Global Monster Online

Chapter 442: Ten Fangs of the Flame Dragon Dance

The attack of the commander of the palace knights successfully attracted the attention of Gu Ge Luo. But this necromancer is a fierce man who captured the golden lion cubs of the Temple Alliance alive. Could an attack of this level be able to hurt?

Adolf's powerful slash, but it was resisted by a simple bone shield from Geguro.

The knight leader whose complexion changed drastically, and no time to react in the future, the bone shield turned into several bone arrows and shot him down in the air.

The captain of the knight who fell to the ground struggled to get up, and the white bone arrow hung on his body almost passed through, and the severe pain caused his mobility to be greatly weakened.

"I can't help myself."

Gu Ge Luo glanced indifferently, then turned around and said: "It seems that there are no bugs hindering us anymore."

Achilles remained silent.

The necromancer turned again and controlled the six giants to attack the rest of the temple messengers. But he didn't notice that the leader of the temple behind him closed his eyes and muttered a word softly.

A golden light suddenly pierced through the clouds in the sky, and fell on Achilles in the bone cage. At this time, a huge wave of air dispersed in all directions, pushing the body of the necromancer out of the altar.

"The secret method of the Temple Alliance." Ge Ge Luo's tone sank.

At this moment, the bone cage also disappeared in this golden beam of light. Achilles walked out slowly at this time, bathed in a yellow-white air current, like two people.

Zhao Nan frowned.

However, in an instant, Achilles' level rose from fifty to fifty-five, which was equal to Geguro. This should be a kind of transforming skills that belong to some special players, which can improve combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

For example, Finina’s Pandora transformation, or the male friend’s Vulcan transformation.

At this moment, the leader of the temple flashed and attacked the necromancer again. The two were in midair. Used a kilometer range as a battlefield!

After Achilles' power increased, he completely suppressed the evil wizard in an instant. With a wave of the sword in his hand, the ten-meter-long sword light, and the void cut Goe Ge Luo's body again!

But in the blink of an eye. Ge Ge Luo's body recovered as before, sneered: "It's useless, as long as I'm still in Qiluo City, I will never be killed!"

Achilles did not waver, just blindly attacked faster.

Once, once, ten times, a hundred times!

In just a few minutes, the necromancer has been cut open hundreds of times!

"Hahaha, it's useless. It's useless!"

This situation and situation caused everyone hiding on the ground to stare, and Jiang Lun said incredibly, "I'll go, this wizard will be resurrected indefinitely, fucking!"

"There should be something that made him unkillable?" Xu Feng frowned, "Or some kind of mechanism. After it needs to be broken, Ge Ge Luo's ability to resurrect will disappear?"

Zhao Nan looked at Locke subconsciously. The magician closed his eyes at this time, and then said after a while: "The Gregory killed now should not be his life. The souls of all the creatures in this city of Qiluo have been imprisoned by him using forbidden techniques as a summoning. The sacrifice of the Bone Sovereign. He may have adopted a certain method to let the lives of other creatures replace himself when he died."

Zhao Nan frowned and said suddenly: "That is to say, unless the number of times he is killed equals the number of lives in Qiluo City, is it possible to kill Ge Ge Luo?"

Locke nodded and said, "Theoretically."

Gao Mingyang was stunned, Zhang Dakou dumbfounded: "Isn't this going to kill hundreds of thousands of times?"

"Isn't there a mechanism?" Xu Fei suddenly said: "As long as you know the method. If it is destroying, it should be fine!"

"It should be these eight altars." Locke thought: "The altar is a container used to contain the souls of living beings. As long as the altar disappears and the imprisoned souls are released, Gregory's resurrection ability will theoretically disappear."

Zhao Nan nodded, took a look at the battle between Achilles and Gregory, and said calmly, "Retreat first."

"No matter which temple is in charge? Sir?" Locke asked.

Zhao Nan shook his head and said: "If you can't beat it, you should escape. It is not wise to know what the opponent's ability is. It is not a wise move. Locke, you take the first step and tell Wali to let him lead people to retreat. I don't want to listen to the wind. The city’s legions are doing unnecessary consumption here."

Locke nodded in response. The magic tool was here at full speed, turned into a breeze and disappeared, and the speed was not much worse than that of the temple commander after the level was increased.

"Fuck, this scam!"

Unexpectedly, Gao Mingyang cursed suddenly and looked into his line of sight. At this time, a huge skeleton was approaching where everyone was hiding.

At the foot of this huge skeleton, the knight leader is running madly.

"Master Earl, please don't stand on the sidelines!" The knight leader shouted loudly, which shocked the audience.

"This half-life is in the coffin, this is full of breath!" Xu Feng widened his eyes and said, "Professional fraud!"

"What to do?" Gao Mingyang asked quickly.

Zhao Nan shook his head and said helplessly: "What else can I do?"

A group of temple envoys obviously didn't want to let go of their combat power at this time. Not only Adolf attracted the huge skeleton soldiers, but also other skeleton soldiers were also attracted at this moment.

"Fight." Zhao Nan said in a deep voice.

If this matter is left on the sidelines, I am afraid that there will be a gap between the future and the Temple Alliance, it would be better to sell the other side for a favor now.

"Hit it!"

Gao Mingyang summoned his broad sword, he could chirp if he didn't make a move, but if he decided to make a move, he would definitely not say a few more words. The wings of the silver eagle opened, and President Gao took the lead and slashed at the nearest giant skeleton soldier.

Gao Xiang, Xu Feng, Xiongyou, and Jiang Lun all flew out together at this time. Each of them summoned their pets, and one of them chose a huge skeleton.

Dusk walked alone, blocking the last giant skeleton. He was not equipped with silver eagle wings, but his agile speed made him jump into the air along the skeleton's body in an instant.

Xu Fei flew back and forth on the battlefield, treating the injured temple envoy and the knight chief.

The one-sided situation was not instantly reversed because of their participation in the war, but despair was relieved.

Zhao Nan glanced at the battle between Gregory and Achilles, and walked to the bone altar alone. Now that it has been shot, then it is absolutely impossible to gain nothing. Ge Ge Luo can't kill, but he can still make a profit by destroying an altar first!

The Dragon Knight did not let the sky dragon appear, and stood under the altar at this time, holding the Soul Eater Sword in both hands.

Lifting up to the sky, under the clouds, two huge magic circles stretched out, and a trace of heat instantly filled the nearby hundreds of meters.

The flame dragon dances ten directions! ——X2!

The Flame Dragon Formation was upgraded to below the golden rank by Zhao Nan, and once again merged with the forty-level advanced fire magic skills.

In the astral world, Sophia had once experienced that, with the blessing of enhanced spiritual skills, if the power of Zhao Nan's twelve fire dragons could be increased seven times, it would reach the attack of the Celestial Rank. But even now, a five-fold increase is already his limit.

But the basic power of the fire dragon can be improved. Through fusion again, the power of the fire dragon is now twice as powerful as before! This is the new strongest fire attack skill, Yanlong Wu Shifang!


Without the sky dragon, the fire dragon swimming out of the huge magic circle is already roaring!

A fire filled the sky, reflecting the earth, the Yanlongwu Shifang, with ten times the power of the Yanlong Formation, has completely reached the level of attack of the Celestial Rank, and, one shot is two shots!

Gu Ge Luo suddenly stopped.

The golden childish lion, the leader of the temple, frowned at this time.

Hundreds of huge fire dragons rolled down from mid-air and landed on the bone altar. The waves of flames dispersed and roared constantly!

Boom boom! !

At this moment, the bone altar started from the top layer, layer by layer by the fire dragon blasted and burned! The white bones turned into dust in the flames, and floated out with the fire waves. At the same time, countless howls were emitted from the altar, and the gray ball of light turned into a hideous and distorted face, which flew out. It was those who were detained in the bone altar, Qiluo City. Many dead creatures!

These liberated souls flew randomly in the air, rushing out of kilometers in an instant, like a gray meteor.

The huge air wave recoiled into the sky, and the sound of the wind whistled, blowing the gray robe of the necromancer into a hunting noise, and his huge hood was blown away, revealing a pale, bloodless, horrible face with prominent eyes! The fierce glow in Ge Ge Luo's eyes kept flickering, and it was obvious that the destruction of a bone altar gave him unprecedented anger!

However, the battle between him and Achilles has never stopped. Seeing the chance, the leader of the temple, once again unceremoniously slashed to Göge Luo!

The body of the necromancer was split once again, and then recovered again after splitting, but this time a large amount of black mist emerged from his body!

"I spent a lot of effort to build the altar and it was destroyed. Then use your life to make up for my loss!" The roar of the necromancer cuts across the sky.

As if it was an endless black mist, it instantly pressed on top and descended from mid-air!

"Be careful, these black mists can corrode the bodies of creatures and turn them into skeletons!" At this moment, the chief of the knight shouted in horror.

"I don't need you to say that I know it!"

Gao Mingyang, who were fighting with the superstar skeleton, cursed at this time, each fleeing the black fog in the nearest direction.

Zhao Nan is also unwilling to face this terrifying black fog. God knows that the skills granted can resist this strange gas?

The Earl of God did not hesitate to open the wings of the blazing sky, and temporarily retreated from the side of the collapsed altar to the street in front.

The sound of roaring and collapsing came from behind him at this time. The black fog was like the substance, crushing all the buildings to pieces in an instant.