Global Monster Online

Chapter 457: name

The blade on the glove easily pierced the body of Peter Forty-Three, and swiped down from his chest, and then pulled it out. The blood that was violently touched, half of the body of the "Onimusha" They were all dyed dark red.

Peter forty-third's eyes were so huge, he clearly did not expect that under this situation, the "Onimusha" would betray him.

"You... actually!"

Peter forty-three was clutching his wound, a lot of blood poured out, his strength gradually disappeared, and he fell to his knees weakly, his gaze gradually becoming more and more terrifying.

"Haha, father and father, it seems that this time, it is the son who won!"

The triumphant laughter of the third prince sounded right at this time, his eyes were a little bloodshot, and his body was trembling slightly, but it was definitely not panic or panic. This is clearly a state of excitement.

At this moment, Peter forty-three did not even have the strength to speak, but at this moment, the "Onimusha" suddenly used means to be afraid of hitting him on the back of the neck, causing him to lose consciousness and fell to the ground, watching In the case of bleeding, I am afraid that it will not take long before the blood will be exhausted and death.

The third prince coldly looked at Peter forty-three or four who fell on the ground at this moment, and said calmly: "Well, let him go through this life unknowingly, which is a good return for his nurturing over the years."

The three princes' eyes were fierce, looking at the "Onimusha", "Now you just need to catch Yulu."

Unexpectedly, just after saying this, one of the guards pushed the door in full, "Well, your lord, the emperor, she, led people to break through the palace and has escaped! Somehow there are many more masters around her, our people I can't stop it at all!"

When the third prince heard this, his expression changed. He cursed a word of trash fiercely, and finally frowned, walked back and forth for ten seconds, and suddenly said: "She must be moving to rescue soldiers. You go down first, don't let anyone leave the palace again!"


The third prince suddenly looked at "Onimusha" and said with a serious face: "Sir. Now is the time for you to show off!"

'Onimusha' laughed, and said in a shrill voice: "What does your Royal Highness want to do?"

The third prince said: "Although the nobles in the city knew that Yuluo had returned, I temporarily gave the password on the grounds of stabilizing people's hearts. I originally planned to blame her for all the crimes, but I didn't expect that she had escaped...Mr. Labor Get Yulu back."

"Onimusha" walked in a few steps casually, and whispered, "What if I can't catch it?"

The third prince squinted and said, "Then grab the **** of the eldest prince. You can't get rid of Yulu. At the very least, you have to get rid of the obnoxious thing to save trouble in the future."

"Onimusha" laughed and said in admiration: "Your Highness. As expected, he is a cold-blooded and merciless person."

The third prince only regarded this as a compliment, but calmly said: "My husband and I are partners in interest, and the relationship between people is much stronger by this useless royal blood!"


"Onimusha" nodded, and walked out the door quickly. Unexpectedly, the moment he passed the third prince, he slashed out quickly. Amidst the consternation of the third prince, he knocked him unconscious on the ground. .


"Onimusha" whispered at this moment.

now. Zhao Nan, who saw the whole farce in his eyes, just showed up. He walked to Peter forty-three and the third prince. After turning around, he whispered: "Stop the bleeding for this King. If you can't even move your body later, it won't be easy to handle."

After that, he sat on the seat on the wall and closed his eyes. This trip to the palace required things to be done much faster than he had imagined.

From the moment Peter 43 sent "Onimusha". It's the moment when the gears turn so fast in vain. Perhaps Peter forty-third and the third prince hadn't thought about it, the Onimusha that they both depended on would have become their own people early in the day.

I don't know how much time has passed.

It was about dawn.

A loud noise came from outside the palace. For a time, the flames blazed into the sky, dressed in different costumes, and guards under the various noble ministers. There were even troops stationed in the royal city, coming one after another.

The guards in the palace were shocked for a while, and the entire palace was surrounded. And at the forefront of this group of fierce soldiers and professionals are the Queen Yuluo and others.

The emperor was anxious about the safety of Peter forty-three and kept breaking into the palace. The huge gap in numbers made the palace guards unable to resist.

In the glorious Royal Palace of Hayate, there are screams, fighting, fire and blood everywhere at this moment!

The guards of the palace were retreating steadily, but they received the order from the three princes to guard. At this time, the three princes had been locked in the palace of Peter forty-three and would not come out at all! Even the guards who passed on could only be separated by one door.

These replaced palace guards were originally trained by the three princes secretly, and their strength and loyalty were quite good. But the situation is critical, and it is clearly a danger that cannot be escaped right now. In less than half an hour, most of the morale has been lost!

But at the moment the sun appeared from the horizon, the entire palace of Peter forty-three was already surrounded by the staff of Emperor Qiluo.

"Brother Three Emperors, please catch it with your hands!" Empress Yuro's voice was cold and indignant, "Don't make any more mistakes!"

Unexpectedly, there was a burst of laughter in the bedroom. It was the voice of the third prince. He only laughed and said: "In any case, my Royal Highness will never surrender! Since today's affairs are revealed, it is a death crime, then I would rather Let everything be destroyed!"

I saw the third prince stretched out his long sword, put it on the neck of Peter forty-three, and pushed out the door from the bedroom, "One, let me leave safely, and don’t send anyone to chase my highness! Two, I Kill him now!"

The three princes looked terrifying, and Peter forty-three was seriously injured and precarious. The situation was critical for a while, but no one noticed the dull eyes under the prominent expressions of the two.

"Strange, why don't you see Brother Nan?"

Gao Mingyang frowned: "I thought you would get in touch!"

Xu Feng frowned, "Isn't Xu Fei or Gao Xiang doing this? I just fight!"

Xu Fei shook his head and said: "Communications are usually Jiang Lun!"

Jiang Lun wanted to cry without tears: "Boss, shouldn't you do this kind of national affairs?"

"So..." Xiongyou couldn't laugh or cry: "None of us had contacted him?"

Behind the heads, watching the crowds of guild masters in front of them, frowned at the same time. Just now I remembered that I had just entered the palace and rushed all the way. It was so enjoyable that no one had contacted Zhao Nan.

"Fuck!" Gao Mingyang cursed in a low voice. When he was about to contact Zhao Nan, he suddenly heard a loud roar!

I saw that from the bedroom of Peter forty-third, two figures broke through the roof at the same time and flew into the air. One was Zhao Nan, and the other was a weird man in a black armor mask.

The two played against each other in mid-air, with great momentum. The magic skills scattered from Zhao Nan's hands fell to the ground, and there was a loud noise everywhere! However, the sword light shot from the sword of the ghost mask man can easily cut the hard wall of the palace into two sides!

At this moment, the third prince suddenly shouted: "Sir, save me!"

The ghost mask man, in the middle of the fight, did not forget to yell: "Don't worry, the prince, the old man will help you out of the siege! You will come back in the future!"

"You talk too much!" Zhao Nan said coldly!

The fight between the two attracted everyone's attention for an instant, but after being attracted, they shot out of the palace at the same time, and the light continued to stretch out the battlefield.

Gao Mingyang and others wanted to go to help, but they heard Zhao Nan's voice from a distance: "I will deal with this person! You can save your Majesty!"

"What to do?" Several people asked hurriedly.

Gao Mingyang spread his hands and said helplessly: "What else can I do, save the emperor Laoer!"

Xu Feng nodded, his figure gradually disappeared in the same place, and he touched everyone. But when he was about to approach the third prince, he was taken aback for a while!

I saw that Peter forty-third seemed to have been beaten up with chicken blood, suddenly opened his eyes, taking advantage of the moment when the three princes were not prepared, he pushed the man to the ground, and even took the long sword from the hands of the three princes. , Pierced into his chest!

"My king, kill you this rebellious son!"

This frightened everyone very much, and his Majesty was furious and assassinated the three princes!

The third prince screamed and inserted the long sword into his heart, splashing with blood, staining the face of Peter 43! He seemed to want to say something, his eyes finally regained his aura at this time, looking at the people on the field, puzzled and frightened, unable to say the last sentence, his head fell to the ground!

But after stabbing the third prince to death, Peter forty-three screamed to the sky and collapsed to the ground feebly.

When the Queen Yulu sees this, where else can she take care of it? In an instant, he rushed up the steps, took Peter forty-three into his arms, and sorrowfully called Father Father.

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

A kind of noble minister, his face changed drastically at this moment, and he stepped forward. Seeing that the lord of a country was so angry, it was clear that his life had come to an end, even if he was calmer, he became flustered from the bottom of his heart.


At this moment, Peter forty-third stretched out his hand with difficulty, pointed at Princess Yulu, and said in a trembled voice: "Listen... the three princes are cruel and cruel, the eldest prince is incompetent... this king... after death... the throne will be left to Yuluo. The emperor...follow, inherit..."

Peter forty-third's eyes suddenly opened, and with infinite resentment and anger, he stared at the Queen Yulu, his arm fell weakly to the ground, but he looked like he couldn't look at it.

The pitiful screams of the Empress Yuro sounded in the palace at this moment, and hundreds of civil and military officials around her, and various guards and thugs, knelt down on the ground one after another.

If you don't cry at this time, that is really a serious crime of disrespect!