Global Monster Online

Chapter 622: Caught fish

Facing the common bombardment of the imperial capital magic crystal cannon, the four golden wings behind Marquis Sheila gathered in an instant.

Although the power of the magic crystal cannon is strong, the level of the imperial capital itself as the city of choice is not as high as that of the wind city, so the power of the crystal cannon is also limited.

However, it was enough to cause a little trouble for Marquis Sheila.

And at this moment, the city guardian of the imperial capital has crossed the distance between the center of the city and the city wall, and directly smashed in front of Marquis Sheila.

LV73 Sheila Marquis.

Undoubtedly, this is the most powerful aboriginal that all the God-chosen in the imperial capital have ever encountered.

Although the power of the city guardian is strong, it also increases with the level of the city chosen by God.

The imperial capital is currently only a fourth-level city, and the city guardian is the fourth-level city. After conversion, it is probably at the pinnacle of the legendary level. But the guardian will only be active in the city chosen by God, and can be protected by the city.

The protection of the city is the most powerful place for city guardians!

Once fighting in the city, unless the temple is completely destroyed, the guardian is almost unkillable!


Marquis Sheela frowned at this moment! The gleaming strange thing in front of him could not compare to him in terms of speed, attack and defense. However, killing this strange enemy is like breaking a phantom, and it will automatically recover in the next second, and every attack is no less than the full strength of a legendary pinnacle master. hit!

And never stop!


Just as the Marquis of Sheila was secretly thinking of a way to see how to eliminate the city guardians, the god-chosen of the imperial capital finally had a move!

At this moment, I saw an overwhelming magical skills, arrows. The attack of sword light, fist light, etc. shot out, and the sky above the entire imperial capital was like a colorful aurora, which was so beautiful that it was fascinating, and at the same time it was dangerously palpitating!

In the imperial capital, most of them are just the gods of the golden rank. Only a very small part has reached the level of heaven and human. The gap between them and Marquis Sheila is like heaven and earth!

Therefore, everyone's attack can only reduce the life value of Marquis Sheila bit by bit!

This kind of attack, if it were changed to normal, would not even have the qualifications to itch the Marquis Sheila! But today is different!

This place is almost a collection of the Chosen of the Imperial Capital, and there is even the Chosen Army of the original Demon Capital that was collected not long ago! The total number of them has reached hundreds of thousands!

Even if only one-thousandth of an attack can hit Marquis Sheila, that is a very considerable amount of damage!

Marquis Sheila groaned to himself.

Even if he is strong, he still has two fists hard to beat four hands. What's more, the number of the chosen people here is simply ruthless, and it has probably reached a level that can drown people just by spitting out!

"Jingbo, sacrifice!"

Deputy City Lord of the Imperial Capital. Speaking loudly at the moment!

The imperial capital temple received the sacrifice of spirit and soul, and suddenly tens of thousands of smiling golden lights were shot out, falling on the bodies of the gods! At this moment, the shouting voices gathered in the city, even if the Chosen can not release the so-called aura that makes people fearful like the aboriginals, but at this time, they can't hold back the crowd! Even if it was just shouting, it was enough to make anyone terrified!

In the intensive rain of attacks. The Marquis of Sheila not only wanted to face the hardship of the guardian of the city, but also always guarded against the attacks of the magic crystal cannon. It was the most difficult battle in his life!

It was an attack by a golden-ranked Chosen that he looked down upon. At this moment, it was like ants biting on his body, but in less than a minute, Marquis Sheila’s health would be increased. Lost more than half!

"No, if this continues..."

The Chosen One is really much higher in combat power than the professionals of the same level. This is not an ordinary algorithm that one plus one equals two!

A sharp pain came from the left arm, which was actually pierced by a sharp arrow!

Long-shou must lose, even if it is a strong character like Marquis Sheila.

With a sudden shout, a weird ripple came out from Marquis Sheila's body, clearing all the attacks in an instant. At the same time, I saw Marquis Sheila turning into a golden glitter and fleeing away. The Chosen of the Imperial Capital couldn't help shaking his head and sighing when he looked at it.

This product is not only powerful, but even the kung fu to escape is superb!

"Vice-City Lord, we?"

"Next, someone will replace us... Now, we start counting the number of people. We are going to send the demons to the past!"




At this moment, Marquis Sheila, who had fled from the wound, was full of shame in his heart. It felt like a lion, like a king of beasts, was defeated by a group of cats.

What is even more angry is that he actually rushed to the Goss country! Icosbon seems to be outside the border of the Gauss Nation at all...So where is the floating city now?

"Jeroth... is it really being held hostage?" Marquis Sheila's eyes were eager to breathe fire.

But it takes a while to find Ecosbon to confirm. Unless Gerlos took the initiative to contact him through a special channel, even the Marquis of Sheila would not be able to determine the specific location of Icosbon.

"In addition to possessing the Saint Faye armor, Jeros also has the guardian of Belubelos...what happened to let him be kidnapped?"

Marquis Sheila frowned. Although the Chosen City is strong, it is also the protection of many Chosen people in the city. If a thousand or hundreds of the Chosen One can break through Icosbang and then hijack the Young City Lord, it will be possible unless all the thousands or hundreds of the Chosen are elites in the legendary rank...

Can't figure it out!

At this moment, a net of thunder and lightning suddenly opened in midair, blocking the way of Marquis Sheila. This net of thunder and lightning is quite extraordinary.

However, Marquis Sheila was angry with a heart, and coldly shouted: "Small bugs, you also want to stop me? Humph!"

With a strong wave of his hands, the void made a torn shape, and directly tore this lightning web to disappear!

After the web of thunder and lightning was torn apart, I saw a handsome and unparalleled young man standing in the distance, and he exclaimed towards this side: "You deserve to be the Marquis of the Skywing Empire, it's amazing."

Marquis Sheela stopped suspiciously, and could know his identity, could it be that this person was also a person from the chosen city behind? But it would be too arrogant to just want to stop him from such a chosen one. Marquis Sheila sneered disdainfully at this time: "I have no interest in playing with you, a lowly elf! Die!"

A huge flash of light shot from the hands of Marquis Sheila, and shot straight at the young man. But just before the collision, the young man suddenly erected a huge earth wall with hundreds of roads! These earth walls, at the cost of half of the destruction, resisted Marquis Sheila's attack.

The young man chuckled lightly, "A team of a hundred wizards, releasing their defense together can be considered a defensive...This is a terrifying opponent."

"Who are you... on earth?" Marquis Sheila inhaled gently.

Tianyi's spiritual vision made him see this young man by his side, and many people were lurking at this moment! And the earth wall just now was released by this group of people together.

"Me?" The young man smiled, "I'm here to do business with your Excellency, and I want to buy something with your Excellency."

"Business?" Marquis Sheila was taken aback, and subconsciously said: "What do you want to buy?"

"Fate... yours, fate!"

As the young man's words fell, he only heard thousands of whistling sounds, and saw the sky in front of him, as if suddenly torn apart, tens of thousands of chosen people suddenly appeared at this moment!

"It's... illusion!"

It turned out that this looked like an endless sky, but it was modified in some way. It's like putting down a portrait. In fact, a group of chosen army has hidden behind this canvas, waiting for the opportunity.

"All long-range attack players are ready!"

"All melee brigades charge!"

"The battle pet is on top! We have the right number of advantages!"

Commands were issued almost at the same time, and what appeared before Marquis Sheila at this moment was a battle of life and death!

The golden wings opened to the utmost, and Marquis Sheila understood that if you don't try your best in this battle today, you might not even be able to escape!



"A big fish has been caught."

Within Ecosbon, an email was sent to Zhao Nan's email space, causing him to stop his hands. In front of him was Mar's body that had been imprisoned by a special method.

During this time, all the magical circuits in Mar's body were copied and used for future research. Although Zhao Nan has not been able to write such a sophisticated magic circuit for the time being, if it is a little modified, some small circuits can be added.

However, the deduction and thinking circuits connected to Mar's brain nerves are simply a huge project of another dimension. Zhao Nan had to step back and choose to add circuits on top of the power furnace.

The heart of Mar’s body had been destroyed by Locke, and now he relied on the power produced by the power furnace to maintain his life.

Therefore, Zhao Nan added a limit circuit to the power furnace to limit the power output of the power furnace.

That is to say, it can't restrain Mar's physical function, nor hinder his thinking, but simply prevents him from using power. After completion, Mar will not be much stronger than ordinary people.

To be more popular is to temporarily abolish martial arts.

One Locke, one Mar, and both magic tools were made by Iverson... Then, this great scholar might appear soon, right?

This is an intuition.

Zhao Nan took a deep breath and connected the last line of the restriction circuit.