Global University Entrance Examination

Chapter 144: Turning

Because of the four words "task goal", candidate Qin Chen paid attention to examiner a. But soon he realized that the other party was not so easy to stare at.

In this systematic examination room, a candidate who wants to see an invigilator can either ask a question or foul. People with normal brains will give priority to the former, because it is much simpler.

At first, Qin Chen also tried this. Make an irrelevant question casually, and then write the code name "a" in the test room.

The proctor always gives feedback quickly. In a few minutes, the person responsible for answering questions will appear in front of Qin Chen, but it is not the person he is looking for.

"I didn't seem to write f." At the time, Qin Chen leaned against the door with his arms crossed, his eyes glanced at the other arm's emblem.

The examiner f also had a headache when he saw it: "I know, you are writing the examiner. He is in trouble now, so I am here. What problem have you encountered?"

Qin Chen threw out the question of casual chatter, the examiner f felt that he was looking for a difference.

But he is not the only one who finds fault.

There are too many people who get angry with the test questions, and venting is also normal. The examiner f did not find it strange, and ran away after answering.

In view of "the examiner a has something", Qin Chen waited for a long time that day, and it was not until the sun in the examination room changed from east to west that day became night that he wrote another question and wrote down the code name "a" again.

After a few minutes, he and f met again.

It's hard to say who is more unhappy with f. Anyway, he understands that the so-called "a is now something" is farting, and the examiner is just too lazy to answer such small things.

Since then, candidate Qin Chen has embarked on a path of professional violations.

This is exactly the same as his method of testing the bottom line of the rule, and it is not a delay.

At that time, there was no rule of "three violations of the rules, the proctor's invigilation of the whole process", after all, before Qin Chen, no one would be so scrupulous and lawless.

So strictly speaking, he violated the rules more often than any other candidate.

At first, it was he who was looking for trouble unilaterally for the purpose of the task, but the examiner a always found the trouble without any mercy.

It is actually a very pleasant thing to meet an opponent with a good fanfare, which can make life less boring. It's been a long time, and even a little addicted to it.

When the tit-for-tat between them started to become subtle, it was hard to say. The only thing I can tell is the turn.

That was Qin Chen's third exam, which was in mathematics, and he encountered Zhao Wentu in that exam.

But for him at the time, Zhao Wentu was just a good candidate, just like countless passers-by.

In that exam, Qin Chen often sat at the corner of the table near the window, fiddled with a small sheet, wondering how to get to the core of the system-the proctored area.

As a candidate, under normal circumstances, he has no chance to enter there, and no other candidate can provide him with a reference.

There was a four or five little girl in that examination room. She was quiet and quiet, and occasionally drew to his side and asked him a question with a sullen voice.

The little girl pointed at the sheet and asked him, "Is this transparent fish scale?"

Qin Chen said, "It's the eyes."

The little girl wanted to touch it, heard a snoring sound, and lost her interest.

That sheet is not really transparent, but the surface coating is special, and it will change color according to the surrounding environment. At first glance, it looks like transparent, and it is difficult to find where it is attached.

Before taking the math test, he encountered Wen Yuan, a daredevil team, at the rest place. This piece was given to Qin Chen.

This young man's skill is inferior to other players. He is far worse than Qin Chen, and his character is a bit straight. But being able to join the daredevil team always has his excellence.

He is in charge of the team.

Of course, Qin Chen had limited contact with him. All he knew was that he looked frizzy, but he was very delicate, and he was very good at everything he needed to do.

Wen Yuan said: "I modified this thing and added a little coating, which can be understood as a pinhole camera with poor performance."

Qin asked him, "How much worse is the performance?"

Wen Yuan: "Well, things longer than 10 meters may become mosaic."

Qin Chen raised an eyebrow, and he added: "The material is limited, understand it! And it has a benefit. The negative material has the effect of self-melting. It will disappear where it is posted for more than a week, and the risk of being discovered is lower. . "

"What does this self-melting mean? A bit corrosive?" Qin Chen asked.

"You can say that."

"Isn't there a spot in that place?"

"Um ... does not rule out this possibility."

For the sake of understanding long live, Qin Chen accepted this thing.

He did not intend to use it, but changed his mind halfway.

It was the third day of the math exam and they encountered a rather troublesome monster. If it must be described, it is like a hot piece of loose sand, which can flow, and it is often not noticed where it slides.

It converges into an adult form, imitating the appearance of any candidate. At first glance, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, and it is extremely confusing.

That day, the monster became the appearance of that little girl, deceiving the sympathy of a candidate in the team, and almost burned the test life alive.

Qin Chen chased it all the way to the woods on the outskirts of the city, but the generals burned it to death.

The invigilator received the notice, and the examiner a came over with the affiliate invigilator q from that scene.

When they entered the woods, the burned monster happened to disintegrate into loose sand.

The wind in the forest was blowing unreasonably, and the sand was blowing.

The examiner a closed his eyes and turned away, raising his hand to block it. Then I heard q "beep" around me.

q's footsteps were a bit messy, and the dry branches crackled, covering other movements.

When a responded, a gust of wind swept across the back of his neck, and someone caught his elbow.

In the blink of an eye, he was crushed by dead leaves on the ground, and the rebellious candidate was the one he wanted to arrest.

"What are you doing?" Examiner a looked up slightly, and asked coldly.

Qin Yan pressed his knees against his legs, held one hand around his neck, and put his thumb against the point.

He randomly applied the thin sheet from Wen Yuan to the belt of the examiner's army pants. During the movement, his fingers accidentally touched the opponent's thin waist across the shirt.

At that moment, he could obviously feel the other side's waist and stomach tightening.

Qin Chen paused and looked up at examiner a's eyes.

The examiner q next to him opened his eyes to see such a scene and took a sigh of relief: "Crazy you?"

Zhao Wentu chased after another candidate to help, and he was stunned when he saw this scene, and he was afraid to pant.

Qin Chen withdrew his strength and released both hands, saying, "Sorry, we take Mr. Examiner as a blame."

The examiner a frowned and lifted him back to the ground. The two almost exchanged positions: "How about the devil?"

Qin Yanren pressed him, pointed to the scattered sand not far away, and said, "I did not lie to you. This topic is too impersonating. I want to become whoever I am. It took me a lot of work to burn it. It. "

He looked back at the examiner's light-colored eyes, and the low voice revealed the meaning of laziness and jokes: "The scene was just like a monster resurrected just now, and you came by accident."

Zhao Wentu helped explain and chatted for a long time.

The examiner a weighed Qin Chen an elbow, then stood up and patted the dead leaves on his body coldly.

"Will you help?" Qin Chen pointed at his back and lower back.

"No need." The examiner a let him sideways, leaned his head and said, "Go to the invigilator, you go ahead."


The examiner q was responsible for the whole process of confinement. A entered the invigilator and went into the rest room with a cold face.

Qin Chen put the sheet on the belt for this reason. The clothes are changed every day, but the belt is not.

Examiner a is the core person. It should be common to enter and exit the core area of ​​the system. Although Wen Yuan's gadget is a bit "congenital", he can see some useful information.

But this "congenital deficiency" sheet didn't come in handy in the end.

Because at the end of the exam, he violated a rule by accident, and was taken into the proctor zone by accident.

That was the first time Qin Chen entered the Twin Towers.

I don't know if it should be coincidence or not. When he was waiting for the elevator, the next elevator had just reached the first floor, and two people came out of it. One half of his shirt was blood, and the other was holding him.

Look at the dress, those two should be proctors.

The examiner a glanced at the back of the two men, and closed it back a moment later.

Qin Chen saw that he lowered his eyes, his eyebrows frowned slightly, and then he returned to his usual cold look.

"How did you get back?" Qin asked.

The examiner q's face was also pale: "He, he violated a little rule and was a little misconducted, so he was fined."

Qin Chen had a little surprise. He glanced at the examiner a, although he didn't know why he wanted to look at a at that moment.

"You guys will break the rules?" He asked.

"Of course, you have your rules, we have ours," said the examiner q.

Qin Chen smelled the blood smell of the air and said, "Why do your punishments look heavier than the candidates?"

The examiner q said: "Look at the level of violations, small things and small punishments, big things and large punishments."

At that time, Qin Chen didn't have any extra trouble. He only learned some information about the Twin Towers. Because he has snacks and isn't there.

He occasionally thought of the **** invigilator who was punished, and then suddenly thought of examiner a and the thin sheet on his belt.

On the day when the examination room was cleaned up, the examiner q who was scheduled to send him did not show up, but the examiner a came.

He drove a black car in front of the Twin Towers, rolled down the window and said coldly, "Get in the car and take you back to the rest place." It didn't look reluctant.

The atmosphere in the car that day was very subtle, and when I recalled it after many years, I still remember the feeling in the car.

The two sharp-edged people were in a closed environment, but they were very close. It was a sword in a quiet atmosphere, but also meant something else.

The car finally stopped at a corner of the rest place. Qin Chen got out of the car. To his surprise, the examiner a got out of the car.

The test room was very nice that day, and the wind in late autumn was still a bit cold.

Qin Chen stood by the newsstand and looked at the examiner a. For a moment, he felt that a seemed to have something to say.

He waited for a few seconds, but the other side didn't speak.

So he made a terrible statement and said, "I will try to be safer in the next exam, and try not to work for the examiner."

Because he suddenly did not want to borrow the hand of examiner a to approach the core of the system, he wanted to change a method.

The examiner a looked down, and always had no expression.

He rubbed Qin Chen's shoulders and walked back to the car. He stopped when he opened the door, turned to the car and said to Qin Chen, "Let me say goodbye, it's better not to see you again."

But listening to that voice, he should have no intention of believing.

Qin Chen's fourth test had an odd score, and the invigilator was not a. He only accidentally dropped the grade to "c" at the end, and was taken to the invigilation area to repeat it.

When he returned to the second round, the examiner a, who had not been seen for many days, suddenly appeared again.

Qin Chen's re-examination was a maritime examination room, which required a boat ride.

As soon as he was seated in the cabin, he heard the trap door above him being pulled open again.

He thought it was the bargeman, but he looked up and saw the familiar and cold face. The other man stepped on military boots, grasped the hook of the trap door, and stood high on the deck.

He fiddled with a pack of cigarettes on the boatman's table, looked up and asked, "Is there anything else I'm bothering, the big examiner came to arrest someone in person?"

Examiner A looked down and said, "It's not available yet, and it's hard to say afterwards."

"So why are you here?"

"The system rules are adjusted. For candidates who violate the rules more than three times in a single test, the proctor needs to monitor the whole process. How many times have you violated the rules in the first three games?"

"But I was very peaceful in both games." Qin Chen still said with a smile: "Is punishment going back to the past?"

Examiner a said, "Then you ask the system."

He said, down the long ladder.

Above the square trapdoor is a black-blue night sky. On the table is a bright steam lamp. The light shines on the light brown eyes of examiner a ...

Qin Chen suddenly found that he actually missed the examiner a bit.

The author has something to say: The speed of copying and killing memories is comparable to that of the Chinese tortoise ... 2k novel reading network