Global Online Survival

Chapter 38: Boiled east star spot

  The light bulb burst out with dazzling light, illuminating the cabin.

   With electric lights, I can do things at night.

   Nine thousand years old curiously stretched out his head and leaned forward, seeming to be very interested in this luminous thing.

   Ye Jun quickly picked up the light bulb and held the little turtle.

   This is electricity!

   The wires are just two copper wires wrapped in cloth. If you are not careful, they will leak electricity. Ye Jun is not afraid, but if such a big turtle is touched, this guy’s birthday is his death day!

   Ye Jun put the nine thousand years old on the deck, let it play, and then walked into the bottom cabin with the light bulb.

   The dark and invisible bottom compartment ushered in light, and the lights illuminated everything.

  You can see that in the bottom compartment, except for buckets of fresh water, there are some wooden boxes.

   Some plants are planted in these wooden boxes,

   The bean sprouts planting box was half empty and was eaten by Ye Jun.

   The remaining bean sprouts have also grown to ten centimeters. If you don’t eat them, they will grow old.

   Ye Jun pulled out all the bean sprouts and poured some water on the box next to him.

In the box next to   , the leek is grown, it has sprouted, and it is three centimeters high, but because it never sees the light, there is no green, it is all leeks!

   This is a good thing!

   is not only rich in nutrition, but also good in taste.

   The most important thing is that this thing can be harvested once in ten days and a half a month, cut one crop after another, and it will last forever.

  In such a small space on a boat, there is nothing more cost-effective than growing leeks.

   Ye Jun took the fresh bean sprouts out of the bottom compartment, and closed the door tightly. The leek could not be exposed to light, otherwise it would become leek.

   Back on the deck, Ye Jun started to cook lunch.

   After a busy morning, he sent out electricity, which increased his lightning affinity by 10 points, and was awarded the title of Great Scientist.

   Today at noon, Ye Jun plans to eat boiled fish.

  I have bean sprouts. Wouldn’t it be a waste not to eat boiled fish?

   Boiled fish in water is a very famous Sichuan dish, which has been spread all over the country and is very popular.

   is not only delicious, but also very easy to prepare.

   Ye Jun used to go to work before. In order to save money, he never ordered takeaway. He cooked and ate by himself. He cooked the food in the morning and took it to the company for lunch, and then went home after get off work in the evening to finish the meal.

   Boiled fish in water is a trivial thing to him.

   The main material Ye Jun chooses is grouper.

   Ye Jun came to the side of the ship and pulled up a net cage. Inside, there were a few lively groupers.

Ye Jun can catch fish every day, but sometimes, when he encounters a good product, the experience value of slaughter is too little. It is a pity that Ye Jun simply made a net cage and kept the good things in the sea, which is convenient for the tooth sacrifice at any time. .

   There are several net cages hanging on the ship's side, large lobsters, crabs, conch, sea cucumbers, sea urchins... and some rare seafood, sea fish are kept inside.

   These can be raised have one thing in common-it tastes good!

   There is a fish in the net cage which is different from the ordinary grouper. This fish is reddish, bright in color, and extremely ferocious.

   This is the famous Eastern Star Spot.

   Ye Jun caught this Eastern Star spot the day before yesterday and was not willing to kill it, so he just waited for this meal.

The meat of    grouper is very tender, it is the best boiled fish, and the east star grouper is the best grouper.

   After eating so many celestial fish, Ye Jun developed a fish-killing knife method. In three or two strokes, he dismembered the entire Eastern Star spot and cut it into slices of fish of the same thickness and size.

   In ancient times there was Pao Ding Jie Niu, now there is Ye Jun fillet fish.

   Good ingredients must be treated with care, and Ye Jun has never been so focused on fighting monsters.

  The sliced ​​fish is made with an egg white, put some salt in it, and then it is marinated for a while.

   The next step is to prepare the seasoning.

  Wild ginger, wild pepper, wild pepper, these condiments were all traded by Ye Jun.

   With so many players all over the world, it is not difficult to get some wild seasoning.

   As for the cooking wine, it happens to be replaced with beer that has just been brewed.

   Heat the oil in the pan, fry the fish bones, fish heads and fish tails until golden on both sides, add boiling water to boil the soup white.

   On the other side, boil the bean sprouts and put them in a soup bowl as a base dish.

   Pour the fish soup in, and then put the marinated fish on top.

   Heat the oil in the pot, and saute the wild ginger, wild pepper, and wild pepper to fragrant.

   Pour the oil in a pour——


   The refreshing fragrance rose to the sky.

   The temperature of the boiling oil plus the remaining temperature of the fish soup just cooked the fish fillets.

   Ye Jun is not afraid of being hot, he can't wait to pick up a piece of fish and stuff it into his mouth.


   The fire is just right.

   Ye Jun's eyes brightened.

The meat of   Eastern Star Spot is tender, so you don’t need to stew it for a long time. On the contrary, the fish will become old and lose its original flavor.

   sucked his fingers, Ye Jun took pictures, screenshots, and uploaded them all in one go.

  If you have something good, you must know how to share it.

   When enjoying the food, don’t forget your friends. Although they can’t eat it, at least let them see!

   Seeing you are having such a good time, and if you don’t forget them, you will definitely be moved to "cry with joy", and the tears from your mouth are full of tears of joy.

   As expected, in an instant, hundreds of comments appeared under Ye Jun’s post:

   "Boiled fish-Nima, what fairy day is this?"

   "I looked at the Egyptian catfish that I had just roasted half-baked and bloody. Is this a human life?"

“I didn’t like to eat Sichuan food I always felt too spicy. Until now, I regret it. If a Sichuan food appears in front of me, I will definitely say three words-not afraid of spicy! If I want to make a choice, I will choose-boiled fish!"

   "I am a professional chef. I think the boiled fish made by Ye Shen is not authentic. Unless you let me taste it!"

   "What is delicious about boiled fish? The reason why I don't eat it is that there is no fish. I just don't want to find a person who can treat me with hemorrhoids." Someone said sourly.

   "I gnawed the bark for a few days, and hemorrhoids had already been committed! However, my teammates cured it yesterday..."

   "Oh Huo..."


   This group of guys may deliberately want to disgust Ye Jun, and the conversation is too heavy.

   Ye Jun had a chill, and quickly closed the comments and enjoyed the meal.

   Satiated and drunk, started lunch break.

   Ye Jun didn't realize that Nine Thousand Years Old actually ran into the sea while he was asleep.

   Ye Jun was completely surprised that this little guy was so courageous.

   When he woke up, he realized that the nine thousand years old had disappeared.

   If it hadn't been connected with Ling Chong and could feel that the nine-thousand-year-old was not in danger, Ye Jun would really be mad.

   This little guy is too courageous.

   Not long after, a small head appeared on the sea.

   Nine thousand years old seems to be struggling a little **** the sea, holding something in his arms, making it a little difficult to swim.

   Ye Jun fished it up cleanly.

   "You guy, you are too courageous, and you are not afraid of being swallowed by a big fish!" Ye Jun knocked on its head.

   The little turtle shrank his neck, like a child who was being blamed, raising the things in his arms to Ye Jun as if to please.