Global Monster Online

Chapter 465: Kill (two)

Suddenly a sound of footsteps came from inside the villa. It's not a big voice at all, it can even be said to be weak, but when a dozen people appeared in front of Zhao Nan with the same look, they knew that they were definitely not weak.

The Avengers have always been the strong side.

Even if their strength is not high, even if their profession is not good, even if they are uneven, at this moment in front of Zhao Nan, they are the most powerful people.

Since the guild was attacked, it has been declining day by day, and has never given up.

"President, everyone... please let us participate in this action too!"

"We are also members of the guild, and our guild is the most humane place! It becomes like this, and I feel very uncomfortable in my heart. Even if I die, I also hope to avenge my good friends!"

"Yeah, we will never hold you back!" Your face is solemn, and you bow your head heavily and say: "I guarantee it with my life!"

"I also use my life guarantee!"

The act of sitting and pleading one by one. More than a dozen revenge hearts were beating in front of Zhao Nan in a powerful, rapid, and fierce posture, like a flame, becoming more and more fierce.

"It's wrong, it's not your life guarantee." Gao Mingyang looked at everyone, then at his companions, nodded, and finally looked at Zhao Nan.

Zhao Nan took a deep breath and said seriously: "It's us, who will use our lives to ensure your safety!"

"Ah, that means..."

"Of course we did it together!" An Ran laughed, "Everyone, after waiting for two months, our persistence is finally in vain!"

After a moment of silence, ten roars rang out in the dark. Such as Benlei disturbed people's dreams, but Zhao Nan felt that this was the most unforgettable voice heard in his life.



The seven major guilds in the outer city have different processes at this moment, and the reason is naturally that they are leading the way. Zhao Nan led the people of the guild to run in the dark. Among this group of people, only one is an outsider, who has been living in his villa during this time. People from the Purgatory Guild.

He exists only for communication.

That's right, it was communicating with the few who led the way for the Seven Great Guilds. Zhao Nan didn't know when these people were mixed into the Seven Great Guilds, but one thing is certain, these people are definitely the people Ximenyu has kept, and they have never appeared in front of them.

Probably only before the catastrophe, the people who were brainwashed by him through drugs and other methods could achieve this obscurity and willingly give.

"Mr. Zhao, the first guild has entered smoothly." The person from the Purgatory Guild said for the first time: "Everything is going well at the moment, if the plan goes well. Two hours later, all the seven guilds will enter the designated place. "

Zhao Nan nodded, looking at Yueheifenggao on the road ahead, only narrowed his eyes.



"Strange, there seems to be traces of a large number of people passing by here!"

Among the seven major guilds, a member of the guild stopped at the foot of a mountain. In front is a cliff, under the cliff. It is a big hole.

At this moment, people in the guild took out bright crystals to illuminate them. I saw a lot of footprints on the road in front of me, and it was obvious that many people had just passed by.

"What's the matter? Didn't you mean that only you here know?"

"This...Chairman, I'm not sure. There was indeed no one when I left. But... after I left. I won't know anymore." The leader was frightened, and the guild leader frowned. Up.

He always feels something is wrong, but he can't say for sure. But this person is his own confidant, he has been absorbed into his own guild since the first integration and migration, and he has always been very loyal. Several times even used his life to clear the way for himself to relieve the crisis. If this guy can't believe it, probably not many people in the guild can believe it.

He nodded and said helplessly: "There are unexpected events in the sky, this map is open, and it is inevitable that someone will find out after you. Let's speed up a bit. It should be just some people from the small guild. If you know it, let them leave. If they don’t know, let them taste the fate of the'End of the World' guild."

"What the president said!"

The group of people happily agreed, ate all the people in a guild, and could get more things than they had worked so hard for a few months. Not many people can resist the charm of windfall.

At this moment, he led the people and quickly rushed into the cave entrance.

A passage inside this cave is extremely long and narrow, and it actually takes ten minutes to complete it. Then, another light source suddenly came from the front.

The road suddenly opens up, and here is a huge cave space! Inside the cave, stalagmites stand like dense forests. A kind of rock humanoid monster is constantly breaking out of the mud at this moment, and what confronts these rock humanoid monsters is for the president to see his acquaintances.

"Season as usual!"

Known by the name of Ji Ruchang, he is the president of one of the seven major guilds, and he was also the top ten contestant in the Dongyuan City Tournament Competition.

Ji Ruchang's hearing is particularly good. When he heard the sound and looked back, the two bright spars made the inside of the cave bright as daylight, and the appearance of the person was clearly visible, "Xionghai! Why are you here?"

Xiong Hai frowned, and when he heard Ji as usual, why didn't he know that he also planned to monopolize this place? It’s just that people who didn’t think of themselves first discovered that under their hastily mobilized, they would actually catch up with the people they discovered later!

"Oh, I just found that there is a nice place here, so I came to step on it. What a coincidence." Xiong Hai smiled dryly.

Ji Ruchang narrowed his eyes, and said calmly: "What a coincidence? I just arrived...or else, let's work together and share things equally?"

"Of course!" Xiong Hai smiled and waved generously: "There are so many people to do things! Come on, brothers, let's do it too, and help the Brotherhood Guild!"

Someone hurriedly joined the battle. Ji Ruchang and Xiong Hai were talking and laughing together. They looked like brothers they hadn't seen for a long time, but their minds turned around, just like ghosts.

Unexpectedly, there are a lot of rock humanoid monsters in this place, and the level is still high. After fighting for ten or twenty minutes, the progress is only average.

After this passage, it seems that it is just this cave. The whole cave is circular, and there are no other passages, which really prevents them from finding other roads. When they were about to ask the guides what was going on, a group of people appeared in front of them!

"what is the problem?"

Ji Ruchang and Xiong Hai got together with the new guild leader. This is no coincidence!

"Could it be..."

The three guild leaders finally realized what was wrong, their expressions changed slightly, and they each looked for the person who led the way in their own guild.

But there were so many people here, there were no people in sight for a while!

At this moment, everyone just felt that their feet were empty, as if they were attracted by a strange suction! In fact, they are falling right now!

In the whole cave, at the same time, it turned into a big pit!

In a panic, someone summoned his flying pet and tried to fly out of the big pit. Unexpectedly, the top of his head suddenly went dark, and it was actually blocked.

Everything was as if it had never happened, there were only three people left in the entire cave. They each looked at each other, nodded, then glanced at the cave that had been restored to its original state, and walked away quietly.

And history is always surprisingly similar!

After Ji Ruchang waited for the three-person guild, he entered three waves of guilds one after another.

The first guild that entered excitedly thought that it could occupy this precious land, and then after the second guild entered, it could only choose temporary cooperation, but when the third guild also appeared together, suspicion appeared, and the trap was also at this time. Appear!

In a moment, they all fell into this dark place!

There were only three people left, and then they left quietly!

In this deep pit, the place where the bright spar shines, what you see is also a closed space! In this enclosed space, a message was conveyed to everyone.

That is, only by killing the monsters here, can you open the exit above your head. Otherwise, it can only be opened from the outside!

This is not a special trap, there are similar institutions in many places.

"It seems that we were trapped." A sneer appeared on Ji Ruchang's face: "My guild has defected."

"It's not only you, but mine too." Xiong Hai shook his head, feeling a bit complicated. Now thinking about it, the man who helped him to be born to death many times has turned against him!

"Who would this be?" The last president said calmly: "There must not be many people with this ability in Eastern Origin City... and it is very likely to be..."

"Huh, do you want to kill us like this?" Ji Ruchang disdainfully said: "Unless he dispatches all the city defense forces, or even if the purgatory is more powerful, he won't be able to eat the three of us! Let's get rid of the monsters here. Thinking of a way!"

Otherwise, there was a sudden noise, and hundreds of thousands of figures above their heads also fell into it at this time!

These people fell to the ground, each fell half-dead, but fortunately, the blood was sufficient, and soon stood up.

The three new guild presidents met with Ji Ruchang and the three of them were naturally sighed. Unexpectedly, there were six guilds and almost all of their staff were trapped in this place!

Then there is the last guild.

In less than an hour, the seven major guilds in the outer city were all gathered in this place!

The seven guild leaders suddenly exclaimed in their hearts, such ridiculous traps, the seven guilds were actually caught! What a joke!