Global Monster Online

Chapter 570: visit

Sheila, a descendant of the Tianyi royal family, but even so, the concentration of royal blood at birth even exceeded most heirs to the throne. Since the age of ten, she is even more gifted and has grown into a four-winged Tianyi. In the words of the Tianyi royal family, this fellow of the royal family has great potential to impact the gods in the future.

And Sheila's subsequent growth, also singing along the way, to show the world his geniuses.

"It seems that before I was born, Sheila was already an epic superpower." Yuni said quietly.

The so-called birth naturally refers to the time when the black princess was born in the royal family of the night empire.

More than two hundred years ago, he was an epic-level superpower. With his optimistic talent, it seemed that there was nothing impossible to deal with how strong Sheila would be after two hundred years.

That being said, Gu Tianyuan's exploration of Sheila probably still has many untrue points.

"As for Gerlos, I heard that he also inherited the blood of Sheila. The concentration of the royal blood is extremely high. He was already a Four-Winged Skywing from the moment he was born. Gerlos was even more favored by the Heavenly Wings, and he had been promised by the Heavenly Wing Emperor just as soon as he was born. After the marriage contract, I want to intersect with the royal family and give birth to a third generation of offspring with a higher blood density."

Youni didn’t know whether it was a ridicule or helplessness. “It seems that the Tianyi Royal Family has such a strong supporter of such a saying. Sheila can awaken the Four Wings at the age of ten after she was born. If the princesses are combined, it is very likely that they will give birth to the strongest bloodline of the legendary Celestial Wings, the Six Winged Celestial Wings."

Zhao Nan imagined the appearance of a six-winged sky-winged man in his mind. The prototype of this creature seems to have appeared on the earth before.

"Six Wings Heavenly Wings... are they amazing?"

Youni nodded and said: "In Paradise World, the Temple Alliance is almost in the supreme position. Even if the Lord of a country is enthroned, it requires the Temple Alliance to be crowned to be legal. However, within the Paradise World, the Empire is. No approval from the Temple Alliance is required. Do you know what it is for?"

"Simply put, the empire has the strength to fight against the Temple Alliance." Zhao Nan didn't think much about it, probably this is the only situation.

"In fact, the empire today has no way to compete with the Temple Alliance." Youni said crisply: "Of course, I am not referring to quantity. It is in terms of the strong. Unless it is any three of the four empires. Only when the empire gathers all the strong can be qualified to fight the temple alliance."

Zhao Nan was stunned secretly, that the temple alliance was not clear, and he had only been in contact with Achilles, but he had never thought about the strength of this organization.

"But what does this have to do with Six Wing Tianyi people?"

"Since it is the Temple Alliance, the gods are naturally responsible for maintaining this organization." Youni said: "The gods refer to the subordinate gods, I won't explain. I'm just talking about the relationship between the Temple Alliance and the four empires. ."

Zhao Nan listened carefully, this kind of opportunity to get in touch with the secret history of Paradise World from members of the imperial family is not too many... well, actually there are many, if...

"Temple Alliance. It was an organization where most of the subordinate gods gathered their followers and developed in a unified manner. The original temple alliance had seven subordinate gods known as the most powerful in the world, and they together formed the highest seat of the temple alliance. Later, for unknown reasons, there was a contradiction in the highest seat. Seven members fell out, four of them broke away from the temple alliance, in the world, through reincarnation. Based on their own believers, they were established separately. Four countries. The four empires later."

"It is precisely because the four empires all have the support of one of the subordinate gods who had the highest seat at the time. That's why the Temple Alliance turned a blind eye to the strength of the empire?" Zhao Nan said suddenly.

"Yes." Youni nodded, "Although the subordinate gods disappeared after the war of the Hundred Clan, but their heritage is still there. Even if the Temple Alliance wants to surrender the four empires, they are worried that they will lose themselves because of this. It’s too heavy. So the empire and the Temple Alliance have been in peace for these years. Of course, this is the truth that only the empire’s royal family will know. As for the outside world, the unknown country believes that once it becomes an empire, it can get rid of the temple. The influence of the alliance. Therefore, in these years, great powers will emerge, just like the barbarians in the north, in order to continue to annex other kingdoms, strengthen oneself, and become an empire sooner rather than later."

Youni sneered: "The funny thing is, unless the subordinate gods of the Barbarian race also back out of the Temple Alliance, or even if it can rule half of the world, the result will still be the same."

"Oh..." Zhao Nan thoughtfully: "So, can Six Wing Tianyi people be able to make the Temple Alliance a jealous existence?"

"Correct. Dad! Dad! Really smart."

"Why?" Zhao Nan stretched out her finger to Xiao Youni's forehead to prevent her from attacking.

Youni Nunu said: "The Skywing subordinate **** of the Skywing Empire appeared in the form of Six Wings when he was reincarnated. So of course the offspring he left behind felt that as long as the Six Winged Skywing were born, they could be heavy. The splendor of the present ancestor... even gave birth to the next Tianyi Sub-God."

"Making God...?"

Xiao Youni nodded, and suddenly said amused: "The idea of ​​creating a **** is somewhat appropriate. In fact, there are still some scandals within the Tianyi Empire imperial family regarding this matter."

"Scandal?" Zhao Nan said in surprise.

"Do you know who Jeros' fiancé is?"

Zhao Nan shook his head.

Youni blinked and said, "Is the third empress of the Tianyi Empire now."

"What kind of scandal?" Zhao Nan was stunned.

"The third emperor is actually Jelos' biological mother."

Zhao Nan was shocked: "How can this kind of thing be allowed? Will Sheila agree?"

Yuni waved her hands and said: "I heard that this was originally proposed by Sheila. It seems Sheila is a fanatical bloodlineist, and the Emperor Tianyi knew about this, and even agreed without thinking about it. And I’ve never experienced it. Some family owners with noble blood inheritance will adopt the method of getting married with close relatives to create better offspring? So, Dad..."

"It's time...that's it."

Zhao Nan covered Xiao Youni's mouth in cold sweat, for fear that she would say something shocking, and then fled the castle fort, and then quickly teleported back to Icosbon.

After learning some incredible secrets from Xiao Youni, Zhao Nan felt bad all over.

He was even a little thrilling about Icosbon...If the Skywing Empire looked at Jeros in this way, then naturally this "good seed" wouldn't have only one Borg guarding it, right?

"Old man can really mix, and such an important person can show good feelings."

Frowning, Zhao Nan pushed away.

"Hey, ontology, you are back."

With a smile, Number Two stood up to greet her.

"What...what is this?" But Zhao Nan felt even worse at this time.

In his room, I don't know when there have been more than one, two, three... eight cats and dogs, as well as unknown birds and beasts.

"This is Xiaoqi, this is Maozi, this is Tiantian..."

"Enough! Go back."

"Ah...then I will ask you to take care of them, ontology."

Zhao Nan waved his hand suddenly, and No. 2 disappeared behind him with a trace of regret. Zhao Nan rubbed his forehead, looked at the cats and dogs on the bed, and sighed, "I'm going..."




"It's the mission of the Cage Kingdom, and the leader is called Yuwen Lianxing, sir."

When he woke up early the next morning, Locke was already waiting outside the door, just to keep the news.

Zhao Nan was taken aback before frowning and said, "How many people did he bring?"

"Not much, just ten people even him." Locke said calmly.

"Oh...that's OK, I'll see you." Zhao Nan nodded, preparing to dress.

"Right, sir. These little animals are..."

Zhao Nan disturbed her head and said: "Look if anyone likes this manor, you can send it out."


"Well...that's it." Zhao Nan didn't want to say was tears when he said too much.

"Understood." Locke nodded, reaching out and starting to hug a kitten.

When the manor came, Queen Youlu woke up earlier than Zhao Nan, and a step ahead of Zhao Nan, met Yuwen Lianxing and his party in the living room.

When Zhao Nan appeared, the two parties were just sitting quietly, and there did not seem to be too many conversations.

"This must be Mr. Zhao!" Yuwen Lianxing took a look, put on a smiling face, stood up, "I am Yuwen Lianxing and the leader of the Cage Kingdom mission this time. Mr. Zhao's Da Ming, I heard my father often mention it early on, and it’s an honor to see each other today."

A good opening remark, if it hadn't been for the person's face outside the tavern, probably the Young City Lord of the Demon Capital would have a higher evaluation in Zhao Nan's heart.

Queen Yuro was sitting quietly at this time, maintaining her queen's manners.

Zhao Nan said: "Master Yuwen came to visit this time, I don't know why?"

"Because of the imminent union, I want to see some of the demeanor of Her Majesty from the Kingdom of Hayatenia. At the same time, I came here specially to apologize to Mr. Zhao." Yuwen Lianxing laughed.

Queen Yulu cast a puzzled look, but Zhao Nan shook her head slightly and motioned to the other party to keep silent for the time being.

At this time, his gaze swept behind Yuwen Lianxing, but he found the figure of Dahe Long Er and four. At this time, the two and four of Dahe Long's injuries disappeared long ago, and they even put on a formal suit and stood with their heads down respectfully.

Yuwen Lianxing turned his head and said solemnly: "You four, don't you come out and apologize to Mr. Zhao?"

I saw Dahe Longer and four people, their bodies trembling, and their expressions stood up in a panic. Among them, Dahe Longer's face was even more pale and said, "Mr. Zhao, please turn out to be rude to me!"

The four of them knelt at the same time with two pairs of knees, their hands folded on their foreheads and fell on the ground.

"Mr. Zhao, please forgive me!"