Global Monster Online

Chapter 98: abyss

To deal with the mutant soul-eater, thorns and vines are still the main source of damage, combined with Finina's combo. But in addition, other skills are needed to be able to attack without intermission.

If he has enough weakening skills, it will be more convenient for this mutant king to be in various weak states all the time.

In fact, after reaching level 25, most of the skill books sent by Zhao Nan to Dongyuan City were weakened and controlled skills of various departments.

After Finina reached level 25, the single output of the Sky Juggernaut had already surpassed him, even if it was a double attack under duplication. Therefore, this time Finina is the main attack position.

At present, Zhao Nan has already learned as many as 10 new skills. I am afraid that only two of them can be upgraded to the top in three days.

At the corner of the long street, intensive blows and monsters' roars can be heard... Finina has already started her training.

Zhao Nan groaned slightly, and started his own leveling road.

At present, through the enhancement of equipment, in addition to Lin Yu and Fu Yun, in the past 15 days, there have been ten people with an attack power of over 200. And it is estimated that the ten more people are already the limit, and this number will probably not change after three days. But if it is used to contain the mutant king, it is barely enough.

As for the elite monsters, Zhao Nan didn't reserve, as if he had taught the self-destructive staff.

Anyway, this is not a particularly difficult secret technique, the existing cities will soon be explored and spread out one after another.

Especially in Dongyuan City, after a monster attack, this method has long been documented. At this stage, in Dongyuan City, every mage has at least two or three wands in his backpack.

After half a day, Zhao Nan and Feinina exchanged news, and then each immersed themselves in the practice of their skills. The place Zhao Nan chose was not too good, and the monsters were not densely packed, so he had to find another place. Of course it did not leave too far.

The Sky Dragon wandered over the ruined and chaotic streets of Tingfeng City, driving these monsters in the direction of Zhao Nan with "Longwei". The light of various skills was just like a neon, with colorful eyes on it. The corners of the street are constantly flashing, brilliant like fireworks.

Suddenly, Eurisis swam to Zhao Nan's side, shook his head and waved his tail to make Zhao Nan pay attention to the position of the front corner with a low-altitude sound.

Zhao Nan stopped his hand and opened his eyes to see that a figure was running staggeringly in a clearing that had been emptied and the monster had not yet refreshed.

His body was covered with blood holes. Although the blood trough in Toushan couldn't see the specific health value, it was already under the danger line.

The man was panting, his face was pale, and a hatred that made people palpitate when he saw it shot out from his eyes.

More importantly, this person Zhao Nan has met Huang Huaming.

After coming out of the dense fog, he met the first player in Tingfeng City.

At this time, Huang Hua had clearly seen Zhao Nan, and ran over like crazy. This person was already weak, and this rapid movement made the blood on the body flow like a fountain, and his life was in danger!

"Add it first!" Zhao Nan threw out a blood rejuvenation agent.

Huang Huaming took it in an instant and sat in front of Zhao Nan, gasping for breath. After the rest of his life, Zhao Nan didn't see many surprises in the eyes of the other party. At this moment, Huang Huaming was like a mad dog that had been driven out. After his health increased, he stared fiercely in the direction of the path.

"You seem to be in trouble?" Zhao Nan asked.

"I was chased and killed." Huang Huaming gasped.

Killing and taking bracelets are more common after the 1.1 era. What's more, listening to the current situation of Fengshi City, they are all coming for living food, more frequently.

"Where is your companion?" Zhao Nan shook his head, feeling that the other party's approach of going out alone was very unwise.

"Those beasts are not my companions!!" Huang Huaming finally turned to look at Zhao Nan.

A pair of eyes had sunk deeply into the sockets, and the eyelids were conspicuously gray-black. His body was trembling, and his emotions were very agitated at the moment, "Not beasts! They are not as good as animals!!"

"what's going on?"

"My son... my son was eaten alive by them!!!"

After all, it was a hissing and cleavage of the lungs, and howling as if he could suffocate at any time.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Nan's face instantly sank. People cannibalism, it happened once when I first met Yanan.

Now it is time to listen again.

"Here...I want to kill them all!!"

But seeing Huang Huaming really go crazy completely, shaking his hands, trembling to prop up his body, his legs have not stood up straight, the person has arched and rushed forward, his back is like a wolf who is about to die.

At the moment in front of the corner, three players sprinting out suddenly appeared. A mage, an archer, and a swordsman.

"Quickly, see this old guy!" The mage yelled loudly.

"I know he is carrying at least two bags of biscuits!" said the archer.

"Save the biscuits, eat fresh meat first!" The swordsman licked his lips.

Zhao Nan didn't know who had heard it before that after breaking through various psychological shackles and eating human flesh, it is easy to become addicted. I don't know if this is correct, but looking at the three people's aftertaste expressions, it is estimated that the addiction is not far away.

A sharp arrow shot out with a "swish" and plunged into Huang Huaming's calf, making him unstable and instantly fell to the ground. The mage was a little bit on the staff, and soon there were ten vines on the ground, entwining Huang Huaming into rice dumplings! Thorns vines, this is obviously also a dark mage.

"Don't let him die, life is fresh. But you have to hide the person later, it won't be easy to deal with it when the brigade finds it out."

The swordsman is big and small, taking advantage of this time, he tied Huang Minghua with a rope. The effect of the thorns and vines disappeared, and he didn't care about Huang Huaming's spiteful curse at all, and directly carried him up.

"Wait a minute, there is one more... today is great, there are two sheep in one fell swoop!" The mage stared at the distance with bare eyes.

The archer didn't even think about it, he drew a sharp arrow from his back with one hand and placed it on the bowstring to aim. The swordsman directly threw the person down, drew his sword and galloped.


The swordsman galloping over completely ignored the red figure hovering in the sky. Zhao Nan coldly watched this person holding the sword, and watched the skill gleam of the long sword in the swordsman's hand, indifferent.

He didn't blink, but he stretched out his hand like lightning, and Euriss swooped down from the sky, turned into a fiery red meteor, and hit the swordsman's body directly!

"Be careful!" The archer behind him shouted!

The swordsman suddenly had a skill, and the prepared skill temporarily changed the target of attack, and awkwardly slashed over his head!


The long sword slammed into the orb on the head of Oulissis, and a very weak damage value floated out. But Eurisis didn't notice, and the trend continued, and he directly slammed the swordsman's whole body into the ground.

Only a scream was heard, and the swordsman's entire body sank into the concrete ground. His shoulders and even half of his body also completely changed shape under the impact!

The level 20 Oulisis is much stronger than the ordinary monster king at level 20! Even if you singled out a 25-level mutant elite monster in the square at this stage, it would be easy! This swordsman died at level 20, and I am afraid that he still has no advanced level. How can he resist the collision of Eurisis?

The swordsman lay on the ground, his health instantly dropped from full to its lowest point!


Eurisis stepped on the badly wounded swordsman, his paw fell into his cheek, and he pierced it forcefully.

"Ah... ah... ah... save..."


The whole head was caught in an instant!

The mage and the other archers were stunned at this moment. The archer unconsciously let go, and the long arrow shot towards Eurisis at a fast speed, but it twitched its tail and swept it down to the ground!

"I are the one in the kindergarten safe area!!!" The mage cried out strangely: "I have seen you!!!"

Zhao Nan snorted coldly. There were nine safe zones in the negotiations that day. There were thousands of people, and it was not strange that someone remembered him.

He stretched out his hand and pointed, the sky dragon roared and flew out, pressing against the ground and directly facing the two men like cannonballs!

The horror of Eurisis has been confirmed in the fact that the swordsman died. Seeing it hit at this moment, the two suddenly lost their souls. Where would they dare to fight again? Before thinking about it, he turned around and fled in embarrassment.

But how can they be faster than the sky dragon? The man hadn't walked ten meters, the mage had been captured by Euriss to the ground, even the skills were released well, and the body was directly torn apart by Euriss's claws.

Zhao Nan had already moved to kill, so naturally he wouldn't give the other party any time to beg for mercy.

At this time, after tearing the mage apart, Olysis chased the archer again. When he was about to bite behind him, the archer suddenly screamed and threw a black ball with two fists laughing hard behind him.


The ball directly exploded a fire ball in the city, and dust billowed around it. Eurisis flew out with a dragon chant. The damage was not great. It's just that this moment is for the archer to escape.

Zhao Nan closed his eyes, and under the wind of listening, he couldn't find the archer's voice within 100 meters, so he had to give up. He walked to Huang Huaming's side and untied the rope on him.

When he was about to speak, he saw Huang Huaming suddenly laughed frantically, crawling on the ground towards the body of the wizard who entered.

"Son, I avenge you!!!"

With a scream, he opened his mouth and bit, directly on the mage's corpse.

Biting bitterly.

Big tears rolled.