Global Monster Online

Chapter 421: Line covering the world

In the private house late at night, the bright crystal in the room radiated light softly and did not flicker. Zhao Nan closed his eyes and sat quietly in soft paralysis.

The magic seed in the brain, like a strong heart, beats every beat, and every time it beats a certain number of times, through observation, the magic power will increase by 1 point.

After the second disaster occurred, the liberation practice system was like this.

Even if they have entered the astral world, but have not obtained magic or sword power in the astral world, as with other players who have not entered, they will slowly complete the magic and sword under the guidance of the training system. The transformation of power.

For players who are not Protoss, the conversion efficiency in this aspect will be slower, and to give birth to the first point of magic or sword power, you need to complete certain designated tasks.

Zhao Nan has completed the complete transformation of magic power in the Astral Spirit Realm, and is now directly using this cultivation system.

It is not that you can practice anytime and anywhere, only in a non-combat state, and consumes energy. When the spirit can't support the cultivation, this state will naturally stop.

Every time you practice magic power or sword power, it will be converted into experience points at the same time to help players improve their level. In this way, through beheading monsters and through the training system, the player's level will usher in a period of rapid growth.

But for Zhao Nan, although the magic power has increased, the experience value has not risen.

He needs to complete the second job transfer task and bridge the gap between level 49 and level 50 before he can continue to improve.

Between forty and forty-nine is the golden rank. After the golden rank is-heaven and man!

Although the experience value does not increase, but the magic power can be increased a little bit. Since the development of the cultivation system, Zhao Nan will not stop this cultivation every day.

And the cultivation time he can support every day is four hours.

When dawn is about to break, the sky is white. Zhao Nan stopped the training system, and the magic power was only increased by 10 points in one practice, but it was also an objective number over the years.

He wasn't very sleepy, but his body couldn't stand this meditation posture. Zhao Nan stood up. After moving his body for a while, looking through the window to the sky that gradually turned from gray to gray, thinking of Luo He's words not long ago, he frowned slightly.

——Lao Tzu is the only soldier, a soldier!

——To be a soldier, we must defend the people!

Speaking truthfully after drinking, if Luohe is not so scary and can't even see through it, then he is a righteous person.

The catastrophe changed the world. But it hasn't changed Luohe's personality.

People who are shaken have endless changes in their minds, but those who are firm will not change their minds even if the world changes.

This was the second person Zhao Nan met, who wanted to protect the public.

The first one is Carlos, the king of wild wars in the XL world. Once a murderer, after practising Lingzi skills. The disposition has changed a lot, probably because of strong feelings that want to redeem sins. Only then did his spiritual skills change for a while, and finally entered the second stage, and then became a king.

Now Carlos and Luohe are basically the same type of people. Or if these two guys can meet, it should be easy to become friends.

The last starlight also disappeared the moment the sun rose above the horizon.

The sun is devouring darkness.

Zhao Nan is considering the issue of merging the capital of Tianfu-this is a big problem. To destroy the Noldor Kingdom to which the capital of Tianfu belongs, and its future development will probably be the war between Tingfeng City and the capital of Tianfu. If the capital of Tianfu can be disposed of in advance. Naturally, there will be a lot of troublesome things.

So when Luohe said that he was going to merge, Zhao Nan was already excited and even began to consider various feasible plans for mergers.

But there is one of the most important problems, that is, the level of Tingfeng City is higher, and several upgrades have even expanded its original area several times. You can hear the wind city and the capital of Tianfu. There has been a huge difference in area from the beginning.

Even today's Tingfeng City cannot accommodate all the players in the capital of Tianfu. But Luohe's request was to relocate all staff.

Zhao Nan shook his head and sighed, knowing that his strong endurance was indeed shocked by Luo He's simple and direct, and the simplest reasons that people could not refute.



"Can't accept them all?"



"The current fixed ceiling is not enough." Zhao Nan frowned, "There is a big gap, and I can't fill it for the time being."

Luo He, who had just woke up from drunkenness, patted his head with his thugs and touched it forcefully.

It seemed that Luohe had great expectations for this merger, and it was not the idea that came up just because of a momentary drunk.

With heavy thinking about the future direction of the capital of Tianfu, this Tiger City Lord frowned slightly.

"How about letting some people migrate?" Luohe suddenly said with a serious face: "Relocate women, young people with poor abilities. When there are enough places in your city, we will send the others over. We. It should be able to last until that time."

Zhao Nan was stunned, and responded with a wry smile: "Mr. Luo, I am terribly unable to agree to this proposal."

Luo He's expression changed, and an anger lingered on his face.

Zhao Nan calmly said: "To ensure that the level of a city can be upgraded quickly, what is needed is a group of people who are powerful enough to upgrade quickly. From your point of view, sending away the old and weak women and children may be the most correct thing. However, for me, this is a big trouble. I even need to spend a lot of time and energy to deal with the resettlement of immigrants... Listening to the development of the Wind City, it will fall into a quite long period of stagnation."


"Sorry, I'm not a soldier."

Luo He was startled and was speechless. What the other party said is not a question of attitude, but a consideration from one's own point of view. At this moment, he was a little bit difficult.

"Do you want me to send away all the elites in the capital of Tianfu first?" Luohe sighed: "But what do I use to resist the next monster siege time?"

Zhao Nan took a deep breath and apologized again: "I'm sorry, I am not the savior."

Luo He shook his head and said with a wry smile: "This is not a question of right or wrong, but that my thoughts are somewhat taken for granted."

"What about the compromise?"

After a moment of silence. Luo He suddenly said: "If you simply refuse, you may not even discuss it with me. You may not even tell me this kind of thing. What's more, you can ask me to transfer the elite first and have enough high-level players. ."

"But you talked to me." Luo He smiled.

The fierce tiger in the capital of Tianfu is under fierceness. There is also a delicate.

Otherwise, he wouldn't come directly to the hall to make trouble at the beginning. It seemed that it was unreasonable to make trouble, but he directly broke the theme.

With a serious expression on Zhao Nan's face, he said, "Two to one."

"Did you think about it early?" Luo He sighed.

Zhao Nan was silent for a moment and said softly, "Although I am not a soldier, I am also a member of this nation."



It's amazing.

The encounter between the two, to the talk, to the resolution of the relocation of the capital of abundance, to listening to the details of the relocation of the wind city, were all completed in a very short time.

It's like an occasional inspiration. Then the two jointly developed this inspiration into reality.

It seems very unreasonable.

But think about it, the existence of such a big world is inherently unreasonable.

Luohe simply wanted to take the humans in his city to a safe place.

And Zhao Nan simply wanted the capital of abundance to be abandoned as soon as possible... Then, to avoid some unnecessary cannibalism.

But no matter what the reason is. They are all doing the same thing.

Because of the discussion, the people set off again after lunch, and they are expected to reach another small village that is not within the scope of the imperial capital in the evening.

"Speaking of it. Then what supplementary update seems to be almost time?" Luo He said suddenly.

Zhao Nan nodded, "According to the email sent after the last update. There are about ten minutes left."

"Guess what weird changes will be made in this supplementary update?" Luohe suddenly became interested.

But Zhao Nan is not very interested.

But even if he is not interested, ten minutes will pass in the blink of an eye.

The person who was walking stopped immediately and motionless. Everything is at this moment, maintaining its original posture.

Zhao Nan silently looked up at the sky. It was not the first time that he experienced this kind of world stagnation in the renewal era.

But even for the second time, it was still unfamiliar to him.

The system that controls the fusion of the two worlds coldly controls the changes in the world. And he looked at everything the system had done with cold eyes.

The magic seed was beating silently, not knowing why, it was unexpectedly fast.

A previously unknown change was gradually added to the rhythm of the beating of the magic seed, which seemed to be beating one after another.

A big net covering the entire world, slowly opened in front of Zhao Nan's eyes...Everyone, everything, even things like stones, mud, and the like, also have different things that belong to them. String. It is these lines that are wrapped around the sky, combining this big net that covers the world.

Zhao Nan was stunned, and in the blink of an eye, all these visions disappeared, like a dream.

But the world still stands still. The strange beating of the magic seed also regained immersion at this moment. But when Zhao Nan came back to his senses, his huge magic power had already been exhausted!

He felt a weakness, but sat down on the spot, and the rune on his right wrist sent a strange coolness at this moment.

But this time there was no movement of the earth and the movement of the stars.

Only the sound was heard, as hard as a rusty gear that had been spinning for thousands of years.

"The transition period is over, the state of transition is good, and the national camp is officially liberated."