Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

v5 Chapter 35: Dotya's Alchemy Workshop

Text Chapter 35 Dotya's Alchemy Workshop

The advantage of aligning with Kane and the two teams is also the reason why Lu Feng chose to ally with them. Kane and the others have already explored many places in the palace.

Although they are not as detailed as Lu Feng on the overall layout of the palace, they are not comparable to Lu Feng in terms of mastering the location of the plot.

The reason why the overall layout of the palace was not as detailed as Lu Feng was because although they were guards, the places they could move around in the palace were actually limited, and it was a small area that was guarded by their squadrons.

If you want to break this regular garrison arrangement, there is only chaos in the palace, and the guards have to make temporary tasks, but Kane and the others have never had the chance to meet them.

Therefore, they usually need to rely on the convenience of their own identity to sneak into other areas to investigate.

There is no way to use the calculation center to draw the outline of the palace and the layout of the ground buildings just by looking at it a few times at a high place like Lu Feng.

But some of the places they found were very useful. They were all secret places hidden in the palace. Some places were not authorized, and even the generals in the Guards could not enter.

And if it is related to Minister Ernest, even General Bude will be stopped.

For example, a secret location controlled by Dotya, a member of the Wild Hound, Kane and the others were very interested in that place, but they didn’t know what was inside, because they couldn’t sneak in, and Lu Feng guessed that it was Dotya’s alchemy workshop .

After the people of the Wild Hound were introduced to the minister by Sheila, the minister took a fancy to the abilities of Dotya, an alchemist from the West.

The alchemy of the Empire is not very good, and Dotya also needs funds and a good venue to conduct her own research. Although Sheila helped her, after all Sheila has limited funds and power.

Therefore, the minister and Dotya hit it off.

The minister helped Dotya build a new alchemy workshop, and with the new technologies such as new dangerous species obtained from Dr. Fashion, Dotya's ability to transform dangerous species has also improved a lot.

Lu Feng and the others planned to take advantage of the chaos of the execution ground battle and the laxer defenses in the palace today than usual to sneak into the palace and attack this secret location of Dotiya.

It can be regarded as stepping on the spot in the palace first.

Today is quite special. Even if someone sneaks into the palace, it will make people feel that it is a night attack or the revolutionary army directly sends people in to support the night attack and save people.

All in all, today is a good opportunity.

"Almost there, let's enter the palace." Outside the execution ground, Lu Feng and the others stayed on top of a building, observing the situation inside the execution ground, and Lu Feng gave the order.

They also have to seize the opportunity. Before they enter the palace and cause a big disturbance, they hope that the night attack will appear soon, so that General Budd and Esders will not have the energy to take care of them. The more time they buy, the better. .

The time is estimated by the land wind.

As for why Lu Feng has the ability to estimate, or, according to Lu Feng, his estimate is more accurate than others. The specific reason, no one cares, and no one asks.

Because they are just cooperating, there is no need to tell the collaborators too much information about themselves, Kane and they are of course very interesting.

"Go this way."

The three of Kane led the way, taking advantage of their convenience as a guard along the way, bypassing several guards, killing two groups of guards, and finally appearing beside a building.

This building is not newly built, it used to be used for other purposes, and now it was given to Dotya by the minister to transform it into Dotya's alchemy workshop.

Lu Feng and the others all covered their faces and began to rush into action.

The building consists of three buildings.

The door outside was closed, but because there was an inner courtyard in the middle, they entered the inner courtyard directly from the wall. This inner courtyard was huge, like a large basketball court, but it was empty and nothing.

Lu Feng noticed that not even a single tree was planted.

"There may be traps here, please pay attention when you enter here."

Lu Feng had a strong intuition for crisis, and of course it was also a habit. From now on, every step you take, you may encounter a crisis. The layout of this inner courtyard is a bit weird, so I reminded Artoria through the sub-squad channel.

They started to move forward, almost invariably passed by the wall, and did not dare to enter the center of the inner courtyard. Kane and the others also had a strong intuition about the crisis, and always felt that there would be a crisis in the middle of the inner courtyard.

At the door of the first building.

"Let's separate, each person chooses a building, contact us at any time, and in case of emergency, everyone will meet again." Lu Feng said.

Although there are three buildings on the ground of this alchemy workshop, there are only two buildings that can be entered. One of the buildings is completely sealed and has no windows, not to mention the door.

"it is good."

Kane replied without thinking about it. They also wanted to separate. After all, the two teams were one team, and it was more convenient to cooperate and divide the spoils, so they didn't have so many concerns.

Because attacking here, they are here to find treasures, this is not the main quest.

Of course, if they can kill Sheila and others, then they are also very happy, so that when they finally kill the minister, they can have fewer opponents.

After the Battle of the Execution Ground began, Sheila's role was basically Now there is no need to save his life.

Another very important point is that if possible, try not to let Lu Feng and the two of them get too many, or understand their combat power, or in other words, their skills too early.

By watching the battle, their respective abilities will be gradually understood. The more times, the more they understand. Although they are cooperating, it is also necessary to hide more abilities.

The reason why Lu Feng proposed to separate is also for this reason, both of them are well aware of each other.

"I'll go in from here." Lu Feng pointed to where he was standing.

Kane and the others nodded and moved on to another building. Lu Feng and Arturia jumped onto the roof and sneaked in from the balcony.

The place they entered was a corridor, and after turning a corner, a man in a white coat walked over.

Seeing Lu Feng and the two, the man was stunned for a moment before asking, "Who are you?"

The figure flickered, a sword hilt was knocked down, and the man fell to the ground with a soft foot. Lu Feng dragged him over and began to wake up and ask questions.

They soon learned that this was indeed Dotya's alchemy workshop, a man who used to be a Doctor of Fashion and now works for Dotya.

There is also the general layout of the place. The two buildings with doors outside are just a pretense, which is used for the work of these experimenters.

The real core here is the underground part, as well as the building without a gate outside, which can be entered through the underground part. These areas are only available to Dotya and a few people, and only they know the specific situation.

And the building without a door on the outside actually has a door, which can only be opened inside.

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