Global Reincarnation: No One Understands The Plot Better Than Me

Chapter 529

"Little girl, I also know that you are kind, so I didn't plan to blame you."

"But I have always been confident in my judgment."

"Just like the two of them, because I rescued them before, they also took the initiative to experiment first. I also followed the agreement. After failure, I shot them directly to help them free."

"After the experiment of the two of them, I really learned a characteristic of that monster larva. Just when I was about to conduct the final experiment, you suddenly jumped out and chopped my hand. I still want to find People are going to make sense."

That's right, she was one of the three people Su Yue had invited to dinner before.

Although Su Yue didn't explain the "BUG" of this copy to her too clearly, he still told her some information about the parasitic beast.

For example, parasitic beast larvae generally only attack sleeping, resting, and stationary creatures.

Another example is how to judge those parasitic beast individuals that have successfully parasitized.

It might even be to comfort them, saying that maybe even if you don't kill the monsters and survive for a certain period of time, it might trigger a survival mission.

In short, Yizhihua was convinced that the young man had never lied to them.

As a result, the joke he said before became a lingering revelation in her mind.

She has a hunch that this sentence is likely to be a brand new breakthrough for someone like them who has no power!

Even the reincarnation who didn't know her name in the end was probably a hidden boss!

"This copy is too difficult for ordinary reincarnates like us!"

"If there are only a few of these monsters, it's quite normal. But there are so many of them, and what is even more terrifying is the ubiquitous larvae!"

"This is not like a copy of the ordinary novice tier at all! So I guessed that there must be a special strategy in this copy!"

Affected by blanks.

Once reduced to stagnant water, those who only know how to complete the low-evaluation customs clearance method step by step according to the common method.......

Now he is also actively thinking about the special strategies in each dungeon.

Many people even found out some hidden missions, as well as special strategy clearance methods.

This kind of wholeheartedly exploring every secret in the dungeon has gradually formed a fashion in Xia Guo.

This is the huge change that the blank has brought to this country.

Not only the sword fairy, but other reincarnations are also under its influence.

"Then one time I saw--"

The woman's voice became serious: "I saw a monster that didn't fight with his head!"

"And the most important thing is that the monster that uses its feet to transform into a sword fighting, its head and feet seem to be two independent individuals, and they are still talking after the battle!"

This is a precious piece of information she found quite accidentally.

She was convinced that she had touched the essence of this copy!

That's right!

Samsara can also be parasitized!

There is no need to be taken away from the brain. If only part of the limbs is sacrificed, it may be able to successfully complete the parasitism, but it will not die!

And relative.

The parasitic beasts parasitic on their limbs will become their most powerful weapon that can confront other monsters head-on!

When she put forward this conjecture of her own, the other two people were also crazy.

They have thoroughly suffered from the torture of those monsters these days, and all this is because they are too weak.

But if you can suddenly gain the power to fight those monsters, even if you turn part of your body into a monster, it doesn't matter at all!

Anyway, after going out of this copy, everything can be restored.

"So you decided to catch parasites and invade your body?"

Scarlet face was shocked.

She couldn't imagine that these people could be so crazy.

"Hehe, little girl, you are indeed very powerful, but it seems that you are not a true reincarnation yet."

The woman laughed frantically.

Then he took out a small glass bottle hidden in his body, bit down the cork on it with his teeth, and covered the bottle mouth backhand in his left hand in an instant!

"what are you doing!?"

I saw a hideous worm in the bottle, and it got into her hand for the first time! .

Chapter 334 Save the Spring Couple (9/10, subscription required)

Sometimes fate is so wonderful.

Su Yue looked at the middle-aged couple in front of him, and couldn't help feeling the miraculous destiny in his heart.

"Ahem, young man, really, really, really—thank you so much!!!"

Although the man was still trembling with fear at this time, he still hugged his wife who was crying silently in his arms.

"I'm Izumi Kazuyuki, I will repay you well when I return to the city..."

He thanked Su Yue with tears and tears, and Su Yue waved his hand lightly, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised where he could not see.

It's really effortless at all.

"Don't worry, I just raised my hand."

Izumi Izuki glanced awkwardly at the monster corpse that was still lying in the bushes over there.

You young man is not just a matter of effort, but came prepared...ah, I got on the stage.

"Anyway, I really appreciate you. If it weren't for you, our husband and wife would probably be attacked by this monster!"

Izumi Ichizhi couldn't forget the monster that just suddenly appeared behind his wife, and then its deformed head split and turned into a sharp blade to attack her, his helplessness and panic.

As long as this young man arrives one second late, he may be separated from his wife forever.

Or maybe I will go to accompany her in a few seconds.

Although now he also cares about why this young man has such an exaggerated skill to kill that kind of monster, but compared to those, at least he and the wife in his arms are still alive now is the most important thing!