Global Monster Online

Chapter 1260: Cangzhihai (19)

In other words, what is hidden in the grass is a...corpse!

Sotoros took a step back subconsciously. After this step, his face suddenly changed slightly-he shouldn't be afraid of this kind of thing, follow the evil emperor's side, he has long been used to seeing corpses.

"Don't bear it, let it go if you are afraid." Tia looked at Sotoros and said calmly: "In this place, too strong or too depressed emotions are not a good thing. Especially ours. Kind of, the same person as the intruder."

"I...I'm okay." Sotoros took a deep breath, his face really looked better.

Next, Sotoros walked into the grass step by step, broke away the grass that was as high as the waist, and took a look at what the hidden corpse looked like with his own eyes.

It was a man, blood spilled from all parts of his facial features, his eyes were even more staring, and it seemed that he had to endure a considerable amount of pain before he died. Subconsciously, Sotoros spoke: "This man was killed by someone!"

Tia was not surprised by Sotoros' inference, but nodded and said: "Well, and he died because of a burst of internal organs. The method is very cruel. It's just..."

"Just, what?" Sotoros stood up in shock.

"Except for us, there will be no death in the Blue Sea." Tia frowned: "But it doesn't mean that Hajime will not die."

"This..." Soto Roston became confused.

"To put it simply, Hajime would not die under any circumstances if there were no homicide or suicide." Tia said with a grim face: "Moreover, it is absolutely impossible for Hajime to have homicide among them-because of them. His hatred has been taken away. As for suicide, it is impossible, because there is no situation that would cause them to commit suicide. Considering these circumstances, I am afraid there is only one possibility."

Sotoros had no choice but to say: "What kind of possibility?"

Tia looked at Sotoros deeply and said: "Or besides you. There are other selected people who have come to the Blue Sea. And the other one, or those who are not cruel in character..."

As he said, Tia seemed to be caught in a brief thought, but quickly said: "It's just a forest of blue, and there shouldn't be the concept of murder, if it is really done by the selected person. . So... Sotoros!"

Suddenly being called off by his name, Sotoros suddenly became nervous, and quickly said, "What, what is it?"

"Before you came here, what was the situation in the Blue Forest?" Tia approached Sotoros's side and said with a serious face: "You'd better not hide it and confess all the situation to me... and Do you know anything?"

"How would I know what?" Sotoros shook his head with some guilty conscience.

But in fact, he did think of something at this time...If it is cruel, I am afraid there is really one, and it is also good to be like himself. The same opened holy thing came to the blue sea.

Calculating time, distance and other factors, it seems to be more consistent-evil emperor! The evil emperor must have done nothing wrong! Only the evil emperor would commit such murderous deeds!

While thinking like this, Sotoros suddenly felt a move in his heart, "Tia, during the time you left the Blue Forest, something really happened. And it's still a pretty bad thing..."

She was listening intently.



The room suddenly grew bigger.

This is even a technique that makes the third joy astonishing... or ability-the ability to achieve what you want.

The room was prepared by the Jigusi family for everyone, and it was just a room. When I first saw it, it was even an attic.

At the beginning, there was only an attic of less than ten square meters, and there was probably no way to accommodate a group of people, but in a blink of an eye, the space of the attic began to expand.

Yes, it is the kind that looks from the outside. Nothing has changed at all, but the space of the attic is ten times the expansion...let's call it the expansion of the inner space.

If one's own will power can be regarded as a kind of ability to do what one wants, then it seems a little bit insignificant compared with Jigusi's mother Sefani.

Of course, the third joy of not knowing what the depression is at this time just walked to the location of the wall of the room after the expansion. Began to beat.

"Tanadanah, these things on you seem to be a little bit more."

On one of the big beds side by side, the girl pulled her brother's shirt down a little bit, and said in surprise. However, the girl herself, except for the imprint on the back of her hand, had no other changes.

"Not only Tanadana, but ours seems to have grown a little too." The elder said suddenly.

Emptar and Al are also studying this kind of change in their bodies-of course, they can't study any reason.

"But similar things are also found in Jigusi and Serfanie." The elder frowned, and subconsciously looked at the Third Joy.

Before coming to the Blue Sea, he thought that the third joy...The Lord of Truth was the first human from the Blue Sea. However, after coming here, there is a kind of ignorant intuition in my heart-he has made a negation of his own guesses, but is also not sure.

Just seeing this weird guy, he walked to the window again, opened the window door, and looked in a certain direction.

The great elder looked at the same along that line of sight... Is the Lord of Truth looking at that particularly tall building?

The highest point of the entire city of Torvia.



With his condescending gaze, he withdrew from a certain one in Torvia, and Zhao Feidao continued on. This is a building in Torvia City called "Esga Cornelon", which is also referred to as the Tower of Miracles in the mouth of the first humans in the city.

In fact, they also call this era the "miraculous era of miracles."

According to the words of the first human being encountered—Fankaban, in the city of Tolvia, in Esjakonilon, no one can enter the place...unless it is called by the Tower of Miracles .

But this kind of call is very rare-at least Vankaban has not seen him personally, but in the sharing of memory and information. It would be able to find relevant and called special individuals.

Those who are called will actually soon emerge from the Tower of Miracles, there is no difference before and after.

But it is true that it is not possible to enter casually, and the first humans in Torvia City coincided with each other and abide by such regulations.

The building does not have any defensive measures, not even the gate. It is also the kind of undefense that can be pushed away with one push-in this case everyone can abide by this rule... "The consciousness of the people here is too severely controlled."

One of the passage corridors is a wall, and the other is floor-to-ceiling glass, which can clearly see everything outside. However, there was no one—in the entire building, there seemed to be no staff, nor any room in sight, only the upward stairs.


This place seems to be like a super huge square pillar covered with the appearance of a modern mansion-if it is only less than half of the height, it has completely consumed Zhao Feidao's little patience.

And it was too silent here, the two brothers Akalelon and Anubis even fell asleep at some point in the past.

Zhao Feidao had to walk to a position close to the wall. Kicked over without expression--because all the power applied to the body is being collected all the time, the result of the power of such a kick is...

Boom——! !

The wall shattered instantly!

And taking the foothold as the center point, a large number of cracks appeared in the left and right walls more than ten meters in an instant, and in the next instant, the result of these cracks was that the wall shattered.

The sound echoed in the almost sealed building. As for the two brothers who were sleeping, they seemed to be awakened all at once. The two opened their eyes at the same time, and looked at all of this curiously... They still didn't cry.

Dust filled. But it soon settled down, and there seemed to be countless blue lights flashing in front of his eyes. With these flashes of light. I can see clearly what is behind this wall.

It's still a pillar...From the bottom floor, it stretches up, I'm afraid it's a pillar equal to the height of the Tower of Miracles.

The reason why there will be a little bit of basket light is because this huge pillar seems to be an extremely large, working machine.

suddenly. From somewhere in the front of the weird pillar, a beam of light shot towards Zhao Feidao.

Subconsciously intending to store this kind of light, but unexpectedly, the light didn't seem to come for an attack. It is like a scanner light, just sweeping from one end of the destroyed wall to the other end.

And this time. Above the location of the originally destroyed wall, countless criss-cross beam lines appeared.

Become a grid!

Under these grids, the walls that had been completely shattered and disappeared began to recover little by little... and before the walls were completely restored, Zhao Feidao suddenly stepped into it.

Walked into the real interior of this miracle tower, and flew directly above.

The two brothers started to laugh because of this sudden change.

Zhao Feidao suddenly stopped somewhere before he was close to the highest position...There was actually a small fault on the pillar above.

It is simply empty, only about five meters in height.

In the fault, a large number of micro-shaped pillars are built on the circular circumference of the pillar cross section, which can only be used up and down as supports. Although it is small, it is still enough for three people to hug each other.

But this is not important-what is important is that there are people in this mezzanine space.

Therefore, Zhao Feidao stepped onto the space of the fault, and walked directly towards the person at the center-the other person sat on a kind of chair.

But the chair is suspended, the kind of suspended wheelchair that seems to have many functions-the other party is facing Zhao Feidao with his back.

It's so empty here, it seems that there is only such a sitting guy. But in fact, right next to this guy, there is a projection screen that unfolds without a word.

Scene by scene, it was the daily life in Torvia.

"Did you destroy the shell of'Escar Cornelon'?"

Suddenly came.

male voice.

The brothers Anubis and Akalelon were silent at this time, while Zhao Feidao looked at it slightly and said, "Are you the actual manager of this city?"

"Manager?" The man seemed a little surprised. He slowly turned on the seat and said at the same time: ", I'm just an observer."

He has completely turned around, and his sight has been completely connected with Zhao Feidao. However, at this time, a surprised look appeared on Zhao Feidao's face.

Or because of the surprise, Zhao Feidao couldn't help but blurt out and said, "Opheel? Why are you here?"


The creator of XL world!

This man!

At this moment, Zhao Feidao even had the illusion that what he was in was not a blue sea...maybe it was just the XL world. But... is this possible?


"I am indeed Opheel." The other party shook his head, but then said in doubt: "However, I don't know you... Since you stepped into Torvia, I was in the entire Blue Sea. Searching in the information intelligence, I couldn’t find any of your information. So I believe you came from outside...Of course, including the two babies you are holding, so you want to come."

He smiled and said, "Are you selected? Congratulations on coming here. Unexpectedly, you will find here on your own. There is really a lot of time left... Of course, there is no concept of time. Then just Let me say yes, there are some things left."

However, no matter what the other party said, what Zhao Feidao thought was...whether this Opheel is really the creator of the XL world in the paradise world.

It is not impossible to find similar appearances, but if they are exactly the same, it is a bit too coincidental... Even the name is the same. The degree of such a coincidence seems to be countless times lower than the chance of planets juxtaposed.

"Where is this place?" Zhao Feidao narrowed his eyes and said calmly.

"Here?" On the suspended wheelchair, Orpheus suddenly opened his hands, and said in a state of excitement: "This is'Escar Cornelon', the center of Torvia, Torvia's consciousness, for The whole Torvia’s wish machine to bring a dreamlike life! Here is—all!"

There was a moment of silence.

"You are just a magic stick!"

Unexpectedly, Zhao Feidao suddenly set off very rudely, kicking the entire suspended wheelchair out, and Opheel on the natural wheelchair suddenly fell down...