Global Monster Online

Chapter 1286: Above God?

It may take some time for Ye Anya to calm down, but in Zhao Nan's view, it is just a matter of time. Because Xiao Anya's actions at this time have already explained one thing well.

She shook her hand quietly, gently, as if talking.

Since the ninth only brother has already said that if his parents are true souls, then there will always be one day-on the way to the sky with the celestial spirit.

"Unexpectedly these epochs... are just a playground for the Protoss." Finina sighed, and from the infinite knowledge, she truly understood what the essence of the epoch was.

In every epoch, the so-called true soul comes from the astral world-therefore, it is not only true soul that can successfully enter the astral world! Rather, the Protoss who were originally thrown into the Era from the Astral Realm had the opportunity to return to the Astral Realm.

"We... are actually Protoss."

Someone said this sentence... the same sentence appeared in everyone's hearts.

They are all Protoss...Because they are Protoss, I came to this era, and I met everything here-all eras are just a playground for Protoss.

These are recorded in the collection of wishes in each epoch. Only by being the only one can know the secret of this matter-even the Protoss himself would not know this.

In other words, even if you are a celestial spirit, you are in the celestial spirit world as if the celestial spirit is in the epoch.

"But... if the true souls of Era are all protoss, then where did the protoss of the astral world come from?"

This is a very scary question.

Even after pursuing its own authenticity, it was discovered that behind the truth that came after it, there was even greater hypocrisy — it could even be said that the so-called true soul, perhaps in the astral world, is nothing but one. Kind of pseudo-soul. The so-called Protoss, perhaps like the pseudo-souls of Epoch, are just a self-derivation of the Prosperous World itself.

And the only one is the only one in the era...not the only one in the astral world.

If it were not for the only one in the epoch, Zhao Nan would not be able to become the only one in the ninth epoch by stealing.

"But... the astral world that we have been to before, in the cognition of the astral, also has the concept of uniqueness."

Faced with such a problem, Zhao Nan hardly thought about it and said: "Of course he has the concept of uniqueness. The Star Spirits think that they are from the era, and all their knowledge is the knowledge of the era...Each era has a uniqueness. If it does, it means that all epochs know the only existence. This is just a very simple misplaced cognition."

"No, if it’s the Protoss who puts it in the first place, it should be the presence of the Protoss first... And I have read the history of the astral world. The Sonny talents of the first era are right? But... from the knowledge you instilled in us, it seems to say that no matter which era is released, they are all carried out at the same time?"

Zhao Nan nodded and said: "It is indeed simultaneous. The order of time only exists in the epoch, but the astral world is outside the time of the epoch. Simply put, the epoch that the astral world can see is at the same time. The epoch of existence. Including the one I occupy, there are nine epochs in total."

"It's like separating the visited products separately, and there is no way to see them. But as a guest, you can see all of them and select them." Finina suddenly looked at Zhao Nan: "That's what it means. ?"

"Yes." Zhao Nan whispered: "But it should be added that the Protoss itself did not intuitively select this process... They didn't even know that they would perform this kind of placement. But deep in their will, they have long been A choice has been made. Waiting for the time to come, it will be launched automatically. And there should be no limit to the number of launches."

As he said, Zhao Nan waved his hand and took out a mirror stored in his personal space. "Have you seen it, Xu Yang? You once saw another self on this mirror, right?"

"Nightmare Lord..." Xu Yang thoughtfully.

"Because we are in different epochs, it looks like the past and present lives." Zhao Nan whispered: "But in fact, it's just because the original Protoss of the Nightmare Sovereign was cast in the Eighth Era first, and after death Return to the astral world, and once again cast into the Ninth Era - and now, the two epochs overlap because of the global system, so you can live together in the Eighth Era at the same time."

"That's me..." Xu Yang gave a wry smile, shook his head, and closed his eyes.

These things, even if you are in the eternal **** system, infinitely strengthen your reason, and the continuous leaping of thinking, there is no way to accept it immediately.

"And my previous it Alice?" Ye Ruofeng narrowed his eyes: "Brother Nan, tell me... before the release, should we know each other? Otherwise, why both my previous life and this life will What happened to you?"

"I don't have any memory before the launch." Zhao Nan said calmly: "So I have no way to answer this question. But... If I assume that every launch is due to a question affected by the will itself, then it is probably being launched. Something has happened before."

When saying this, everyone couldn't help but look at each other-if this assumption is correct, then all the emotional intersection with Zhao Nan might have happened before the era?

"So before the era, brother was already a beast?"

If you dare to complain like this, and you won’t be punished, there is probably only one out of the nine eras... But Ye Anya, the little girl is too old-fashioned. After such ridicule, she will be pitiful right away. Said: "Will your sister-in-law not scold me?"

Everyone frowned at the same time...Almost all the sister-in-laws here didn't mind the sound, but the beast was really unhappy. On the other hand, Oluga was a beast who didn't mind that sentence, but was not willing to call it that sentence... It's just that the Dragon Sovereign girl couldn't directly say anything.

Saying it doesn’t mean saying, what is she admitting?

Both the dragon king girl and the **** master of this **** system only contained a lot of gratitude. In addition, as Augustus's contractor, she could feel a lot of complex feelings from where she came.

Over time, the mixture became a more unclear situation.

It's just that these are no longer important-because after becoming the Conferred God of this **** system, the Dragon Sovereign girl can clearly feel that for Zhao Nan, she actually has awe above everything else.

Just like an ordinary dragon clan, seeing the real dragon king.

"As the Conferred God of this **** system, are you a bit disrespectful of your words like this?" After thinking about it, the Dragon Sovereign girl just said such a painless sentence.

Ye Anya spread her hands and said innocently: "But that's my brother too."

It seems to be amused by this action, or amused by this sentence... Some of the seriousness after thinking sharing seems to have been watered down a lot.

Some whispers began to speak slowly.

In the space of thinking, almost no time is counted.



When a special situation occurred at the entrance of the Holy Land, several believers and fighters, including Horsmon, stopped talking at the same time, and cast their eyes on the slowly expanding entrance of the Holy Land at the same time.

Naturally, Elder Bafidi was also secretly relieved. Because Horsmon and the others have stopped questioning at least temporarily, allowing him more time to think.

However, is it really possible to think of a reasonable solution—how many people in Horsmon’s attitude represent today's believer fighters? It is still unknown.

Is it to maintain the unity of the entire team and agree to the demands of Horsmon and others... Or is it to maintain the relationship with Zhao Nan, so that the current team of believers and fighters will once again split?

Either way, it's not easy to decide!

Buffidi couldn't help but feel a little powerless-but in his heart, he has a tendency to maintain the unity of the team today. Just the troublesome guy...

That was the person who once caused the Great Sacred Land to suffer heavy damage, and now the strength is so strong that even the fourteenth life can't figure it out.

Besides, Augustus has now successfully enshrined the gods, and adding an Aoluga as the Dragon King... tore apart with her, it is equal to the opposite of the Dragon Realm.

In that case, relying entirely on the Dragon Temple in the Dragon Realm, I'm afraid it will also be directly defied.

"Hey..." The seat-master sighed secretly, and could only look forward to the opening of the entrance, something that would make things turn for the better.

However, only Zhao Nan and his party come out...will they be reincarnated sons? Or Zhao Nan and others?

The answer...seems to have appeared before it was really revealed.

Because, a huge black shadow suddenly broke out of the clouds at this time, and came towards the location of the entrance—Buffidi had seen this behemoth!

This is the transportation vehicle used by Zhao Nan and others, the magical instrument named Eugen Feizhou!

A figure flew out from the entrance first, and just after that figure, there were another figure after another.

But this is not a reincarnated son!

Zhao Nan...a group of people!

At this time, it should have discovered Buffidi and others approaching. Zhao Nan did not return to the flying boat directly, but turned around and came towards Bafidi.

But the rest of them first boarded the Eugen Flying Boat and looked out from a distance.

"Buffidi? If you have arrived, it should have been nearly two days, right?" When the person did not arrive, the questioning had clearly reached everyone's ears.

A mood that couldn't help answering suddenly rose in my heart, and when it reached the highest point, I couldn't help blurting it out, only to hear Buffidi said in a panic: "Well...just arrived, not long. We plan to. Check the situation. After all, this entrance has become a little weird."

There are no more answers.

This kind of reporting gesture made Horsmon's brows frowned again, but he didn't say anything-he needed to take a good look at the situation now.

Before solving the question he asked Bafidi, the more important thing was naturally the question of the reincarnated son in the Holy Land.

"Then go in."

Unexpectedly, Zhao Nan said indifferently at this time: "The British Temple has been sealed again. It's just that the interior of the Holy Land has been damaged a little seriously. After all, you have been away for a long time, and the riotous reincarnated sons have nowhere to vent. That kind of thing, I too. There is no way."

"Heavy, re-sealed?" Buffidi opened his eyes wide, looked at Zhao Nan with an incredible expression, and swallowed, "Really, really?"

"The lie will not be covered for long." Zhao Nan shook his head: "Okay, the matter has been resolved. Then you can clean up the holy place now...or remember it. At the latest tomorrow, I will go through the secret world. experiment of."

Almost unable to react, after listening to Zhao Nan's words, Buffidi just subconsciously said... a sentence that made Horsmon and others want to vomit blood: "Oh... okay."

Oh well?

This kind of totally lack of opinion, even the slightest objection, is completely like an attitude of clinging to the other party, and it will be said from the top seat of the major league?

It is unbelievable.

"What is the latest tomorrow? Why can you make such a decision?" Horsmon asked abruptly, as if it suddenly made the atmosphere tense.

This group of guys who are very paranoid about the Holy Land... Even if the matter of using the Holy Land as a test product has been decided, it should be done in a more tactful way.

Buffidi wanted to say something... but it seemed too late.

Zhao Nan has spoken.

The mouth that was about to open made Buffydi suddenly feel uneasy--at this moment, he remembered very clearly, before leaving the Empire of Night, the fourteenth generation once said to himself very solemnly.

——Try not to let that guy talk...His words, within the current era, I am afraid that there is no one that can be completely withstood for the time being.

——The ability to make language a reality...It's too scary.


"Do you feel there is something wrong?"

However, contrary to Buffidi's expectation, Zhao Nan didn't mean any anger at this moment, just like Qingfeng, gently asking such a sentence.

"Of course the problem is... no."

What makes Buffidi feel unbelievable is the words that came out of Horsmon's mouth at this moment.

"There is no problem at all. As long as we can save the creatures of the era as soon as possible, even now." Truthfully, Horsmon's emotions even gradually become agitated: "If anyone hinders this great thing, I will One will kill him!"

Horsmon... murderous!

Followers, his fellow fighters...with a blank face.

"Or tomorrow, I'm tired today."

Zhao Nan has returned.