Global Monster Online

Chapter 559: The Magic Trail of the Royal City (3)


Zhao Nan's face changed slightly.

He didn't think for a moment what was going on. There is a very low possibility that the queen will suddenly disappear by herself. If it is said to be missing, then it is probably a set of forcing the palace to coup. But based on the current situation, the only people in the entire royal city who have this ability are those in the line of the eldest prince. It can even be said that only the Duke of Manton has this ability.

"I have sneaked into the palace these days to investigate, and I haven't found Yuluo's whereabouts." Achilles said solemnly: "Even the hidden places secretly built by the royal family have been searched for, and I haven't found it. I It is suspected that it is very likely to be put under house arrest."

"Who do you think is doing all this behind?" Zhao Nan said.

Achilles shook his head and said: "I'm also investigating this matter. The most likely one should be from Manton's side... I found that the current palace is basically under Oscar's control. He is Manton's. grandson."

As long as you think from the perspective of the greatest beneficiary, it is easy to point the finger at another heir to the throne.


The Duke of Manton is now Zhao Nan’s person, he will not even consider the situation in which Gregory the Bone can betray him... Could it be said that another force that he did not know appeared in the kingdom?

"His Royal Highness, you shouldn't just investigate and not act, right?" Zhao Nan said suddenly.

Achilles sighed, "Lord Earl's touch makes me admire again. That's right, I used to secretly fight Oscar as a masked man. For some reason, his strength suddenly increased to the Celestial level. There were many court knights around to follow. To be honest, I didn’t get the slightest gain at that station, and I suffered a little injury. However, Oscar was not too good. Unfortunately, after that, Oscar hid. It is not difficult to sneak into the palace. , But if I want to find him, at least I haven’t gained anything in these two days. I have caught several court knights and tortured it. It seems that Oscar is passing the news through a certain method, and he himself does not show up."

He looked at Zhao Nan and said, "I originally planned to start from the Duke of Manton this day, but now that I have encountered it. Let's act together."

Zhao Nan waved his hand and squinted his eyes: "Wait first... Didn't the prince explain first, why did you, who served in the Temple Alliance and gave up your status as the prince of the kingdom, appear here alone?"

Achilles said blankly, "I only took the time to come back to fulfill the conditions that I promised you. This incident is also a coincidence."

It turned out to be for that matter. Calculating the time is almost the same. Some time ago, when Osfin mentioned the Abandoned Land, Zhao Nan thought that it would be impossible.

But Yuni was born early, so she could make a foray into a place where she could hunt a lot of soul crystals. Maybe you can still run into Oscar and Valkyrie. At that time, there will be two epic-level masters around him, and there should be some gains. That's cheap for nothing, you can't stop it.

Achilles suddenly said, "However, I am more concerned about Yuro's safety than the Abandoned Land. It's not that I didn't keep the promise, but Yuro's safety is more important than my life. If this matter is not resolved, Please forgive me for giving up this opportunity."

"Don't worry, I don't want to see the queen have an accident." Zhao Nan said yes: "My trip this time is also to **** her to participate in the negotiations of the Five Nations Alliance."

"Five Nations Alliance?" Achilles couldn't help being stunned.

Zhao Nan said: "Aren't you going to the Duke of Manton's house? Talking as you walk."

But this is destined to be a trip in vain.

The Duke of Manton had already left the city. It seems that Zhao Nan's instructions have been completed. After supporting the queen to participate in the five-nation alliance meeting, he rushed to the royal tomb of Peter royal family non-stop. The queen disappeared suddenly. Oscar secretly controlled the palace, and now the Duke of Manton suddenly disappeared. The combination of these things really made Achilles more and more certain that this was the conspiracy of the eldest prince.

However, Zhao Nan couldn't explain the misunderstanding, so he had to reassure Achilles temporarily. After meeting with Locke, after some discussions, he decided to sneak into the palace again.

"Rock, you and Sisi went outside the city to take over our staff."

"Okay. Sir."

Achilles curiously asked, "There are still the Chosen One who is going to enter the royal city?"

"It's the manpower to **** the queen." Zhao Nan explained as he walked: "The five nations swear under the contract crystal, no team of more than 100 people can be brought at most."

Achilles nodded.

Both of them can be regarded as forceful. Of course, if you don’t count the perverts like Osfin and Valkyrie that have lived for hundreds of years, the younger generation is probably already at the top of the pyramid, right? Achilles is one of the few geniuses among the aborigines, otherwise he would not be absorbed by the Temple Alliance. Although it is inconvenient to communicate with the Chosen in the whole world, there is no hindrance to some leisurely people in the XL world to collect the Chosen in the global world.

However, in this ranking, how many people on the list overlap with the players in the XL world, only the person involved knows. Zhao Nan did not make it to the privately produced list of XL world players to global players, because his level has always been kept secret. Moreover, he has always formed a team with only a limited number of people, and those few people will not be boring enough to leak his data.

An aboriginal and a chosen person are all elites among the elite. It is easy to get past the guard of the palace and sneak into the palace. The problem is that it is not easy to find Queen Yuro in the palace.

"You mean, Yulu is still in the palace?" Achilles frowned.

Zhao Nan nodded and said: "If Oscar really controls the entire palace, then do you think Yuluo is under house arrest, what else is safer than under your nose?"

"But I have been observing him for two days, and I haven't seen any movement." Achilles shook his head.

"I have a way." Zhao Nan smiled and whispered a few words in Achilles' ear.

Unexpectedly, the former prince frowned and said: "I understand what you mean, but can it work? Besides, this palace was built in the past. I cannot do this kind of thing that ruined my ancestors' efforts."

"Is the hard work of the ancestors important, or the future of the kingdom?" Zhao Nan asked rhetorically.

Achilles sighed. After all, the young leader of the Temple Alliance is not a person who does not know how to choose. After a moment of meditation, he has made a decision, "Then, let's split up. Even if it is not successful, give them some troubles and reveal their flaws. It's also good."

After all, Achilles shot out, and disappeared in the palaces after a while.

The Eye of Spiritual Sense was also unfolding at this time. Zhao Nan hesitated and said to himself: "It's also time to see who is sacred."

Not long after, I suddenly heard a loud noise, and a sword light shot into the sky before my eyes. Achilles is carrying out what Zhao Nan calls the plan, which is to carry out large-scale destruction within the palace. If the queen is still imprisoned somewhere in the palace, the enemy may be exposed because of tension.

Of course, this kind of thing may not happen. If you make a noise, you can think of it, but the other party may not be unable to think of it.

At this moment, after Achilles' shot, Zhao Nan also started to act. As a mage with a terrifying output ability, Zhao Nan is much more powerful than a knight like Achilles in close combat on simple destruction.

Under the exploration of the Eye of Spiritual Sense, a group of court knights are rushing to the disaster site.

One of the palace knights was suddenly left behind, but in the panic, no one was spotted.

The palace knight who fell behind was facing a major crisis. His body was entangled by many vines, and a young man in front of him was looking at himself blankly.

"You are... the king, the Earl of God!" The palace knight exclaimed, but found that his voice did not seem to be transmitted!

"Okay, let me ask you something, and cooperate obediently." Zhao Nan said as he put his palm on the forehead of the palace knight.

He had long wanted to use the power of magic word, but Achilles was by his side, it was not easy to expose this frightening ability. Not to mention outsiders, even if it is his own, Zhao Nan rarely uses it in front of others.

The five fingers holding the opponent's forehead radiated slightly pale light, and the other's expression began to twist, and then it was empty, the fifty-sixth-level Celestial-level, for the court knights of the 40th-level, it was easy to perform.

"What the **** is Oscar planning?"

"I don't know. I just know that Oscar suddenly killed Adolf a few days ago, and then took over the rule of the court knight. We guessed that this might be what the Duke of Manton wanted to do, so we made some compromises."

"Where is the queen?"

"I have no idea."

"Where is Oscar now?"

"I have no idea."


"They often say that to me too."

Zhao Nan frowned, and suddenly said: "Among the palace knights, apart from Oscar, is there anyone else whose behavior has changed differently?"

"There are a lot of them. They are all the younger brothers who are relatively close to Oscar. They have almost stayed in their rooms for the past two days and can't come out."

"Take me to the nearest one."

Under the control of Mo Yan, the court knight obediently found a direction and walked.

Zhao Nan originally thought it would be a trip in vain, after all, Achilles caused chaos in the palace that has become bigger and bigger. Unexpectedly, the target person never left his room.

After stunning the palace knight controlled by the magic word, Zhao Nan detected only one person in the room with the eyes of spirit sense.

He pushed the door and entered, the man just stood quietly in the room, motionless, hesitantly waxing.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes... it was a pair of eyes with no pupils at all.


A weird sound sounded, and the skin of this guy in front of him began to burst bit by bit, revealing the skin like a poisonous snake.

This is... Ming! River! evil! only!