Global Monster Online

Chapter 778: Shocking (8)

The voice of this supernatural tribe, who lived purely in the form of a brain, suddenly became weak, and the clone stopped the fireball in his hand after a wonderful change.

"what did you do to me?"

"Mental homology..." The brain intermittently said: "Although you don't know exactly where you are from, you also have a strong mental power in your body. What I did just now was to fully share my abilities. I can do it. You can do it too. In this case, after successfully controlling the brains of the battleship, you will also have control. In this way, even if I would do something to hurt you, you have the ability to resist."

The clone suddenly pondered.

"Sharing is complete! Now you should be able to understand what my power is, and you can do it too!"

Seeing no response from the other party, the voice hurriedly said: "Coherent sharing is something we can only use once in our lives. Although it is said to be sharing, it is actually equal to half of my abilities to you! Even if I can Connecting to the Internet and entering the brain requires you and me to work together to be able to fully control it! If you participate together and set the control rights at the same time, you should be able to believe it!"

"Yes or not, then say it after trying." The clone shook his head.

Despite this, the avatar still connected the other lines as soon as possible, "So, what should I do next?"

"First of all, let’s enter the battleship’s network. In addition, the brain has a very powerful defense system. It is not an easy period to break through it. I should be able to do it relatively quickly, but now, if you don’t really help me If this is the case, it is very likely that Wisdom will order it to be destroyed directly."

"Then it shouldn't be too late." The clone nodded.

It first closed the gate to the processing plant again, and then sat next to the cultivation tank, "By the way. What's your name?"




"No, this gate is too hard to break at all!" Tuoba Xiaocao stepped back helplessly while gritting his teeth.

On the way to the command room, because Gaoling Jianji was equipped with the jade of the ice and snow goddess, it could be described as unimpeded. But the end of the channel. This gate, which did not know how thick, has become the object of everyone's surprise. Even if the Black Spear King made a violent bombardment, it only left a light-colored scorch mark on the gate.

The Soul Devouring Sword and even the Void Sword slashed on this gate, and it was only a symbolic drop of dust-like debris.

"Even if we know that this is the control room, but if we can't break it, we can't help the commander in it." Finina shook her head and sighed: "Is it the only way to get here?"

Zhao Nan and the other two clones frowned at the same time without saying anything.

"The protective layer of the command room is the No. 73 alloy with the highest hardness coefficient of the Sony family. You can't open it."

Sigda's voice came, and the commander's voice was quite stable. "Although it's surprising that you were able to wake up the subjects, it's a pity that apart from the chips in their brains, they haven't implanted self-detonation devices."

The faces of everyone changed slightly, and they cast their eyes on the two clones at the same time.

Happy Clone squinted and smiled happily: "It seems that it's because of the time. I really don't want to pretend to have this kind of thing. But it's hard to say other things about transforming fighters."

"The rebellion will come to a halt soon, and there is nothing left for you to do. Although you can freeze our people, the number of drones we have is also quite large. It is enough to completely exhaust your physical strength." Geda's cold voice came out again.

"There is always a feeling that there is no way to refute it."

Following Sigda's words, Happy Doppelganger said with a wry smile.

"In a flash. It can be done." Zhao Nan said abruptly.

Everyone looked at him suspiciously, completely ignorant of the meaning of his words. Zhao Nan looked at the crowd and said, "I said, you can open this reverse gate."

"Can you open it?" Extremely evil frowned. Not only were there differences between the languages, there were also some disbelief.

The shared power from the power family. It doesn't seem to fall on the clone... It seems this is the case. Zhao Nan quickly figured out the key points.

Originally, he was not used to this situation where he needed to explain something to his clone.

The clone is separated, and I don't know if it is good or bad.

Zhao Nan nodded, did not explain, just said softly: "Ready to... open the door!"

As his words fell, the powerless gate in front of him. It was actually gathered up to the two in an instant! The scene in the command room in front of them also fell into the eyes of everyone at the same time.

Inside the gate, which is three meters thick, is probably a circular space. The complexity of the instruments during the period is dazzling.

At this time, a huge metal man was sitting on a huge seat, suspended in the air, and surrounded by a lot of Sony people.

The moment the gate opened, Sigurd suddenly turned around! The entire control room was shining crimson light, and there was a very harsh alarm sounded!

"Impossible, who opened the gate on earth!"

At the first moment, your commander was asking the members of the control room! Under normal circumstances, the only way to open this reverse gate is to open it from the inside.

But at this moment, a figure appeared in front of Sgoda!

This should be the experimental body No. 103 or No. 104 in its consciousness. Because it was too short and the control chip was destroyed, your commander couldn't make accurate judgments in an instant.

"I said, I will bombard you into scum."


There was a sudden punch, and the huge noise was particularly loud in this circular control room. As a result, the Sonny commander was smashed to the floor along with his seat.

Skoda's seat had been completely shattered during the fall.

At the same time, a cold wind blew from Finina's sword and turned around here, and the Sonny people were frozen in their seats one after another, unable to move anymore.

Tuoba Xiaocao blew a whistle and said, "Well, after stripping away the aura of technology, these guys are actually weak enough."

Even so, the Black Gun King's heart understands the horror of this kind of technology of the Sony family better than anyone else. And it's peeling, but not everyone can peel it easily.

It is able to release the sub-zero temperature of the liquid nitrogen erupting for a moment, searching the entire world of the Chosen, probably can't find the second one, right?

"Look, that guy is okay!" Yue exclaimed.

After falling to the ground, Sigda suddenly propped up his body! It wasn't just the punch from the extremely evil clone that left it unscathed, even Finina's ice couldn't restrain its body.

"My body material is also No. 73 alloy." Sigda waved his hand to pat the ice on his body, and said without haste: "And you think that in the face of every ice seal of the Major League, my clan will Didn't you work out a method of confrontation?"

"At least your so-called method is not necessarily popular." Zhao Nan said indifferently, "With you alone, no matter how good you are, you will always run out of energy, right?"

This was almost exactly what Skoda had said before, and he returned it to it intact.

The commander did not expect that the complete transition between situations would be so fast!

"Intelligent brain, close the control room and release No. 9 poison gas!" Sgda's electronic eyes flickered suddenly!

Hearing that it was poisonous gas, everyone's first reaction was to look at the floodgate behind them! However, after Sgoda's order was issued, the gate was not closed here.

The so-called poisonous gas did not seem to be emitted.

Is the effect of the attack better than expected... It seems that the brain of the supernatural race really can't be underestimated. Thinking of this, Zhao Nan looked at Sigda once again and said calmly: "It seems that your so-called intellectual brain is now too busy."

"Wisdom brain, respond to me." Sigeda ordered again.

"Dear Commander, the requirements you are expecting cannot be fulfilled for the time being. The central system of the battleship is now being invaded by an unknown virus. If it is not cleaned up in time, it will endanger my stability."

A voice that was difficult to distinguish between genders suddenly sounded.

Skoda stopped all over, obviously because of the sound that made him a little unresponsive, "Virus invaded? No matter which one, my order is the first priority! I let you close the gate and release the poisonous gas!"

"I'm sorry, Commander, in this case, the stability of the battleship's central system is the top priority. I already know your situation, but you have to solve the next problem by yourself. Then until the virus is cleared, I will not respond to your orders in any form."

"Unexpectedly!" Sigda's voice rose slightly.

But obviously the Sony family does not have the slightest facial function that can express their emotions.

Although I don't know what the virus is and what happened to the Roshzi center, this situation does not reduce the joy of the happy clone in the slightest.

"Ahhhhhh, it seems that you have been abandoned by your last support, Commander, it's really a happy story."

At this moment, Sgda didn't make a sound, and his legs suddenly moved, shooting like a bullet, rushing out toward the gate.

The commander's body was so hard that the extremely evil clone that wanted to stop it was instantly slammed into the wall of the command room.

If you don't want to solve the surprisingly hard alloy, can you not do any harm to Sigda, can you only watch it escape?

Zhao Nan couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and his brain turned frantically.