislike more insurance plans."

Zhao Nan is completely convinced about this—then the question is, what else is this...what is it? After all, because of insufficient information, no more connections can be made.

"Blade... Come over to me."

It didn't take long for the housekeeper to appear in the study room with only the study owner. His face was curious: "Isn't Lord City Lord planning to go out? Why are you still here? Or maybe you have already given up?"

Zhao Nan stared at the housekeeper without blinking, "Do you really feel it."

The steward said calmly: "It's so obvious, if you still can't figure it out, then it's bad... and the Lord once said that the paradise won't last too long. Rather than knowing it, it's better to say that it has already existed. Mental preparation is more suitable."

"Really...Does the gods and hermits know that this is coming?" Zhao Nan suddenly became silent-since this kind of thing has been revealed, the truth really intends to do something.

"But you seem to be too calm." Zhao Nan suddenly said: "Even if you have been psychologically prepared, when it comes, it seems to be too calm... isn't it?"

"There will always be a death." The housekeeper shook his head: "We who can't get rid of this cage, isn't the limit of longevity just waiting for the final death?"


"Not reconciled." The butler shook his head: "I am a realist, even if I am not reconciled, I will only bow to reality. What to resist, and what not to resist, if the result is the same in the end, why bother in vain."

"Fighting for the day and night?"

"Anyway, if everything is going to be destroyed, leave a legend to tell?"

Zhao Nan chuckled lightly: "You can see clearly, I'm afraid it's hard to have your mentality in the Conferred God."

The steward was startled, and suddenly said, "Sir, you seem to have seen a lot of subordinates of conferred gods...but forget it, there are too many incredible things about you. Moreover, I have not heard of these words for the first time. "


"Hall master once said something like this." Looking at Zhao Nan, the housekeeper said with a mixed feeling: "Perhaps the reason why the hall master chose you as the son of Godslayer is because you are very similar to some extent."

Zhao Nan didn't change his expression at this time, and asked calmly, "If the world is destroyed, there is no way to save these billions of living beings?"

The butler sighed and said sadly: "To be honest, it's a while, but I don't want to end my life like this... As far as the method is concerned, no. At least I don't know what it is."

At this time, the atmosphere of the conversation was not bad, and Zhao Nan took the opportunity to say: "Since the Lord of Truth has told you in advance about the end of the era, didn't he do something else for this?"

Perhaps the topic was dominated, or perhaps there was some inducing factor in it. The housekeeper frowned at this moment, and in retrospect, he finally shook his head: "I'm afraid it is not. At least I don't know...but maybe other members will. Know more. Among the gods and hermits, my strength is the worst, so I was arranged to come to this place... Oh, Lord City Lord, don't you think this behavior is a bit immoral?"

Zhao Nan stood up and walked outside the door.

"Since the world is going to be destroyed, what do we have to do with morality at this time?" Zhao Nan had already walked out the door and suddenly turned around and said, "That kind of thing should be discarded when it should be discarded, right? If there is not even a collective If it’s gone, moral... to whom?"

The housekeeper gave a wry smile on the spot, sighed and said, "I'm just slapped myself."

Zhao Nan has gone far.