Global Reincarnation: No One Understands The Plot Better Than Me

Chapter 947

Even if only for a moment, it is the biggest compliment for her!

She thought she had performed very well.

But at this time, the blank tone seemed to have seen everything through and prepared it for her intimately.

Obviously he had just become his bride, and he immediately accepted such a great kindness.

For a while, Awanyin Lingyu was even a little afraid that he would not be able to give back all he had given him in the future. .

Chapter 615 Boyfriend's shirt match is high! (5/5, subscription required)

"When did you make these?"

Awane Suzuwa doesn't even need to eat it. Just by looking and taste, you can be sure that the hearty dishes on this table are definitely from Blank.

In this era, there is hardly anyone who can do his level of cooking.

Not to mention that the blank dishes obviously have "special features" that others can't make.

Although the blank did not take the initiative to say.

But Awane Suzuwa had already noticed that the food made by the blank seemed to have considerable benefits for the body.

In the past few years, her appearance has become more and more perfect, and her blank efforts are absolutely indispensable.

Even Sister Irene often laments how her skin is maintained.

But this is the secret of their family.

Although Awanyin Lingyu occasionally took out the snacks made by blank to share with Sister Irene, it also gained blank acquiescence.

If it weren't for the craftsmanship that can often eat blanks like her, I am afraid the effect is not as exaggerated as hers.

"It just happened that I had nothing to do during the day, so I just did a few."

Although the blank is said to be easy.

But having watched him cook the meal for nearly five years, Awanin Suzuwa saw that the table was even more delicate than what she cooked on her birthday in previous years.

You can know that he definitely used his technique of pressing the bottom of the box this time, and made such a table with great care.

Even some of the materials are not like those that can be bought near Ba 890 Li. She even wondered if Bai Bai went abroad to get these materials directly during the day!

And even for him, it would take at least half a day to prepare such a big meal.

It seems that he had anticipated her situation a long time ago, so he started to prepare so early.


Awanyin Lingyu's voice was a little choked, she had never thought that someone in this world could treat herself so nicely.

I can't even imagine that I can live such a happy life one day.

Originally for her.

Go back to the past from the time of war and work hard to save the world.

After successfully saving the world, it will be accomplished.

In the new world, she still exists, but everything experienced on this world line will become a bubble-like phantom.

Perhaps because of this, she had no nostalgia for her life in this world.

I even look forward to if I can save the world, in a brand new world, will I live a more ordinary, normal girl's life?

But what I did not expect is.

Before saving the world, I was able to obtain such a precious opportunity to live with the person I like, and even to spend almost a lifetime together.

Although it is the first time that Awanin Lingyu and Vacant have been married.

But in fact, they have been together day and night for five years.

In fact, apart from the initial shyness and anticipation, there is no sense of shyness similar to that of many newlyweds.

In order to prepare for tonight, Awanyin Lingyu also felt that it was better to fill his stomach first.

Just as she was about to pick up the chopsticks and start eating, the blank space who had just stared at her suddenly grabbed her hand.

"What's wrong?"

Awanyin Lingyu tilted her head and looked at him.

Why stop her at this time! ?

Her belly is already groaning, isn't it just for her to make so many delicious things!

Is it possible to play and wait for Play at this time?

That's too much!

Su Yue didn't notice that Awanyin Lingyu, who was aggrieved, had thought of his hundreds of evil deeds in his heart.

He looked up and down at Awanin Lingyu's wedding dress, and then said seriously.

"Suzu, you are really beautiful in your wedding dress today."

Awanyin Lingyu, who thought he was going to say something, suddenly heard him bluntly complimenting him.

This is where you are eating, can't you choose a better time if you want to praise her?

"But it's time for dinner."

Su Yue said: "This is in our house, so don't care about the formalities. Let's change to a new outfit."

Only then did Awanin Lingyu realize what he meant.

Reminiscing about the turbulent way of eating every time she made a rare feast in the blank, she couldn't help but blush.

On the one hand, I feel ashamed of the indecent scene of a bride in a beautiful wedding dress sweeping the table with a rather exaggerated meal that will almost appear in this newly married family.

On the other hand, it was also for the blank space that she was thinking for her own sake, and she just wanted to be embarrassed that she didn't know where she went.

Sure enough, today is so strange!

Blank is obviously the first time to get married, but she was able to calm down like this, but she was in a hurry and couldn't even think calmly.

Can you really be a good wife?

No, blank today has sworn to love her no matter what.