Global Monster Online

Chapter 630: gift

The Kingdom of Brot, the royal city.

This kingdom has a history of more than 700 years, but among the many human kingdoms in this area in the east and northeast of Paradise World, its age can only be regarded as a child.

But 700 years is actually already very long, enough for a city to develop on a large scale, not to mention that it is still the royal city of a country.

But this prosperous city in the past has already been devastated at this moment. Warriors from the Tianyi Empire destroyed this hugely populated city in half a day, and wisps of gray smoke rose above the earth, blood stained the broken walls, and howled everywhere.

After less than an hour of resistance, the guards of the entire royal city chose to surrender. At that time, the guards had been reduced by more than half, but the damage to the soldiers of the Tianyi Empire was minimal.

Of course, the Tianyi Empire has such outstanding military exploits. In addition to the fact that the quality of its fighters is much higher than that of the Brot Guards, the more important point is that accompanied by the Floating Seven Heavenly Kings, there is also the selection of the Tianyi Empire. Legion.

Just as a strong man holding a sharp blade crashed into a playground where a group of children were playing, the result of the complete breakdown of the balance of power was a cruel and rapid massacre.

The boss of the Seven Floating Heavenly Kings has reached level sixty-nine, and he is outstanding among the combat power of the aboriginal legendary rank. He can even explode against the ordinary epic rank in a short period of time. Because this boss, when he was in the Celestial Rank, he absorbed three top-level Divine Soul Crystals by chance, and when he was in the Legendary Rank, he also merged two top-class, a high-level Divine Soul Crystal, which was already quite close to him. This profession has the greatest combat power in theory.

It is very rare to be able to absorb enough three top-level Divine Soul Crystals within the Celestial Stage. As the foundation, the stronger the physique, the greater the progress.

Speaking of this, it took a while for Zhao Nan to realize that not every god-chosen or aboriginal can be like him after the emergence of such treasures as Soul Crystals. Can fuse five soul crystals.

If the ancient arcanist as an eighteenth-rank occupation is the world’s top class that can fuse five stars, then the next-tier class can fuse up to four stars, and the next-grade one is three stars, making it two. One, one and so on.

In Zhao Nan's investigation, it was found that most hidden professions can only merge at most three, and a small number of powerful hidden professions only have four. Except for him and the people around him, there is no one who can fuse five.

Of course, did anyone keep it. This is unknown.

However, because of the difference in the number of crystals of this fusion of the souls, the same celestial rank, or legendary rank, between the chosen and the chosen, between the chosen and the aborigines, between the aboriginals and the aboriginals The huge difference in strength between.

As the boss of the Floating Seven Heavenly Kings, Fenike's profession is "The Servant of the Heavenly Sword", which is also a good hidden profession that the Chosen can obtain. Therefore, Fenike was able to absorb six soul crystals before and after, his combat power. Apart from the fact that it cannot be restored with potions like the Chosen One, there is actually no difference.

And the sixty-ninth level Phoenix, even the city lord of the Mist City, the most powerful God-chosen city in the Skywing Empire, is far behind.

Of course, this is also temporary. With the advantage of the chosen one, if you want to overtake it. It's just a matter of time.

However, it is too late if it is too late.

When Phoenix stood on the wall of King Brot's city that had been conquered, a man in his thirties standing beside him had to maintain a respectful posture.

This man was the lord of one of the chosen cities under the Tianyi Empire, before the catastrophe. It was an army major from a certain country, and he went all the way. At this moment, both his ability level and his prestige were very good.

Fifty-level Celestial Man, Nuka.

"Master Phoenix, the teleportation point here will take six hours to complete." Nuka said calmly at this time: "That is to say, a group of selected troops will be transmitted here at the earliest in six hours."

Fenike shook his head, dissatisfied: "This is too slow! We have stayed here for a day. According to the plan, Lord Marquis may be about to attack the chosen city of Stormwind, and the young city lord may even A city of God’s choice in the Kingdom of Gauss has been destroyed. We are the only one left to slow down the progress."

"Ah..." Nuka was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly said, "Master Phoenix, in fact, we can leave thousands of people here and wait for the teleportation point to be established."

"Very good, so decide." Phoenix nodded.

Nuka suddenly said, "However, in the scale of the city of the Godly Choice, Yaodu cannot be ignored."

Fenike shook his head and smiled disdainfully: "How terrifying is such a small city of choice? Even if it can rival the fog, its lord is already under the control of the young lord at this moment, the so-called The Thunder of Heaven’s Punishment cannot be used. I am floating in the air with the 200,000 Heavenly Wings of the Seven Heavenly Kings, plus the 200,000 God’s Choice Legion that you dispatched. Can’t I attack it?"

Nuka chuckled, and did not refute too much on the issue of combat power.

Indeed, the Chosen One is very powerful, but the elite soldiers of the Tianyi Empire are obviously not vegetarian. In the current environment of the Chosen by the Gods, I am afraid it is difficult to find a Chosen City that can fight the Skywing Empire... Not to mention, I am afraid, or even not!

"With Master Phoenix in charge, our aggression must be completed quickly." Nuka gave a flattering flattery.

The boss of the Floating Seven Heavenly Kings has good luck and strength. The only shortcoming is that he is a little conceited. This kind of person likes flattery, and Nuka does what he likes. This short period of time has allowed himself a lot of favorability in Phoenix's heart.

This is a big battle... As the Chosen of the Tianyi Empire, it is not to be missed. Once this Raiders is completed, it is estimated that the level of the Chosen on this expedition will be increased a lot, so even the four empires cannot ignore it.

"War is really the best way to upgrade your level. This is much more efficient than simply doing anything or hunting monsters." Nuka thought slightly in his heart.

So, less than an hour later, Phoenix and Nuka were duo. They led their respective teams, and left Brot's royal city in a mighty manner.

Among the thousands of people left, there are only less than a thousand Chosen. But even so, facing the soldiers and residents of the Royal City of Brot who had been beaten to fear, they could also be suppressed by the force.



The Tianyi soldiers who were in the Kingdom of Galenia had already advanced into a valley less than a hundred miles away from Tingfeng City.

Speaking of. It is almost universally recognized that fierce beasts will continue to be born out of the city of God's Choice. Therefore, although they know the existence of the chosen city, few people in every country are willing to advance the chosen city. Just to avoid encountering these dangerous beasts.

If a dozen or hundreds of people can still enter quietly, but if the army passes through the border, it will definitely have to fight these monsters. But how can the soldiers of a small country resist those monsters of level 40 or even level 50? Probably only a sophisticated army like an empire or a big country possesses this capital.

Stationed in this valley. Send some soldiers to eliminate the monsters that will reappear after a while after death. This army waited quietly for the return of Marquis Sheila, and waited for two days.

At this moment, it was almost the time agreed by Marquis Sheila and the City Lord of Tingfeng City, but Marquis Sheila had not returned, which made Riester, who was a deputy general, anxious secretly.

Suddenly, a spy hurriedly walked up to Lister, "My lord. The soldiers on patrol found a good guy outside the valley, and we have caught him!"

Rist's expression tightened. Asked: "Who?"

"This person was badly injured and passed out into a coma, but his face is unkempt and he can't see it."

Rist nodded, "I'll go over and take a look."

All the way hurriedly, when Lister walked to the person who was caught, the unconscious guy had been used by the soldiers to clear the dirt on his face.

But he has left a lot of blood on his body. The blood was stained with red clothes, and the wound was actually behind. Rist frowned. The four wounds on the back of this guy were a bit special. He leaned down and looked at it, and subconsciously stretched out his hand... but what he touched was the most common wing cartilage in Tianyi people!

"This is……"

Four cartilage! Four-winged Tianyi Man!

Rist was shocked. He quickly took a look at this person’s hair. After taking a look, he took a breath and said tremblingly, "Sho...Young City Lord!!!"

As if startled by Lister’s voice, the injured man opened his eyes with difficulty, intermittently saying: " it you..."

"Ah, young master, it is the subordinate!" Rist was shocked at the moment, and said angrily: "Asshole, don't heal the young master quickly to stop the bleeding! Have your heads been pinched by the door!"

This is the young city lord of Icosbon, the only son of Marquis Sheila whom he is loyal to, and the blood heir that the Tianyi royal family attaches great importance to! Rist almost watched Gerlos grow up. In addition to the love of master and servant, there is also a relationship that belongs to the elders.

At this moment, Jeros was seriously injured and even destroyed the four wings behind him. How could Rist not be furious!

"Who is it! How dare you hurt Young Master like this!!"

The Tianyi soldiers around could feel the anger in the lieutenant's heart like a volcanic eruption at this moment, silently.

There is a private soldier in another territory of Marquis Sheila, belonging to a private army. Gerlos is the young city lord of Ecosbon, and also their lord young lord!

The doctor who came with the team nervously stopped the wound on Jelos' back, and at the same time fed Jelos some precious medicinal materials in a cold sweat!

At this moment, after receiving treatment from the doctor, Gerlos seemed to have recovered some vitality, and his face looked better.

"Young Master! Please tell Wei Jiang who did it! I swear by Lister that I will kill this person for you!" Lister gritted his teeth.

"Uncle List..." Gerlos took a hard breath. "It's a bit complicated. I will try to explain it briefly, but you must calmly listen to me."

"Young Master, please say!"

"Gobley has rebelled!" Jeros said in a shocking tone: "Within Icosbang, everything went as planned. But unexpectedly, Gobley had a mentality of rebellion long ago, and he wanted to take Icosbang as an example. I have it. I didn’t notice it for a while. I actually contacted the captured five-nation mission and reached an agreement secretly. On that day, he used the excuse to let me talk to him alone, which caused people to suddenly embarrass and plot against me. When I woke up, I was already in the hands of a city master named Tingfeng City."

When Riester heard it, his eyes widened, and he squeezed his fists. The joints crackled, and said in hatred: "Gobley actually dared to do such a violent thing! No wonder the young master will fall into the hands of the city master of Listening Wind City. It turns out that it is his collusion! No wonder!"

Goblet is the younger brother of the Marquis of Sheila and the uncle of Gerlos.

Originally, Rist had a lot of doubts about Jelos being held hostage, but if it was this way, then everything could be justified.

"But... why is Young Master here?" Lister suddenly wondered.

Jeros's face darkened, and he said sadly: "Tingfengcheng City Lord escorted me back from Icosbang. When I was about to reach Tingfeng City. My father suddenly appeared. Then I heard that the Wind City God Xuanjun Tian Qi came out... ...Father, he..."

"My lord...what...what?" Lister said pale.

Jeros shook his head: "I don't know. The situation was chaotic at the time. I had to follow the orders of my father and take the opportunity to flee. I could only watch my father be besieged by tens of thousands of chosen people... hey."

"Young Master don't have to blame yourself!" Riester comforted: "If the Young Master did not leave at that time, Lord Marquis would only have scruples, and the situation would be even more dangerous. Don't worry, Lord Marquis is a long-established master in the empire. Even if not. The enemy should be able to escape safely."

Gerlos nodded heavily. "Uncle List, how long have I been in a coma?"

"From the discovery, it only took less than an hour."

Gerlos stood up under the support of the soldiers, and said forcefully: "Ristor obeys!"

Lister knelt on one knee suddenly, and said solemnly: "Yes!"

"In my name, I order you to attack immediately. Level up Tingfeng City for me!"

That kind of spiteful voice made the anger in Rist's heart more vigorous! What a noble identity of Jeros, he was tortured a hundred times by the Chosen of the small country, and the Four Wings were also removed. Such a shame and shame. As a subordinate of the Marquis of Sheila, how could Riester endure it?

"You don't need to order from the young master, I also swear by Lister, I will level up the city of listening to the wind and avenge the young master!" Lister shouted!

"Vengeance for Young Master!"

"Level up and listen to the wind city!!"

"Vengeance for Young Master!!"

At this moment, the shouts of the Tianyi soldiers echoed all over the mountains and plains, and the gray-white wings spread out, and the rolling wind blew the surrounding branches. The actions of those irrational monsters seemed to slow down.

Seeing the increasing momentum of the huge number of Tianyi soldiers here, Jeros slowly revealed an unnoticeable smirk.



"Good vibe."

A few miles away in the valley, Zhao Nan looked at the direction where the Tianyi army was, then twisted his neck slightly and made a relaxed posture.

He hurried back from the Fairy Forest non-stop.

The original plan should be to start directly from the Fairy Forest, and make deployments in the Brot Empire and Gu Tianyuan and others. First, the invading Seven Heavenly Kings and the Chosen of the Tianyi Empire should be repelled. Say it again. However, the actions of the Seven Floating Heavenly Kings over there were a lot slower than expected, but the Tianyi army on the side of Hayatenia took about half a day.

This situation was soon known to Gu Tianyuan, who was in the area behind the Royal City of Blot. The old man keenly caught some changes and quickly changed the plan.

He hoped that Zhao Nan could go back to listen to the wind city first, and strive to spend half a day clearing out the Tianyi army here first. On this point, after Zhao Nan thought about it for a moment, he realized that he had done a lot. Moreover, after the level soared, his flying speed increased again a lot, if he had to rush back within time, it would not be a problem. He even thought about how to destroy the enemies who invaded the Kingdom of Galenia when he returned.

The identity of the Styx Demon as Gerlos was almost used to the limit by him.

Originally, he was still a little worried whether the identity of the Styx Demon would be seen through by the Skywing Legion in the valley, but now it seems that this guy has completed the task very well.

"It seems that the identity of Jeros can be used a few more times."

Zhao Nan chuckled lightly and patted the sitting Sky Dragon on the back, "Go back, Olysis."

The sky dragon whispered, but it also caused countless low-level monsters on the ground to lower their heads. The legendary dragon race, its majesty, is enough to suppress the power of these low-level monsters to the extreme, as fragile as a baby.

Zhao Nan's level soared, and the sky dragon's level also soared. The sky dragon at this moment was huge, and it was close to two-thirds of the red dragon princess in the astral world. This size alone was scary enough.

Not long after, the Sky Dragon had already carried Zhao Nan and returned to the periphery of the city wall of Tingfeng.

At this moment, outside the city of Tingfeng, there were many heads of people gathered. Looking down from a height, a large area was crushed, like a black cloud on the ground.

Two lights and shadows suddenly shot in front of my eyes.

The two were Ximenyu and Guan Qingfeng.

Guan Qingfeng took the first step that day and had already returned to the imperial capital of Gauss. As for Ximenyu, he hasn't left since the Demon Capital Incident, and is on standby outside the Imperial Capital.

"You said there is a way to induce the other person to fall into our ambush. Now it seems to be a success?" Ximenyu smiled.

It's just that his eyes fell on the body of the sky dragon, but the surprise in his heart was huge.

He has also been to the astral world, and has encountered a lot of things, and even saw the dragon clan there in the astral world. However, it is very rare to have a huge body like the sky dragon.

There is also Zhao Nan... He just sat there, quietly, but he felt very different from before.

"Didn't you also say that there is a gift to give to the Tianyi army here?" Zhao Nan said.

Ximenyu clapped his palms with the same brows, and a figure rushed into the air and came in front of the three of them.

This is Brother Wolf, the president of the Eastern Source City Purgatory Guild. I saw a brocade box in his hand.

Brother Wolf opened the brocade box blankly, and there was a human head inside.

Xi Menyu smiled and said, "Marquis Sheila's head is sincere enough, right?"