Global Reincarnation: No One Understands The Plot Better Than Me

Chapter 870

As father and daughter, will the two of them develop to this kind of result that seems to be endless?

Was it because of the talents she possessed that her father became like this?

If this is the case, she would rather not have these things from the beginning!

"Don't point fingers at me!"

Once again, Zhongbo, who was thrown away by Su Yue, glared fiercely at Makise Hong Lisu who was protected by Su Yue.

"What do you know!?"

"My feelings, the humiliation, the **** I experienced, as long as there is no you... as long as there is no you..."

Looking at his father's crazy appearance, Makise Kurisu only felt that all his persistence over the years was wasted.

It turned out that her father, whom she had always respected and loved, hated her so much.

Her birth was just a nightmare for her father, a doomed tragedy.

If this is the case, then what is the meaning of her existence?

She felt confused for the first time.

For my own hard work all the time, as well as the confusion about the future life.

Even if she can survive, where will she go in her future life?

Instead of that, maybe being killed by your own father here might be the best ending for their father and daughter?

At this moment, a stern voice sounded.

"Don't push your own failures on others!"

Su Yue stared at the man in front of him coldly.

In fact, in the original work, Zhongbo is not such a hateful man.

He did cause the death of his daughter Makise Kurisu because of his mistake. This is a sin he can't erase.

But this man's obsession with time machine research also has his own reasons.

If you know his story, maybe you will have a little change in this man.

But for Su Yue.

None of this is why he became such a failed father.

For the assistant who has always wanted to be recognized by her father since she was a child, this father is all her life except for research.

But he completely shattered her fantasies after a seven-year reunion.

Even ended her life.

Perhaps for Makise Kurisu, because of the fall of the time machine on the alpha line, he missed the meeting with his father.

She was happier if she missed the knowledge of the real camera meeting.

But on this line, her meeting with her father Zhongbo is an inevitable event and cannot be avoided.

······· Ask for flowers········

So their relationship will inevitably be revealed.

He knew that this would definitely make the assistant extremely sad and painful, but he couldn't stop it.

even so.

Now in front of him, this failed father has pushed all the responsibility of his terrible life to his daughter who has done nothing wrong.

It really made him sick!

"What are you talking about! What do you guys know about me!?"

After Zhongbo was refuted face-to-face, he became even more irritable.

"If it weren't for her, I would be able to concentrate more on my own research, and I wouldn't be driven out of learning..."

"Without her, I wouldn't have to face the reality that my talents have been exhausted every day. I even have to pretend to be indifferent to bless her every time she achieves results!"


"How painful it is for a researcher, how can a young man like you understand it!"

However, in the face of his questioning, Su Yue's expression did not move at all.

"Of course I don't know these things."

"But I know very well, whether as a researcher or as a father."

"You—all failed."

There is no tone similar to contempt in Su Yue's tone, as if he was stating a matter of course.

"As a researcher, your previous lectures plagiarized the existing theories of others and regarded them as your own research results. Now you want to take your daughter's papers as your own. There is nothing more despicable than this. Acting."

"And as a father, you not only don’t care about your daughter at all, and don’t pay attention to her growth. You blame her for all your failures in life, and you even try to obliterate the fact that you came here because of your choice. The daughter of the world."

"It's not just being a father, you are a failure as a person, even shameful!"

Facing Su Yue's accusation, Zhongbo's expression was extremely distorted with anger.

Obviously he was venting his grievances frantically before.

But once he was pointed out all the improprieties in his behavior just now, he had nothing to refute.

This kind of suffocation made him feel even more angry! Sichuan.

Chapter 563 Farewell "Gift" (3/5, subscription required)

"Stop talking..."

Looking at the father who was speechless and ugly for the second time by this sudden stranger.

Makise Kurisu suddenly felt extremely tired.

Not only physically, but also mentally exhausted from continuing to be in this environment.

She no longer wanted to look at her father's face anymore.

Perhaps after her life was completely denied by her father, she had already cut off her last thoughts.