Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 215: Scorching Flame Field

Go crazy! Are you really a beastmaster? Chapter two hundred and fifteen

Fang Mu thought that after he proposed the shadow eye stone and the heart of a higher blood race last time, he would definitely be able to gain something this time.

I never thought I would get so much at once.

Fang Mu only got three or four shadow stones in the Dragon Federation, but this time, there are as many as nine shadow stones obtained from the shooter alone.

There are countless hearts of high blood races, even the prince has twelve hearts.

More than 100 blood counts hearts can only be regarded as a bonus, obviously not seen by the shooter.

Fang Muhui proposed to give two bottles of wood element medicine with a purity of 85% to the shooter as a thank-you gift for three purposes.

Yilai Fangmu played the sign of equality and mutual benefit in the star wheel gathering.

Last time, Fang Mu responded to the greeting gift given to him by the official members of Star Wheel.

Treating the simple gift-giving session as a transaction, Fang Mu can't smash the signboard he finally set up last time.

Once this kind of signboard is broken, there is basically no chance for it to stand up again.

Second, Fang Mu is going to improve his status among the members of the star wheel.

He said that the purity of the elemental medicine that the two brothers gave him was 85%, not 80%.

This shows that his two senior brothers have already made some achievements in the level of creating masters, and they are senior master creating masters.

The value of two senior master builders is not known to be many times higher than that of the new master builders.

Sanlai Fangmu is also using this method to encourage the official members of Star Wheel to trade with him.

Not for anything else, just to trade with yourself and not lose money.

Fang Mu estimated that the quality of the substances obtained after this transaction, the abundance of blood and the shadow of the fool, can all achieve breakthroughs.

Through the knowledge and records in the literature, the quality of the beasts has reached the limit of the legendary quality.

I have never heard of anyone who made the quality of the beasts reach the level above the legend.

Just as the strength of the imperial beast can be continuously improved without end, the quality of the imperial beast should not be restricted by the inherent definition.

If you keep feeding Shadow of Fools and Feng Rang of Blood with shadow stones and the hearts of high blood races, can you make the quality of the two break through from the legendary quality?

There are very few records about the fifth and sixth eras, but it can be confirmed according to the records of ancient books excavated in large ancient battlefields discovered in the past century.

In the 5th and 6th era, the powerful beasts were given special names such as fantasy species and mythical species.

Some scholars believe that the fantasy species and the myth species refer to the strength of the beast, while some scholars believe that the fantasy species and the myth species refer to the quality of the beast.

The academic world is divided into two factions and has been arguing about this, and no one can give an accurate conclusion.

Even the well-known founders of the Wanbang Federation have a dialectical attitude towards this.

I am afraid that with the continuous excavation of the ancient battlefield, I will be slapped in the face on the day when a conclusion is made on whether the names of fantasy species and mythical species refer to the strength or quality of the imperial beast.

As a creator, you have whatever resources and status you want.

In addition to his own longevity, the only thing he cares about is fame.

The more Fang Mu knew about the events of the Fifth and Sixth Era, the more curious he became about what happened in the Fifth and Sixth Era.

It will actually wipe out the history of the two epochs and tens of millions of years so completely.

Let the ancient history research of this world fall into an embarrassing situation for a time.

Fang Mu's ancient history research in his previous life can always be rewarded as long as he allocates money.

But in the world of beasts, no amount of manpower and material resources will help.

After all, it's impossible for those scholars to create something out of nothing and fabricate something that doesn't exist.

The shooter was startled when he heard Fang Mu's words.

What the shooter cares about is not the two bottles of wood element medicine that Fang Mu returned to him after expressing more than a hundred hearts of the blood clan earl.

Sagittarius has been hiding his identity in the star wheel, and Sagittarius himself is a master maker.

Master-level builder resources are not rare for shooters.

When he heard Fang Mu say that he had two master-building senior brothers, Sagittarius was already very surprised.

Master Makers will please master Makers and hope to be taught by Master Makers, but few Master Makers will commit themselves to being Assistants of Master Makers.

If it were two newly promoted master builders, it would be fine. The key point is that these two master builders still have a certain amount of enthusiasm.

What kind of person is Qixing! ?

In just two star wheel gatherings, Qi Xing has already shown such a huge amount of energy, and Fang Mu is not a high-profile person no matter what.

The tip of the iceberg is so amazing, and the whole picture of Qixing's forces must be so huge! ?

Not only Sagittarius has such thoughts, but other full-time members of the star wheel also have such thoughts.

Aside from Qi Xing, the founding master, just any one of Fang Mu's two senior brothers is enough for everyone to make friends with Fang Mu.

"Then I'll thank you Libra first!"

"Since everyone wants to trade with Libra, I, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Cancer have already traded with Libra once."

"Taurus wants to meet Libra offline, so just give up this opportunity."

"Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius, Aries, the four of you, come and trade with Libra!"

"With the energy accumulated in the Land of Stars in the past month, it is almost enough for the four of you to exchange supplies in both directions through messengers."

"Wait until the next star wheel gathering, everyone will exchange resources and exchange information at will."

For Sagittarius, the members of the Star Wheel who have not dealt with Fang Mu are naturally willing, but the brows of Capricorn, Scorpio, and Cancer are wrinkled.

When he and others traded with Fang Mu last time, Fang Mu didn't say that he needed the Shadow Eye Stone and the Heart of a High Blood Race.

In the past week, I and others have also searched a lot.

However, he and others have already traded with him once, and logically speaking, they should be ranked at the back.

Well, you might as well take advantage of this week to collect some more shadow stones, higher blood race hearts, and the complete blood race corpse that Fang Mu just mentioned.

If Fang Mu wanted Dragon Ball shards, several people would still be willing to find and trade their collections.

To obtain the Dragon Ball, you need to kill the serial-level dragon beast.

Sequence-level dragon-type beasts can't stay there honestly and be attacked, so even if the Sequence-level giant dragon is finally killed in the resistance, it is difficult to get a complete dragon ball.

A complete dragon ball is more precious than a life potion with a purity of 92%.

Only an idiot would do an uneconomical business.

Soon Fang Mubian and the Virgin, Gemini, and Aries traded the supplies through Life Potion.

At present, Fang Mu has a total of forty-five shadow stones, two hundred and sixty hearts for the Duke of Blood, ninety-four hearts for the Grand Duke, fifty-seven hearts for the Prince, and nearly five hundred hearts for the Earl of the Blood.

Fang Mu thoroughly felt the feeling of making a fortune.

After completing the final transaction with Shui Miao, Fang Mu spoke to Shui Miao.

"Water bottle, I want to customize a Sequence Spirit Tool for myself from you."

"I encountered some dangers before. After knowing about it, the master gave me three bottles of life medicine with a purity of 94% and asked me to give it to you as a deposit."

"I wonder if you are willing to help me refine it?"

"As for the spiritual materials, because the master is in retreat, it is difficult to help me choose, so you can only prepare it by the water bottle."

"When the time comes, I will use the spiritual liquid to pay you."

Fang Mu said a total of three or five sentences in the entire Star Wheel party.

And these three or five sentences have refreshed everyone's cognition twice.

The lower limit of Qi Xing has been raised from a low-level master builder to a high-level master builder in the minds of everyone.

Shui Miao? As a spirit forging master, a spirit weapon that can be refined casually can make waves at auctions, and he will not take on custom work at all.

It is far more troublesome to help people customize a magic weapon than to randomly forge a sequence magic weapon.

However, Fang Muken took out three bottles of life potions with a purity of 94% as a deposit, and Shui Miao had no reason to refuse.

Shui Miao was the first to know Fang Mu among the Star Wheel members present.

Qi Xing, the founding master, Shui Miao? I have never seen it once. It can be said that Fang Mu symbolizes the founding master of Qi Xing.

Having seen Fang Mu's Shui Miao with his own eyes, Fang Mu, a confident and calm young man, is quite fond of him.

Qi Xing trusted each other enough and had no idea of ​​meeting him and others in person.

Under such circumstances, Fang Mu could not have given himself the 92% pure life potion as a return gift.

Fang Mu did not live up to Qi Xing's trust. It is no wonder that Qi Xing would use this level of high-purity life medicine to create a spiritual tool for Fang Mu.

Qi Xing let Fang Mu choose himself is also his trust.

Shui Miao said with a smile.

"I'm not in the Dragon Federation now, and I'll be back in a week."

"I'll leave you a number and I'll use this number to contact you when I arrive, and then we'll agree where to meet."

"You don't have to worry about spiritual materials, but since you are tailor-made for you, your opinion is the most important."

"I will be by your side during the time of making the spiritual tool, and maybe I will meet the Taurus."

"I haven't met a Taurus in private for decades."

Fang Mu wrote down the phone number that Shui Miao had left for him, and Taurus also left a phone number for him.

I plan to contact me when I arrive at the Dragon Federation like Shui Miao?

Originally, everyone didn't plan to trade complete Dragon Balls with Fang Mu, but they changed their minds after seeing Fang Mu take out the life potion that he traded with Shui Miao.

Frequent resource replacement will consume a lot of energy in the Starwheel Party, reducing the duration of the Starwheel Party.

After the transaction with Fang Mu, the star wheel party was completely over without a few words.

Fang Mu, who returned to the real world, was not in a hurry to use the hearts and shadow stones of these high blood races.

Last time, whether it was improving the quality of the richness of blood or the shadow of the fool, there was a vision, which is not suitable for Fang Mu to carry out now.

Fang Mu sorted out the supplies at hand and waited for the dragon mother to come to JA city.

After Fang Mu attended the Star Wheel Party, it took about half an hour in reality.

After Fang Mu left the room, Hu Tao had just finished eating accompanied by She Wan.

Seeing Fang Mu, She Wan hurriedly said to Fang Mu.

"Young Master Jinghai Tianyu University has a Mr. Hong standing in line. The situation is not optimistic."

"Wen Heng, one of the thirty-six bachelors of the Zique Academy, was definitely dead under Mr. Hong's sneak attack."

"An imperial beast of another scholar, Shu Yue, was also hit hard."

"With Shuyue in my Silver Void Purple Spider, it won't be targeted by Mr. Hong, but now I don't dare to be too blatant to clean up the alien beast tide."

"Once Mr. Hong sets his target at the Silver Void Purple Spider, he will attack the Silver Void Purple Spider."

"It will follow the spiritual connection of the Silver Void Purple Spider and turn its attention to us."

When She Wan spoke, cold sweat seeped out from her forehead.

She Wan originally thought that even if Jinghai Tianyu University didn't help herself, the two bachelors in the Zique Academy alone would be enough to set the stage.

The two gray gentlemen in Jinghai Tianyu University have been killed by the two bachelors.

But just when he thought the victory was about to be established, Mr. Hong, who was hiding in the dark, took action.

This Mr. Hong is really calm, the deaths of the two Mr. Grays seem to be nothing at all.

However, it was this Mr. Hong who was so composure that he was able to directly kill a bachelor with similar strength with a thunderous strike.

Also hit another unsuspecting maester.

Fang Mu looked worriedly in the direction of Jinghai Tianyu University when he heard She Wan's words.

But at this time, Fang Mu did not have any way to solve the current crisis.

"Sister Wan, you secretly distribute these medical supplies."

"By the way, send a message to those Sequence Powerhouses who have not been targeted by Mr. Hong, and let them hold on for a while longer."

"Your Silver Void Purple Spider is good at moving in the void, send the medical supplies in my space equipment to various shelters and buildings where people take refuge outside, try not to be noticed by the evil heart sect powerhouses and high-level alien beasts. arrive."

She Wan nodded when she heard Fang Mu's words and took the two pieces of space equipment that Fang Mu gave her.

"You can rest assured, young master, even the imperial beasts of Sequence Five are not necessarily faster than the Silver Void Purple Spider in the chaotic void."

She Wan came from a top aristocratic family like the She Clan in Ludu, and a top aristocratic family always seeks to protect themselves when they are in danger.

For the top tycoons, disaster is not necessarily a bad thing.

Just make sure that the disaster is not against you, and your competitors will be weakened when the disaster is over.

This is tantamount to the improvement of one's own strength by changing direction.

She Wan has received this kind of education since she was a child, but many of She Wan's ideas have changed after joining Star Wheel.

She Wan's heartfelt admiration for Mu's behavior right now.

As a high-ranking disciple of the founding master, he has a heart of compassion for the common people.

Personally speaking, it is a blessing to be able to be the guardian of such a person.

At least you don't have to worry about betraying your conscience one day when you are with such a person.

Fang Mu took out all the medical supplies he had previously hoarded in this catastrophe against JA City.

Fang Mu is doing his best to contribute to his hometown in his own way.

In the eyes of Hu Tao, the thirty-six bachelors of Zique Academy are downright big figures.

The 120th anniversary of Jinghai Royal Beast High School can only invite the bachelor to give a speech.

The position of the thirty-six bachelors in the Zique Academy is second only to the eighth-ranking judges.

Walnut didn't expect to hear the news of the bachelor's death.

Seeing the worried and fearful expression on Hu Tao's face, Fang Mu said something to comfort him.

"That Mr. Hong who was able to kill a scholar must have crossed his contract with the beast and used his hand on the scholar himself."

"Under the lack of precaution, even a strong Sequence cannot change the fact that it is easier to be targeted by others."

"Above the Sky"

"The other scholar had only one beast that was severely injured. It is impossible for this bachelor to have only one beast."

"So under the circumstances of this bachelor's full response, unless this Mr. Hong is willing to be seriously injured, it will be difficult to kill the remaining bachelor."

Fang Mu's words eased Hu Tao's heart a lot, but Fang Mu's own heart became heavier.

In Jinghai Royal Beast High School, there is a Mr. Gray who is in front of the line, which has made Fang Mu feel that the evil heart sect is too powerful.

In Jinghai Tianyu University, there is Mr. Hong, who at least has a Sequence Six beast.

How many strong people did the Evil Heart Sect arrange in the scavenger branch?

No wonder the scavenger's incinerator has problems.

For a while, Fang Mu even doubted whether the presence of the Dragon Mother could really control the situation.

As time passed by, Fang Mu stood in front of the terrace and looked into the distance, and could feel the violent energy fluctuations from the sky above Jinghai Tianyu University.

Looking at the time, Fang Mu secretly said, "It's time for the dragon roar to sound."

At this moment, the blue sky over the entire JA city suddenly mixed with a crimson color.

This crimson color was like a flame on cotton wool, and it ignited the sky above JA City in an instant.

The red-hot clouds were constantly evaporated to dryness, and the sky was like a crimson purgatory.

A domineering dragon roar exploded between heaven and earth.

"I said why there has been a communication failure here in JA City. You guys from the evil heart sect are so bold that you dare to hit our Dragon Federation!"

"Red Armor, use the blazing flame domain to cleanse the entire JA city, kill all the alien beasts first!"

With the sound of compassion in this kindness, UU read www. uukanshu.com Fang Mu didn't see the dragon-like beast known as the red armor at all, and found that a red flame was ignited under his feet.

The red flames did not scorch themselves, nor did they burn any furniture in the main house.

However, through She Wan's report, Fang Mu learned that the alien beasts that were rampant in the urban area of ​​JA were all turned to ashes under the crimson flames.

Even in the sewers, basements or abandoned factory buildings in the old city, there is no other beast in the entire JA city.

The flames lingering in the crimson sky burned the dimensional cracks that were constantly spewing out alien beasts.

The dimensional crack seems to have become a pocket, and all the alien beasts poured out of the pocket seem to be poured into the incinerator.

Before reaching the ground, it turned into a stream of flames and disappeared into the air.

Burned by the red flames, the toxins in the alien beasts were all turned into flowing flames and disappeared at the same time, without causing any impact on the environment.

This is one of the reasons why the Dragon Mother is qualified to be the scavenger Bishop of Flowers.

With just one move, the Dragon Mother turned the battle of defense into a battle to encircle and suppress the invading powerhouse.

Fang Lin, who was confronting two Mr. Hong at the scavenger branch, Shu Yue, who was confronting a Mr. Hong at Jinghai Tianyu University, and all the Sequence Powerhouses all breathed a sigh of relief.

Shu Yue looked at the man wearing a crown of thorns in front of her, with a broken heart on the crown and a red robe and said.

"I remember you asked me just now if I was afraid of dying here, and my answer was no!"

"Now I want to ask you the other way around, are you afraid?"+Bookmark+